The Vultures of Africa
Authors: Peter Mundy, Duncan Butchart, John Ledger and Steven Piper
Illustrations: Duncan Butchart
Number of pages: 464
Year published: 1992
Edition: 1st
Published by: Acorn Books CC
ISBN: 1 874802 03 3
For more info on vultures: BirdLife South Africa
The Wildebeest's Review of The Vultures of Africa
"The Vultures of Africa" must be the ultimate reference on this remarkable group of birds. There can’t be a better one, can there? Congratulations to the authors for putting this rather large book together!
So, what’s inside? Everything that you ever need to know about vultures plus more! IF you look through the contents page you will observe that there are chapters on a global survey, characteristics, genesis and evolution, Africa, species accounts, feeding and breeding. The last two chapters explore the relationship between vultures and man, particularly in modern Africa.
There is a generous amount of artwork littered throughout the book. Line drawings can be found everywhere, and each species has a colour plate. Artist Duncan Butchart has done a good job. There is also a section of coloured photographs.
This is a collectible book, and I am sure that it will remain as the best reference to African Vultures for many years to come.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Cape Vulture - Page: 72Ruppells Vulture - Page: 100
White-backed Vulture - Page: 122
Lappet-faced Vulture - Page: 148
White-headed Vulture - Page: 170
Egyptian Vulture - Page: 184
Bearded Vulture - Page: 202
Palm-nut Vulture - Page: 220
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