South African Wild Flower Guide 9 Nieuwoudtville

Author: John Manning and Peter Goldblatt
Number of pages: 204
Year published: 1997
Edition: 1st
Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa
ISBN: 1 874999 17 1
Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa
The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 9 Nieuwoudtville"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Cape Pondweed - Page: 28White Arum Lily - Page: 28
Aloe mitriformis (see A. Perfoliata) - Page: 28
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 28
Zantedeschia odorata - Page: 28
Aloe variegata - Page: 28
Kopieva - Page: 30
Compass Plants - Page: 30
Bulbinella elegans - Page: 30
Bulbine torta - Page: 30
Bulbinella divaginata - Page: 30
Common Bulbine - Page: 30
Broad-leaved Cats Tail - Page: 32
Cats Tail Bulbinella - Page: 32
Marsh Bulbinella - Page: 32
Bulbinella eburniflora - Page: 32
Common Tumbling Starlily - Page: 34
Chlorophytum undulatum - Page: 34
Trachyandra falcata - Page: 34
Trachyandra jacquiniana - Page: 34
Trachyandra prolifera - Page: 34
Tenicroa multifolia - Page: 36
Tenicroa fragrans - Page: 36
Tenicroa filifolia - Page: 36
Satin Squill - Page: 36
Ornithogalum conicum - Page: 36
Ornithogalum polyphyllum - Page: 38
Snake Flower - Page: 38
Ornithogalum nanodes - Page: 38
Rough Chincherichee - Page: 38
Ornithogalum multifolium - Page: 38
Striped Chincherinchee - Page: 40
Small White Albuca - Page: 40
Albuca longipes - Page: 40
Ornithogalum apertum - Page: 40
Greater Slime Lily - Page: 40
Albuca cooperi - Page: 42
Albuca acuminata - Page: 42
Albuca viscosa - Page: 42
Albuca namaquensis - Page: 42
Tasselled Lachenalia - Page: 44
Lachenalia elegans - Page: 44
Lachenalia obscura - Page: 44
Lachenalia neilii - Page: 44
Lachenalia alba - Page: 44
Lachenalia violaces - Page: 46
Cape Cowslip - Page: 46
Lachenalia isopetala - Page: 46
Lachenalia zebrina - Page: 46
Lachenalia splendida - Page: 46
Common Hedgehog Lily - Page: 48
Sand Lily - Page: 48
Amphisiphon stylosa - Page: 48
Polyxena ensifolia - Page: 48
Massonia angustifolia - Page: 48
Androcymbium pulchrum - Page: 50
Androcymbium burchellii - Page: 50
Androcymbium crispum - Page: 50
Androcymbium volutare - Page: 50
Ornithoglossum vulgare - Page: 50
Tulbaghia dregeana - Page: 52
Allium dregeanum - Page: 52
Wurmbea dolichantha - Page: 52
Spike Lily - Page: 52
Fragrant Candelabra Lily - Page: 54
Namaqua River Lily - Page: 54
Brunsvigia minor - Page: 54
April Fool - Page: 56
Crossyne flava - Page: 56
Haemanthus barkerae - Page: 56
Boophone haemanthoides - Page: 56
Haemanthus amarylloides - Page: 56
Strumaria truncata - Page: 58
Gethyllis lanuginosa - Page: 58
Gethyllis verticillata - Page: 58
Gethyllis villosa - Page: 58
Gethyllis campanulata - Page: 58
Strumaria discifera - Page: 58
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 60
Cyanella alba - Page: 60
Cape Star - Page: 60
Spiloxene serrata - Page: 60
Empodium namaquensis - Page: 60
Yellow Ladys Hand - Page: 62
Blue Ladys Hand - Page: 62
Cyanella orchidiformis - Page: 62
Cyanella aquatica - Page: 62
Aristea inaequalis - Page: 62
Homeria miniata - Page: 64
Homeria spiralis - Page: 64
Homeria bifida - Page: 64
Homeria hantamensis - Page: 64
Homeria vallisbelli - Page: 64
Homeria odorata - Page: 64
Moraea nana - Page: 66
Moraea inconspicua - Page: 66
Wire-stemmed Moraea - Page: 66
Hexaglottis virgata - Page: 66
