South African Wild Flower Guide 10 Cederberg

Author: Gretel van Rooyen and Hester Steyn
Number of pages: 256
Year published: 1999
Edition: 1st
Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa
ISBN: 1 874999 19 8
Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa
The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 10 Cederberg"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Heerenlogement Cave - Page: 23Pakhuis Pass - Page: 24
Wuppertal - Page: 24
Clanwilliam Dam - Page: 24
Ramskop Nature Reserve - Page: 24
Clanwilliam Cedar Tree - Page: 32
Breede River Yellowwood - Page: 32
Scented Fern - Page: 32
Bracken - Page: 32
Riverbed Grass - Page: 34
Gha Grass - Page: 34
Common Ehrharta - Page: 34
Fountain Grass - Page: 34
Tassel Grass - Page: 34
Cymbopogon marginatus - Page: 34
Thimble Grass - Page: 36
Large Quaking Grass - Page: 36
Pentameris distichophylla - Page: 36
Stipa capensis - Page: 36
White Arum Lily - Page: 38
Cape Pondweed - Page: 38
Ficinia indica - Page: 38
Ficinia nigrescens - Page: 38
Staberoha aemula - Page: 40
Dovea macrocarpa - Page: 40
Askidiosperma nitidum - Page: 40
Ischyrolepis sieberi - Page: 40
Restio strobolifer - Page: 40
Thamnochortus platypteris - Page: 42
Cannamois virgata - Page: 42
Rhodocoma capensis - Page: 42
Cannamois congesta - Page: 42
Willdenowia incurvata - Page: 42
Wurmbea elongata - Page: 44
Cats Tail Bulbinella - Page: 44
Androcymbium ciliolatum - Page: 44
Wurmbea dolichantha - Page: 44
Bulbinella divaginata - Page: 44
Onixotis punctata - Page: 44
Marsh Bulbinella - Page: 46
Trachyandra falcata - Page: 46
Compass Plants - Page: 46
Bulbine torta - Page: 46
Bulbinella elata - Page: 46
Common Bulbine - Page: 46
Cape Poker - Page: 48
Aloe mitriformis (see A. Perfoliata) - Page: 48
Tulbaghia dregeana - Page: 48
Caesia contorta - Page: 48
Snake Flower - Page: 50
Satin Squill - Page: 50
Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum - Page: 50
Striped Chincherinchee - Page: 50
Greater Slime Lily - Page: 50
Ornithogalum conicum - Page: 50
Lachenalia violaces - Page: 52
Cape Cowslip - Page: 52
Tasselled Lachenalia - Page: 52
Lachenalia hirta - Page: 52
Lachenalia elegans - Page: 52
Lachenalia obscura - Page: 52
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 54
Pagoda Lily - Page: 54
Wachendorfia parviflora - Page: 54
Common Butterfly Lily - Page: 54
Guernsey Lily - Page: 56
April Fool - Page: 56
Strumaria watermeyeri - Page: 56
Crossyne flava - Page: 56
Candelabra Flower - Page: 58
Belladonna Lily - Page: 58
Fragrant Candelabra Lily - Page: 58
Brunsvigia minor - Page: 58
Cyrtanthus angustifolius - Page: 60
Namaqua River Lily - Page: 60
Gethyllis verticillata - Page: 60
Empodium namaquensis - Page: 60
Peacock Flower - Page: 62
Cyanella alba - Page: 62
Blue Ladys Hand - Page: 62
Cyanella orchidiformis - Page: 62
Cape Star - Page: 62
Spiloxene cuspidata - Page: 62
Romulea cruciata - Page: 64
Pink Romulea - Page: 64
Elephants Foot - Page: 64
Syringodea longituba - Page: 64
Common Romulea - Page: 66
