South African Wild Flower Guide 7 West Coast

Authors: John Manning and Peter Goldblatt
Number of pages: 240
Year published: 1996
Edition: 1st
Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa
ISBN: 1 874999 11 2
Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa
The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 7 West Coast"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Asparagus asparagoides - Page: 26Asparagus capensis - Page: 26
Cockscomb Fern - Page: 26
Wild Asparagus - Page: 26
Eriospermum lanceifolium - Page: 26
Asparagus lignosus - Page: 26
Peacock Flower - Page: 28
Spiloxene canaliculata - Page: 28
Cape Star - Page: 28
Spiloxene serrata - Page: 28
Spiloxene ovata - Page: 28
Pauridia longituba - Page: 28
Yellow Ladys Hand - Page: 30
Cape Poker - Page: 30
Blue Ladys Hand - Page: 30
Common Autumn Star - Page: 30
Aloe mitriformis (see A. Perfoliata) - Page: 30
Empodium veratrifolium - Page: 30
Annual Bulbine - Page: 32
Bulbinella triquetra - Page: 32
Bulbinella divaginata - Page: 32
Bulbine cepacea - Page: 32
Trachyandra chlamydophylla - Page: 32
Trachyandra tabularis - Page: 32
Common Tumbling Starlily - Page: 34
Trachyandra ciliata - Page: 34
Dune Starlily - Page: 34
Trachyandra falcata - Page: 34
Trachyandra filiformis - Page: 34
Caesia contorta - Page: 34
Albuca cooperi - Page: 36
Chlorophytum undulatum - Page: 36
Chlorophytum triflorum - Page: 36
Common Slime Lily - Page: 36
Greater Slime Lily - Page: 36
Albuca juncifolia - Page: 36
Cape Cowslip - Page: 38
Lachenalia unicolor - Page: 38
Cape Cowslip - Page: 38
Sand Lily - Page: 38
Red Lachenalia - Page: 38
Sandviooltjie - Page: 38
Warty Lachenalia - Page: 40
Tasselled Lachenalia - Page: 40
Maerman - Page: 40
Lachenalia pallida - Page: 40
Lachenalia longibracteata - Page: 40
Tenicroa filifolia - Page: 40
Star of Bethlehem - Page: 42
Cape Garlic - Page: 42
Striped Chincherinchee - Page: 42
Ornithogalum conicum - Page: 42
Ornithogalum multifolium - Page: 42
Massonia angustifolia - Page: 42
Candelabra Flower - Page: 44
Malgas Lily - Page: 44
Belladonna Lily - Page: 44
Parasol Lily - Page: 44
Strumaria tenella - Page: 44
Strumaria chaplinii - Page: 44
April Fool - Page: 46
April Fool - Page: 46
Kukumakranka - Page: 46
Boophane haemanthoides - Page: 46
Haemanthus pubescens - Page: 46
Baeometra uniflora - Page: 48
Aristea dichotoma - Page: 48
Fringed Aristea - Page: 48
Slangkop - Page: 48
Greater Waterphlox - Page: 48
Wurmbea marginata - Page: 48
Ferraria divaricata - Page: 50
Melasphaerula ramosa - Page: 50
Ferraria uncinata - Page: 50
Sea Spider Iris - Page: 50
Ferraria ferrariola - Page: 50
Ferraria densepunctulata - Page: 50
Peacock Moraea - Page: 52
Edible Moraea - Page: 52
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 52
Moraea inconspicua - Page: 52
Moraea tricolor - Page: 52
Gynandriris setifolia - Page: 52
Rush-leaved Moraea - Page: 54
Hexaglottis lewisiae - Page: 54
Vlei-uintjie - Page: 54
Moraea bellendenii - Page: 54
Moraea bituminosa - Page: 54
Wire-stemmed Moraea - Page: 54
Homeria miniata - Page: 56
Homeria minor - Page: 56
Galaxia albiflora - Page: 56
Homeria flaccida - Page: 56
Galaxia ovata - Page: 56
Geissorhiza darlingensis - Page: 56
Geissorhiza exscapa - Page: 58
Blue Sequins (see 28951) - Page: 58
Bloukelkie - Page: 58
Wine Cup - Page: 58
Geissorhiza eurystigma - Page: 58
Geissorhiza tenella - Page: 58
Ixia paniculata - Page: 60
Bontrokkie - Page: 60
Buzz Ixia - Page: 60
Ixia odorata - Page: 60
Hesperantha radiata - Page: 60
Geissorhiza imbricata - Page: 60
Yellow Ixia - Page: 62