Hexaglottis lewisiae - Page: 66
Edible Moraea - Page: 68
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 68
Moraea ciliata - Page: 68
Moraea falcifolia - Page: 68
Moraea vespertina - Page: 68
Ferraria divaricata - Page: 70
Moraea pseudospicata - Page: 70
Gynandriris pritzeliana - Page: 70
Romulea montana - Page: 70
Romulea hirta - Page: 70
Romulea sabulosa - Page: 72
Aquatic Romulea - Page: 72
Romulea diversiformis - Page: 72
Romulea monadelpha - Page: 72
Ixia rapunculoides - Page: 74
Ixia paniculata - Page: 74
Ixia brunneobracteata - Page: 74
Romulea amoena - Page: 74
Romulea hantamensis - Page: 74
Syringodea longituba - Page: 74
Geissorhiza inaequalis - Page: 76
Geissorhiza sulphurascens - Page: 76
Geissorhiza splendidissima - Page: 76
Geissorhiza divaricata - Page: 76
Geissorhiza heterostyla - Page: 76
Hesperantha pilosa - Page: 78
Geissorhiza subrigida - Page: 78
Hesperantha cucullata - Page: 78
Hesperantha rivulicola - Page: 78
Hesperantha pauciflora - Page: 78
Ballerina Hesperantha - Page: 80
Hesperantha vaginata - Page: 80
Sparaxis pillansii - Page: 80
Hesperantha radiata - Page: 80
Streptanthera - Page: 82
Harlequin-flower - Page: 82
Sparaxis variegata - Page: 82
Harlequin Cabong - Page: 84
Lapeirousia violacea - Page: 84
Lapeirousia oreogena - Page: 84
Lapeirousia pyramidalis - Page: 84
Lapeirousia fabricii - Page: 86
Melasphaerula ramosa - Page: 86
Babiana flabellifolia - Page: 86
Lapeirousia divaricata - Page: 86
Babiana spathacea - Page: 88
Babiana minuta - Page: 88
Babiana framesii - Page: 88
Babiana vanzyliae - Page: 88
Fragrant Babiana - Page: 88
Rats Tail Babiana - Page: 90
Common Snakeflower - Page: 90
Wax-flowered Watsonia - Page: 90
Marsh Combflower - Page: 90
Gladiolus splendens - Page: 90
Vleipypie - Page: 92
Gladiolus hyalinus - Page: 92
Gladiolus sufflavus - Page: 92
Gladiolus mostertiae - Page: 92
Gladiolus guthriei - Page: 92
Bright Bonnet - Page: 94
Blue Afrikaner - Page: 94
Gladiolus scullyi - Page: 94
Gladiolus watermeyeri - Page: 94
Gladiolus uysiae - Page: 94
Holothrix aspera - Page: 96
Wild Gladiolus - Page: 96
Holothrix secunda - Page: 96
Satyrium humile - Page: 96
Gladiolus speciosus - Page: 96
Pink Satyr Orchid - Page: 98
Pterygodium hallii - Page: 98
Corycium ingeanum - Page: 98
Satyrium pumilum - Page: 98
Monadenia bracteata - Page: 98
Pterygodium pentherianum - Page: 100
Pterygodium schelpei - Page: 100
Pharnaceum aurantium - Page: 100
Adenogramma glomerata - Page: 100
Tetragonia portulacoides - Page: 100
Mesembryanthemum noctiflora - Page: 102
Ruschia extensa - Page: 102
Ruschia unca - Page: 102
Ruschia schollii - Page: 102
Olifants River Ruschia - Page: 102
Lampranthus maximiliani - Page: 104
Cheiridopsis cigarettifera - Page: 104
Prenia tetragona - Page: 104
Drosanthemum latipetalum - Page: 104
Lampranthus haworthii - Page: 104
Conicosia elongata - Page: 106
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 106
Karoo Snow - Page: 106
Phyllobolus tenuiflorus - Page: 106
Malephora crassa - Page: 106
Pigs Ears - Page: 108
Common Butterbush - Page: 108
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 108
Concertina Plant - Page: 108
Crassula sebaeoides - Page: 110
Crassula dichotoma - Page: 110
Crassula atropurpurea - Page: 110
Crassula pellucida - Page: 110
Crassula alpestris - Page: 110
Gold Tips - Page: 112
Paranomus bracteolaris - Page: 112
Leucadendron remotum - Page: 112
