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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

South African Wild Flower Guide 12 Table Mountain National Park

Cover of South African Wild Flower Guide 12 Table Mountain National Park

Author: Terry Trinder-Smith

Illustrations: Mary Maytham Kidd and Fay Anderson

Number of pages: 314

Year published: 2006

Edition: 1st

Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa


ISBN: 1 874999 60 0

Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa

The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 12 Table Mountain National Park"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Table Mountain National Park - Page: 1
Bulrush - Page: 38
Mountain Cypress - Page: 38
Real Yellowwood - Page: 38
Cape Pondweed - Page: 38
Water Onion - Page: 38
Dune-slacked Hedge - Page: 40
White Arum Lily - Page: 40
Wandering Jew - Page: 40
Arrowgrass - Page: 40
Ficinia radiata - Page: 40
Baeometra uniflora - Page: 42
Slangkop - Page: 42
Wurmbea inusta - Page: 42
Wurmbea hiemalis - Page: 42
Androcymbium eucomoides - Page: 42
Greater Waterphlox - Page: 42
Spike Lily - Page: 42
Onixotis punctata - Page: 42
Trachyandra hirsutiflora - Page: 44
Cape Poker - Page: 44
Trachyandra ciliata - Page: 44
Trachyandra hispida - Page: 44
Trachyandra brachypoda - Page: 44
Trachyandra revoluta - Page: 46
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 46
Common Bulbine - Page: 46
Bulbine abyssinica - Page: 46
Eriospermum pumilum - Page: 48
Eriospermum lanceifolium - Page: 48
Eriospermum nanum - Page: 48
Caesia contorta - Page: 48
Bulbine favosa - Page: 48
Tulbaghia alliacea - Page: 48
Drimia exuviata - Page: 50
Ornithogalum flaccida - Page: 50
Drimia media - Page: 50
Satin Squill - Page: 50
Drimia minor - Page: 50
Drimia filifolia - Page: 50
Star of Bethlehem - Page: 52
Striped Chincherinchee - Page: 52
Ornithogalum imbricata - Page: 52
Ornithogalum fragrans - Page: 52
Ornithogalum schlechterianum - Page: 52
Rough Chincherichee - Page: 52
Cape Cowslip - Page: 54
Cape Cowslip - Page: 54
Sandviooltjie - Page: 54
Lachenalia corymbosa - Page: 54
Lachenalia reflexa - Page: 54
Green Violet - Page: 54
Lachenalia orchioides - Page: 54
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 56
Royal Butterfly Lily - Page: 56
Dilatris viscosa - Page: 56
Dilatris pillansii - Page: 56
April Fool - Page: 58
Asparagus lignosus - Page: 58
Asparagus scandens - Page: 58
Asparagus capensis - Page: 58
Wild Asparagus - Page: 58
Hessea cinnamomea - Page: 60
Candelabra Flower - Page: 60
Parasol Lily - Page: 60
Malgas Lily - Page: 62
Belladonna Lily - Page: 62
Guernsey Lily - Page: 64
Fire Lily - Page: 64
Strumaria spiralis - Page: 64
Kukumakranka - Page: 64
Strumaria tenella - Page: 64
Cape Agapanthus - Page: 66
Peacock Flower - Page: 66
Common Autumn Star - Page: 66
Cape Star - Page: 66
Pauridia minuta - Page: 66
Spiloxene minuta - Page: 66
Spiloxene alba - Page: 66
Spiloxene curculigoides - Page: 66
Greater Rush Iris - Page: 68
Fringed Aristea - Page: 68
Blue Ladys Hand - Page: 68
Aristea macrocarpa - Page: 68
Star-eyed Aristea - Page: 68
Aristea juncifolia - Page: 68
Moraea virgata - Page: 70
