South African Wild Flower Guide 8 Southern Overberg

Authors: Penny Mustart, Richard Cowling and Janice Albertyn
Number of pages: 271
Year published: 1997
Edition: 1st
Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa
ISBN: 1 874999 15 5
Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa
The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 8 Southern Overberg"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Cape Pondweed - Page: 38Couch Grass - Page: 38
Water Onion - Page: 38
Dune Ehrharta - Page: 38
Cape Wire Grass - Page: 40
Common Thatching Grass - Page: 40
Merxmuellera cincta - Page: 40
Pentaschistis eriostoma - Page: 40
Pseudopentameris macrantha - Page: 42
Coastal Buffalo Grass - Page: 42
Common Reed - Page: 42
Red Grass - Page: 44
Tetraria thermalis - Page: 44
Tetraria bromoides (see 29054) - Page: 44
Coastal Wheat Grass - Page: 44
White Arum Lily - Page: 46
Ficinia truncata - Page: 46
Ficinia praemorsa - Page: 46
Ficinia oligantha - Page: 46
Hellmuthia membranacea - Page: 46
Thatching Reed - Page: 48
Chondropetalum microcarpum - Page: 48
Ceratocaryum argenteum - Page: 48
Calopsis viminea - Page: 48
Bronze Reed - Page: 50
Hypodiscus argenteus - Page: 50
Hypodiscus willdenowia - Page: 50
Elegia persistens - Page: 50
Elegia muirii - Page: 50
Ischyrolepis eleocharis - Page: 52
Mastersiella digitata - Page: 52
Ischyrolepis leptoclados - Page: 52
Ischyrolepis capensis - Page: 52
Restio multiflorus - Page: 54
Restio triticeus - Page: 54
Staberoha multispicula - Page: 54
Thatching Reed - Page: 56
Thamnochortus fraternus - Page: 56
Thamnochortus pellucidus - Page: 56
Matting Rush - Page: 58
Palmiet - Page: 58
Dune Starlily - Page: 58
Marsh Bulbinella - Page: 58
Slangkop - Page: 58
Bulbine lagopus - Page: 58
Greater Waterphlox - Page: 58
Krantz Aloe - Page: 60
Cape Poker - Page: 60
Aloe brevifolia - Page: 60
Greater Slime Lily - Page: 60
Sandviooltjie - Page: 62
Wild Hyacinth - Page: 62
Red Lachenalia - Page: 62
Lachenalia muirii - Page: 62
Star of Bethlehem - Page: 64
Chincherinchee - Page: 64
Eucomis regia - Page: 64
Massonia pustulata - Page: 64
Asparagus asparagoides - Page: 64
Drimia media - Page: 64
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 66
Cape Edelweiss - Page: 66
Royal Butterfly Lily - Page: 66
Dilatris pillansii - Page: 66
Candelabra Flower - Page: 68
Belladonna Lily - Page: 68
Poison Bulb - Page: 68
Common Cape Nerine - Page: 68
Cyrtanthus leucanthus - Page: 70
April Fool - Page: 70
Cyrtanthus carneus - Page: 70
Cyrtanthus guthrieae - Page: 70
Yellow Ladys Hand - Page: 72
Peacock Flower - Page: 72
Cape Star - Page: 72
Spiloxene flaccida - Page: 72
Empodium gloriosum - Page: 72
Babiana patula - Page: 74
Babiana montana - Page: 74
Aristea oligocephala - Page: 74
Aristea glauca - Page: 74
Patersons Babiana - Page: 74
Sea Spider Iris - Page: 76
Freesia caryophyllacea - Page: 76
Cobra Lily - Page: 76
Bobartia longicyma - Page: 76
Dune Freesia - Page: 76
Herfspypie (see 28957) - Page: 78
Geissorhiza ovata - Page: 78
Geissorhiza inflexa - Page: 78
Geissorhiza heterostyla - Page: 78
Gladiolus abbreviatus - Page: 78
Little Painted Lady - Page: 80
White Afrikaner - Page: 80