Laurel-leaved Protea - Page: 114
Wagon Tree - Page: 114
Common Sugarbush - Page: 114
Clanwilliam Protea - Page: 114
Heliophila elata - Page: 116
Heliophila arenaria - Page: 116
Heliophila carnosa - Page: 116
Heliophila pinnata - Page: 116
Heliophila acuminata - Page: 116
Heliophila thunbergii - Page: 116
Heliophila amplexicaulis - Page: 118
Crackerpod - Page: 118
Cysticapnos cracca - Page: 118
Trigonocapnos lichtensteinii - Page: 118
Thlaspeocarpa capensis - Page: 118
Heliophila collina - Page: 118
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 120
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 120
Dianthus namaensis - Page: 120
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 120
Little Sundew - Page: 120
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 122
September Bush - Page: 122
Maritzwater - Page: 122
Tortoise Berry - Page: 122
Podalyria leipoldtii - Page: 122
Cancer Bush - Page: 124
Indigofera heterophylla - Page: 124
Lebeckia simsiana - Page: 124
Dolichos decumbens - Page: 124
Lotononis hirsuta - Page: 124
Common Whistle-Bush - Page: 126
Renosterbos Hookleaf-pea - Page: 126
Lebeckia leipoldtiana - Page: 126
Xiphotheca canescens - Page: 126
Wilborgia monoptera - Page: 126
Wilborgia tetraptera - Page: 126
Saffraan - Page: 128
Struthiola leptantha - Page: 128
Whip-stemmed Featherhead - Page: 128
Passerina glomerata - Page: 128
Gnidia leipoldtii - Page: 128
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 130
Cape Buchu - Page: 130
Medusas Head - Page: 130
Common Turkey Bush - Page: 130
Coleonema juniperinum - Page: 130
Wild Buchu - Page: 130
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 132
Golden Sorrel - Page: 132
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 132
Common Sorrel - Page: 132
Common Candle Bush - Page: 132
Pelargonium praemorsum - Page: 134
Sandpaper-leaved Storks Bill - Page: 134
Prickly Pelargonium - Page: 134
Pelargonium echinatum - Page: 134
Pelargonium oreophilum - Page: 134
Pelargonium articulatum - Page: 136
Pelargonium anethifolium - Page: 136
Magenta Storks Bill - Page: 136
Pelargonium grandflorum - Page: 136
Purple Hermannia - Page: 138
Pelargonium rapaceum - Page: 138
Pelargonium longifolium - Page: 138
Pelargonium aristatum - Page: 138
Hermannia cernua - Page: 138
Hermannia verdoorniae - Page: 138
Zygophyllum meyeri - Page: 140
Hermannia alnifolia - Page: 140
Zygophyllum lichtensteinianum - Page: 140
Hermannia johanssenii - Page: 140
Zygophyllum fulvum - Page: 140
Zygophyllum pygmaeum - Page: 140
Common Spikethorn - Page: 142
Honey Guarri - Page: 142
Coat-hanger Heath - Page: 142
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 142
Firecracker Vine - Page: 142
Lobostemon trichotomus - Page: 144
Cape Bindweed - Page: 144
Sea Nightshade - Page: 144
Snake-berry - Page: 144
Lobostemon laevigatus - Page: 144
Ballota africana - Page: 146
Grey Stachys - Page: 146
Limestone Sage - Page: 146
Cape Forget-me-not - Page: 146
African Stachys - Page: 146
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 148
Hebenstretia parviflora - Page: 148
Blue Salvia - Page: 148
Utricularia bisquamata - Page: 148
Common Slugwort - Page: 148
Dischisma spicatum - Page: 150
Large Slugwort - Page: 150
Selago glutinosa - Page: 150
Selago pinguicula - Page: 150
Selago glabrata - Page: 150
Honey-bells - Page: 152
Polycarena aurea - Page: 152
Mountain Lazybush - Page: 152