Ixia lutea - Page: 62
Yellow Ixia - Page: 62
Ixia curta - Page: 62
Ixia framesii - Page: 62
Ixia monadelpha - Page: 62
Pink Romulea - Page: 64
Romulea cruciata - Page: 64
Blue Romulea - Page: 64
Romulea schlechteri - Page: 64
Romulea eximia - Page: 64
Romulea obscura - Page: 64
Common Cape Buttercup - Page: 66
Sparaxis villosa - Page: 66
Yellow Romulea - Page: 66
Sparaxis parviflora - Page: 66
Freesia viridis - Page: 66
Romulea elliptica - Page: 66
Babiana angustifolia - Page: 68
Breede Valley Babiana - Page: 68
Blue-and-red Babiana - Page: 68
Babiana villosula - Page: 68
Babiana leipoldtii - Page: 68
Babiana pygmaea - Page: 68
Babiana ambigua - Page: 70
Dwarf Babiana - Page: 70
Rats Tail Babiana - Page: 70
Babiana tubulosa - Page: 70
Micranthus tubulosus - Page: 70
Babiana odorata - Page: 70
Cobra Lily - Page: 72
Wax-flowered Watsonia - Page: 72
Greater Cobra Lily - Page: 72
Red Watsonia - Page: 72
Watsonia hysterantha - Page: 72
Watsonia marginata - Page: 72
Blue Afrikaner - Page: 74
Harlequin Cabong - Page: 74
Lapeirousia fabricii - Page: 74
Gladiolus orchidiflorus - Page: 74
Gladiolus angustus - Page: 74
Sandveld Cabong - Page: 74
Cockscomb Gladiolus - Page: 76
Red Afrikaner - Page: 76
Wild Gladiolus - Page: 76
Gladiolus speciosus - Page: 76
Red Afrikaner - Page: 76
Gladiolus meliusculus - Page: 76
Orange Satyr Orchid - Page: 78
Pink Satyrium - Page: 78
Blue Pipe - Page: 78
Blue Afrikaner - Page: 78
Gladiolus caeruleus - Page: 78
Disa draconis - Page: 78
Pterygodium alatum - Page: 80
Ruik-trewwa - Page: 80
Satyrium bicorne - Page: 80
Cowled Friar - Page: 80
Pterygodium volucris - Page: 80
Monadenia bracteata - Page: 80
Cape Pondweed - Page: 82
White Arum Lily - Page: 82
Corycium crispum - Page: 82
Broomrape Orchid - Page: 82
Holothrix villosa - Page: 82
Disperis villosa - Page: 82
Wachendorfia parviflora - Page: 84
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 84
Arrowgrass - Page: 84
Ficinia nigrescens - Page: 84
Hellmuthia membranacea - Page: 84
Wachendorfia brachyandra - Page: 84
Olifants Reed - Page: 86
Willdenowia incurvata - Page: 86
Thatching Reed - Page: 86
Staberoha distachyos (see 29040) - Page: 86
Crackerpod - Page: 88
Waxberry - Page: 88
Rumex lativalvus - Page: 88
Cassytha ciliolata - Page: 88
Myrica quercifolia - Page: 88
Cissampelos capensis - Page: 88
Adennogramma glomerata - Page: 90
Pharnaceum lanatum - Page: 90
Limeum africanum - Page: 90
Acrosanthes teretifolia - Page: 90
Pharnaceum incanum - Page: 90
Pharnaceum lineare - Page: 90
Tetragonia fruticosa - Page: 92
Aizoon paniculatum - Page: 92
Tetragonia chenopodioides - Page: 92
Tetragonia portulacoides - Page: 92
Namaqua Dewbush - Page: 92
Tetragonia nigrescens - Page: 92
Brack Salad - Page: 94
Pink Sour Fig - Page: 94
Cheiridopsis rostrata - Page: 94
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 94
Mesembryanthemum alatum - Page: 94
Ruschia ventricosa - Page: 94
Brilliant Ruschia - Page: 96
Collared Ruschia - Page: 96
Ruschia radicans - Page: 96
Ruschia macowanii - Page: 96
Delosperma asperulum - Page: 96
Ruschia diversifolia - Page: 96
Purple Carpet - Page: 98
Dewplant - Page: 98
Sphalmanthus canaliculatus - Page: 98
Drosanthemum calycinum - Page: 98
Drosanthemum striatum - Page: 98
Prenia pallens - Page: 98
Showy Lampranthus - Page: 100
Lampranthus vredenburgensis - Page: 100
Lampranthus argenteus - Page: 100
Lampranthus reptans - Page: 100
Lampranthus aduncus - Page: 100
Lampranthus filicaulis - Page: 100
Orange Vygie - Page: 102
Mat Vygie - Page: 102
Lampranthus explanatus - Page: 102
