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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Contact The Wildebeest/Steven Herbert Projects

Afrikaans name: Kontak The Wildebeest

The Wildebeest

I would love to get some feedback about this site. I get quite a bit of good and, occasionally, bad feedback from people about specific pages but I appreciate it all and look forward to your message.

A lot of work has already been put in to get The Wildebeest to the size that it is and there is a lot more work that is required to get it to where I want it to be. Will it ever be complete? I don’t know!

Please note that I do not sell animals or plants and do not provide information on where they can be obtained!

To contact me please click the button below.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Steven Herbert Projectss

The Wildebeest is owned and operated by Steven Herbert Projects.

You can contact me in different ways, with the best way being via email.

Email: steven(@)bluegnu(.)co(.)za

Write to: Steven Herbert, 6657 Escamillo Street, Sevilla Estate, Monavoni, Centurion 0157, South Africa (NB. The postal service in South Africa is very unreliable so it is best to contact me via email).

Mobile: +27 (82)659 5585

Steven Herbert

See also: Steven Herbert Projects

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