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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Mandini / Mandeni

Afrikaans name: Mandini / Mandeni

Mandini shops

Mandini shopping centre

Photo © Steven Herbert


The town of Mandini, also known as Mandeni, is set on the north bank of the Thukela River about 10 km before the river reaches the sea. On the south bank of the river is the town of Tugela and the two towns are linked by two bridges. There are two explanations of how the town got its name. One implies that it got its name from some trees known locally as "munde trees" while the other refers to a word "eManzini" which means "at the water." There is an alternate spelling of Mandini spelt Mandeni.

A variety of factories are located in Mandini of which the biggest is the Sappi plant. This paper mill was established in 1945 and is the main employer in the area.

The work opportunities in the town attract a lot of labourers and this has given rise to a sprawling township, named Sundumbili, to the west of the town.

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Mandini houses


Photo © Steven Herbert

Mandini Baptist Church

Emmanuel Baptist Church

Photo © Steven Herbert

Mandini mosque

Mosque in Mandini

Photo © Steven Herbert

References and further reading

On Route - A region by region guide to South Africa - Author: B.P.J. Erasmus - Published: 1995 - Page: 142

On Route - Explore South Africa region by region - 3rd edition - Author: B.P.J. Erasmus - Published: 2014 - Page: 256

Conollys Guide to Southern Africa - 2nd edition - Author: Denis Conolly - Published: 1982 - Page: 210



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