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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Guide to the Aloes of South Africa

Cover of Guide to the Aloes of South Africa

Author: Ben-Erik van Wyk and Gideon F. Smith

Number of pages: 376

Year published: 2014

Edition: 3rd

Published by: Briza Publications


ISBN: 978 1 920217 38 9

Web site: Briza Publications

The Wildebeest's Review of Guide to the Aloes of South Africa

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

Still to be done.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Tree Aloe - Page: 38
Quiver Tree - Page: 40
Giant Quiver-tree - Page: 42
Cape Kokerboom (see 14142) - Page: 44
Maiden Quiver Tree - Page: 46
Aloe tongaensis - Page: 48
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 52
Graskop Aloe - Page: 54
Wylliespoort Aloe - Page: 56
Clanwilliam Aloe - Page: 58
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 60
Bitter Aloe - Page: 62
Lined Aloe - Page: 64
Mopane Aloe - Page: 66
Mountain Aloe - Page: 68
French Aloe - Page: 70
Pretoria Aloe - Page: 72
Bottle-brush Aloe - Page: 74
Tilt-head Aloe - Page: 76
Natal Aloe - Page: 78
Strand Aloe - Page: 80
Aloe vryheidensis - Page: 82
Krantz Aloe - Page: 86
Cats-tail Aloe - Page: 88
Cannon Aloe - Page: 90
Aloe falcata - Page: 92
Rock Aloe - Page: 94
Aloe kamnelii - Page: 96
Blue Krantz Aloe - Page: 98
Lebombo Aloe - Page: 100
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 102
Aloe vanbalenii - Page: 104
Climbing Aloe - Page: 108
Fynbos Aloe - Page: 110
Aloe decumbens - Page: 112
Scrambling Aloe - Page: 114
Aloe juddii - Page: 116
Aloiampelos striatula - Page: 118
Fence Aloe - Page: 120
Aloe arenicola - Page: 124
Comptons Aloe - Page: 126
Aloe dabenorisana - Page: 128
Aloe distans - Page: 130
Aloe meyeri - Page: 132
Aloe mitriformis (see A. Perfoliata) - Page: 134
Pearsons Aloe - Page: 136
White-thorn Aloe - Page: 140
Tree Aloe - Page: 142
Mountain Aloe - Page: 144
Aloe buhrii - Page: 146
Grey Aloe - Page: 148
Aloe chlorantha - Page: 150
Yellow Aloe - Page: 152
Gerstners Aloe - Page: 154
Blue Aloe - Page: 156
Aloe globuligemma - Page: 158
Aloe haemanthefolia - Page: 160
Sand Aloe - Page: 162
Aloe karasbergensis - Page: 164
Aloe komaggasensis - Page: 166
Aloe kouebokkeveldensis - Page: 168
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 170
Aloe lutescens - Page: 172
Aloe melanacantha - Page: 174
Aloe peglerae - Page: 176
Nelspruit Rock Aloe - Page: 178
Aloe polyphylla - Page: 180
Aloe pratensis - Page: 182
Aloe reitzii - Page: 184
Aloe reynoldsii - Page: 186
Coral Aloe - Page: 188
Book Aloe - Page: 190
Aloe thorncroftii - Page: 192
Aloe framesii - Page: 196
Aloe gariepensis - Page: 198
Namaqua Aloe - Page: 200
Aloe knersvlakensis - Page: 202
Cape Speckled Aloe - Page: 204
Aloe pictifolia - Page: 206
Spotted Aloe - Page: 210
Aloe ammophila - Page: 212
Barberton Aloe - Page: 214
Aloe braamvanwykii - Page: 216
Branddraai Aloe - Page: 218
Burgersfort Aloe - Page: 220
Spotted Aloe - Page: 222
Aloe dewetii - Page: 224
Aloe dyeri - Page: 226
Fosters Aloe - Page: 228
Aloe graciliflora - Page: 230
Bontaalwyn - Page: 232
Spotted Aloe - Page: 234
Aloe greenii - Page: 236
Aloe hahnii - Page: 238
Spotted Aloe - Page: 240
Aloe keithii - Page: 242
Aloe komatiensis - Page: 244
Aloe lettyae - Page: 246
Limpopo Spotted Aloe - Page: 248
Soap Aloe - Page: 250
Aloe monotropa - Page: 252
Muden Spotted Aloe - Page: 254
Aloe mutans - Page: 256
Purple Spotted Aloe - Page: 258
Aloe petrophila - Page: 260
Aloe prinslooi - Page: 262
Powder Aloe - Page: 264
Aloe simii - Page: 266
Aloe suffulta - Page: 268
Aloe transvaalensis - Page: 270
Aloe umfoloziensis - Page: 272
Aloe vandermerwei - Page: 274
Van Rooyens Aloe - Page: 276
Blue Spotted Aloe - Page: 278
Aloe vogtsii - Page: 280
Spotted Aloe - Page: 282
Aloe aristata - Page: 286
Aloe brevifolia - Page: 288
Aloe humilis - Page: 290
Aloe longistyla - Page: 292
Partridge Aloe - Page: 294
Aloe boylei - Page: 298
Aloe challisii - Page: 300
Bobbejaanstertaalwyn - Page: 302
Aloe condyae - Page: 304
Coopers Aloe - Page: 306
Aloe craibii - Page: 308
Aloe dominella - Page: 310
Grass Aloe - Page: 312
Aloe fouriei - Page: 314
Aloe hlangapies - Page: 316
Aloe integra - Page: 318
Aloe kraussii - Page: 320
Aloe linearifolia - Page: 322
Fynbos Grass Aloe - Page: 324
Neils Aloe - Page: 326
Blink-grasaalwyn - Page: 328
Graskop Cloud Aloe - Page: 330
Grass Aloe - Page: 332
Aloe soutpansbergensis - Page: 334
Aloe thompsoniae - Page: 336
Grass Aloe - Page: 338
Aloe vossii - Page: 340
Aloe albida - Page: 344
Aloe minima - Page: 346
Aloe myriacantha - Page: 348
Aloe parviflora - Page: 350
Aloe saundersiae - Page: 352
Aloe bergeriana - Page: 356
Coega Aloe - Page: 358
Aloe inconspicua - Page: 360
Aloe jeppeae - Page: 362
Poker Grass Aloe - Page: 364
Aloe modesta - Page: 366
Aloe subspicata - Page: 368


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