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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Illustrated Guide to the Wildflowers of northern South Africa

Cover of Illustrated Guide to the Wildflowers of northern South Africa

Author: Gerrit Germishuizen

Paintings: Brenda Clarke

Number of pages: 224

Year published: 2003

Edition: 1st

Published by: Briza Publications


ISBN: 1 875093 39 7

Web site: Briza Publications

The Wildebeest's Review of Illustrated Guide to the Wildflowers of northern South Africa

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

Still to be done.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Arrow-leaved Arum - Page: 26
Pyjama Flower - Page: 26
Wildeknoflok - Page: 26
Chlorophytum fasciculatum - Page: 27
Chlorophytum angulicaule - Page: 27
Trachyandra margaretae - Page: 27
Kniphofia albescens - Page: 27
Formosa Lily - Page: 28
Small White Albuca - Page: 28
Veld Onion - Page: 28
Chlorophytum transvaalense - Page: 28
Tall White Squill - Page: 29
Ornithogalum seineri - Page: 29
Chinkerinchee - Page: 29
White Squill - Page: 29
Haakdoring - Page: 30
Ornithogalum tenuifolium - Page: 30
Asparagus laricinus - Page: 30
Catthorn Asparagus - Page: 30
Tree Orchid - Page: 31
Granny Bonnet - Page: 31
Crinum lugardiae - Page: 31
Pancratium tenuifolium - Page: 31
Oxygonum sinuatum - Page: 32
Thesium cytisoides - Page: 32
Lighted Candles - Page: 32
Starstalk - Page: 32
Limeum fenestratum - Page: 33
Waxberry - Page: 33
Aerva leucura - Page: 33
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 34
Snow Flower - Page: 34
Brandblare - Page: 34
Clematis oweniae - Page: 35
Crassula capitella - Page: 35
Cleome monophylla - Page: 35
Crassula setulosa - Page: 36
Sweet Clover - Page: 36
Indigofera zeyheri - Page: 36
Crassula capitella - Page: 36
Lucky Bean Creeper - Page: 37
White Geranium - Page: 37
Cranes Bill - Page: 37
Polygala albida - Page: 38
Clutia monticola - Page: 38
Pelargonium dolomiticum - Page: 38
Pink Trailing Pelargonium - Page: 38
Sida ternata - Page: 39
Bladder Hibiscus - Page: 39
Wild Grape - Page: 39
White Evening Primrose - Page: 40
Alepidea longifolia - Page: 40
Basananthe sandersonii - Page: 40
Water Parsnip - Page: 41
Wild White Plumbago - Page: 41
Jasminum fluminense - Page: 41
Jasminum breviflorum - Page: 41
Wild Apricot - Page: 42
Otter-bush - Page: 42
Moth Catcher - Page: 42
Bitterwortel - Page: 43
Cotton Milkbush - Page: 43
Wild Bindweed - Page: 43
Common Heliotrope - Page: 44
Chocolate Bells - Page: 44
Ipomoea hochstetteri - Page: 44
Chascanum incisum - Page: 45
Chascanum hederaceum - Page: 45
Rehmann Lippia - Page: 45
Acritome hispida - Page: 46
Acritome angustifolia - Page: 46
Teucrium trifidum - Page: 46
African Stachys - Page: 47
Satureja biflora - Page: 47
Leucas glabrata - Page: 47
Bushveld Spur Bush - Page: 48
Plectranthus grandidentatus - Page: 48
Plectranthus laxiflorus - Page: 48
Money Plant - Page: 49
Plectranthus rubropunctatus - Page: 49
Hemizygia albiflora - Page: 49
Hemizygia pretoriae - Page: 50
Hemizygia persimilis - Page: 50
Hemizygia canescens - Page: 50
American Basil - Page: 51