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 70
Waaiertjie - Page: 70
Moraea bellendenii - Page: 70
Yellow Cape Tulip - Page: 70
Red Cape Tulip - Page: 70
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 72
Edible Moraea - Page: 72
Vlei-uintjie - Page: 72
Moraea viscaria - Page: 72
Rush-leaved Moraea - Page: 72
Moraea tricuspidata - Page: 72
Moraea angusta - Page: 72
Edible Moraea - Page: 74
Moraea setifolia - Page: 74
Wire-stemmed Moraea - Page: 74
Moraea vegeta - Page: 74
Dwarf Moraea - Page: 74
Purple Watsonia - Page: 76
Needle-leaved Clockflower - Page: 76
Aas-uintjie - Page: 76
Sea Spider Iris - Page: 76
Moraea bituminosa - Page: 76
Table Mountain Watsonia - Page: 78
Summer Pipes (see 29056) - Page: 78
Red Watsonia - Page: 78
Lapeirousia corymbosa - Page: 78
Comb Flower - Page: 78
Ixia paniculata - Page: 80
Yellow Ixia - Page: 80
Dark-eyed Ixia - Page: 80
Sandveld Cabong - Page: 80
Buzz Ixia - Page: 80
Cape Buttercup - Page: 82
Summer Snakeflower (see 29065) - Page: 82
Cobra Lily - Page: 82
Lesser Reedpipe - Page: 82
Ixia monadelpha - Page: 82
Babiana ambigua - Page: 84
Babiana - Page: 84
Rats Tail Babiana - Page: 84
Common Snakeflower - Page: 84
Babiana villosula - Page: 84
Tritoniopsis dodii - Page: 84
Babiana tubulosa - Page: 84
Red Afrikaner - Page: 86
Blue Afrikaner - Page: 86
Cockscomb Gladiolus - Page: 86
Gladiolus bonaespei - Page: 86
Red Afrikaner - Page: 86
White Afrikaner - Page: 88
Vleipypie - Page: 88
Blue Pipe - Page: 88
Herfspypie (see 28957) - Page: 88
Little Painted Lady - Page: 90
Autumn Painted Lady - Page: 90
Gladiolus hyalinus - Page: 90
Gladiolus vigilans - Page: 90
Gladiolus ornatus - Page: 90
Gladiolus quadrangulus - Page: 90
Melasphaerula ramosa - Page: 92
Geissorhiza tenella - Page: 92
Geissorhiza brehmii - Page: 92
Wild Gladiolus - Page: 92
Blue Sequins (see 28951) - Page: 92
Geissorhiza juncea - Page: 92
Bontrokkie - Page: 94
Blue Romulea - Page: 94
Pink Romulea - Page: 94
Common Romulea - Page: 94
Yellow Romulea - Page: 94
Green Wood-orchid - Page: 96
Spider Orchid - Page: 96
Holothrix cernua - Page: 96
Holothrix villosa - Page: 96
Orange Satyr Orchid - Page: 98
Pink Satyrium - Page: 98
Satyrium candidum - Page: 98
Satyrium bracteatum - Page: 98
Satyrium bicorne - Page: 100
Yellow Disa (see 28918) - Page: 100
Satyrium rhynchanthum - Page: 100
Disa maculata - Page: 100
Disa vaginata - Page: 100
Monadenia bracteata - Page: 102
Disa filicornis - Page: 102
Disa rosea - Page: 102
Disa draconis - Page: 102
Disa salteri - Page: 102
Red Disa - Page: 104
Drip Disa - Page: 104
Disa reticulata - Page: 104
Disa uncinata - Page: 104
Cluster Disa - Page: 106
Vlei Disa - Page: 106
Disa atricapilla - Page: 106
Golden Orchid - Page: 106
Disa densiflora - Page: 106
Blue Disa (see 28916) - Page: 108
Disa purpurascens (see 28917) - Page: 108
Disa hians - Page: 108
Disa forficarua - Page: 108
Schizodium obliquum - Page: 108
Schizodium inflexum - Page: 108
Granny Bonnet - Page: 110
Broomrape Orchid - Page: 110
Ceratandra atrata - Page: 110
Pterygodium caffrum - Page: 110
Disperis villosa - Page: 110
Disperis paludosa - Page: 110
Pterygodium volucris - Page: 110
Cowled Friar - Page: 112
Eulophia aculeata - Page: 112