Orange Lampranthus - Page: 102
Goslings - Page: 104
Apatesia helianthoides - Page: 104
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 104
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 104
Greater Sea-spurrey - Page: 106
Lizards Tail - Page: 106
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 106
Atriplex semibaccata - Page: 106
Cutinus sanguineus - Page: 106
Atriplex cinerea - Page: 106
Crassula natans - Page: 108
Crassula dejecta - Page: 108
Crassula expansa - Page: 108
Crassula dichotoma - Page: 108
Crassula scabra - Page: 108
Rooisuikerblom - Page: 110
Common Butterbush - Page: 110
Pigs Ears - Page: 110
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 110
Frankenia pulverulata - Page: 110
Limonium acuminatum - Page: 110
Dune Sea Pink - Page: 112
Limonium capense - Page: 112
Paper Flower - Page: 112
Pink Mallow (see 28874) - Page: 112
Limonium longifolium - Page: 112
Furry Dolls Rose - Page: 114
Hermannia alnifolia - Page: 114
Gold Cups - Page: 114
Hermannia myrrhifolia - Page: 114
Hermannia linifolia - Page: 114
Hermannia ternifolia - Page: 114
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 116
Dolls Rose - Page: 116
Hermannia humifusa - Page: 116
Porcupine Potato - Page: 116
Little Sundew - Page: 116
Showy Sunflax - Page: 118
Common Sunflax - Page: 118
Heliophila digitata - Page: 118
Heliophila refracta - Page: 118
Salaxis axillaris - Page: 118
Erica lasciva - Page: 118
Nine-pin Heath - Page: 120
Dune Guarri - Page: 120
Vahlia capensis - Page: 120
Erica decora - Page: 120
Erica parviflora - Page: 120
Grisebachia incana - Page: 120
Green-eyed Desert Primrose - Page: 122
Marsh Berzelia - Page: 122
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 122
Common Starheath - Page: 122
Redlegs - Page: 122
Maritzwater - Page: 122
Heart-leaved Gorse - Page: 124
Aspalathus quinquefolia - Page: 124
Aspalathus albens - Page: 124
Aspalathus ternata - Page: 124
Aspalathus pinguis - Page: 124
Aspalathus hispida - Page: 124
Silver Wing-pea - Page: 126
Wiborgia fusca - Page: 126
Common Widow Pea - Page: 126
Wiborgia obcordata - Page: 126
Aspalathus spinescens - Page: 126
Aspalathus spinosa - Page: 126
Lebeckia spinescens - Page: 128
Cats Tail Ganna - Page: 128
Lebeckia simsiana - Page: 128
Lotononis prostrata - Page: 128
Crotalaria excisa - Page: 128
Common Honeybush-tea - Page: 128
Cape Sweet Pea (see 28911) - Page: 130
Persblom - Page: 130
Swartland Indigo - Page: 130
Lessertia rigida - Page: 130
Indigofera complicata - Page: 130
Otholobium hirtum - Page: 130
Cancer Bush - Page: 132
Northern Spiderhead - Page: 132
Common Pin Spiderhead - Page: 132
Arid Pincushion - Page: 132
Serruria trilopha - Page: 132
Saldanha Pincushion - Page: 134
Sandveld Pincushion - Page: 134
Common Sugarbush - Page: 134
Snake-stemmed Pincushion - Page: 134
Burchells Sugarbush - Page: 134
Small Green Protea - Page: 134
Leucadendron cinereum - Page: 136
Leucadendron thymifolium - Page: 136
Leucadendron lanigerum - Page: 136
Gold Tips - Page: 138
Gnidia geminiflora - Page: 138
Gnidia pinifolia - Page: 138
Struthiola leptantha - Page: 138
Lachnaea capitata - Page: 138
Passerina vulgaris - Page: 138
Koraalbossie - Page: 140
Greater Mountain Carnation - Page: 140
Lachnaea uniflora - Page: 140
Tanninbush - Page: 140
Thesium spinosum - Page: 140
Thesium capitatum - Page: 140
Bittersweet Cherry - Page: 142
False Spike-thorn - Page: 142
Viscum capense - Page: 142
Spike-thorn Maytenus - Page: 142
Candles - Page: 142
Mistletoe - Page: 142
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 144