Becium angustifolium - Page: 51
Becium filamentosum - Page: 51
Bitter Apple - Page: 52
Cats Whiskers - Page: 52
Slangappel - Page: 52
Zaluzianskya elongata - Page: 53
Mimulus gracilis - Page: 53
Long-stemmed Mudwort - Page: 53
Katstert - Page: 54
White Mushroom Flower - Page: 54
Selago densiflora - Page: 54
Trumpet-thorn - Page: 55
Selago tenuifolia - Page: 55
Selage muddii - Page: 55
Chaetacanthus costatus - Page: 56
Thunbergia neglecta - Page: 56
Petalidium aromaticum - Page: 56
White Ribbon Bush - Page: 57
Ruellia patula - Page: 57
Crabbea angustifolia - Page: 57
Justicia anagalloides - Page: 58
Justicia betonica - Page: 58
Hypoestes triflora - Page: 58
Ribwort Plantain - Page: 59
Aandblom - Page: 59
Otiophora cupheoides - Page: 59
Kohautia amatymbica - Page: 59
Wild Scabiosa - Page: 60
African Cucumber - Page: 60
Mock Scabious - Page: 60
Lowveld Bitter-tea - Page: 61
Wahlenbergia virgata - Page: 61
Lobelia angolensis - Page: 61
Cyphia stenopetala - Page: 61
Bakers Aster - Page: 62
Aster lydenburgensis - Page: 62
Stomatanthes africanus - Page: 62
Vernonia wollastonii - Page: 62
White Felicia - Page: 63
Pseudognaphalium oligandrum - Page: 63
Helichrysum argyrolepis - Page: 63
Felicia clavipilosa - Page: 63
Wolbossie - Page: 64
Wild Everlasting - Page: 64
Speelwonderboom - Page: 64
Ox-eye Daisy - Page: 65
Eclipta - Page: 65
Helichrysum platypterum - Page: 65
Helichrysum lepidissimum - Page: 65
Senecio pentactinus - Page: 66
Cosmos (?) - Page: 66
Marguerite - Page: 66
Common Gazania - Page: 67
Pink Gerbera - Page: 67
Sjambok Bush - Page: 67
Gerbera ambigua - Page: 67
Rabbits Ears - Page: 68
Red Arum - Page: 68
Spotted Aloe - Page: 68
Orange River Lily - Page: 69
Poison Bulb - Page: 69
Nerine platypetala - Page: 69
Ground Lily - Page: 70
Satyrium cristatum - Page: 70
Small Wild Gladiolus - Page: 70
Transvaal Watsonia - Page: 70
Pink Candle Orchid - Page: 71
Eulophia aculeata - Page: 71
Blushing Bride Orchid - Page: 71
Disperis tysonii - Page: 71
Persicaria limbata - Page: 72
Persicaria serrulata - Page: 72
Spotted Knotweed - Page: 72
Persicaria attenuata - Page: 72
Burweed - Page: 73
Woolflower - Page: 73
Forest Inkberry - Page: 73
Silky Burweed - Page: 73
Spekboom - Page: 74
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 74
Highveld White Vygie - Page: 74
Delosperma sutherlandii - Page: 74
Heliophila carnosa - Page: 75
Dianthus mooiensis - Page: 75
Lesotho Dianthus - Page: 75
Wild Cleome - Page: 75
Cleome maculata - Page: 76
Pretty Lady - Page: 76
Indigofera felipes - Page: 76
Indigofera heterotricha - Page: 77
Indigastrum costatum - Page: 77
Indigofera sordida - Page: 77
Red Bush Indigo - Page: 77
Velvet Bean - Page: 78
Fish Bean - Page: 78
Lessertia stricta - Page: 78
Cranes Bill - Page: 79
Alysicarpus rugosus - Page: 79
Grassveld Sweetpea - Page: 79
Common Grassland Monsonia - Page: 80
Dysentry Weed - Page: 80
Alfileria - Page: 80
Jatropha lagarinthoides - Page: 81
Fleshy-leaved Pink Sorrel - Page: 81
Starburst Pelargonium - Page: 81
Forest Impatiens - Page: 82
Wild Impatiens - Page: 82
Pavonia columella - Page: 82
Pink Forest Hibiscus - Page: 82
