Wildeperdehoek Pass
Afrikaans name: Wildeperdehoekpas

On top of Wildeperdehoek Pass
Photo © Johan van Zyl
Wildeperdehoek Pass is a short mountain pass in the Northern Cape. The pass was built between 1867 and 1869 by convicts. The road engineer was Patrick Fletcher. The pass was originally constructed for the transportation of copper from Springbok to the harbour at Hondeklipbaai.
The pass, which is in the Namaqua National Park, is less than 5 km long and rises 306 metres when travelling from the west.
The pass provides views over Namaqualand which are particularly beautiful when the spring flowers are in bloom.
Care should be exercised when travelling over this pass as sections of it have been washed away in recent years and these may, or may not, have been repaired. This is ironic seeing that it is a very dry region! This pass, which traversed on a gravel road, is not suitable for vehicles without high ground clearance.
By the way the Afrikaans name “wildeperdehoek” translates as “wild horses corner”. Are their wild horses there? You will have to go and have a look for yourself... If you see any let me know.
References and further reading
Wild Issue 36 - Author: - Published: 2016 - Page: 52Wild Issue 43 - Author: - Published: 2018 - Page: 14
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