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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Sasol First Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Southern Africa

Cover of Sasol First Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Southern Africa

Author: John Manning

Number of pages: 57

Year published: 1999

Edition: 1st

Published by: Struik Nature


ISBN: 978 1 86872 290 7

Web site: Struik Nature

The Wildebeest's Review of "Sasol First Field Guide to Wild Flowers"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Cape Restio - Page: 2
Blue Waterlily - Page: 4
Erica nana - Page: 4
Giant Crassula - Page: 7
Beetle Daisy - Page: 10
Purple Watsonia - Page: 10
Large Bietou - Page: 11
Heliophila schultzii - Page: 12
African Flaxes - Page: 12
Cape Agapanthus - Page: 13
Bell Agapanthus - Page: 13
French Aloe - Page: 14
Aloes - Page: 14
White Arum Lily - Page: 15
Arums - Page: 15
Babianas - Page: 16
Babiana ambigua - Page: 16
Black-eyed Susans - Page: 17
Black-eyed Susan - Page: 17
Blood-lilies - Page: 18
Catherine Wheel - Page: 18
Candelabra-lilies - Page: 19
Brunsvigia striata - Page: 19
Cape Honeysuckle - Page: 20
Carrion Flowers - Page: 21
Stapelia garipensis - Page: 21
Star of Bethlehem - Page: 22
Chincherinchees - Page: 22
Toffee-apple - Page: 23
Silvertrees (Conebushes) - Page: 23
Conebushes - Page: 23
Crane Flowers - Page: 24
Crane Flower - Page: 24
Red Crassea - Page: 25
Crassulas - Page: 25
Barberton Daisy - Page: 26
Cape Gazania - Page: 26
Daisies - Page: 26
Green-eyed Desert Primrose - Page: 27
Duiker Root - Page: 27
Prince-of-Wales Heath - Page: 28
Ericas - Page: 28
Euphorbias - Page: 29
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 29
Everlastings - Page: 30
Cape Snow - Page: 30
Flame Lily - Page: 31
Flame-lilies - Page: 31
Forest Spur Flower - Page: 32
Forest Sages - Page: 32
Saunders Gladiolus - Page: 33
Gladiolus - Page: 33
Hibiscus - Page: 34
Indian Hemp - Page: 34
Impala Lily - Page: 35
Impala-lilies - Page: 35
Marsh-lilies - Page: 36
Crinum paludosum - Page: 36
Argyroderma crateriforme - Page: 37
Vygies (Mesembs) - Page: 37
Mesembs - Page: 37
Montbretias - Page: 38
Falling Stars - Page: 38
Guernsey Lily - Page: 39
Nerines - Page: 39
Red Disa - Page: 40
Tree Orchid - Page: 40
Orchids - Page: 40
Oxalis - Page: 41
Oxalis sp - Page: 41
Pelargoniums - Page: 42
Hooded-leaf Pelargonium - Page: 42
Fire-wheel Pincushion - Page: 43
Pincushions - Page: 43
Pineapple-lilies - Page: 44
Bicoloured Pineapple Lily - Page: 44
Blue Plumbago - Page: 45
Plumbagos - Page: 45
Pride-of-De-Kaap - Page: 46
Proteas - Page: 47
King Protea - Page: 47
Red-hot Pokers - Page: 48
Common Marsh Poker - Page: 48
Sundews - Page: 49
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 49
Trumpet-lilies - Page: 50
Watsonia stokoei - Page: 50
Water-lilies - Page: 51
Blue Waterlily - Page: 51
Wild Dagga - Page: 52
Large Wild Iris - Page: 53
Wild Irises - Page: 53
Peacock Moraea - Page: 53
Wild Peas - Page: 54
Polhilla obsoleta - Page: 54
Yellow Pomegranate - Page: 55
Wild Pomegranates - Page: 55


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