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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

A Delight of Owls

Cover of A Delight of Owls

Author: Peter Steyn

Number of pages: 159

Year published: 1984

Edition: 1st

Published by: David Phillip, Publisher (Pty) Ltd


ISBN: 0 88072 063 8

Web site: New Africa Books

The Wildebeest's Review of A Delight of Owls

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

I would buy any bird book by author Peter Steyn. He is passionate about birds with birds of prey being his first love. This book, “A Delight of Owls”, covers with the 12 species of owl found in southern Africa.

“A Delight of Owls” is an interesting title. Is “delight” an official word for a group of owls? I don’t think so.

The book covers Mr. Steyn’s personal observations of owls in southern Africa. He does this in an easily readable way, and this is definitely not a textbook. It is well illustrated in black and white as well as colour photographs. The colour photographs are particularly beautiful.

Owls are a fascinating group of birds, and most people like them. This book is not intended as a field guide but rather for you to sit and read in a comfortable chair with your favourite drink nearby. That will be a coffee for me, thanks.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Barn Owl - Page: 1
African Grass-Owl - Page: 33
Marsh Owl - Page: 40
African Wood-Owl - Page: 47
African Scops-Owl - Page: 56
Southern White-faced Scops-Owl - Page: 56
Pearl-spotted Owlet - Page: 66
African Barred Owlet - Page: 76
Spotted Eagle-Owl - Page: 90
Cape Eagle-Owl - Page: 107
Verreauxs Eagle-Owl - Page: 125
Pels Fishing-Owl - Page: 143


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