Romulea luteoflora - Page: 66
Romulea toximontana - Page: 66
Romulea minutiflora - Page: 66
Romulea hirta - Page: 66
Romulea vinacea - Page: 66
Moraea maximiliani - Page: 68
Edible Moraea - Page: 68
Moraea macrocarpa - Page: 68
Galaxia ovata - Page: 68
Homeria miniata - Page: 70
Ferraria uncinata - Page: 70
Fleur-de-lys Moraea - Page: 70
Homeria bifida - Page: 70
Fringed Aristea - Page: 72
Geissorhiza leipoldtii - Page: 72
Bobartia rufa - Page: 72
Geissorhiza confusa - Page: 72
Ixia rapunculoides - Page: 74
Ixia paniculata - Page: 74
Ballerina Hesperantha - Page: 74
Hesperantha cucullata - Page: 74
Cape Buttercup - Page: 76
Greater Cobra Lily - Page: 76
Sparaxis variegata - Page: 76
Sparaxis auriculata - Page: 76
Wild Gladiolus - Page: 78
Babiana ecklonii - Page: 78
Babiana geniculata - Page: 78
Babiana sinuata - Page: 78
Gladiolus caryophyllaceus - Page: 80
Large Brown Afrikaner - Page: 80
Gladiolus orchidiflorus - Page: 80
Tulbagh Bell - Page: 80
Bright Bonnet - Page: 80
Lapeirousia fabricii - Page: 82
Common Snakeflower - Page: 82
Harlequin Cabong - Page: 82
Tritoniopsis nervosa - Page: 82
Lapeirousia divaricata - Page: 82
Marsh Combflower - Page: 82
Watsonia stokoei - Page: 84
Holothrix aspera - Page: 84
Satyrium bicorne - Page: 84
Watsonia vanderspuyae - Page: 84
Lilac Disa - Page: 86
Pink Satyr Orchid - Page: 86
Satyrium pumilum - Page: 86
Disa marlothii - Page: 86
Schizodium cornutum - Page: 86
Begging Hand - Page: 86
Red Disa - Page: 88
Corycium crispum - Page: 88
Corycium orobanchoides - Page: 88
Pterygodium pentherianum - Page: 88
Namaqua Fig - Page: 90
Wild Almond - Page: 90
Paranomus bracteolaris - Page: 90
Sorocephalus lanatus - Page: 90
Northern Spiderhead - Page: 92
Serruria aitonii - Page: 92
Serruria effusa - Page: 92
Serruria flava - Page: 92
Dwarf Green Protea - Page: 94
Serruria millefolia - Page: 94
Spatalla confusa - Page: 94
Spatalla incurva - Page: 94
Clanwilliam Protea - Page: 96
Snow Protea - Page: 96
Protea laevis - Page: 96
Protea acuminata - Page: 96
Queen Protea - Page: 98
Wagon Tree - Page: 98
Nodding Protea - Page: 98
Laurel-leaved Protea - Page: 98
Common Sugarbush - Page: 100
Water White Protea - Page: 100
Protea recondita - Page: 100
Protea piscina - Page: 100
Nardouw Fountain Pincushion - Page: 102
Arid Pincushion - Page: 102
Catherine Wheel Pincushion - Page: 102
Protea scolopendriifolia - Page: 102
Fire-wheel Pincushion - Page: 104
Silky-haired Showy Pincushion - Page: 104
Sandveld Pincushion - Page: 104
Cederberg Pincushion - Page: 104
Leucadendron nitidum - Page: 106
Leucadendron concavum - Page: 106
Leucadendron glaberrimum - Page: 106
Leucadendron dubium - Page: 106
Green-flowered Conebush - Page: 106
Gold Tips - Page: 108
Silky Conebush - Page: 108
Leucadendron spissifolium - Page: 108
Spinning-top Conebush - Page: 108
Cape Sumach - Page: 110
Candles - Page: 110
Coppicing Featherbush - Page: 110
Rumex lativalvus - Page: 112
Cytinus sanguineus - Page: 112
Atriplex lindleyi - Page: 112
Thesium strictum - Page: 112