Blue Afrikaner - Page: 80
Cockscomb Gladiolus - Page: 80
Gladiolus bullatus - Page: 80
Blue Pipe - Page: 82
Large Brown Afrikaner - Page: 82
Brown Afrikaner - Page: 82
Gladiolus meridionalis - Page: 82
Gladiolus guthriei - Page: 82
Gladiolus miniatus - Page: 84
Gladiolus hirsutus - Page: 84
Gladiolus martleyi - Page: 84
Gladiolus stefaniae - Page: 84
Riversdale Bluebell - Page: 84
Gladiolus tristis - Page: 86
Gladiolus inflexus - Page: 86
Gladiolus variegatus - Page: 86
Gladiolus trichonemifolius - Page: 86
Gladiolus vaginatus - Page: 86
Gladiolus teretifolius - Page: 86
Edible Moraea - Page: 88
Rush-leaved Moraea - Page: 88
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 88
Moraea pyrophila - Page: 88
Moraea bulbillifera - Page: 88
Common Cape Buttercup - Page: 90
Yellow Romulea - Page: 90
Common Romulea - Page: 90
Kalkoentjie - Page: 90
Ixia micrandra - Page: 90
Common Snakeflower - Page: 92
Lapeirousia pyramidalis - Page: 92
Tritoniopsis revoluta - Page: 92
Tritoniopsis dodii - Page: 92
Marsh Combflower - Page: 92
Firecracker Watsonia - Page: 94
Wax-flowered Watsonia - Page: 94
Overberg Watsonia - Page: 94
Red Watsonia - Page: 94
Watsonia fergusoniae - Page: 94
Spider Orchid - Page: 96
Golden Orchid - Page: 96
Granny Bonnet - Page: 96
Disa lugens - Page: 96
Disa purpurascens (see 28917) - Page: 96
Orange Satyr Orchid - Page: 98
Cowled Friar - Page: 98
Pink Satyrium - Page: 98
Green Wood-orchid - Page: 98
Leek-orchid (see 28912) - Page: 98
Rock Hakea - Page: 100
Dune Waxberry - Page: 100
Featherbush - Page: 100
Morella quercifolia - Page: 100
Dune Conebush - Page: 102
Limestone Conebush - Page: 102
Leucadendron modestum - Page: 102
Leucadendron linifolium - Page: 104
Leucadendron elimense - Page: 104
Leucadendron laxum - Page: 104
Gold Tips - Page: 106
Silver-coned Leucadendron - Page: 106
Knobkerrie Bush - Page: 106
River Conebush - Page: 108
Leucadendron teretifolium - Page: 108
Leucadendron stelligerum - Page: 108
Red Bottle-brush - Page: 110
Gold-tips - Page: 110
Paranomus abrotanifolius - Page: 110
Mimetes saxatilis - Page: 110
Spatalla squamata - Page: 110
Common Pin Spiderhead - Page: 112
Serruria nervosa - Page: 112
Serruria bolusii - Page: 112
Spatalla curvifolia - Page: 112
Spatalla ericoides - Page: 112
Long-stalked Spiderhead - Page: 112
Wart-stemmed Pincushion - Page: 114
Pincushion - Page: 114
Silver-edged Pincushion - Page: 114
Potberg Pincushion - Page: 114
Leucospermum truncatulum - Page: 114
Creeping Pincushion - Page: 116
Snake-stemmed Pincushion - Page: 116
Leucospermum truncatulum - Page: 116
Leucospermum pedunculatum - Page: 116
Leucospermum heterophyllum - Page: 116
Long-bud Protea - Page: 118
Brown-bearded Protea - Page: 118
Protea pudens - Page: 118
Protea denticulata - Page: 118
Protea aspera - Page: 118
Protea subulifolia - Page: 118
Common Sugarbush - Page: 120
Limestone Protea - Page: 120
Stink-leaf Protea - Page: 120
Long-leaf Sugarbush - Page: 120
Bot River Protea - Page: 120
Koraalbossie - Page: 122
Viscum capense - Page: 122
Tanninbush - Page: 122
Thesium penicillatum - Page: 122
Osyris speciosa - Page: 122
Thesium capitatum - Page: 122
Sunshine Star - Page: 124
Sprawling Duneweed - Page: 124
