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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Lowveld Chestnut

Afrikaans name: Laeveld kastaiing

Leaves of the Lowveld Chestnut

Leaves of the Lowveld Chestnut tree

Photo © Steven Herbert

Sterculia murex

The Lowveld Chestnut is a tree that grows to a height of 6 to 12 metres. It prefers areas with good drainage and a relatively high rainfall.

It gets large fruits that are up to 30 cm in diameter. Inside the shell are large seeds and hairs that can sting you on contact.

The seeds of the Lowveld Chestnut are eaten by Chacma Baboons. The wood of the tree is not particularly useful to man. The Lowveld Chestnut can be grown from seed although it takes some time for germination to occur. Once the seed is germinated growth is quite fast. It is a good tree to plant in your garden in suitable areas.

Bark of the Lowveld Chestnut

Bark of the Lowveld Chestnut tree

Photo © Steven Herbert

The Lowveld Chestnut favours rocky hillsides.

References and further reading

Whats that Tree? - Author: Eugene Moll - Published: 2011 - Page: 124

What Tree is That? - Author: Hazel Stokes - Published: 1967 - Page: 41

Trees of Southern Africa - 3rd edition - Author: Keith Coates Palgrave - Published: 2002 - Page: 715

Sixty-six Transvaal Trees - Author: B de Winter, M de Winter & D Killick - Published: 1996 - Page: 114

Field Guide to the Trees of the Kruger National Park - 5th edition - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 2008 - Page: 162

Piet van Wyks Field Guide to the Trees of the Kruger National Park - 1st edition - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 1988 - Page: 162

SA Wild Flower Guide No 4 - Transvaal Lowveld - Author: Jo Onderstall - Published: 1984 - Page: 132

A site-by-site guide to trees in the Kruger National Park - Author: Marissa Greeff - Published: 2017 - Page: 118

A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa - Revised - Author: E. Palmer - Published: 1983 - Page: 238

For more info: SANBI


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