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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Biyamiti River / Byamiti River

Afrikaans name: Biyamitirivier

Biyamiti River in Kruger National Park

Biyamiti River

Photo © Steven Herbert


The Biyamiti River rises in the south-western region of Kruger National Park near Pretoriuskop Camp. It flows eastwards until it joins the Crocodile River about 15 km west of Crocodile Bridge Camp. For most of its course it flows through "Mixed Bushwillow Woodlands" habitat. The habitat changes to "Thorn Thickets" just before it flows into the Crocodile River. The river does not flow all year round and it may be dry, or just a little stream, over winter.

For most of its course the river is not visible from any of the roads open to visitors. The S26 road, which follows the river in parts, is quite scenic and is, at times, quite rewarding as far as game viewing goes. A really great place for photographing waterbirds is where the S114 road crosses the river at the Biyamiti weir.

Biyamiti River in Kruger National Park

Photo © Steven Herbert

The Biyamiti Bushveld Camp is situated on its banks along the S139 road. This road is reserved for use by residents of this camp. The river also passes the Jock of the Bushveld Camp which is just west of the H3 tarred road.

What sightings have you had along the Biyamiti River?

References and further reading

For more info on Kruger National Park: SanParks


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