Caravan and Outdoor Life - Issue 630 - September 2014

Number of pages: 104
Year published: 2014
Published by: Godfrey Castle
ISBN: 9770379463010
Cover price: R28.00
Web site: Caravan SA
The Wildebeest's Review of Caravan and Outdoor Life - Issue 692

The September 2014 issue of Caravan & Outdoor Life is now available, and the cover promises all sorts of interesting articles. Two headlines that catch my eye are “SA’s best motorhome?” and “Minimalist camping.”
I enjoyed the lengthy article on bush camping in the southern Cape. Exploring the backroads in a Ford Ranger doublecab with a Bushwakka Bhoma in tow. Not a bad combination it turns out.
How much camping equipment can one take with on a camping trip when travelling by motorbike. Not a lot is the answer but, with correct choices, it can be done. This is an interesting option but may not be the answer for most people.
At last, the article on what might be SA’s best motorhome. The Motorhome-World Discoverer DeLuxe is a great looking RV. The motorhome looks great and is well-equipped. Lots of thought has gone into this design. Is it the best? Time will tell.
Lots of other interesting things to read and this issue should get campers and caravanners alike itching to hit the open road.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Rust de Winter Nature Reserve - Page: 9Anysberg Nature Reserve - Page: 26
Rocky Bay - Page: 28
Baviaanskloof Wilderness Area - Page: 32
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