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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Vanishing Eagles

Cover of Vanishing Eagles

Author: Philip Burton

Illustrations: Trevor Boyer

Number of pages: 140

Year published: 1987

Edition: 1st

Published by: Chartwell Books Inc.


ISBN: 1-55521-132-1

Web site: Quarto - Chartwell Books

The Wildebeest's Review of Vanishing Eagles

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

I think most people admire the strength and size of eagles and would support efforts to conserve or increase their numbers. Unfortunately, this view is not held amongst all humans. There are those whose livelihood is affected by these large birds of prey and our ongoing destruction of habitat also has a major impact on eagles and many other species.

“Vanishing Eagles” describes the threats that 33 species of eagle are facing. Each species is illustrated with a full-page colour plate, painted by Trevor Boyer, and there are numerous line drawings and sketches throughout the book. The text highlights the breeding habits, food, habitat and threats faced by each species.

This is a really enjoyable book on a rather sombre subject. Its intention is to raise awareness of the dangers that these raptors face as well as remind us as to what we will be missing should they go extinct.

Some of the subjects in this publication

African Fish-Eagle - Page: 26
Bateleur - Page: 46
Steppe Eagle - Page: 72
Verreauxs Eagle - Page: 90
Booted Eagle - Page: 99
Long-crested Eagle - Page: 105
African Crowned Eagle - Page: 113
Martial Eagle - Page: 121


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