Flying Mammals - Quick ID guide to the bats of Africa

Authors: Chris and Mathilde Stuart
Number of pages: 40
Year published: 2021
Edition: 1st
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 978 1 77584 728 1
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of "Flying Mammals"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Egyptian slit-faced bat - Page: 6Wahlbergs Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 7
Egyptian free-tailed bat - Page: 7
Fruit-bat (7 spp.) - Page: 11
Wahlbergs Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 11
Angolan Epauletted Fruit-bat - Page: 12
Peterss Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 12
Gambian Epauletted Fruit-bat - Page: 12
Angolan Epauletted Fruit-bat - Page: 13
Bocages Fruit Bat - Page: 13
Straw-coloured Fruit Bat - Page: 14
Egyptian Fruit Bat - Page: 14
Straw-coloured Fruit Bat - Page: 15
Horseshoe Bat (10 spp) - Page: 16
Bushveld Horseshoe Bat - Page: 16
Cape Horseshoe Bat - Page: 17
Blasiuss horseshoe bat - Page: 17
Geoffroys Horseshoe Bat - Page: 17
Hildebrandts horseshoe bat - Page: 18
Swinnys horseshoe bat - Page: 18
Darlings horseshoe bat - Page: 18
Ruppells horseshoe bat - Page: 18
Cape Horseshoe Bat - Page: 19
Hildebrandts horseshoe bat - Page: 19
Geoffroys Horseshoe Bat - Page: 19
Sundevalls Roundleaf Bat - Page: 20
Leaf-nosed Bat (2 spp.) - Page: 20
Trident Bat (2 spp.) - Page: 21
Sheathtailed Bat (1 spp.) - Page: 24
Mauritian tomb bat - Page: 24
Mauritian tomb bat - Page: 25
Slit-faced Bat (6 spp.) - Page: 26
Egyptian slit-faced bat - Page: 26
Egyptian slit-faced bat - Page: 27
Large Slit-faced Bat - Page: 27
Egyptian free-tailed bat - Page: 28
Little free-tailed bat - Page: 29
Madagascan large free-tailed bat - Page: 29
Angolan free-tailed bat - Page: 29
Nigerian Free-tailed Bat - Page: 29
Large-eared Free-tailed Bat - Page: 30
Robertss flat-headed bat - Page: 30
Natal Long-fingered Bat - Page: 32
Natal Long-fingered Bat - Page: 33
Vesper Bat (43 spp.) - Page: 34
African Yellow Bat - Page: 34
Giant Yellow House Bat - Page: 34
Greenish Yellow Bat - Page: 35
Schlieffens bat - Page: 36
Damara Woolly Bat - Page: 36
Butterfly bat - Page: 36
Rendalls serotine - Page: 37
Ruppells Pipistrelle - Page: 37
Rusty Pipistrelle - Page: 37
Cape Serotine - Page: 37
Botswana Long-eared Bat - Page: 38
Cape Hairy Bat - Page: 38
Welwitschs Bat - Page: 38
Long-tailed House Bat - Page: 38
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