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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Butterflies of Southern Africa - A field Guide

Cover of Butterflies of Southern Africa - A field Guide

Author: Mark Williams

Number of pages: 303

Year published: 1994

Edition: 1st

Published by: Southern Book Publishers (Pty) Ltd


ISBN: 1 86812 516 5

Website: Further publications from Southern Book Publishers

The Wildebeest's Review of "Butterflies of Southern Africa"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Mocker Swallowtail - Page: 25
White-banded Swallowtail - Page: 26
Citrus Swallowtail - Page: 27
Narrow Green-banded Swallowtail - Page: 28
Emperor Swallowtail - Page: 28
Angola White Lady - Page: 30
Veined Swordtail - Page: 31
Large Striped Swordtail - Page: 31
Zebra White - Page: 34
False Dotted Border - Page: 35
Forest Caper White - Page: 36
Pioneer Caper White - Page: 37
African Caper White - Page: 37
African Veined White - Page: 38
African Ant-heap White - Page: 39
Small Ant-heap White - Page: 40
Sulphur Ant-heap White - Page: 41
Diverse Albatross White - Page: 42
African Wood White - Page: 43
Southern Meadow White - Page: 43
Autumn-leaf Vagrant - Page: 45
Vine-leaf Vagrant - Page: 45
Large Vagrant - Page: 46
Cambridge Vagrant - Page: 47
Southern Veined Arab - Page: 49
Queen Purple Tip - Page: 49
Scarlet Tip - Page: 50
Sulphur Orange Tip - Page: 51
Red Tip - Page: 52
Speckled Sulphur Tip - Page: 53
African Orange Tip - Page: 53
Southern Round-winged Orange Tip - Page: 54
Small Orange Tip - Page: 55
Banded Gold Tip - Page: 56
Lemon Traveller - Page: 56
Eastern Dotted Border - Page: 58
Twin Dotted Border - Page: 59
Sulphur Dotted Border - Page: 60
African Clouded Yellow - Page: 61
African Migrant - Page: 62
Broad-bordered Grass Yellow - Page: 63
African Leopard - Page: 66
Blotched Leopard - Page: 67
Long-tailed Admiral - Page: 68
Painted Lady - Page: 69
Garden Inspector - Page: 71
African Leaf Butterfly - Page: 72
Marsh Commodore - Page: 73
Southern Gaudy Commodore - Page: 74
Yellow Pansy - Page: 75
Dark Blue Pansy - Page: 76
Soldier Pansy - Page: 77
African Blue Pansy - Page: 77
Brown Pansy - Page: 78
Pirate - Page: 79
Common Mother-of-Pearl - Page: 80
Common Diadem - Page: 82
Variable Diadem - Page: 83
Pied Piper - Page: 84
Golden Piper - Page: 85
Spotted Joker - Page: 86
African Joker - Page: 87
Boisduvals Tree Nymph - Page: 88
Bronze Tree Nymph - Page: 89
Spotted Sailer - Page: 90
Common Barred Sailer - Page: 91
Boisduvals False Acraea - Page: 92
False Chief - Page: 93
Battling Glider - Page: 95
Gold-banded Forester - Page: 96
Guineafowl - Page: 97
Pearl Charaxes - Page: 99
Green-veined Charaxes - Page: 100
Flame-bordered Charaxes - Page: 100
Foxy Charaxes - Page: 101
White-barred Charaxes - Page: 102
Forest-king Charaxes - Page: 103
Club-tailed Charaxes - Page: 104
Pearl-spotted Charaxes - Page: 105
Bushveld Charaxes - Page: 106
Satyr Charaxes - Page: 107
Demon Charaxes - Page: 108
Van Sons Charaxes - Page: 109
Blue-spangled Charaxes - Page: 110
Forest Queen - Page: 111
Dark Wanderer - Page: 113
Garden Acraea - Page: 114
Dusky-veined Telchinia - Page: 115
Wandering Donkey Acraea - Page: 115
Marsh Telchinia - Page: 116
Orange Telchinia - Page: 117
Small Orange Acraea - Page: 117
Yellow-banded Telchinia - Page: 118
Dusky Telchinia - Page: 119
Black-based Acraea - Page: 120
White-barred Telchinia - Page: 120
Black-tipped Acraea - Page: 121
Window Acraea - Page: 122
Little Acraea - Page: 122
Clear-spotted Acraea - Page: 123
Acara Acraea - Page: 124
Broad-bordered Acraea - Page: 125
Light Red Acraea - Page: 125
Blood-red Acraea - Page: 126
Polka Dot - Page: 127
Common Evening Brown - Page: 129