Epilobium hirsutum - Page: 83
Rose Evening Primrose - Page: 83
Hermannia quartiniana - Page: 83
Gombossie - Page: 83
Marsh Chironia - Page: 84
Impala Lily - Page: 84
Purple Chironia - Page: 84
Erica woodii - Page: 84
Hemizygia modesta - Page: 85
Ipomoea magnusiana - Page: 85
Ipomoea gracilisepala - Page: 85
Asclepias adscendens - Page: 85
Hemizygia transvaalensis - Page: 86
Wild Nemesia - Page: 86
Wild Penstemon - Page: 86
Moles Spectacles - Page: 86
Giant Mealie Witchweed - Page: 87
Silvery Sopubia - Page: 87
Large Pink Mushroom Flower - Page: 87
Small Pink Mushroom Flower - Page: 87
Devils Thorn - Page: 88
Sesamum alatum - Page: 88
Crimson Streptocarpus - Page: 88
Helichrysum wilmsii - Page: 89
Helichrysum rugulosum - Page: 89
Tenrhynea phylicifolia - Page: 89
Pom-pom Weed - Page: 89
Flame Lily - Page: 90
Membranous Yellow-eye - Page: 90
Wandering Jew - Page: 90
Strap-leaved Bulbine - Page: 91
Littonia rigidifolia - Page: 91
Bulbine abyssinica - Page: 91
Butter Lily - Page: 91
Common Marsh Poker - Page: 92
Highveld Red-hot Poker - Page: 92
Aloe lutescens - Page: 92
Kniphofia rigidifolia - Page: 92
Tulp - Page: 93
Mock Fire Lily - Page: 93
Graskop Cloud Aloe - Page: 93
Eriospermum flagelliforme - Page: 93
Falling Stars - Page: 94
Moraea moggii - Page: 94
Silver-leaved Star-flower - Page: 94
Hypoxis iridifolia - Page: 94
Honey Flowers - Page: 95
Tiger Orchid - Page: 95
Nelsons Tritonia - Page: 95
Vlei Orchid - Page: 96
Lions Tongue - Page: 96
Tiger Orchid - Page: 96
Yellow Grass Orchid - Page: 96
Talinum arnotii - Page: 97
Eulophia tuberculata - Page: 97
Psammotropha myriantha - Page: 97
Eulophia welwitschi - Page: 97
Porcupine Root - Page: 98
White-flowered Mexican Poppy - Page: 98
Nasturtium-leaved Buttercup - Page: 98
Common Buttercup - Page: 98
Wild Poppy - Page: 99
Wild Cleome - Page: 99
Kalanchoe paniculata - Page: 99
White Lady - Page: 100
Yellow Crassula - Page: 100
Vahlia capensis - Page: 100
Elands Bean - Page: 101
Fish-bone Cassia - Page: 101
Agrimony - Page: 101
Geelklawer - Page: 102
Elands Senna - Page: 102
Lotononis eriantha - Page: 102
Pearsonia sessilifolia - Page: 103
Pearsonia cajanifolia - Page: 103
Crotalaria brachycarpa - Page: 104
Crotalaria distans - Page: 104
Silver Bullet - Page: 104
Crotalaria lanceolata - Page: 105
Mealie Crotalaria - Page: 105
Birdflower - Page: 105
Wild Lucerne - Page: 106
Orange Tephrosia - Page: 106
Lotus discolor - Page: 106
Argyrolobrium tomentosum - Page: 106
Zornia capensis - Page: 107
Rhynchosia nervosa - Page: 107
Rhynchosia adenodes - Page: 107
Rhynchosia monophylla - Page: 107
Shrubby Yellow Eriosema - Page: 108
Eriosema nutans - Page: 108
Ferweelboontjie - Page: 108
Flemingia grahamiana - Page: 109
Willow-leaved Eriosema - Page: 109
Eriosema simulans - Page: 109
Common Devils Thorn - Page: 110
Linum thunbergii - Page: 110
Creeping Ladys Sorrel - Page: 110
Sphedamnocarpus pruriens - Page: 111
Dalechampia capensis - Page: 111
Milkweed - Page: 111
Corchorus asplenifolius - Page: 112
Chinese Bur - Page: 112
Triumfetta welwitschii - Page: 112
Maagbossie - Page: 112
Heartleaf Sida - Page: 113
Dainty Pavonia - Page: 113