Manochlamys albicans - Page: 114
Tetragonia fruticosa - Page: 114
Magenta Dewbush - Page: 114
Galenia africana - Page: 114
Tetragonia hirta - Page: 114
Adenogramma glomerata - Page: 114
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 116
Roadside Dewflower - Page: 116
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 116
Aridaria noctiflora - Page: 116
Heliophila arenaria - Page: 118
Cape Anemone (see 28873) - Page: 118
Lampranthus cedarbergensis - Page: 118
Cassytha ciliolata - Page: 118
Natal Worm Bush - Page: 120
Showy Sunflax - Page: 120
Brachycarpaea juncea - Page: 120
Heliophila carnosa - Page: 120
Pigs Ears - Page: 122
Poppy-flowered Sundew - Page: 122
Common Butterbush - Page: 122
Roridula dentata - Page: 122
Crassula brevifolia - Page: 124
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 124
Crassula atropurpurea - Page: 124
Crassula alpestris - Page: 124
Crassula umbella - Page: 126
Crassula dejecta - Page: 126
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 126
Khaki-Button - Page: 126
Crassula strigosa - Page: 126
Crassula fallax - Page: 126
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 128
Lonchostoma pentandrum - Page: 128
Climbers Friend - Page: 128
Marsh Berzelia - Page: 128
Sweet Thorn - Page: 130
Green-eyed Desert Primrose - Page: 130
Podalyria pearsonii - Page: 130
Podalyria leipoldtii - Page: 130
Common Whistle-Bush - Page: 132
Lotononis hirsuta - Page: 132
Wiborgia tetraptera - Page: 132
Rafnia amplexicaulis - Page: 132
Rafnia spicata - Page: 132
Rafnia diffusa - Page: 132
Aspalathus acocksii - Page: 134
Aspalathus costulata - Page: 134
Aspalathus acuminata - Page: 134
Aspalathus cymbiformis - Page: 134
Rooibos Tea - Page: 136
Aspalathus galeata - Page: 136
Aspalathus perfoliata - Page: 136
Aspalathus hirta - Page: 136
Aspalathus triquetra - Page: 138
Indigofera amoena - Page: 138
Aspalathus spinescens - Page: 138
Aspalathus tridentata - Page: 138
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 140
Cancer Bush - Page: 140
River Indigo - Page: 140
Pelargonium coronopifolium - Page: 140
Pelargonium myrrhifolium - Page: 142
Pelargonium rapaceum - Page: 142
Pelargonium oreophilum - Page: 142
Magenta Storks Bill - Page: 142
Sandpaper-leaved Storks Bill - Page: 144
Clove-scented Storks Bill - Page: 144
Oxalis ambigua - Page: 144
Pelargonium tabulare - Page: 144
Pink Sorrel - Page: 146
Common Sorrel - Page: 146
Yellow-eyed Sorrel - Page: 146
Bobbejaanuintjie - Page: 146
Oxalis recticaulis - Page: 146
Oxalis livida - Page: 146
Cape Buchu - Page: 148
Long-leaved Buchu - Page: 148
Zygophyllum fulvum - Page: 148
Agathosma bifida - Page: 148
Agathosma spinescens - Page: 148
Adenandra marginata - Page: 148
Phyllosma capensis - Page: 150
Diosma ramosissima - Page: 150
Diosma acmaeophylla - Page: 150
Macrostylis squarrosa - Page: 150
Dainty Butterfly Bush - Page: 150
Acmadenia teretifolia - Page: 150
September Bush - Page: 152
Nylandtia spinosa - Page: 152
Spiny Purple Gorse - Page: 152
Muraltia alopecuroides - Page: 152
