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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Gardening for Butterflies

Cover of Gardening for Butterflies

Authors: Steve Woodhall and Lindsay Gray

Number of pages: 188

Year published: 2015

Edition: 1st

Published by: Struik Nature


ISBN: 978 1 77584 124 1

For more info: Struik Nature

The Wildebeest's Review of "Gardening for Butterflies"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

Still to be reviewed. It will happen one day...

Some of the subjects in this publication

African Plain Tiger - Page: 30
Common Evening Brown - Page: 31
Black-haired Bush Brown - Page: 32
Cape Autumn Widow - Page: 33
Blood-red Acraea - Page: 34
Garden Acraea - Page: 36
Yellow-banded Telchinia - Page: 37
Dusky Telchinia - Page: 38
White-barred Telchinia - Page: 39
African Leopard - Page: 40
Pearl Charaxes - Page: 41
Green-veined Charaxes - Page: 42
Protea Charaxes - Page: 43
Satyr Charaxes - Page: 44
White-barred Charaxes - Page: 46
Boisduvals Tree Nymph - Page: 47
Common Diadem - Page: 48
Common Mother-of-Pearl - Page: 50
Yellow Pansy - Page: 51
Southern Gaudy Commodore - Page: 52
Garden Inspector - Page: 54
Dark Blue Pansy - Page: 56
Painted Lady - Page: 57
Purple-brown Hairstreak - Page: 58
Cape Black-eye - Page: 59
Plain Black-eye - Page: 59
Lilac-based Black-eye - Page: 59
Orange-barred Playboy - Page: 60
Brown Playboy - Page: 60
Common Fig-tree Blue - Page: 62
Natal Bar - Page: 63
Eastern Scarlet - Page: 64
Steel-blue Ciliate Blue - Page: 65
Black-striped Ciliate Blue - Page: 66
Common Geranium Bronze - Page: 67
Black Pie - Page: 68
Short-toothed Zebra Blue - Page: 69
Common Zebra Blue - Page: 69
Jeannels Zebra Blue - Page: 69
Natal Babul Blue - Page: 70
Topaz Babul Blue - Page: 70
Velvet-spotted Babul Blue - Page: 70
Black-bordered Babul Blue - Page: 70
Pale Babul Blue - Page: 70
Pea Blue - Page: 72
African Glass Blue - Page: 73
Pioneer Caper White - Page: 74
Cabbage White - Page: 75
African Migrant - Page: 76
African Clouded Yellow - Page: 77
Citrus Swallowtail - Page: 78
Narrow Green-banded Swallowtail - Page: 79
Veined Swordtail - Page: 80
Striped Policeman - Page: 81
Strelitzia Night-fighter - Page: 82
Palm-tree Night-fighter - Page: 83
Bush Night-fighter - Page: 84
Long-horned Swift - Page: 85
Common Hottentot Skipper - Page: 86
Layman - Page: 88
Dark Wanderer - Page: 89
Black-based Acraea - Page: 90
Dusky-veined Telchinia - Page: 91
Spotted Sailer - Page: 92
Golden Piper - Page: 93
Southern Pied Woolly Legs - Page: 94
Southern Sapphire - Page: 95
Spotted Ciliate Blue - Page: 96
Eastern Dotted Border - Page: 97
Broad-bordered Grass Yellow - Page: 98
Mocker Swallowtail - Page: 99
Small Striped Swordtail - Page: 100
Clouded Flat - Page: 101
Diamond-backed Moth - Page: 103
Vivid Slug - Page: 104
Leafrollers - Page: 105
Cape Lappet Moth - Page: 106
Edible Monkey - Page: 107
Cabbage Tree Emperor Moth - Page: 108
Speckled Emperor Moth - Page: 109
Wahlbergs Emperor - Page: 110
Deaths-head Hawkmoth - Page: 111
Oriental Bee Hawk - Page: 112
Common Striped Hawkmoth - Page: 113
Soapstone Emerald - Page: 114
Common Grey - Page: 115
Leopard Magpie - Page: 116
Olive Prominent - Page: 117
Reticulate Bagnet - Page: 118
Beautiful Tiger - Page: 119
Tricolored Tiger - Page: 120
Lienards Achaea - Page: 121
Cream-striped Owl - Page: 122
Peach Moth - Page: 123
Dice Moths - Page: 124
Sundowner Moth - Page: 125
Crimson-speckled Footman - Page: 126
Red Dotted Euproctis - Page: 127
Amaryllis Borer - Page: 128
Cherry Spot - Page: 129
Cotton Bollworm - Page: 130
Turnip Moth - Page: 131
Silver U-Tail - Page: 132


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