Pterygodium acutifolium - Page: 112
Acrolophia lamellata - Page: 112
Acrolophia bolusii - Page: 112
Wild Peperomia - Page: 114
Dune Waxberry - Page: 114
Liparis capensis - Page: 114
Eulophia tabularis - Page: 114
Morella quercifolia - Page: 114
Wild Almond - Page: 116
Fringed Pagoda-tree - Page: 116
Golden Spiderhead - Page: 116
Red-and-yellow Bottle brush - Page: 116
Red Bottle-brush - Page: 116
Serruria aemula - Page: 116
Common Sugarbush - Page: 118
King Protea - Page: 118
Greenhead Protea - Page: 118
Dwarf Green Protea - Page: 118
Serruria glomerata - Page: 118
Wagon Tree - Page: 120
Black-bearded Protea - Page: 120
Small Green Protea - Page: 120
Peach Protea - Page: 120
Brown-bearded Protea - Page: 120
Peninsula Conebush - Page: 122
Green Pincushion - Page: 122
Golden Conebush - Page: 122
Snake-stemmed Pincushion - Page: 122
Leucadendron floridum - Page: 122
Gold Tips - Page: 124
Common Silkypuff - Page: 124
Dune Conebush - Page: 124
Leucadendron levisanus - Page: 124
Acacia-leaf Conebush - Page: 124
Gold-tips - Page: 124
Viscum capense - Page: 126
Thesium scabrum - Page: 126
Tanninbush - Page: 126
Rootthug - Page: 126
Grubbia rosmarinifolia - Page: 126
Thesium funale - Page: 126
Thesium strictum - Page: 126
Thesium capitatum - Page: 126
Mouse-Bush - Page: 128
Persicaria decipiens - Page: 128
Burweed - Page: 128
Coastal Samphire - Page: 128
Rumex cordatus - Page: 128
Hydnora africana - Page: 128
Polygonum undulatum - Page: 128
Tetragonia fruticosa - Page: 130
Golden Dewbush - Page: 130
Pharnaceum lineare - Page: 130
Aizoon paniculatum - Page: 130
Aizoon sarmentosum - Page: 130
Adennogramma lichtensteiniana - Page: 130
Pharnaceum elongatum - Page: 130
Goslings - Page: 132
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 132
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 132
Breede River Erepsia - Page: 132
Ruschia macowanii - Page: 132
Erepsia dunensis - Page: 132
Ruschia sarmentosa - Page: 132
Noon Flower - Page: 134
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 134
Lampranthus emarginatus - Page: 134
Lampranthus filicaulis - Page: 134
Lampranthus reptans - Page: 134
Greater Sea-spurrey - Page: 136
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 136
Dianthus albens - Page: 136
Spergula arvensis - Page: 136
Silene cretica - Page: 136
Silene gallica - Page: 136
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 136
Travellers Joy - Page: 138
Cape Anemone (see 28873) - Page: 138
Knowltonia - Page: 138
Ranunculus muricatus - Page: 138
Ranunculus trichophyllus - Page: 138
Knowltonia capensis - Page: 138
Wild Radish - Page: 140
Black Stinkwood - Page: 140
Heliophila linearis - Page: 140
Crackerpod - Page: 140
Cassytha ciliolata - Page: 140
Fumaria muralis - Page: 140
Heliophila pusilla - Page: 140
Heliophila scoparia - Page: 140
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 142
Brachycarpaea juncea - Page: 142
Common Sunflax - Page: 142
Heliophila meyeri - Page: 142
Sundew - Page: 142
Little Sundew - Page: 142
Pigs Ears - Page: 144
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 144
Crassula dichotoma - Page: 144
Rooisuikerblom - Page: 144
Bladder Cell Stonecrop - Page: 144
Adromischus hemisphaericus - Page: 144
