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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

African Wildlife - Vol 40 No 3 - May/June 1986

Cover of African Wildlife - Vol 40 No 3 - May/June 1986

Pages: 77 - 127

Year published: 1986

Published by: The Wildlife Society of South Africa


Cover price: R2.50

Web site: WESSA

The Wildebeest's Review of "African Wildlife - Vol 40 No 3"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

The cover of this issue of African Wildlife features a small herd of Elephants trekking across the stark landscapes of the Kaokoveld in Namibia. The article on the Kaokoveld makes fascinating reading and describes how the Elephants and other large mammals cope in this harsh and environment and the threats that this region is facing.

I have to admit that I am a fan of Jackals and so I find it distressing to read how these animals are being poisoned to protect sheep and other stock. I like how Dr. Ledger, the author of the article, describes sheep as “being delicate wimpish creatures from faraway places, easily overpowered and consumed by the fierce wild animals of the African bush.” As mentioned, I like Jackals, but I am also partial to lamb chops, so I don’t know what the solution is.

There are other distressing articles including dairy cattle dying from poison and the ever-present threat of a nuclear disaster. A further article debates whether the populations of Cape Fur Seals or not.

All in all, this issue was somewhat depressing but that is the nature of conservation. You can’t stop fighting to protect the environment and its inhabitants.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Springbok - Page: 80
Bells Hinged Tortoise - Page: 84
Black-backed Jackal - Page: 85
Cape Fur Seal - Page: 100
Cape Fur Seal - Page: 103
Ayress Hawk-Eagle - Page: 110
Pilgrims Rest - Page: 131


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