Julia Skimmer dragonfly
Afrikaans name: Juliase Skepper
Julia Skimmer
Orthetrum julia
The male Julia Skimmer is a handsome dragonfly. It is around 45 mm in length with a wing-span of 70 mm. They are often found in thickets near water and this includes gardens and forests. They are active dragonflies and leave their favourite perch often to hunt prey or chase away intruders.
The Julia Skimmer is found across most of sub-Saharan Africa. It may be found over most of South Africa in suitable habitat. They are mainly found along the coast from Cape Town to northern KwaZulu-Natal as well as the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. There are scattered reports of them being found elsewhere in South Africa.
Close-up of this attractive dragonfly
Male and female Julia Skimmer have different colourations. The body of the male is predominantly a bluish gray colour while the female is more a brownish yellow.
References and further reading
Freshwater Life - Author: C. Griffiths, J. Day & M. Picker - Published: 2015 - Page: 164Insects of Southern Africa - 1st edition - Author: Clarke H. Scholtz and Erik Holm - Published: 1989 - Page: 86
Field Guide to Insects of South Africa - Author: Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths and Alan Weaving - Published: 0 - Page: 40
A Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of South Africa - Author: Warwick and Michele Tarboton - Published: 2015 - Page: 160
For more info: Dragonflies and Damselflies
Visit dragonflies.co.za for more information on the Julia Skimmer
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