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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Caravan and Outdoor Life - Issue 626 - May 2014

Cover of Caravan and Outdoor Life - Issue 626 - May 2014

Number of pages: 112

Year published: 2014

Published by: Godfrey Castle

ISBN: 9770379463010

Cover price: R28.00

Web site: Caravan SA

The Wildebeest's Review of Caravan and Outdoor Life - Issue 626

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

The May 2014 issue of Caravan & Outdoor Life is now available, and it promises articles on the KZN midlands, Lalanathi, Berg River Resort, geology and more. I can’t wait to read it.

The Letters page is not one that I normally read first but a letter about camping with cats caught my eye. I have a cat, and I wouldn’t think it feasible to take it camping but I will have to re-evaluate that thought.

I am very familiar with the KZN Midlands but must admit that I have never camped in the area. Stayed in a few B&B’s and Hotels but not done any camping. This region is very beautiful and there are many places to stay. The double-page picture on pages 14 and 15 says it all.

Namibia is a special country to visit and touring it in a RV seems like a good idea. It’s a great article which highlights the benefits and some downfalls of a trip like this. I do like the authors tips on alternative uses for a motorhome.

An enjoyable issue of this popular magazine that has left me wondering if our cat would be suited to a camping trip.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Grahamstown - Page: 33
Speckled Emperor Moth - Page: 67


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