Polycarena batteniana - Page: 152
Cromidon varicalyx - Page: 152
Sutera caerulea - Page: 152
Northern Purple Drumsticks - Page: 154
Hantam Purple Drumsticks - Page: 154
Polycarena formosa - Page: 154
Zaluzianskya pusilla - Page: 154
Reyemia nemesioides - Page: 154
Lyperia tristis - Page: 156
Leipoldts Nemesia - Page: 156
Lilac Nemesia - Page: 156
Namaqua Nemesia - Page: 156
Jamesbrittenia thunbergii - Page: 156
Zaluzianskya minima - Page: 156
Bearded Nemesia - Page: 158
Long-eared Nemesia - Page: 158
Hemimeris sabulosa - Page: 158
Common Yellowfaces - Page: 158
Hemimeris centrodes - Page: 158
Diascia maculata - Page: 160
Diascia veronicoides - Page: 160
Diascia cardiosepala - Page: 160
Diascia nana - Page: 160
Hyobanche glabrata - Page: 162
Aptosimum indivisum - Page: 162
Alonsoa unilabiata - Page: 162
Annesorhiza altiscapa - Page: 162
Wahlenbergia pilosa - Page: 162
Cyphia digitata - Page: 164
Greater Bellflower - Page: 164
Lesser Bellflower - Page: 164
Wahlenbergia ecklonii - Page: 164
Cyphia incisa - Page: 164
Wild Scabiosa - Page: 166
Metalasia fastigata - Page: 166
Metalasia brevifolia - Page: 166
Eriocephalus punctulatus - Page: 166
Cyphia crenata - Page: 166
Helichrysum revolutum - Page: 168
Pteronia incana - Page: 168
Helichrysum moeserianum - Page: 168
Pteronia divaricata - Page: 168
Helichrysum stellatum - Page: 168
Pentzia incana - Page: 170
Beesbossie - Page: 170
Pteronia glabrata - Page: 170
Pteronia glauca - Page: 170
Chrysocoma oblongifolia - Page: 170
Cluster Stinkweed - Page: 172
Grootstinkkruid - Page: 172
Cotula bipinnata - Page: 172
Cotula microglossa - Page: 172
Lasiospermum pedunculare - Page: 172
Oedera genistifolia - Page: 174
Kleinganskos - Page: 174
Oedera multipunctata - Page: 174
Cotula nudicaulis - Page: 174
Oedera squarrosa - Page: 174
Rhynchopsidium pumilum - Page: 176
Leysera tenella - Page: 176
Oedera sedifolia - Page: 176
Rosenia glandulosa - Page: 176
Euryops lateriflorus - Page: 176
Karoo Dandelion - Page: 178
Yellowwood - Page: 178
Rosinbush - Page: 178
Sticky-leaved Groundsel - Page: 180
Baboon Toes - Page: 180
Senecio panduratus - Page: 180
Senecio scapiflorus - Page: 180
Senecio bulbinifolius - Page: 180
Fern-leaved Groundsel - Page: 182
Senecio cakilefolius - Page: 182
Bastergeelhongerblom - Page: 182
Senecio vestitus - Page: 182
Senecio rosmarinifolius - Page: 182
Sambreeltjies - Page: 184
Wild Aster - Page: 184
Amellus tridactylus - Page: 184
Felicia hirta - Page: 184
Felicia macrorrhiza - Page: 184
Stinkbietou - Page: 186
Tripteris sinuata - Page: 186
Osteospermum acanthospermum - Page: 186
Winter Windowseed - Page: 186
Chrysanthemoides incana - Page: 186
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 188
Osteospermum pinnatum - Page: 188
Grootbergmagriet - Page: 188
Namaqualand Daisy - Page: 188
Dimorphotheca tragus - Page: 188
Glossy-eyed Parachute Daisy - Page: 190
Common Parachute Daisy - Page: 190
Hirpicium alienatum - Page: 190
Ursinia nana - Page: 190
Cullumia pectinata - Page: 190
Vaaldissel - Page: 192
Thorny Salad Bush - Page: 192
Berkheya onobromoides - Page: 192
Berkheya glabrata - Page: 192
Beetle Daisy - Page: 194
Cape Gazania - Page: 194
Yellow Gazania - Page: 194
Gorteria personata - Page: 194
Cape Weed - Page: 194
Bush Arctotis - Page: 196
Namaqualand Arctotis - Page: 196
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 196
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