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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Didima Resort

Afrikaans name: Didima Oord

Didima Resort

Didima Resort in the Drakensburg mountains

Photo © Steven Herbert


Didima Resort is situated near Cathedral Peak in the Drakensberg Mountains. It is about 45 km away from Winterton.

The chalets at Didima are based on the design of the temporary dwellings that were used by the San people thousands of years ago. Didima has a restaurant and bar. There is also a camp site nearby.

The surrounding area is great for hiking and there are a number of caves that may be booked. If you are lucky you may see mammals such as Caracal, Genets, Grey Rhebuck and others. The bird checklist for the area is around 170 species.

Didima Resort is managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlfe.

I think Didima is a great place to visit. Do you agree?

References and further reading

Caravan & Outdoor Life - Issue 665 - Author: - Published: 2017 - Page: 5

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife


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