Black-haired Bush Brown - Page: 131
Marsh Patroller - Page: 132
Rainforest Dull Brown - Page: 133
Savanna Large Ringlet - Page: 134
Drakensberg Brown - Page: 135
Orange Lined Ringlet - Page: 135
False Silver-bottom Brown - Page: 136
Spotted-eye Small Ringlet - Page: 137
Western Hillside Brown - Page: 138
Table Mountain Beauty - Page: 139
Bush Beauty - Page: 140
Cape Autumn Widow - Page: 141
Midlands Widow - Page: 142
Golden Gate Veined Widow - Page: 143
Spring Widow - Page: 144
Pondo Shadefly - Page: 145
Dark-webbed Ringlet - Page: 147
Impure Three-ring - Page: 147
African Plain Tiger - Page: 149
Novice - Page: 151
Friar - Page: 151
Chief - Page: 152
African Snout - Page: 154
Yellow Zulu - Page: 159
Spotted Buff - Page: 160
Natal Mottled Buff - Page: 161
Amakosa Rocksitter - Page: 162
Common Woolly Legs - Page: 164
Boland Skolly - Page: 166
Knysna Skolly - Page: 167
Basuto Skolly - Page: 168
Common Fig-tree Blue - Page: 170
Hutchinsons High-flier - Page: 172
Natal Bar - Page: 173
Silvery Silverline - Page: 174
Eastern Scarlet - Page: 175
Silver Arrowhead - Page: 176
Warrior Silver-spotted Copper - Page: 178
Roodepoort Copper - Page: 179
Silvery Russet - Page: 180
Dusky Russet - Page: 181
Yellow Russet - Page: 182
Damara Russet - Page: 182
Karoo Daisy Copper - Page: 183
Lydenburg Opal - Page: 185
Water Opal - Page: 185
Thysbe Opal - Page: 186
Dark Opal - Page: 187
Silver-spotted Grey - Page: 188
Southern Sapphire - Page: 190
Bowkers Marbled Sapphire - Page: 190
Protea Sapphire - Page: 191
Saffron Sapphire - Page: 192
Mimosa Sapphire - Page: 193
Azure Hairstreak - Page: 194
Purple-brown Hairstreak - Page: 194
Tailed Black-eye - Page: 196
Plain Black-eye - Page: 197
Apricot Playboy - Page: 198
Orange-barred Playboy - Page: 199
Brown Playboy - Page: 200
Orange-banded Protea - Page: 202
Eastern Sorrel Copper - Page: 203
Steel-blue Ciliate Blue - Page: 205
Black-striped Ciliate Blue - Page: 206
Pale Ciliate Blue - Page: 207
Trimens Ciliate Blue - Page: 208
Black Heart - Page: 209
Bush Bronze - Page: 210
Common Geranium Bronze - Page: 211
Hintza Pierrot - Page: 212
Black Pie - Page: 213
Dotted Pierrot - Page: 214
Vivid Pierrot - Page: 215
Common Zebra Blue - Page: 216
Pea Blue - Page: 217
African Glass Blue - Page: 218
Dusky Line Blue - Page: 218
Tiny Grass Blue - Page: 219
Rayed Blue - Page: 220
Grass Jewel Blue - Page: 221
Dwarf Blue - Page: 221
Variable Giant Cupid - Page: 223
Potchefstroom Giant Cupid - Page: 224
Koppie Giant Cupid - Page: 225
Twin-spot Giant Cupid - Page: 226
Patrician Giant Cupid - Page: 227
Restless Cupid - Page: 228
Grey Smoky Blue - Page: 229
Sabi Smoky Blue - Page: 230
Meadow Blue - Page: 231
Cupreous Ash Blue - Page: 232
Topaz Babul Blue - Page: 233
Velvet-spotted Babul Blue - Page: 233
Striped Policeman - Page: 236
Large Flat - Page: 237
Clouded Flat - Page: 239
Marieps Dark Flat - Page: 240
Small Marbled Elf - Page: 241
Small Elfin - Page: 242
Buff-tipped Skipper - Page: 244
White-cloaked Skipper - Page: 244
Spotted Velvet Skipper - Page: 245
Star Sandman - Page: 246
Common Sandman - Page: 247
Green-marbled Skipper - Page: 248
Karoo Dancer - Page: 249
Gold-spotted Sylph - Page: 250
Netted Sylph - Page: 251
Dismal Sylph - Page: 252
Fulvous Ranger - Page: 253
Freckled Ranger - Page: 254
White-streaked Ranger - Page: 255
Chequered Ranger - Page: 256
Pale Ranger - Page: 257
Morants Orange - Page: 258
Mackens Dart - Page: 259
Strelitzia Night-fighter - Page: 260
Bush Night-fighter - Page: 261
Peppered Hopper - Page: 262
Orange-spotted Hopper - Page: 263
White-branded Swift - Page: 264
Olive-haired Swift - Page: 265
Common Hottentot Skipper - Page: 266


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