Grubbia rosmarinifolia - Page: 124
Coastal Samphire - Page: 124
Soutbossie - Page: 124
Golden Dewbush - Page: 124
Goslings - Page: 126
Pink Sour Fig - Page: 126
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 126
Caryotophora skiatophytoides - Page: 126
Delosperma litorale - Page: 128
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 128
Roadside Dewflower - Page: 128
Ruschia geminiflora - Page: 128
Lampranthus amabilis - Page: 128
Drosanthemum intermedium - Page: 128
Mat Vygie - Page: 130
Klein-tong Vygie - Page: 130
Prenia vanrensburgii - Page: 130
Blue Waterlily - Page: 132
Cape Anemone (see 28873) - Page: 132
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 132
Knowltonia anemonoides - Page: 132
Dianthus albens - Page: 132
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 134
Drosera capensis - Page: 134
Heliophila subulata - Page: 134
Heliophila macra - Page: 134
Cissampelos capensis - Page: 134
Cassytha ciliolata - Page: 134
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 136
Crassula expansa - Page: 136
Pigs Ears - Page: 136
Adromischus caryophyllaceus - Page: 136
Crassula fallax - Page: 136
Redlegs - Page: 138
Marsh Berzelia - Page: 138
Grey Snowbush - Page: 138
Common Starheath - Page: 138
Nebelia paleacea - Page: 138
Cone Rice-bush - Page: 140
Cliffortia ificifolia - Page: 140
Cliffortia stricta - Page: 140
Cliffortia ferruginea - Page: 140
Sallow Wattle - Page: 142
Port Jackson Willow - Page: 142
Black Wattle - Page: 142
Rooikrans - Page: 142
Aspalathus calcarea - Page: 144
Amphithalea biovulata - Page: 144
Amphithalea alba - Page: 144
Persblom - Page: 144
Aspalathus caledonensis - Page: 144
Aspalathus pycnantha - Page: 146
Aspalathus incurvifolia - Page: 146
Aspalathus hirta - Page: 146
Aspalathus juniperina - Page: 146
Aspalathus securifolia - Page: 146
Podalyria myrtillifolia - Page: 148
Powderpuff Indigo - Page: 148
Mountain Dahlia (see 28978) - Page: 148
Amphithalea ciliaris - Page: 148
Podalyria biflora - Page: 148
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 150
Leafless Fountain-bush - Page: 150
Scarlet Balloon Pea - Page: 150
Otholobium fruticans - Page: 150
Rafnia triflora - Page: 150
Carpet Geranium - Page: 152
Kanferblaar - Page: 152
Coastal Pelargonium - Page: 152
Monsonia emarginata - Page: 152
Hooded-leaf Pelargonium - Page: 154
Clove-scented Storks Bill - Page: 154
Pelargonium elegans - Page: 154
Pelargonium suburbanum - Page: 154
Thread-leaved Sorrel - Page: 156
Pink Sorrel - Page: 156
Common Sorrel - Page: 156
Golden Sorrel - Page: 156
Oxalis eckloniana - Page: 156
Zygophyllum morgsana - Page: 158
Zygophyllum fulvum - Page: 158
Zygophyllum flexuosum - Page: 158
Acmadenia obtusata - Page: 160
Adenandra obtusata - Page: 160
Acmadenia mundiana - Page: 160
Adenandra viscida - Page: 160
Adenandra gummifera - Page: 160
White Confetti Bush - Page: 160
Agathosma collina - Page: 162
Agathosma dielsiana - Page: 162
Agathosma riversdalensis - Page: 162
Agathosma cerefolium - Page: 162
Agathosma serpyllacea - Page: 162
Diosma guthriei - Page: 164
Diosma haelkraalensis - Page: 164
Diosma subulata - Page: 164
Euchaetis burchellii - Page: 164
Euchaetis meridionalis - Page: 164
