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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Ratel Pan, Kruger National Park

Afrikaans name: Ratelpan

Giraffe at Ratel Pan

A Giraffe at Ratel Pan in Kruger National Park

Photo © Steven Herbert


The area surrounding Ratel Pan is great for game viewing. Regular sightings are made of Elephant, Lion, Giraffe, Waterbuck and lots more. The pan doesn’t always have water in it but the Timbavati River, which is close by, attracts a lot of game to the area.

The vegetation in this area is known as Olifants Rugged Veld and the dominant trees are Thorny Cluster-leaf and Raisin Bush.

Ratel Pan is located on the S39 gravel road near the Timbavati Picnic Site. To reach Ratel Pan from Satara you take the H1-4 tar road heading north. Turn left onto the S127 dirt road after 16 km. When you reach the S39 turn right. You will then soon reach the pan.

Other things to do in the vicinity are to visit the Timbavati Picnic Site and the Ratel Pan Bird Hide.

By the way, Ratel is the Afrikaans name for Honey Badger, but it doesn't mean that you are likely to see one here!

What have you seen at Ratel Pan?

Impala at Ratel Pan

An Impala strolls past Ratel Pan

Photo © Steven Herbert

References and further reading

For more info on Kruger National Park: SanParks


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