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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Soldier Commodore

Afrikaans name: Bos-gesiggie

Soldier Commodore

Photo © Steven Herbert

Junonia terea

The Soldier Commodore is also known as the Soldier Pansy. Males have a wingspan of just over 50 mm and are slightly smaller than females who may have a wingspan of up to 60 mm.

The Soldier Commodore is found across a large portion of Africa. It occurs from Senegal to southern Sudan and Ethiopia and south to the northern parts of South Africa.

This species may be found in clearings and along forest edges up to an altitude of around 1200m. They can often be seen sunning themselves in damp areas.

References and further reading

Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa - 2nd edition - Author: Steve Woodhall - Published: 2020 - Page: 142

Ivor Migdolls Field Guide to the Butterflies of Southern Africa - Author: Ivor Migdoll - Published: 1987 - Page: 171

Whats That Butterfly - Author: Steve Woodhall - Published: 2008 - Page: 909

Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa - 1st edition - Author: Steve Woodhall - Published: 2005 - Page: 136

Butterfly Gardening in South Africa - Author: Jill Reid - Published: 2000 - Page: 48

Butterfly Gardening in South Africa - Author: Jill Reid - Published: 2000 - Page: 72

Butterflies of the Kruger National Park - Author: Johan Kloppers and the late Dr. G. Van Son - Published: 1978 - Page: 73

Butterflies of Southern Africa - A field guide - Author: Mark Williams - Published: 1994 - Page: 77

For more info: De Wets Wild


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