Euchaetis longibracteata - Page: 164
September Bush - Page: 166
Nylandtia spinosa - Page: 166
Muraltia satureioides - Page: 166
Muraltia collina - Page: 166
Polygala umbellata - Page: 166
Euphorbia erythrina - Page: 168
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 168
Blue Kuni-bush - Page: 170
Waxy Currant-rhus - Page: 170
Rhus rosmarinifolia - Page: 170
Dune Crow-berry - Page: 170
Dune Koko Tree - Page: 172
Cape Saffron - Page: 172
Candlewood Tree - Page: 172
Robsodendron maritimum - Page: 172
Featherhead - Page: 174
Silky-fruit Hard-leaf - Page: 174
Phylica dodii - Page: 174
Ericoid phylica - Page: 174
Dogface - Page: 174
Phylica selaginoides - Page: 174
Pink Mallow (see 28874) - Page: 176
Bladder Hibiscus - Page: 176
Hermannia trifoliata - Page: 176
Hermannia ternifolia - Page: 176
Hermannia concinnifolia - Page: 176
Cape Fellwort - Page: 178
Wild Violet - Page: 178
Brachysiphon acutus - Page: 178
Noughts and Crosses (see 27229) - Page: 178
Awl Saffron Bush - Page: 180
Gnidia ornata - Page: 180
Gnidia pinifolia - Page: 180
Gnidia tenella - Page: 180
Silvery Featherhead - Page: 180
Cape Coast Cabbage Tree - Page: 182
Christmas Berry - Page: 182
Dune Gonna - Page: 182
Lachnaea aurea - Page: 182
Sieketroos - Page: 184
Common Needle-leaf - Page: 184
Blisterbush - Page: 184
Centella virgata - Page: 184
Dune Celery - Page: 184
Erica glabella - Page: 186
Erica puberuliflora - Page: 186
Erica similis - Page: 186
Erica anguliger - Page: 186
Erica albertyniae - Page: 186
Erica bodkinii - Page: 188
Erica calcareophila - Page: 188
Erica bruniades - Page: 188
Erica bruniifolia - Page: 188
Erica berzelioides - Page: 188
Erica ampullacea - Page: 188
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 190
Bicolored Heath - Page: 190
Erica casta - Page: 190
Red Heath - Page: 190
Darktip Heath - Page: 190
Erica colorans - Page: 190
Erica grisbrookii - Page: 192
Erica filipendula - Page: 192
Ker-ker (see 28933) - Page: 192
Erica irbyana - Page: 192
Erica globulifera - Page: 192
Erica mariae - Page: 194
Erica irregularis - Page: 194
Erica lineata - Page: 194
Pink Rattle Heath - Page: 194
Varicoloured Heath - Page: 194
Erica occulta - Page: 196
Erica placentiflora - Page: 196
Erica oblongiflora - Page: 196
Nude Heath - Page: 196
Bead Heath - Page: 196
Elim Heath - Page: 198
Green Heath - Page: 198
Coat-hanger Heath - Page: 198
Erica propinqua - Page: 198
Erica rhopalantha - Page: 198
Erica scytophylla - Page: 198
Trembling Heath - Page: 200
Erica spectabilis - Page: 200
Erica vernicosa - Page: 200
Erica vogelpoelii - Page: 200
Erica tenella - Page: 200
Erica shannoneae - Page: 200
White Milkwood - Page: 202
Cape Myrtle - Page: 202
Sea Lavender - Page: 202
Limonium anthericoides - Page: 202
Coast Olive - Page: 204
Small Ironwood - Page: 204
Dune Guarri - Page: 204
Sea Rose - Page: 206
Sebaea aurea - Page: 206
Chironia tetragona - Page: 206
Christmas Berry - Page: 206
Forest Num-Num - Page: 208
Firecracker Vine - Page: 208
Cynanchium obtusifolium - Page: 208
Astephanus triflorus - Page: 208
White Carpet - Page: 208
Lobostemon sanguineus - Page: 210
Lobostemon curvifolius - Page: 210
Chascanum cernuum - Page: 210
