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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain and Silvermine

Cover of Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain and Silvermine

Authors: Hugh Clarke, Bruce Mackenzie and Corinne Merry

Number of pages: 119

Year published: 2013

Edition: 2nd

Published by: Struik Nature


ISBN: 978 1 77584 039 8

Web site: Struik Nature

The Wildebeest's Review of "Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Silvermine Nature Reserve - Page: 1
Table Mountain - Page: 1
Garden Felicia - Page: 26
Turquoise Bush Bugloss - Page: 26
Fringed Aristea - Page: 26
Pine-leaved Lobelia - Page: 27
Comb Flower - Page: 27
Blue Sequins (see 28951) - Page: 27
Blue Disa (see 28916) - Page: 28
Blue Sceptre - Page: 28
Smooth-leaved Bush Bugloss - Page: 28
Cape Agapanthus - Page: 29
Birds Eye - Page: 29
Babiana villosula - Page: 29
Babianas - Page: 30
Blue Rocket - Page: 30
Golden Orchid - Page: 30
Drip Disa - Page: 31
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 31
Blue Ladys Hand - Page: 31
Lilac Powderpuff - Page: 32
White-eyed Roella - Page: 32
Otholobium fruticans - Page: 32
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 33
Psoralea aculeata - Page: 33
Cape Blue Haze - Page: 33
Dark-eyed Bellflower - Page: 34
Common Sunflax - Page: 34
Table Mountain Plume Aster - Page: 34
Summer Swallows - Page: 35
Leafless Fountain-bush - Page: 35
Black-eyed Roella - Page: 35
True Sweet Pea - Page: 36
Pincushion - Page: 36
Blue Pea Bush - Page: 36
Bush Felicia - Page: 37
Bloodroot - Page: 37
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 37
Breede River Erepsia - Page: 38
Crassula pellucida - Page: 38
Rough Swordweed - Page: 38
Purple Senecio - Page: 39
Common Romulea - Page: 39
Sickleleaf Brightfig - Page: 39
September Bush - Page: 40
Spiny Purple Gorse - Page: 40
Dainty Butterfly Bush - Page: 40
Polygala bracteolata (see 29004) - Page: 41
Granny Bonnet - Page: 41
Thread-leaved Indigo - Page: 41
Greater Mountain Carnation - Page: 42
Persblom - Page: 42
Cape Fellwort - Page: 42
Nude Heath - Page: 43
Purple Senecio - Page: 43
Common Silkypuff - Page: 43
Hooded-leaf Pelargonium - Page: 44
Lesser Purple Ragwort - Page: 44
Pink Hairy Heath - Page: 44
Purple Watsonia - Page: 45
Sundew - Page: 45
Berry Heath - Page: 45
Yellow-throated Inkflower - Page: 46
Pink Rattle Heath - Page: 46
Red Watsonia - Page: 46
Pink Satyrium - Page: 47
Purple Inkflower - Page: 47
Thread-leaved Sorrel - Page: 47
Pink Blossom Tree - Page: 48
Coastal Pelargonium - Page: 48
Christmas Berry - Page: 48
Honeysuckle Heath - Page: 49
Darktip Heath - Page: 49
Bead Heath - Page: 49
Herfspypie (see 28957) - Page: 50
Pink Mallow (see 28874) - Page: 50
Hairy-leaved Buchu - Page: 50
King Protea - Page: 51
Parasol Lily - Page: 51
Belladonna Lily - Page: 51
Sissies - Page: 52
Fish Bean - Page: 52
Pink Sorrel - Page: 52
Buzz Ixia - Page: 53
Lessertia capensis - Page: 53
Cape Sweet Pea (see 28911) - Page: 53
Sea Spider Iris - Page: 54
Climbers Friend - Page: 54
Broad-leaved Storks Bill - Page: 54
Water Heath - Page: 55
Summer Snakeflower (see 29065) - Page: 55
Blood Bell Heath - Page: 55
Coat-hanger Heath - Page: 56
Fringed Pagoda-tree - Page: 56
Red Heath - Page: 56
Red Crassea - Page: 57
Red Disa - Page: 57
Red Broomrape - Page: 57
Guernsey Lily - Page: 58
Honeysuckle Heath - Page: 58
Cluster Disa - Page: 58
April Fool - Page: 59
Nine-pin Heath - Page: 59
April Fool - Page: 59
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 60
Cobra Lily - Page: 60
Ganna Bush - Page: 60
Rats Tail Babiana - Page: 61
Rock Heath - Page: 61
Fire Lily - Page: 61
Pigs Ears - Page: 62
Cancer Bush - Page: 62
Red Afrikaner - Page: 62
Honeysuckle Heath - Page: 63
Common Sugarbush - Page: 63
Brown-bearded Protea - Page: 63
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 64
Table Mountain Watsonia - Page: 64
Golden Sage (see 21355) - Page: 64
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 65
Wandering Jew - Page: 65
Autumn Painted Lady - Page: 65
Wild Dagga - Page: 66
Pincushion - Page: 66
Noughts and Crosses (see 27229) - Page: 66