Abutilon angulatum - Page: 113
Spider-leg - Page: 113
Pavonia transvaalensis - Page: 114
Wild Stockrose - Page: 114
Hibiscus meeusei - Page: 114
Cape Hibiscus - Page: 114
Hermannia grandistipula - Page: 115
Hermannia lancifolia - Page: 115
Melhania prostrata - Page: 115
Hermannia parvula - Page: 115
Curry Bush - Page: 116
Hermannia transvaalensis - Page: 116
Waltheria indica - Page: 116
Small St. Johns Wort - Page: 116
Gifbossie - Page: 117
Roadside Pimpernel - Page: 117
Wild Orange Begonia - Page: 117
Lesser Yellow-head - Page: 118
Kerrieblom - Page: 118
Balbossie - Page: 118
Gnidia sericocephala - Page: 118
Gnidia splendens - Page: 119
Oenothera glazioviana - Page: 119
Ludwigia - Page: 119
Evening Primrose - Page: 120
Annesorrhiza flagellifolia - Page: 120
Wild Parsley - Page: 120
Large-flowered Sebaea - Page: 121
Balbossie - Page: 121
Sebaea macrophylla - Page: 121
Geelwateruintjie - Page: 122
Caustic Vine - Page: 122
Yellow Milk Weed - Page: 122
Sebaea sedoides - Page: 122
Yellow Carrion Flower - Page: 123
Tenaris chlorantha - Page: 123
Merremia palmata - Page: 123
Broad-leaved Minaret Flower - Page: 124
Yellow Morning Glory - Page: 124
Xenostegia tridentata - Page: 124
Utricularia arenaria - Page: 125
Short-thorn Pomegranate - Page: 125
Manulea crassifolia - Page: 125
Large Mealie-witchweed - Page: 125
Natal Primrose - Page: 126
Justicia flava - Page: 126
Bladderwort - Page: 126
Galium capense - Page: 127
Rubia horrida - Page: 127
Laloentjie - Page: 127
Wild Spinach - Page: 127
Hairy Nidorella - Page: 128
Nidorella anomala - Page: 128
Nidorella auriculata - Page: 128
Felicia mossamedensis - Page: 128
Conyza aegyptica - Page: 129
Nolletia rarifolia - Page: 129
Conyza - Page: 129
Poverty - Page: 129
Helichrysum acutatum - Page: 130
Beesbossie - Page: 130
Helichrysum stenoptera (Achyrocline) - Page: 130
Helichrysum aureolum - Page: 130
Teebossie - Page: 131
Helichrysum callicomum - Page: 131
Yellow Everlasting - Page: 131
Helichrysum aureonitens - Page: 131
Helichrysum obductum - Page: 132
Hottentots Tea - Page: 132
Helichrysum mimetes - Page: 132
Helichrysum mundtii - Page: 132
Helichrysum pilosellum - Page: 133
Helichrysum oreophilum - Page: 133
Helichrysum setosum - Page: 133
Hottentoskooigoed - Page: 133
Helichrysum splendidum - Page: 134
Knoppiesvermeerbos - Page: 134
Pulicaria scabra - Page: 134
Geelblombos - Page: 135
Schistostephium artemisiifolium - Page: 135
Tridax Daisy - Page: 135
Inezia integrifolia - Page: 135
Bergkruie - Page: 136
Senecio apiifolius - Page: 136
Ragwort - Page: 136
Canary Weed - Page: 137
Senecio gregatus - Page: 137
Sybossie - Page: 137
Senecio inornatus - Page: 137
Cape Ivy - Page: 138
Senecio laevigatus - Page: 138
Senecio lydenburgensis - Page: 138
Nasturtium Daisy - Page: 139
Besembossie - Page: 139
Senecio pleistocephalus - Page: 139
Ursinia nana - Page: 140
Euryops pedunculatus - Page: 140
Oligocarpus calendulaceus - Page: 140
Osteospermum striatum - Page: 140
Botswana Marigold - Page: 141
Berkheya insignis - Page: 141
False Gerbera - Page: 141
Rasperdissel - Page: 142
Berkheya pinnatifida - Page: 142