Lobostemon lucidus - Page: 210
Boksdoring - Page: 212
Dronkbessie - Page: 212
Retzia capensis - Page: 212
Stilbe overbergensis - Page: 212
Pink Stilbe - Page: 212
Golden Sage (see 21355) - Page: 214
Wild Dagga - Page: 214
African Stachys - Page: 214
Red Broomrape - Page: 216
Sutera revoluta - Page: 216
Sutera hispida - Page: 216
Mudwort - Page: 218
Jamesbrittenia calciphila - Page: 218
Jamesbrittenia albomarginata - Page: 218
Jamesbrittenia stellata - Page: 218
Bearded Nemesia - Page: 220
Lyperia lychnidea - Page: 220
Manulea tomentosa - Page: 220
Varicoloured Nemesia - Page: 220
Southern Purple Drumsticks - Page: 220
Wild Scabiosa - Page: 222
False Slugwort - Page: 222
Cape Blue Haze - Page: 222
Hairy Plantago - Page: 222
Dune Cats Tail - Page: 222
Selago aspera - Page: 222
White-eyed Roella - Page: 224
Roella arenaria - Page: 224
Rhigiophyllum squarrosum - Page: 224
Dark-eyed Bellflower - Page: 226
Prismatocarpus spinosus - Page: 226
Wahlenbergia neorigida - Page: 226
Wahlenbergia calcarea - Page: 226
Prismatocarpus brevilobus (see 29007) - Page: 226
Lobelia setacea - Page: 228
Summer Swifts - Page: 228
Lobelia pubescens - Page: 228
Twining Baroe - Page: 228
Limestone Lobelia - Page: 228
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 230
Sea Pumpkin - Page: 230
Anaxeton virgatum - Page: 230
Common Klaaslouw Bush - Page: 230
Athanasia dentata - Page: 230
Golden Cowcud - Page: 232
Bush Tickberry - Page: 232
Holly-leaved Berkheya - Page: 232
Chrysanthemoides incana - Page: 232
Berkheya coriacea - Page: 232
Coastal Bush Thistle - Page: 234
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 234
Cotula filifolia - Page: 234
Coastal Cineraria - Page: 234
Rough Swordweed - Page: 234
Corymbium glabrum (see 28904) - Page: 234
Yellow Everlasting (see 28921) - Page: 236
Slangbos - Page: 236
Cape Rain Daisy - Page: 236
Silver Carpet - Page: 236
Disparago anomala - Page: 236
Common Rosinbush (see 28942) - Page: 238
Elytropappus rhinocerotis - Page: 238
Euryops linearis - Page: 238
Eriocephalus paniculatus - Page: 238
Camphor Bush - Page: 240
Beach Gazania - Page: 240
Felicia aculeata - Page: 240
Oedera genistifolia - Page: 240
Felicia amoena - Page: 240
Oedera capensis (see 28993) - Page: 240
Sea Strawflower - Page: 242
Helichrysum teretifolium - Page: 242
Brown-tipped Strawflower - Page: 242
Helichrysum chlorochrysum - Page: 242
Woolly Everlasting - Page: 242
Pink Everlasting - Page: 244
Cape Snow - Page: 244
Syncarpha argyropsis - Page: 244
Narrow-leaved Everlasting - Page: 244
White Bristle Bush - Page: 246
Metalasia pungens - Page: 246
Metalasia brevifolia - Page: 246
Metalasia calcicola - Page: 246
Metalasia serrata - Page: 246
Bobbejaanklimop - Page: 248
Osteospermum fructicosum - Page: 248
Mountain Babooncress - Page: 248
Othonna dentata - Page: 248
Osteospermum subulatum - Page: 248
Shrubby Parachute-daisy - Page: 250
Lachnospermum imbricatum - Page: 250
Polyarrhena stricta - Page: 250
Pteronia incana - Page: 250
Pink Everlasting - Page: 250
Purple Senecio - Page: 252
Lesser Purple Ragwort - Page: 252
Poison Ragwort - Page: 252
Senecio sophioides - Page: 252
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