Green Pincushion - Page: 67
Yellow Ixia - Page: 67
Mountain Dahlia (see 28978) - Page: 67
Sticky Tar Pea - Page: 68
Spiny Aspalathus - Page: 68
Cape Fire Arctotis (see 26579) - Page: 68
Golden Cowcud - Page: 69
Yellow-tipped Strawflower - Page: 69
Thread-leaved Klaas Louw Bush - Page: 69
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 70
Peacock Flower - Page: 70
Rush-leaved Moraea - Page: 70
Heart-leaved Gorse - Page: 71
Sprawling Bush Thistle - Page: 71
Holly-leaved Berkheya - Page: 71
Golden Head Cape Gorse - Page: 72
Common Honeybush-tea - Page: 72
Lesser Reedpipe - Page: 72
Mountain Babooncress - Page: 73
Cape Cowslip - Page: 73
Hairystalk Boneseed - Page: 73
Hikers Horror - Page: 74
Aas-uintjie - Page: 74
Common Sorrel - Page: 74
Grey-leafed Euryops - Page: 75
Silver Pea - Page: 75
Rough Ragwort - Page: 75
Common Rosinbush (see 28942) - Page: 76
Cape Weed - Page: 76
Common Bulbine - Page: 76
Bush Tickberry - Page: 77
Shrubby Parachute-daisy - Page: 77
Sea Babooncress - Page: 77
Gold-tips - Page: 78
Holly-leaved Kidneyseed - Page: 78
Coastal Cineraria - Page: 78
Buttonhole Saffronbush - Page: 79
Greater Rush Iris - Page: 79
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 79
Cape Hibiscus - Page: 80
Cape Bogbean - Page: 80
Yellow Rice Heath - Page: 80
Pokkiesblom - Page: 81
Wagon Tree - Page: 81
Polecat Strawflower - Page: 81
Cowled Friar - Page: 82
True Tinderleaf - Page: 82
Common Slime Lily - Page: 82
Blister Bush - Page: 83
Ruik-trewwa - Page: 83
Greenhead Protea - Page: 83
Awl Saffron Bush - Page: 84
Bladder Heath - Page: 84
Heather-leaved Gorse - Page: 84
Yellow Disa (see 28918) - Page: 85
Dwarf Green Protea - Page: 85
Sticky Green Heath - Page: 85
Peninsula Conebush - Page: 86
Knowltonia - Page: 86
Medusas Head - Page: 86
Black-bearded Protea - Page: 87
Cape Everlasting - Page: 87
Gansiebos - Page: 87
Brown Afrikaner - Page: 88
Cats Tail Bush - Page: 88
Rock Phylica - Page: 88
Dark-eyed Ixia - Page: 89
Flat-topped Bitterbush - Page: 89
Rough Chincherichee - Page: 89
Marsh Bulbinella - Page: 90
Silver Tree - Page: 90
Green Violet - Page: 90
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 91
White Bristle Bush - Page: 91
Anaxeton - Page: 91
White Afrikaner - Page: 92
The Mexican - Page: 92
China Flower - Page: 92
Cape Anemone (see 28873) - Page: 93
Larkspur Baroe - Page: 93
Crassula capensis - Page: 93
False Slugwort - Page: 94
Little Sundew - Page: 94
Wild Buchu - Page: 94
Carpet Geranium - Page: 95
Common Button Daisy - Page: 95
Helichrysum fruticans - Page: 95
Pelargonium myrrhifolium - Page: 96
Drumsticks - Page: 96
Yellow Romulea - Page: 96
Twining Baroe - Page: 97
Taaigousblom - Page: 97
Wild Rosemary - Page: 97
Mountain Saffronbush - Page: 98
Pine-leaved Saffronbush - Page: 98
Star-eyed Aristea - Page: 98
Mountain Lazybush - Page: 99
Star of Bethlehem - Page: 99
Moraea tricuspidata - Page: 99
Common Starheath - Page: 100
Wild Aster - Page: 100
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 100
Marsh Berzelia - Page: 101
Cape Snow - Page: 101
Erica calycina - Page: 101
White Confetti Bush - Page: 102
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 102
Common Brunia - Page: 102
Featherhead - Page: 103
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 103
Mountain Daisy - Page: 103
White Arum Lily - Page: 104
Grey Stilbe - Page: 104
Whip-stemmed Featherhead - Page: 104
Gold Tips - Page: 105
Bladder Hibiscus - Page: 105
Yellow Everlasting (see 28921) - Page: 105
Little Painted Lady - Page: 106
Skunk Bush - Page: 106
Wild Asparagus - Page: 106
Bladder Cell Stonecrop - Page: 107
Box Heath - Page: 107
Ker-ker (see 28933) - Page: 107
White Harveya - Page: 108
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 108
Grey Pin Buchu - Page: 108
Curly-leaved Strawflower - Page: 109
Ash Flower - Page: 109
Sticky Heath - Page: 109
Sweet Sprayflower - Page: 110
African Stachys - Page: 110
Dogface - Page: 110
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 111
Blombos - Page: 111
Strawberry Snakebush - Page: 111


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