Clutia daphnoides - Page: 144
Clutia ericoides - Page: 144
Boknoors - Page: 144
Sweet Milkbush - Page: 144
Medusas Head - Page: 146
Phylica parviflora - Page: 146
Phylica cephalantha - Page: 146
Plumed Phylica - Page: 146
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 146
Phylica stipularis - Page: 146
Nylandtia spinosa - Page: 148
Tortoise Berry - Page: 148
Muraltia harveyana - Page: 148
Muraltia filiformis - Page: 148
Blue Kuni-bush - Page: 150
Dune Currant - Page: 150
September Bush - Page: 150
Rhus dissecta - Page: 150
Polygala umbellata - Page: 150
Thyme-leaved Buchu - Page: 152
Steenbokboegoe - Page: 152
Crested Turkeybush - Page: 152
Agathosma latipetala - Page: 152
Grey Pin Buchu - Page: 152
Agathosma imbricata - Page: 152
Thread-leaved Sorrel - Page: 154
China Flower Bush - Page: 154
Wild Buchu - Page: 154
Oxalis livida - Page: 154
Diosma aspalathoides - Page: 154
Diosma oppositifolia - Page: 154
Pink Sorrel - Page: 156
Oxalis pusilla - Page: 156
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 156
Oxalis hirta - Page: 156
Oxalis glabra - Page: 156
Golden Sorrel - Page: 158
Common Sorrel - Page: 158
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 158
Oxalis tomentosa - Page: 158
Oxalis burtoniae - Page: 158
Oxalis compressa - Page: 158
Zygophyllum morgsana - Page: 160
Sugarstick Sorrel - Page: 160
Zygophyllum flexuosum - Page: 160
Zygophyllum sessilifolium - Page: 160
Zygophyllum spinosum - Page: 160
Oxalis argyrophylla - Page: 160
Carpet Geranium - Page: 162
Cape Parasol-flower - Page: 162
Pelargonium myrrhifolium - Page: 162
Pelargonium longicaule - Page: 162
Pelargonium carnosum - Page: 162
Pelargonium senecioides - Page: 162
Clove-scented Storks Bill - Page: 164
Scarlet Storks Bill - Page: 164
Pelargonium longifolium - Page: 164
Broad-leaved Storks Bill - Page: 164
Pelargonium gibbosum - Page: 164
Pelargonium longiflorum - Page: 164
Hooded-leaf Pelargonium - Page: 166
Sebaea aurea - Page: 166
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 166
Coastal Pelargonium - Page: 166
Pelargonium hirtum - Page: 166
Sebaea albens - Page: 166
Small Ironwood - Page: 168
African Olive - Page: 168
Sea Rose - Page: 168
Narrow-leaved Centaury - Page: 168
Christmas Berry - Page: 168
Cape Carrion Flower - Page: 168
Gansiebos - Page: 170
Firecracker Vine - Page: 170
Sea Nightshade - Page: 170
Cynanchum africanum - Page: 170
Asclepias crispa - Page: 170
Solanum linnaeanum - Page: 170
Kraal Honey-thorn - Page: 172
Cape Bindweed - Page: 172
Snake-berry - Page: 172
Cape Forget-me-not - Page: 172
Lycium tetrandrum - Page: 172
Echiostachys incanus - Page: 172
Smooth-leaved Bush Bugloss - Page: 174
Pyjama Bush - Page: 174
Blue Rocket - Page: 174
Pink Stilbe - Page: 174
Lobostemon hispidus - Page: 174
Lobostemon capitatus - Page: 174
Wild Dagga - Page: 176
Ballota africana - Page: 176
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 176
Red Sage - Page: 176
Golden Sage (see 21355) - Page: 176
African Stachys - Page: 176
Large Slugwort - Page: 178
Hebenstretia repens - Page: 178
Manulea altissima - Page: 178
Manulea corymbosa - Page: 178
Common Slugwort - Page: 178
Microdon capitatus - Page: 178
Southern Purple Drumsticks - Page: 180
Manulea tomentosa - Page: 180
Lyperia lychnidea - Page: 180
Zaluzianskya parviflora - Page: 180
Lyperia triste - Page: 180
Manulea rubra - Page: 180
Common Cape Phlox - Page: 182
Mountain Lazybush - Page: 182
Sutera uncinata - Page: 182
Phyllopodium cephalophorum - Page: 182
Phyllopodium capillare - Page: 182
Phyllopodium phyllopodioides - Page: 182
