Wildflowers of the Northern Cape

Author: Jill Adams
Number of pages: Pages not numbered
Year published: 1976
Edition: 1st
Published by: The Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation
ISBN: 0 620 02041 5
For more info: Department of Environemental Affairs
The Wildebeest's Review of "Wildflowers of the Northern Cape"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
White Mouth Dayflower - Page: 1Wandering Jew - Page: 2
Androcymbium burkei - Page: 3
Slangkop - Page: 4
Stalked Bulbine - Page: 5
Strap-leaved Bulbine - Page: 6
Trachyandra saltii - Page: 7
Eriospermum confusum - Page: 9
Mountain Aloe - Page: 10
Cannon Aloe - Page: 11
Quiver Tree - Page: 12
Bontaalwyn - Page: 13
Sand Aloe - Page: 15
Aloe karasbergensis - Page: 16
Partridge Aloe - Page: 17
Klein Kanniedood - Page: 18
Albuca pachychlamys - Page: 19
Small White Albuca - Page: 20
Slangkop - Page: 21
Poison Onion - Page: 22
Groenlelie - Page: 23
White Squill - Page: 24
Ledebouria graminifolia - Page: 25
Ledebouria marginata - Page: 26
Ornithogalum seineri - Page: 27
Bowstring Hemp - Page: 28
Ornithogalum virens - Page: 29
Katdoring - Page: 30
Poison Bulb - Page: 31
Vlei Lily - Page: 32
Orange River Lily - Page: 33
Ground Lily - Page: 34
Syringodea linifolia - Page: 35
Blue Tulp - Page: 36
Tulp - Page: 37
Lapeirousia plicata - Page: 38
Yellow Tulp - Page: 39
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 40
Uintjie - Page: 41
Evening Flower - Page: 42
Eulophia hereroensis - Page: 43
Mistletoe - Page: 44
Curled Dock - Page: 45
Tongblaar - Page: 46
Katstert - Page: 48
Cerise Stars - Page: 49
Limeum fenestratum - Page: 50
Rooi-rankopslag - Page: 51
Stone Plant - Page: 52
Stone Faces - Page: 53
Lithops fulleri - Page: 54
Lithops marginata - Page: 55
Lithops turbiniformes - Page: 56
Lithops venteri - Page: 57
Loogasbossie - Page: 58
Psilocaulon articulatum - Page: 59
Plakkiesblom - Page: 60
Mestoklema arboriforme - Page: 61
Rooirankie - Page: 62
Coopers Ice Plant - Page: 63
Ruschia griquensis - Page: 64
Anacampseros subnuda - Page: 65
Anacampseros filamentosa - Page: 66
Anacampseros albissima - Page: 67
Portulaca trianthemoides - Page: 68
Porcupine Root - Page: 69
Travellers Joy - Page: 70
Common Buttercup - Page: 71
Single-leaved Cleome - Page: 72
Pretty Lady - Page: 73
Natal Worm Bush - Page: 74
Kalanchoe paniculata - Page: 75
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 76
Crassula nodulosa - Page: 77
Camel Thorn - Page: 78
Candle-pod Thorn - Page: 79
Sweet Thorn - Page: 80
Black Thorn (Hook Thorn) - Page: 81
Umbrella Acacia - Page: 82
Cassia italica - Page: 84
Indigofera alternans - Page: 85
Listia heterophylla - Page: 86
Mealie Crotalaria - Page: 87
Indigofera daleoides - Page: 88
Cancer Bush - Page: 89
Monsonia biflora - Page: 90
Sorrel - Page: 91
Red Garden Sorrel - Page: 92
Bacon Bush - Page: 93
Common Devils Thorn - Page: 94
Springbokmelkbos - Page: 95
Suurkarree - Page: 96
Common Spike-thorn - Page: 97
Common Turkey Bush - Page: 98
Buffalo-thorn - Page: 99
Corchorus asplenifolius - Page: 100
Velvet Raisin - Page: 101
Dainty Pavonia - Page: 102
Limestone Hibiscus - Page: 103
Moederkappie - Page: 104
Kapokkie - Page: 105
Hermannia pulchra - Page: 106
Hermannia quartiniana - Page: 107
Januariebos - Page: 108
Epilobium hirsutum - Page: 109
Bluebush - Page: 110
Balbossie - Page: 111
Sebaea compacta - Page: 112
Caustic Vine - Page: 113
Wild Cotton - Page: 114
Candle Vine - Page: 115
Kalkoennetjie - Page: 116
Bokhorings - Page: 117
Ghaap - Page: 118
Swartaasblom - Page: 119
Wild Bindweed - Page: 120
Karkoer - Page: 121
Wild Morning Glory - Page: 122
Yellow Morning Glory - Page: 123
Common Heliotrope - Page: 124
Chascanum pinnatifidum - Page: 125
Birds Brandy - Page: 126
Tumble Weed - Page: 127
Pinksalie - Page: 128
Salvia clandestina - Page: 129
American Basil - Page: 130
River Honey-thorn - Page: 131
Nightshade - Page: 133
Slangappel - Page: 134
Bitter Apple - Page: 135
Veld Violet - Page: 136
Violet - Page: 137
Sutera halimifolia - Page: 138
Karoo Violet - Page: 139
Hantam Purple Drumsticks - Page: 140
Wild Nemesia - Page: 141
Katstert - Page: 142
Water Potato - Page: 143
Grapple Thorn - Page: 144
Wild Sesame - Page: 145
Barleria rigida - Page: 146
Pink Ribbons - Page: 147
Aandblom - Page: 148
Laloentjie - Page: 149
Muisvoelkomkommer - Page: 150
Bloumuistepelkaroo - Page: 151
Lesser Bellflower - Page: 152
Baroe - Page: 153
White Felicia - Page: 154
Kingfisher Daisy - Page: 155
Poverty - Page: 156
Camphor Bush - Page: 157
Wild Everlasting - Page: 158
Sewejaartjie - Page: 159
Springbokbossie - Page: 160
Vaalbergkaroo - Page: 161
Vermeerbos - Page: 162
Beesbossie - Page: 163
Skaapbossie - Page: 164
Poison Ragwort - Page: 165
Hongerbos - Page: 166
Senecio sisymbriifolius - Page: 167
Othonna pavonia - Page: 168
Jakkalsblom - Page: 169
Bietou - Page: 170
Free State Daisy - Page: 171
Cape Weed - Page: 172
Common Gazania - Page: 173
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