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 154
Clutia ericoides - Page: 154
Doringpol - Page: 154
Hyaena-poison - Page: 154
Rockwood - Page: 156
Euphorbia tuberculata - Page: 156
Rhus rimosa - Page: 156
Rhus dissecta - Page: 156
Rock False Candlewood - Page: 158
Cape Saffron - Page: 158
Kuni Bush - Page: 158
Rhus scytophylla - Page: 158
Sand Olive (see 27102) - Page: 160
Glossy Hard-leaf - Page: 160
Greater Turkeybush - Page: 160
Phylica barnardii - Page: 160
Needle Hard-leaf - Page: 162
Phylica rigidifolia - Page: 162
Phylica plumigera - Page: 162
Phylica pulchella - Page: 162
Purple Hermannia - Page: 164
Furry Dolls Rose - Page: 164
Gold Cups - Page: 164
Hermannia cuneifolia - Page: 164
Anisodontea bryonifolia - Page: 164
Hermannia muricata - Page: 164
Struthiola leptantha - Page: 166
Whip-stemmed Featherhead - Page: 166
Buttonhole Saffronbush - Page: 166
Saffraan - Page: 166
Lachnaea laniflora - Page: 168
Lachnaea filamentosa - Page: 168
Lachnaea naviculifolia - Page: 168
Lachnaea globulifera - Page: 168
Cape-gum - Page: 170
Passerina glomerata - Page: 170
Erica breviflora - Page: 170
Erica articularis - Page: 170
Erica cernua - Page: 172
Water Heath - Page: 172
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 172
Erica calycina - Page: 172
Daphne-flowered Heath - Page: 172
Erica cristiflora - Page: 172
Erica glabra - Page: 174
Erica involucrata - Page: 174
Erica haematosiphon - Page: 174
Erica inflata - Page: 174
Erica distorta - Page: 174
Erica leucanthera - Page: 174
Nine-pin Heath - Page: 176
Erica monsoniana - Page: 176
Erica parilis - Page: 176
Erica maderi - Page: 176
Nude Heath - Page: 176
Erica maximilianii - Page: 176
Coat-hanger Heath - Page: 178
Erica thunbergii - Page: 178
Erica senilis - Page: 178
Erica placentiflora - Page: 178
Erica totta - Page: 178
Erica rubens - Page: 178
Limonium sinuatum - Page: 180
Grisebachia parviflora - Page: 180
Grisebachia ciliaris - Page: 180
Erica verecunda - Page: 180
Honey Guarri - Page: 182
Lance-leaved Guarri - Page: 182
Fynbos Star-apple - Page: 182
Fire-sticks - Page: 182
African Olive - Page: 184
Painted Yellowwort - Page: 184
Narrow-leaved Centaury - Page: 184
Christmas Berry - Page: 184
Gansiebos - Page: 186
Cape Bindweed - Page: 186
Fairy Pitcher - Page: 186
Lobostemon laevigatus - Page: 186
Amsinckia menziesii - Page: 186
Lobostemon paniculiformis - Page: 186
Wild Dagga - Page: 188
Grey Stachys - Page: 188
Ballota africana - Page: 188
Lobostemon trichotomus - Page: 188
Kraal Honey-thorn - Page: 190
Red Sage - Page: 190
Soft Blue Sage - Page: 190
Alonsoa unilabiata - Page: 190
Long-eared Nemesia - Page: 192
Common Yellowfaces - Page: 192
Rock Tree-fuschia - Page: 192
Diascia veronicoides - Page: 192
Red Broomrape - Page: 194
Mountain Lazybush - Page: 194
Glossy Lilac Berry - Page: 194
Manulea paucibarbata (see 15504) - Page: 194
Manulea praeterita - Page: 194
Zaluzianskya divaricata - Page: 194
False Slugwort - Page: 196
Pseudoselago gracilis - Page: 196
Selago glutinosa - Page: 196
Microdon bracteatus - Page: 196
