The Gardener South Africa Magazine - July 2020

Number of pages: 72
Year published: 2020
Published by: Lonehill Trading (Pty) Ltd
ISBN: 9771810794007
Cover price: R44.00
Web site: The Gardener
The Wildebeest's Review of The Gardener SA Magazine - July 2020

So, what does this issue of The Gardener promise on its cover and what, in particular, is of interest to those South African gardeners who like to use indigenous plants as much as possible? I see mentions of Wild Dagga, Red-hot Pokers, Gazanias and more to keep us interested.
Page 4 features some notes on Leucadendrons and Serrurias, both of which are stunning indigenous flowers. Next up is an article on a stunning 2-acre garden from Krantzkloof in KZN. What a beautifully relaxing garden it is!
Next up are tips on paving stones and the ever-popular Petunias. I am always amazed at the new colour strains that Petunias are available in. The tree of the month is the Leucadendron argenteum which is sometimes called the Silver Tree. If you have a Fynbos Garden, or a garden in a Fynbos area, then you should have one of these trees. They are threatened in the wild but do well in our gardens.
The rest of the magazine is full of interesting tips, advice and other articles. Be sure to get hold of a copy soon.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Blushing Bride - Page: 4Serruria rosea - Page: 4
Bitter Aloe - Page: 12
Dwarf Coral Tree - Page: 12
Blue Waterlily - Page: 12
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 12
Coopers Aloe - Page: 12
Barleria albostellata - Page: 12
Curio cylindricus - Page: 12
Silver Tree - Page: 23
Wild Dagga - Page: 37
Mother-in-laws Tongue - Page: 48
Speckled Spur-flower - Page: 51
Pink Joy - Page: 51
Annual Blue Grass - Page: 68
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