What succulent is that?

Author: Hazel Stokes
Number of pages: 86
Year published: 1974
Edition: 1st
Published by: Purnell & Sons (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd
ISBN: 360 00170 X
Original price: R2.25
For more info: Wikipedia
The Wildebeest's Review of "What Succulent is that?"

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Some of the subjects in this publication
Caralluma gracilis - Page: 1Barbers Brachystelma - Page: 1
Caropegia sandersonii - Page: 4
Aasblom - Page: 4
Caralluma maculata - Page: 4
Duvalia compacta - Page: 5
Bitterghaap - Page: 6
Bitterghaap - Page: 6
Polished Star - Page: 6
Zebra Huernia - Page: 7
Piaranthus comptus - Page: 7
Bobbejaankambroo - Page: 8
Makghaap - Page: 8
Ghapie - Page: 9
Stapelia nobilis - Page: 9
Cotyledon macrantha - Page: 12
Berg Besie - Page: 12
Kleinplakkie - Page: 12
Pigs Ears - Page: 13
Skilpadkos - Page: 13
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 14
Crassula pellucida - Page: 14
Khaki-Button - Page: 14
Crassula portulacea - Page: 15
Pyramid Crassula - Page: 15
Yellow Crassula - Page: 16
Crassula setulosa - Page: 16
Concertina Plant - Page: 16
Red Crassula - Page: 17
White Lady - Page: 17
Vauanthes dichotoma - Page: 20
Othonna herrei - Page: 21
Othonna dentata - Page: 21
Sea Babooncress - Page: 21
Senecio longiflorus - Page: 22
Senecio fulgens - Page: 22
Woods Senecio - Page: 23
Baboon Toes - Page: 23
Senecio stapeliaformis - Page: 24
Pelargonium hirtum - Page: 25
Scarlet Storks Bill - Page: 25
Pelargonium echinatum - Page: 25
Pelargonium rapaceum - Page: 28
Namaqualand Beauty - Page: 28
Pelargonium longifolium - Page: 28
Pelargonium tetragonum - Page: 29
Sarcocaulon vanderrietiae - Page: 29
Cycad Euphorbia - Page: 30
Euphorbia bubalina - Page: 30
Lions Spoor - Page: 31
Steenbokmelkbos - Page: 31
Medusas Head - Page: 31
Euphorbia flanaganii - Page: 32
Euphorbia ferox - Page: 32
Euphorbia horrida - Page: 33
Euphorbia globosa - Page: 33
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 36
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 36
Suurnoors - Page: 36
Skilpadkos - Page: 37
Vegetable Football - Page: 37
Euphorbia tortirama - Page: 38
Klipmelkbossie - Page: 38
Climbing Aloe - Page: 39
Aloe albida - Page: 39
Fynbos Aloe - Page: 40
Aloe humilis - Page: 40
Aloe haemanthefolia - Page: 40
Aloe longistyla - Page: 41
Coral Aloe - Page: 41
Climbing Lily - Page: 44
Fence Aloe - Page: 44
Aloe thompsoniae - Page: 44
Haworthiopsis coarctata - Page: 45
Gasteria pillansi - Page: 45
Haworthia pilifera - Page: 46
Haworthia reticulata - Page: 46
Koedoekos - Page: 47
Horses Teeth - Page: 47
Aloinopsis spathulata - Page: 48
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 49
Coopers Ice Plant - Page: 52
Delosperma leendertziae - Page: 52
Visbekvygie - Page: 53
Gibbaeum dispar - Page: 53
Gibbaeum velutinum - Page: 54
Tooth-leaved Rock Vygie - Page: 55
Trichodiadema densum - Page: 56
Carruanthus caninus - Page: 60
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 60
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 61
Dinteranthus puberulus - Page: 61
Lampranthus formosus - Page: 62
Lampranthus spectabilis - Page: 63
Noon Flower - Page: 63
Orthopterum coeganum - Page: 64
Common Cone Plant - Page: 68
Acrodon bellidiflorus - Page: 68
Dewplant - Page: 69
Roadside Dewflower - Page: 69
Eberlanzia spinosa - Page: 70
Scarlet Dewflower - Page: 70
Faucaria tigrina - Page: 70
Stone Faces - Page: 71
Lithops bella - Page: 71
Meyerophytum tinctum - Page: 72
Lithops olivacea - Page: 72
Lithops meyeri - Page: 72
Brakveldvygie - Page: 73
Muiria hortonseae - Page: 73
Loogasbossie - Page: 74
Cephalophyllum procumbens - Page: 75
Buck-bay Vygie - Page: 76
Breede River Erepsia - Page: 76
Erepsia bracteata - Page: 77
Salad Mesemb - Page: 78
Brack Salad - Page: 79
Pleiospilos bolusii - Page: 80
Ruschia macowanii - Page: 80
Ruschia semidentata - Page: 81
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