Wild Magazine - Issue 29 - Summer 2014/2015
Number of pages: 96
Year published: 2014
Published by: TIP Publishing
ISBN: 9 771993 79001
Cover price: Members copy
Web site: SANParks
The Wildebeest's Review of Wild Magazine Issue 29
A magnificent Martial Eagle graces the cover of the Summer edition of Wild Magazine. Its claws are massive! There is a concerning article in the magazine about the declining population of this large raptor.
I was really amazed by the photographs of predators catching prey on page 44. The photos are stunning, but I can’t help feeling sympathy for the unfortunate prey.
The article on the Knysna Forest Timber Camping Decks, as well as the Goukamma Nature Reserve, makes me envious that I have to deal with the heat of the Highveld summer and not in the lush forest hideaways down Knysna way.
If you are in a relationship and planning to propose to your partner, then Wild have provided five ideal places to pop the question. It’s too late for me but I still read it.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Bontebok National Park - Page: 6Cheetah - Page: 8
Bird Island, Lamberts Bay - Page: 10
African Golden Oriole - Page: 12
Eurasian Golden Oriole - Page: 12
Black-headed Oriole - Page: 12
Goukamma Nature Reserve - Page: 14
Rocherpan Nature Reserve - Page: 28
Martial Eagle - Page: 36
Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve - Page: 56
Hippopotamus - Page: 64
Wild Dog - Page: 66
Cheetah - Page: 67
Honey Badger - Page: 68
Giraffe - Page: 69
Transvaal Milkplum (see 27103) - Page: 70
Agulhas National Park - Page: 78
De Hoop Nature Reserve - Page: 78
Walker Bay - Page: 78
De Mond Nature Reserve - Page: 78
Mountain Zebra National Park - Page: 82
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