What Flower is that? Spring

Author: Hazel Stokes
Number of pages: 76
Year published: 1968
Edition: 1st
Published by: Purnell & Sons (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd
Original price: R1.75
For more info: Wikipedia
The Wildebeest's Review of "What Flower is that? Spring"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Spider Orchid - Page: 1Star-eyed Aristea - Page: 1
Bobartia gladiata - Page: 2
Wandering Jew - Page: 2
Sundew - Page: 3
Twining Baroe - Page: 3
Large Brown Afrikaner - Page: 4
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 4
Polecat Strawflower - Page: 5
Wild Gladiolus - Page: 5
Green Ixia - Page: 6
Indigofera psoraloides - Page: 6
Wild Jasmine - Page: 7
Lachenalia orchioides - Page: 7
Golden Sage (see 21355) - Page: 8
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 8
Cape Fuchsia - Page: 8
Amellus asteroides - Page: 9
Antholyza ringens - Page: 9
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 10
Holly-leaved Berkheya - Page: 10
Goslings - Page: 11
Dune Daisy - Page: 11
Dune Gladiolus - Page: 12
White Carpet - Page: 12
Leafy-flowered Morning Glory - Page: 13
Linum africanum - Page: 13
Oxalis - Page: 14
Sea Rose - Page: 14
Ruschia macowanii - Page: 15
Pelargonium pulverulentum - Page: 15
Zaluzianskya maritima - Page: 16
Scabiosa albanensis - Page: 16
Aptosimum indivisum - Page: 17
Anacampseros telephiastrum - Page: 17
Karoo Arctotis - Page: 18
Spreading Bulbine - Page: 18
Cenia sericea - Page: 19
Cephalophyllum alstonii - Page: 19
Khaki-Button - Page: 20
Wild Aster - Page: 20
Common Gazania - Page: 21
Cape Fritillary - Page: 21
Blue Pipe - Page: 22
Bontrokkie - Page: 22
Early Ixia - Page: 23
Cape Jewels - Page: 23
Slangkop - Page: 24
Snake Flower - Page: 24
China Flower Bush - Page: 25
Cape Anemone (see 28873) - Page: 25
Baeometra uniflora - Page: 26
Poison Bulb - Page: 26
Granny Bonnet - Page: 27
Blue Sequins (see 28951) - Page: 27
Gladiolus hyalinus - Page: 28
Barberton Daisy - Page: 28
Begging Hand - Page: 29
Large White Inkflower - Page: 29
Lessertia capensis - Page: 30
Lasiosiphon anthylloides - Page: 30
Dwarf Moraea - Page: 31
Broadleaf Pentanisia - Page: 31
Thereianthus spicatus - Page: 32
Waspypie - Page: 32
Babiana - Page: 33
Brachycarpaea juncea - Page: 33
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 34
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 34
Blue-eyed Felicia - Page: 35
Cyanella orchidiformis - Page: 35
Namaqualand Daisy - Page: 36
Diascia namaquensis (see 15385) - Page: 36
Showy Sunflax - Page: 37
Grielum sinuatum - Page: 37
Fairy Pitcher - Page: 38
Lapeirousia silenoides - Page: 38
Monopsis campanulata - Page: 39
Namaqualand Beauty - Page: 39
Dark-eyed Bellflower - Page: 40
Tritonia scillaris - Page: 40
Cape Weed - Page: 41
Cotula duckitteae - Page: 41
Wine Cup - Page: 42
Disa purpurascens (see 28917) - Page: 42
Homeria bicolor - Page: 43
Start Flower - Page: 43
Common Sorrel - Page: 44
Peacock Moraea - Page: 44
Ground Pachycarpus - Page: 45
Wild Poppy - Page: 45
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 46
Common Romulea - Page: 46
Cape Buttercup - Page: 47
Schoenus radiatus - Page: 47
Tritonia lineata - Page: 48
Ursinia dentata - Page: 48
Wittamarak - Page: 49
Babiana tubiflora - Page: 49
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 50
Dianthus albens - Page: 50
Freesia gentilis - Page: 51
Echium plantagineum - Page: 51
Noon Flower - Page: 52
Ixia monadelpha - Page: 52
Cape Parasol-flower - Page: 53
Summer Swallows - Page: 53
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 54
Nemesia versicolor - Page: 54
Purple Senecio - Page: 55
Silene aethiopica - Page: 55
Southern Purple Drumsticks - Page: 56
Vauanthes dichotoma - Page: 56
Cape Pondweed - Page: 57
Mock Fire Lily - Page: 57
Ifafa Lily - Page: 58
Albany Vlei Lily - Page: 58
Dipidax triquetra - Page: 59
Dierama pendulum - Page: 59
Large Yellow Moraea - Page: 60
Gladiolus ornatus - Page: 60
Lotus Lily - Page: 61
Floating Heart - Page: 61
Small Pink Mushroom Flower - Page: 62
River Lily - Page: 62
Peacock Flower - Page: 63
Wild Garlic - Page: 63
Comptons Watsonia - Page: 64
Royal Butterfly Lily - Page: 64
Aristea schizolaena - Page: 65
Small Spider Angraecum - Page: 65
Bush Lily - Page: 66
Green Wood-orchid - Page: 66
Green-tipped Fire Lily - Page: 67
Dietes vegeta - Page: 67
Royal Paintbrush - Page: 68
Knowltonia capensis - Page: 68
Tree Orchid - Page: 69
Woodland Painted Petals - Page: 69
Zonal Pelargonium - Page: 70
Oxalis incarnata - Page: 70
Polystachya pubescens - Page: 71
Streptocarpus rexii - Page: 71
Sand Lily - Page: 72
Red Arum - Page: 72
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