Crassula flava - Page: 144
Red Crassea - Page: 146
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 146
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 146
Crassula pellucida - Page: 146
Crassula natans - Page: 146
Concertina Plant - Page: 146
Crassula thunbergiana - Page: 146
Crassula capensis - Page: 146
Red Alder - Page: 148
Common Snowbush - Page: 148
Common Starheath - Page: 148
Redlegs - Page: 148
Audouinia capitata - Page: 148
Dods Staavia - Page: 148
Staavia glutinosa - Page: 148
Green-eyed Desert Primrose - Page: 150
Climbers Friend - Page: 150
Powderpuff Indigo - Page: 150
Fish Bean - Page: 150
Indigofera angustifolia - Page: 150
Cliffortia hirta - Page: 150
Cliffortia filifolia - Page: 150
Indigofera capillaris - Page: 150
Indigofera candolleana - Page: 152
Indigofera filiformis - Page: 152
Indigofera psoraloides - Page: 152
Indigofera mauritanica - Page: 152
Swartland Indigo - Page: 152
Indigofera glomerata - Page: 152
Thread-leaved Indigo - Page: 152
Cape Sweet Pea (see 28911) - Page: 154
Psoralea aculeata - Page: 154
Psoralea asarina - Page: 154
Rhynchosia capensis - Page: 154
Indigofera cytisoides - Page: 154
Sticky Tar Pea - Page: 154
Rhynchosia ferulifolia - Page: 154
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 156
Leafless Fountain-bush - Page: 156
Otholobium hirtum - Page: 156
Otholobium virgatum - Page: 156
Psoralea laxa - Page: 156
Lessertia capensis - Page: 156
Otholobium fruticans - Page: 156
True Sweet Pea - Page: 158
Cancer Bush - Page: 158
Lesser Bush Sweet Pea - Page: 158
Vicia benghalensis - Page: 158
Vicia sativa - Page: 158
Podalyria argentea - Page: 158
Mountain Dahlia (see 28978) - Page: 160
Pink Blossom Tree - Page: 160
Common Honeybush-tea - Page: 160
Liparia parva - Page: 160
Cyclopia galioides - Page: 160
Heart-leaved Gorse - Page: 162
Stekeltee - Page: 162
Common Widow Pea - Page: 162
Rafnia triflora - Page: 162
Spiny Aspalathus - Page: 162
Aspalathus aspalathoides - Page: 162
Aspalathus angustifolia - Page: 162
Mauve Gorse - Page: 164
Aspalathus capitata - Page: 164
Golden Head Cape Gorse - Page: 164
Aspalathus laricifolia - Page: 164
Aspalathus sericea - Page: 164
Aspalathus araneosa - Page: 164
Aspalathus tridentata - Page: 164
Aspalathus arida - Page: 166
Table Mountain Gorse - Page: 166
Table Mountain Gorse - Page: 166
Aspalathus astroites - Page: 166
Aspalathus carnosa - Page: 166
Aspalathus ternata - Page: 166
Aspalathus ciliaris - Page: 166
Cape Rattle-pod - Page: 168
Heather-leaved Gorse - Page: 168
Genista monspessulana - Page: 168
Aspalathus cymbiformis - Page: 168
Aspalathus spinosa - Page: 168
Aspalathus divaricata - Page: 168
Lotononis umbellata - Page: 170
Lotononis prostrata - Page: 170
Lotononis fastigiata - Page: 170
Lotononis involucrata - Page: 170
Wiborgia obcordata - Page: 172
Cats Tail Ganna - Page: 172
Blue Pea Bush - Page: 172
Silver Pea - Page: 172
Persblom - Page: 172
Carpet Geranium - Page: 174
Pelargonium myrrhifolium - Page: 174
Pelargonium hirtum - Page: 174
Geranium molle - Page: 174
Monsonia emarginata - Page: 174
Erodium moschatum - Page: 174
Pelargonium myrrhifolium - Page: 176
Coastal Pelargonium - Page: 176
Lesser Storks Bill - Page: 176
