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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa


Afrikaans name: Rosetta

Rosetta in the KZN Midlands

Rosetta in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands

Photo © Steven Herbert


Rosetta is a small village nestled between Nottingham Road and Mooi River.

It forms part of the Midlands Meander and has a number of interesting shops, places to eat and accommodation. The countryside surrounding Rosetta is lush rolling grasslands.

The Drakensberg Mountains are a short drive from the town. The village is situated along the Mooi River, and the surrounding area offers good trout and bass fishing.

Rosetta is linked to the intriguing story of Elizabeth Klarer who claimed to have encountered an alien spaceship in the area. She reported numerous meetings with the aliens as well as flying to their planet. Her most startling claim was that she had an intimate with one of the aliens, named Akon, and she conceived a child.

Have you visited this quiet little country village? Share your experience of it.

References and further reading

On Route - Explore South Africa region by region - 3rd edition - Author: B.P.J. Erasmus - Published: 2014 - Page: 237

On Route - A region by region guide to South Africa - Author: B.P.J. Erasmus - Published: 1995 - Page: 133

Country Life - Issue 226 - Author: - Published: 2015 - Page: 22

Country Life - Issue 226 - Author: - Published: 2015 - Page: 77


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