Rasp African Thistle - Page: 142
Taraxacum breviscapum - Page: 143
Hairy Wild Lettuce - Page: 143
Gerbera piloselloides - Page: 143
White Mouth Dayflower - Page: 144
Blouselblommetjie - Page: 144
Ecklons Commelina - Page: 144
Commelina livingstonii - Page: 145
Dolls Powder-Puff - Page: 145
Drooping Agapanthus - Page: 145
Aristea woodii - Page: 146
Wild Squill - Page: 146
Blou-Angelier - Page: 146
Blue Waterlily - Page: 147
Blue Haze - Page: 147
Cynoglossum austroafricanum - Page: 147
Herschelianthe baurii - Page: 147
Salvia tiliifolia - Page: 148
Clerodendrum triphyllum - Page: 148
Salvia runcinata - Page: 148
African Wild Violet - Page: 149
Pale Blue Pycnostachys - Page: 149
Blue Carpet - Page: 149
Solenostemon latifolius - Page: 149
Bush Violet - Page: 150
Pentanisia angustifolia - Page: 150
Lindernia wilmsii - Page: 150
Blepharis saxitilis - Page: 150
Broadleaf Pentanisia - Page: 151
Pale Bluebell - Page: 151
Lobelia flaccida - Page: 151
Garden Ageratum - Page: 152
Butterfly Monopsis - Page: 152
Lobelia flaccida - Page: 152
Senecio gerrardii - Page: 153
Lactuca inermis - Page: 153
Floscopa glomerata - Page: 154
Dolls Powder Puff - Page: 154
Aneilema hockii - Page: 154
Xerophyta humilis - Page: 155
Common Ledebouria - Page: 155
Tulbaghia acutiloba - Page: 155
Coopers Squill - Page: 155
Monkeys Tail - Page: 156
Moraea thomsonii - Page: 156
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 156
Dierama galpinii - Page: 156
Uintjie - Page: 157
Vlei Gladiolus - Page: 157
Gladiolus elliotii - Page: 157
Eulophia clavicornis - Page: 158
Fringed Stenoglottis - Page: 158
Gladiolus pretoriensis - Page: 158
Cerise Stars - Page: 159
Wild Dog plant - Page: 159
Tephrosia longipes - Page: 159
Tephrosia rhodesica - Page: 160
Neorautanenia ficifolius - Page: 160
Vigna frutescens - Page: 160
Geranium multisectum - Page: 161
Lablab purpureus - Page: 161
Wild-cowpea - Page: 161
Polygala amatymbica - Page: 162
Triaspis hypericoides - Page: 162
Polygala hottentotta - Page: 162
Polygala uncinata - Page: 163
Purple Broom - Page: 163
Hibiscus microcarpus - Page: 163
Dwarf Glory Bush - Page: 164
Moederkappie - Page: 164
Pink Ladys Slipper - Page: 164
False Gentian - Page: 165
Xysmalobium asperum - Page: 165
Dwarf Dissotis - Page: 165
Asclepias dissona - Page: 166
Ipomoea bathycolpos - Page: 166
Ceropegia crassifolia - Page: 166
Pergularia daemia - Page: 166
Leafy-flowered Morning Glory - Page: 167
Ipomoea ommaneyi - Page: 167
Ipomoea papilio - Page: 167
Birds Brandy - Page: 168
Fine-leaved Verbena - Page: 168
Pine-leaved Verbena - Page: 168
Vervain - Page: 169
Bugle Plant - Page: 169
Broad-leaved Chascanum - Page: 169
Skullcap - Page: 170
Endostemon tereticaulis - Page: 170
Wild Spearmint - Page: 170
Cats Whiskers - Page: 171
Hemizygia foliosa - Page: 171
Lobster Flower - Page: 171
Bitter Apple - Page: 172
Carpet Flower - Page: 172
Dense-thorned Bitter Apple - Page: 172
Jamesbrittenia grandiflora - Page: 173
Ruikbossie - Page: 173
Cape Saffron - Page: 173
Selago capitellata - Page: 174
Sutura neglecta - Page: 174
Selago procera - Page: 174
Transvaal Blue Haze - Page: 175
Striga bilabiata - Page: 175