Broad-leaved Storks Bill - Page: 176
Kanferblaar - Page: 178
Clove-scented Storks Bill - Page: 178
Pelargonium rapaceum - Page: 178
Pelargonium althaeoides - Page: 178
Pelargonium pinnatum - Page: 178
Hooded-leaf Pelargonium - Page: 180
Pelargonium longifolium - Page: 180
Pelargonium tabulare - Page: 180
Thread-leaved Sorrel - Page: 182
Oxalis tomentosa - Page: 182
Sugarstick Sorrel - Page: 182
Oxalis monophylla - Page: 182
Oxalis glabra - Page: 182
Oxalis caprina - Page: 182
Oxalis compressa - Page: 182
Oxalis eckloniana - Page: 182
Pink Sorrel - Page: 184
Golden Sorrel - Page: 184
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 184
Oxalis hirta - Page: 184
Creeping Ladys Sorrel - Page: 184
Oxalis livida - Page: 184
Oxalis punctata - Page: 184
Oxalis natans - Page: 184
Oxalis bifida - Page: 184
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 186
Common Sorrel - Page: 186
Oxalis multicaulis - Page: 186
Oxalis lanata - Page: 186
Oxalis incarnata - Page: 186
Oxalis commutata - Page: 186
Common Devils Thorn - Page: 188
Linum africanum - Page: 188
Linum thunbergii - Page: 188
Zygophyllum sessilifolium - Page: 188
Zygophyllum flexuosum - Page: 188
Zygophyllum spinosum - Page: 188
Linum quadrifolium - Page: 188
China Flower Bush - Page: 190
China Flower - Page: 190
Diosma oppositifolia - Page: 190
White Confetti Bush - Page: 190
Agathosma ciliata - Page: 190
Grey Pin Buchu - Page: 190
Wild Buchu - Page: 190
Hairy-leaved Buchu - Page: 190
Agathosma serpyllacea - Page: 190
September Bush - Page: 192
Spiny Purple Gorse - Page: 192
Nylandtia spinosa - Page: 192
Polygala recognita - Page: 192
Polygala bracteolata (see 29004) - Page: 192
Dainty Butterfly Bush - Page: 192
Muraltia ericoides - Page: 192
Warty-fruited Lightning Bush - Page: 194
Leidesia procumbens - Page: 194
Clutia alaternoides - Page: 194
Mercurialis annua - Page: 194
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 194
Clutia polygonoides - Page: 194
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 196
Willow Karee - Page: 196
Dune Currant - Page: 196
Real Wild Currant - Page: 196
Boknoors - Page: 196
Medusas Head - Page: 196
Euphorbia genistoides - Page: 196
Rhus rosmarinifolia - Page: 196
Euphorbia erythrina - Page: 196
Silky-bark - Page: 198
Cape Holly - Page: 198
Candlewood Tree - Page: 198
Rock False Candlewood - Page: 198
Common Spikethorn - Page: 198
False Spike-thorn - Page: 198
Cape Saffron - Page: 200
Bittersweet Cherry - Page: 200
Featherhead - Page: 200
Box Hard-leaf - Page: 200
Robsonodendron maritimum - Page: 200
Rock Phylica - Page: 200
Phylica imberbis - Page: 200
Dogface - Page: 200
Plumed Phylica - Page: 200
Common Forest Grape - Page: 202
Cross-berry Raisin - Page: 202
Dolls Rose - Page: 202
Pink Mallow (see 28874) - Page: 202
Bladder Hibiscus - Page: 202
Cape Hibiscus - Page: 202
Hermannia multiflora - Page: 202
Hermannia grossularifolia - Page: 202
Wild Peach - Page: 204
Furry Dolls Rose - Page: 204
Hermannia alnifolia - Page: 204
Pokkiesblom - Page: 204
Cape Fellwort - Page: 204
Stylapterus fruticulosus - Page: 204
Hermannia ternifolia - Page: 204
Sissies - Page: 204
Noughts and Crosses (see 27229) - Page: 204
Hard Pear - Page: 206