Common Slugwort - Page: 196
Pseudoselago similis - Page: 196
Galium capense - Page: 198
Anthospermum spathulatum - Page: 198
Justicia cuneata - Page: 198
Gosela eckloniana - Page: 198
Prismatocarpus diffusus - Page: 200
Wild Scabiosa - Page: 200
Prismatocarpus crispus - Page: 200
Prismatocarpus brevilobus (see 29007) - Page: 200
Twining Baroe - Page: 202
Greater Bellflower - Page: 202
Monopsis flava - Page: 202
Wahlenbergia oxyphylla - Page: 202
Wahlenbergia macrostachys - Page: 202
Wahlenbergia rubioides - Page: 202
Felicia dregei - Page: 204
Pteronia ciliata - Page: 204
Corymbium glabrum (see 28904) - Page: 204
Felicia dubia - Page: 204
Cape Silver-oak - Page: 206
Namaqualand Felicia - Page: 206
Wild Aster - Page: 206
Beesbossie - Page: 206
Chrysocoma longifolia - Page: 206
Felicia hirta - Page: 206
Pink Everlasting - Page: 208
Narrow-leaved Everlasting - Page: 208
Syncarpha dregeana - Page: 208
Syncarpha variegata - Page: 208
Polecat Strawflower - Page: 210
Helichrysum cylindrifolium - Page: 210
Edmondia sesamoides (see 15181) - Page: 210
Helichrysum moeserianum - Page: 210
Stoebe plumosa - Page: 212
Common Flowerbush - Page: 212
Metalasia fastigata - Page: 212
Stoebe capitata - Page: 212
Stoebe aethiopica - Page: 212
Elytropappus rhinocerotis - Page: 212
Rhynchopsidium pumilum - Page: 214
Shrubby Wireweed - Page: 214
Eriocephalus purpureus - Page: 214
Eriocephalus capitellatus - Page: 214
Eriocephalus paniculatus - Page: 214
Sandveld Rosemary - Page: 214
Lasiospermum erectum - Page: 216
Oedera squarrosa - Page: 216
Oedera sedifolia - Page: 216
Common Klaaslouw Bush - Page: 216
Grootstinkkruid - Page: 218
Coulter Bush - Page: 218
Salt Marsh Cotula - Page: 218
Cotula nudicaulis - Page: 218
Cotula microglossa - Page: 218
Lidbeckia quinqueloba - Page: 218
Lesser Purple Ragwort - Page: 220
Bastergeelhongerblom - Page: 220
Oncosiphon intermedium - Page: 220
Senecio scapiflorus - Page: 220
Giant Rosenbush - Page: 222
Rosinbush - Page: 222
Euryops thunbergii - Page: 222
Euryops wageneri - Page: 222
Euryops othonnoides - Page: 222
Othonno coronopifolia - Page: 224
Othonno parviflora - Page: 224
Yellowwood - Page: 224
Othonna cacaloides - Page: 224
Large Bietou - Page: 226
Snow Daisy (see 28909) - Page: 226
Namaqualand Daisy - Page: 226
Cape Rain Daisy - Page: 226
Bush Tickberry - Page: 228
Osteospermum rigidum - Page: 228
Orphan Windowseed - Page: 228
Winter Windowseed - Page: 228
Ursinia chrysanthemoides - Page: 230
Common Parachute Daisy - Page: 230
Grootbergmagriet - Page: 230
Glossy-eyed Parachute Daisy - Page: 230
Ursinia sericea - Page: 230
Ursinia nudicaulis - Page: 230
Cape Weed - Page: 232
Common Gazania - Page: 232
Tufted Arctotis - Page: 232
Beetle Daisy - Page: 232
Arctotis cuprea - Page: 232
Gorteria personata - Page: 232
Thorny Salad Bush - Page: 234
Holly-leaved Berkheya - Page: 234
Vaaldissel - Page: 234
Dune Daisy - Page: 234
Berkheya viscosa - Page: 234
Gazania serrata - Page: 234
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