Veronica anagallis-aquatica - Page: 175
Water Potato - Page: 176
Wild Foxglove - Page: 176
Barleria meyeriana - Page: 176
Purple Witchweed - Page: 176
Blue-lips - Page: 177
White Barleria - Page: 177
Pink Ribbons - Page: 177
Conostomium natalense - Page: 178
Siphonoglossa linifolia - Page: 178
Kohautia virgata - Page: 178
Wahlenbergia denticulata - Page: 178
Wahlenbergia krebsii - Page: 179
Bothriocline laxa - Page: 179
Vernonia galpinii - Page: 179
Blouteebossie - Page: 179
Blue Bitter Tea - Page: 180
Silver Vernonia - Page: 180
Amarabossie - Page: 180
Vernonia poskeana - Page: 180
Vernonia sutherlandii - Page: 181
Blouteebossie - Page: 181
Wild Aster - Page: 181
Aster harveyanus - Page: 181
Fluffy Seed Bush - Page: 182
Pseudoconyza viscosa - Page: 182
Bushmans Tea - Page: 182
Blougifbossie - Page: 182
Crassocephalum crepidioides - Page: 183
Senecio polyodon - Page: 183
Senecio erubescens - Page: 183
Beautiful Senecio - Page: 184
Bietou - Page: 184
Emilia transvaalensis - Page: 184
Bergbietou - Page: 184
Scotch Thistle - Page: 185
Aambeibos - Page: 185
Toy Sugarbush - Page: 185
Krantz Aloe - Page: 186
Branddraai Aloe - Page: 186
Grass Aloe - Page: 186
Blood Lily - Page: 187
Mock Fire Lily - Page: 187
Fire Lily - Page: 187
Parrot Gladiolus - Page: 188
Freesia grandiflora - Page: 188
Zig-zag Crocosmia - Page: 188
Crimson Flag - Page: 188
Sheep Sorrel - Page: 189
Mistletoe - Page: 189
Wild Purslane - Page: 189
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 190
Crassula alba - Page: 190
African Wild Clover - Page: 190
Keeled Indigo - Page: 191
Indigofera daleoides - Page: 191
Indigofera melanadenia - Page: 191
Indigofera setiflora - Page: 192
Dolichos angustifolius - Page: 192
Plough-breaker - Page: 192
River Pumpkin - Page: 193
Rooi-opslag - Page: 193
Brooms and Brushes - Page: 193
Bushveld Crossandra - Page: 194
Large Mealie-witchweed - Page: 194
Common Mealie-witchweed - Page: 194
Red-star Zinnia - Page: 195
Barberton Daisy - Page: 195
Coral Senecio - Page: 195
Crassocephalum crepidioides - Page: 195
Dipcadi marlothii - Page: 196
Ursinia multisetosa - Page: 196
Gladiolus woodii - Page: 196
Xysmalobium parviflorum - Page: 197
Black-faced Orchid - Page: 197
Aspidoglossum lamellatum - Page: 197
Bokhorinkie - Page: 198
Asclepias monticola - Page: 198
Miraglossum pulchellum - Page: 198
Miraglossum pilosum - Page: 198
Orbeopsis melanantha - Page: 199
Donkieperske - Page: 199
Sisyranthus randii - Page: 199
Jamesbrittenia accrescens - Page: 199
Climbing Lily - Page: 200
Albuca glauca - Page: 200
Ouma-se-groottoon - Page: 200
Gifbolletjie - Page: 201
Common Pineapple Lily - Page: 201
Harbenaria filicornis - Page: 201
Green Wood-orchid - Page: 202
Eulophia foliosa - Page: 202
Harbenaria nyikana - Page: 202
Bobbejaangif - Page: 203
Viscum combreticola - Page: 203
Mistletoe - Page: 203
Schizoglossum bidens - Page: 204
Bitterhout - Page: 204
Schizoglossum cordifolium - Page: 204
Cartwheels - Page: 205
Humped Turret-flower - Page: 205
Asclepias eminens - Page: 205
Bird-cage Brachystelma - Page: 205


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