Awl Saffron Bush - Page: 206
Pine-leaved Saffronbush - Page: 206
Mountain Saffronbush - Page: 206
Buttonhole Saffronbush - Page: 206
Gnidia pinifolia - Page: 206
Lachnaea capitata - Page: 206
Greater Mountain Carnation - Page: 206
Lachnaea densiflora - Page: 206
Struthiola striata - Page: 208
Sweet Sprayflower - Page: 208
Whip-stemmed Featherhead - Page: 208
Centella tridentata - Page: 208
Apium inundatum - Page: 208
Lythrum hyssopifolia - Page: 208
Centella macrocarpa - Page: 208
Centella capensis - Page: 208
Ganna Bush - Page: 208
Foeniculum vulgare - Page: 208
True Tinderleaf - Page: 210
Itasina filifolia - Page: 210
Peucedanum ferulaceum - Page: 210
Torilis arvensis - Page: 210
Lichtensteinia lacera - Page: 210
Blisterbush - Page: 212
Assegaai - Page: 212
Sieketroos - Page: 212
Sonderina hispida - Page: 212
Mealie Heath - Page: 214
Nine-pin Heath - Page: 214
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 214
Honeysuckle Heath - Page: 214
Coat-hanger Heath - Page: 214
Red Heath - Page: 214
Erica brachialis - Page: 214
Honeysuckle Heath - Page: 216
Sticky Heath - Page: 216
Green Heath - Page: 216
Erica glutinosa - Page: 216
Bead Heath - Page: 216
Erica margaritacea - Page: 216
Rock Heath - Page: 216
Sticky Green Heath - Page: 216
Erica mollis - Page: 216
Erica subdivaricata - Page: 218
Nude Heath - Page: 218
Erica capitata - Page: 218
Erica curvirostris - Page: 218
Erica obliqua - Page: 218
Erica laeta - Page: 218
Erica palliiflora - Page: 218
Pink Hairy Heath - Page: 220
Erica spumosa - Page: 220
Erica oxycoccifolia - Page: 220
Berry Heath - Page: 220
Erica marifolia - Page: 220
Pink Rattle Heath - Page: 220
Blood Bell Heath - Page: 220
Erica crenata - Page: 220
Ker-ker (see 28933) - Page: 222
Erica bruniades - Page: 222
Yellow Rice Heath - Page: 222
Erica clavisepala - Page: 222
Erica hipidula - Page: 222
Erica planifolia - Page: 222
Erica pubescens - Page: 222
Erica calycina - Page: 222
Cape Tree Erica - Page: 224
Erica similis - Page: 224
Erica ericoides - Page: 224
Erica tenuis - Page: 224
Darktip Heath - Page: 224
Erica paniculata - Page: 224
Box Heath - Page: 224
Erica transparens - Page: 224
White Milkwood - Page: 226
Cape Myrtle - Page: 226
Bladder-nut - Page: 226
Dune Guarri - Page: 226
Samolus valerandi - Page: 226
Samolus porosus - Page: 226
Sea Lavender - Page: 226
Birds Eye - Page: 226
African Olive - Page: 228
Small Ironwood - Page: 228
Fine-leaved Ironwood - Page: 228
Chironia decumbens - Page: 228
Narrow-leaved Centaury - Page: 228
Christmas Berry - Page: 228
Sebaea albens - Page: 228
Cynanchium obtusifolium - Page: 230
Sebaea aurea - Page: 230
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 230
Sea Rose - Page: 230
Villarsia capensis - Page: 230
Cynanchum africanum - Page: 230
Sebaea ambigua - Page: 230
Gansiebos - Page: 232
Cotton Milkbush - Page: 232
Firecracker Vine - Page: 232
Cape Carrion Flower - Page: 232
Aspidoglossum heterophyllum - Page: 232
Eustegia minuta - Page: 232
Wild Dagga - Page: 234
Blue Rocket - Page: 234
Turquoise Bush Bugloss - Page: 234
White Carpet - Page: 234
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 234
African Stachys - Page: 234
Cuscuta nitida - Page: 234