Lilac Nemesia - Page: 184
Bearded Nemesia - Page: 184
Club-spurred Nemesia - Page: 184
Nemesia versicolor - Page: 184
Cape Jewels - Page: 184
Hemimeris sabulosa - Page: 186
Common Yellowfaces - Page: 186
Long-spurred Diascia - Page: 186
Hemimeris sabulosa - Page: 186
Diascia diffusa - Page: 186
Diascia collina - Page: 186
Sieketroos - Page: 188
Harveya squamosa - Page: 188
Red Broomrape - Page: 188
Dune Celery - Page: 188
Stoibrax capense - Page: 188
Torilis arvensis - Page: 188
Dark-eyed Bellflower - Page: 190
Prismatocarpus fruticosus - Page: 190
Wahlenbergia longifolia (see 29073) - Page: 190
Wahlenbergia paniculata - Page: 190
Roella arenaria - Page: 190
Microcodon glomeratum - Page: 190
Lobelia setacea - Page: 192
Lobelia comosa - Page: 192
Summer Swallows - Page: 192
Lobelia alata - Page: 192
Monopsis simplex - Page: 192
Yellow Monopsis - Page: 192
Cyphia phyteuma - Page: 194
Larkspur Baroe - Page: 194
Galium tomentosum - Page: 194
Scabiosa incisa - Page: 194
Cyphia digitata - Page: 194
Cyphia crenata - Page: 194
Wild Rosemary - Page: 196
Slangbos - Page: 196
Stoebe capitata - Page: 196
Sandveld Rosemary - Page: 196
Elytropappus rhinocerotis - Page: 196
Trichogyne repens - Page: 196
White Bristle Bush - Page: 198
Common Flowerbush - Page: 198
Petalacte coronata - Page: 198
Plecostachys serpyllifolia - Page: 198
Helichrysum stellatum - Page: 198
Helichrysum cochleariforme - Page: 198
Helichrysum revolutum - Page: 200
Beesbossie - Page: 200
Helichrysum moeserianum - Page: 200
Nidorella foetida - Page: 200
Thread-leaved Klaas Louw Bush - Page: 200
Athanasia rugulosa - Page: 200
Pteronia uncinata - Page: 202
Pteronia divaricata - Page: 202
Salt Marsh Cotula - Page: 202
Pteronia ovalifolia - Page: 202
Pteronia onobromoides - Page: 202
Pteronia camphorata - Page: 202
Grootstinkkruid - Page: 204
Cluster Stinkweed - Page: 204
Lazy Daisy - Page: 204
Common Button Daisy - Page: 204
Cotula duckitteae - Page: 204
Oncosiphon glabratum - Page: 204
Yellowwood - Page: 206
Greater Berkheya - Page: 206
Dune Daisy - Page: 206
Berkheya rigida - Page: 206
Gorteria personata - Page: 206
Bush Tickberry - Page: 208
Shrubby Wireweed - Page: 208
Steirodiscus speciosus - Page: 208
Orphan Windowseed - Page: 208
Osteospermum dentatum - Page: 208
Chrysanthemoides incana - Page: 208
Bobbejaanklimop - Page: 210
Othonno coronopifolia - Page: 210
Sea Babooncress - Page: 210
Oedera uniflora - Page: 210
Cineraria alchemilloides - Page: 210
Euryops multifidus - Page: 210
Othonno cylindrica - Page: 212
Senecio aloides - Page: 212
Senecio sarcoides - Page: 212
Senecio halimifolius - Page: 212
Senecio rosmarinifolius - Page: 212
Senecio pubigerus - Page: 212
Strandhongerblom - Page: 214
Poison Ragwort - Page: 214
Coastal Ragwort - Page: 214
Baboon Toes - Page: 214
Senecio foeniculoides - Page: 214
Senecio scapiflorus - Page: 214
Grey-leaved Wild Aster - Page: 216
Lesser Purple Ragwort - Page: 216
Purple Senecio - Page: 216
Corymbium villosum - Page: 216
Felicia hyssopifolia - Page: 216
Common Parachute Daisy - Page: 218
Cape Rain Daisy - Page: 218
Kingfisher Daisy - Page: 218
Blue-eyed Felicia - Page: 218
Dainty Felicia - Page: 218
Cape Weed - Page: 218
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 220
Sandveldgousblom - Page: 220
Sandveld Arctotis - Page: 220
Sea Pumpkin - Page: 220
Common Arctotis - Page: 220
Bush Arctotis - Page: 222
Beach Gazania - Page: 222
Silver Arctotis - Page: 222
Common Gazania - Page: 222
Arctotis candida - Page: 222
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