Trees and Shrubs of the Witwatersrand

Author: Tree Society of Southern Africa
Number of pages: 309
Year published: 1974
Edition: 1st
Published by: Witwatersrand University Press
ISBN: 0 85494 236 X
Web site: Witspress
The Wildebeest's Review of "A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Wild Cotton - Page: 4Stamvrug - Page: 6
Bastard Shepherds Tree - Page: 8
Lavender Croton - Page: 10
Fire-sticks - Page: 12
Bluebush - Page: 14
Bladder-nut - Page: 16
Wild Apricot - Page: 18
Puzzle Bush - Page: 20
Boekenhout - Page: 22
Red-leaved Fig - Page: 24
Wonderboom - Page: 26
Large-leaved Rock Fig - Page: 28
Cape Holly - Page: 30
Wild Peach - Page: 32
Fluffy Seed Bush - Page: 34
Maytenus polyacantha - Page: 36
Transvaal Red Milkwood - Page: 38
Peeling Plane - Page: 40
Rock Tanninbush - Page: 42
Resin Tree - Page: 44
Jacket-plum - Page: 46
Common Hard-leaf - Page: 48
Cheesewood - Page: 50
Blue Plumbago - Page: 52
Soap Nettle - Page: 54
Sugarbush - Page: 56
Silver Sugarbush - Page: 58
Cluster-head Protea - Page: 60
Hedgehog Candlewood - Page: 62
Camphor Bush - Page: 64
Sour Plum - Page: 66
Forest False-nettle - Page: 72
Mountain Silver Oak - Page: 74
Cassine burkeana - Page: 76
White Stinkwood - Page: 78
Common Wild Pear - Page: 80
Velvet Raisin - Page: 82
Cross-berry Raisin - Page: 84
Spike-thorn Maytenus - Page: 86
Maytenus tenuispina - Page: 88
Koko Tree - Page: 90
Myrica serrata - Page: 92
Cape Myrtle - Page: 94
Magalies Ochna - Page: 96
Dogwood - Page: 98
Salix woodii - Page: 100
Thorn Pear - Page: 102
Tree Nettle - Page: 104
Buffalo-thorn - Page: 106
Common Poison-bush - Page: 112
Bush Violet - Page: 114
Red Ivory - Page: 116
False Olive - Page: 118
Cape Chestnut - Page: 120
Canthium mundianum - Page: 122
Velvet Rock Alder - Page: 122
Corky Turkey-berry - Page: 124
Forest Num-Num - Page: 126
River Bushwillow - Page: 128
Velvet Bushwillow - Page: 130
Pompon Tree - Page: 132
Blue Guarri - Page: 134
Wild Apricot - Page: 136
African Olive - Page: 138
Mountain Hard Pear - Page: 140
Stink-leaf Brides-bush - Page: 142
Flaky-bark Brides-bush - Page: 144
Grey-leaved Brides-bush - Page: 146
Scented-bells - Page: 148
Spiny Monkey Orange - Page: 150
Lesser Wild Medlar - Page: 152
Velvet Wild-medlar - Page: 154
Sagewood - Page: 160
Lemon Thorn - Page: 162
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 164
Common Wild Elder - Page: 166
Brachymeris athanasioides - Page: 172
Cliffortia linearifolia - Page: 174
Wild Aster - Page: 176
Helichrysum kraussii - Page: 178
Helichrysum splendidum - Page: 180
Macowania tenuifolia - Page: 182
Succulent Bush Senecio - Page: 184
Common Coral Tree - Page: 190
Bush-cherry - Page: 192
Psoralea polysticta - Page: 194
Baboon Grape - Page: 196
Nana-berry Karee - Page: 198
Rhus rigida - Page: 200
Karee - Page: 202
Mountain Karee - Page: 204
Rock Currant - Page: 206
Common Crow-Berry - Page: 208
Fire-thorn Karree - Page: 210
Blue Currant - Page: 212
Ferweelboontjie - Page: 214
Rubus rigidus - Page: 216
Mountain Cabbage Tree - Page: 222
Wild Seringa - Page: 228
Calpurnia intrusa - Page: 230
Fagara capensis - Page: 232
Wild Parsley - Page: 234
Indigofera melanadenia - Page: 236
Tree Grape - Page: 238
Oldwood - Page: 240
Cork Bush - Page: 242
Common Hook Thorn (Cat Thorn) - Page: 248
Candle-pod Thorn - Page: 250
Sweet Thorn - Page: 252
Scented-pod Thorn - Page: 254
Broadpod Robust Thorn (Ankle Thorn) - Page: 256
Paperbark Thorn - Page: 258
Umbrella Thorn - Page: 260
Sickle Bush - Page: 262
Elephant-root - Page: 264
Travellers Joy - Page: 270
Cryptolepis transvaalensis - Page: 272
Helinis integrifolius - Page: 274
Caustic Vine - Page: 276
Russet Secamone - Page: 278
Sphedamnocarpus galphimiifolius - Page: 280
Sphedamnocarpus pruriens - Page: 282
Loranthus rubromarginatus - Page: 288
Birdlime Bush - Page: 290
Viscum combreticola - Page: 292
Mistletoe - Page: 294
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