Pink Stilbe - Page: 234
Convolvulus arvensis - Page: 234
Campylostachys cernua - Page: 234
Stachys arvensis - Page: 234
Red Sage - Page: 236
Kraal Honey-thorn - Page: 236
Sea Nightshade - Page: 236
Golden Sage (see 21355) - Page: 236
Blue Salvia - Page: 236
Snake-berry - Page: 236
Jerusalem Cherry - Page: 236
Common Yellowfaces - Page: 238
Nemesia versicolor - Page: 238
Slangappel - Page: 238
Dronkbessie - Page: 238
Bearded Nemesia - Page: 238
Nightshade - Page: 238
Solanum linnaeanum - Page: 238
Physalis peruviana - Page: 238
Diascia elongata - Page: 238
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 240
Nemesia versicolor - Page: 240
Lyperia tristis - Page: 240
Manulea tomentosa - Page: 240
Southern Purple Drumsticks - Page: 240
Nemesia macrocarpia - Page: 240
Manulea cheiranthus - Page: 240
Zaluzianskya divaricata - Page: 240
Hebenstretia repens - Page: 242
Mountain Lazybush - Page: 242
False Slugwort - Page: 242
Dune Cats Tail - Page: 242
Phyllopodium capillare - Page: 242
Drumsticks - Page: 242
Flat-topped Bitterbush - Page: 242
Sutera hispida - Page: 242
Selago spuria - Page: 244
Mudwort - Page: 244
Cats Tail Bush - Page: 244
Selago dregei - Page: 244
Selago quadrangularis - Page: 244
Chascanum cernuum - Page: 244
Selago fruticulosa - Page: 244
Red Broomrape - Page: 246
Orobanche ramosa - Page: 246
Yellow-throated Inkflower - Page: 246
Harveya squamosa - Page: 246
White Harveya - Page: 246
Harveya tubulosa - Page: 246
Common Turkey-Berry - Page: 248
Utricularia bisquamata - Page: 248
Australian Manatoka - Page: 248
Porcupine Potato - Page: 248
Pincushion - Page: 248
Zehneria scabra - Page: 248
Anthospermum galioides - Page: 248
Black-eyed Roella - Page: 250
White-eyed Roella - Page: 250
Wahlenbergia parvifolia - Page: 250
Wahlenbergia hispidula - Page: 250
Wahlenbergia procumbens - Page: 250
Roella prostrata - Page: 250
Roella muscosa - Page: 250
Roella amplexicaulis - Page: 250
Roella squarrosa - Page: 250
Roella decurrens - Page: 250
Dark-eyed Bellflower - Page: 252
Prismatocarpus fruticosus - Page: 252
Wahlenbergia subulata - Page: 252
Wahlenbergia tenella - Page: 252
Wahlenbergia obovata - Page: 252
Wahlenbergia cernua - Page: 252
Prismatocarpus sessilis - Page: 252
Wahlenbergia longifolia (see 29073) - Page: 252
Pansy Monopsis - Page: 254
Larkspur Baroe - Page: 254
Twining Baroe - Page: 254
Laurentia secunda - Page: 254
Cyphia digitata - Page: 254
Yellow Monopsis - Page: 254
Cyphia incisa - Page: 254
Lobelia anceps - Page: 256
Pine-leaved Lobelia - Page: 256
Lobelia setacea - Page: 256
Lobelia comosa - Page: 256
Summer Swallows - Page: 256
Wild Lobelia - Page: 256
Grammatoctheca bergiana - Page: 256
Camphor Bush - Page: 258
Dialstee - Page: 258
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 258
Common Arctotis - Page: 258
Varingblom - Page: 258
Taaigousblom - Page: 258
Rough Swordweed - Page: 258
Beach Gazania - Page: 260
Greater Berkheya - Page: 260
Holly-leaved Berkheya - Page: 260
Dune Daisy - Page: 260
Berkheya rigida - Page: 260
Cape Fire Arctotis (see 26579) - Page: 260
Shrubby Wireweed - Page: 262
Beach Gazania - Page: 262
Printzia polifolia - Page: 262
Cape Weed - Page: 262
Oedera imbricata - Page: 262
Oedera genistifolia - Page: 262
Athrixia crinita - Page: 262
Printzia aromatica - Page: 262
Oedera capensis (see 28993) - Page: 262
White Bristle Bush - Page: 264
Pink Everlasting - Page: 264
Slangbos - Page: 264
Metalasia cephalotes - Page: 264
Stoebe aethiopica - Page: 264
Disparago ericoides - Page: 264
Stoebe cinerea - Page: 264
Relhania fruticosa - Page: 264
Stoebe fusca - Page: 264
Stoebe capitata - Page: 264
Cape Snow - Page: 266
Helichrysum teretifolium - Page: 266
Pink Everlasting - Page: 266
Ash Flower - Page: 266
Syncarpha gnaphaloides - Page: 266
Helichrysum indicum - Page: 266
Helichrysum helianthemifolium - Page: 266
Brown-tipped Strawflower - Page: 266
Anaxeton - Page: 266
Fiddle-leaved Strawflower - Page: 268
Yellow Everlasting (see 28921) - Page: 268
Curly-leaved Strawflower - Page: 268
Trichogyne ambigua - Page: 268
Cape Rain Daisy - Page: 268
Pseudognaphalium undulatum - Page: 268
Plecostachys serpyllifolia - Page: 268
Gibbaria ilicifolia - Page: 268
Helichrysum spiralepis - Page: 268
Troglophyton capillaceum - Page: 268
Bush Tickberry - Page: 270
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 270
Tripteris dentata - Page: 270
Gorteria personata - Page: 270
Orphan Windowseed - Page: 270
Chrysanthemoides incana - Page: 270
Golden Cowcud - Page: 272
Mairia crenata - Page: 272
Amellus asteroides - Page: 272
Osteospermum polygaloides - Page: 272
Wild Aster - Page: 272
Orphan Windowseed - Page: 272
Nidorella foetida - Page: 272
Osteospermum spinosum - Page: 272
Pteronia hirsuta - Page: 272
Garden Felicia - Page: 274
Dainty Felicia - Page: 274
Bush Felicia - Page: 274
Blue-eyed Felicia - Page: 274
Shrubby Parachute-daisy - Page: 274
Felicia amoena - Page: 274
Common Parachute Daisy - Page: 274
Ursinia tenuifolia - Page: 274
Felicia cymbalariae - Page: 274
Mountain Daisy - Page: 276
Oncosiphon sabulosum - Page: 276
Salt Marsh Cotula - Page: 276
Common Klaaslouw Bush - Page: 276
Athanasia capitata - Page: 276
Thread-leaved Klaas Louw Bush - Page: 276
Cotula vulgaris - Page: 276
Athanasia dentata - Page: 276
Lasiospermum bipinnatum - Page: 276
Common Button Daisy - Page: 278
Wild Rosemary - Page: 278
Purple Senecio - Page: 278
Coastal Cineraria - Page: 278
Senecio pubigerus - Page: 278
Purple Senecio - Page: 278
Senecio pinifolius - Page: 278
Purple Mountain Groundsel - Page: 280
Coastal Ragwort - Page: 280
Lesser Purple Ragwort - Page: 280
Senecio crassulaefolius - Page: 280
Senecio bipinnatus - Page: 280
Rough Ragwort - Page: 280
Strandhongerblom - Page: 282
Bastergeelhongerblom - Page: 282
Coastal Ragwort - Page: 282
Poison Ragwort - Page: 282
Othonna digitata - Page: 282
Spikeleaf Ragwort - Page: 282
Senecio lineatus - Page: 282
Senecio hastatus - Page: 282
Yellowwood - Page: 284
Mountain Babooncress - Page: 284
Sea Babooncress - Page: 284
Senecio halimifolius - Page: 284
Othonna ciliata - Page: 284
Othonna stenophylla - Page: 284
Othonno coronopifolia - Page: 286
Bobbejaanklimop - Page: 286
Grey-leafed Euryops - Page: 286
Common Rosinbush (see 28942) - Page: 286
Othonna dentata - Page: 286
Othonna pinnata - Page: 286
Capelio tabularis - Page: 286


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