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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

South African Wild Flower Guide 4 Transvaal Lowveld and Escarpment

Cover of South African Wild Flower Guide 4 Transvaal Lowveld and Escarpment

Author: Jo Onderstall

Number of pages: 222

Year published: 1984

Edition: 1st

Published by: Botanical Society of South Africa


ISBN: 0 620 07749 2

Web site: Botanical Society of South Africa

The Wildebeest's Review of "South African Wild Flower Guide 4 Transvaal Lowveld and Escarpment"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Common Tree Fern - Page: 28
Modjadji Cycad - Page: 28
Real Yellowwood - Page: 28
Kaapsehoop Cycad - Page: 28
Wild Date Palm - Page: 30
Bulrush - Page: 30
Hyphaene natalensis - Page: 30
Acute Reed - Page: 30
Cyperus obtusiflorus - Page: 32
Dwarf Sedge - Page: 32
Cyperus distans - Page: 32
Cyperus immensus - Page: 32
White Arum Lily - Page: 34
Water Hyacinth - Page: 34
Red Arum - Page: 34
Gonatopus angustus - Page: 34
River Pipewort - Page: 36
Wandering Jew - Page: 36
Dolls Powder-Puff - Page: 36
Commelina modesta - Page: 36
Pyjama Flower - Page: 38
Flame Lily - Page: 38
Giant Anthericum - Page: 38
Butter Lily - Page: 38
Common Marsh Poker - Page: 40
Small White Albuca - Page: 40
Kniphofia multiflora - Page: 40
Drooping Agapanthus - Page: 40
Krantz Aloe - Page: 42
Aloe boylei - Page: 42
Bobbejaanstertaalwyn - Page: 42
Barberton Aloe - Page: 42
Mountain Aloe - Page: 44
Poker Grass Aloe - Page: 44
Nelspruit Rock Aloe - Page: 44
Aloe sessiliflora - Page: 44
Ornithogalum seineri - Page: 46
Chinkerinchee - Page: 46
Ledebouria floribunda - Page: 46
Gifbolletjie - Page: 46
Wild Squill - Page: 48
Common Pineapple Lily - Page: 48
Slender Pineapple Flower - Page: 48
White Squill - Page: 48
Smilax kraussiana - Page: 50
Dragon Plant - Page: 50
Mother-in-laws Tongue - Page: 50
Protasparagus angusticladus - Page: 50
Catherine Wheel - Page: 52
Blood Lily - Page: 52
Haemanthus hirsutus - Page: 52
Poison Bulb - Page: 52
Pink Candelabra Flower - Page: 54
Brunsvigia natalensis - Page: 54
Bush Lily - Page: 54
Transvaal Clivia - Page: 54
Sabie Lily - Page: 56
Fire Lily - Page: 56
Monkeys Tail - Page: 56
Galpins Cyrtanthus - Page: 56
Day Star - Page: 58
Forest Elephants Foot - Page: 58
Dioscorea quartiniana - Page: 58
Hypoxis obtusa - Page: 58
Falling Stars - Page: 60
Aristea woodii - Page: 60
Zig-zag Crocosmia - Page: 60
River Lily - Page: 60
Gladiolus ecklonii - Page: 62
Parrot Gladiolus - Page: 62
Gladiolus hollandii - Page: 62
Large Speckled Gladiolus - Page: 62
Yellow Watsonia - Page: 64
Gladiolus woodii - Page: 64
Transvaal Watsonia - Page: 64
Gladiolus varius - Page: 64
Habenaria epipactidea - Page: 66
Cynorkis kassneriana - Page: 66
Bonatea pulchella - Page: 66
Siphonochilus aethiopicus - Page: 66
Satyrium hallackii - Page: 68
Brachycorythis pleistophylla - Page: 68
Satyrium trinerve - Page: 68
Pink Candle Orchid - Page: 68
Disa nervosa - Page: 70
Herschelianthe baurii - Page: 70
Torch Orchid - Page: 70
Disa stachyoides - Page: 70
Leopard Orchid - Page: 72
Liparis bowkeri - Page: 72
Calanthe sylvatica - Page: 72
Eulophia foliosa - Page: 74
Vlei Orchid - Page: 74
Eulophia fridericii - Page: 74
Eulophia horsfallii - Page: 74
Eulophia streptopetala - Page: 76
Large Yellow Eulophia - Page: 76
Desert Orchid - Page: 76
Yellow Grass Orchid - Page: 76
Tree Orchid - Page: 78
Tree Orchid - Page: 78
Acampe praemorsa - Page: 78
Cyrtorchis praetermissa - Page: 78
Red-leaved Fig - Page: 80
Broom Cluster Fig - Page: 80
Sycamore Fig - Page: 80
Mountain Fig - Page: 82
Knobbly Fig - Page: 82
Large-leaved Rock Fig - Page: 82
Boekenhout - Page: 84
Broad-leaved Boekenhout - Page: 84
Sugarbush - Page: 84
Escarpment Beechwood - Page: 84
African White Sugarbush - Page: 86
Barberton Mountain Sugarbush - Page: 86
Blyde Protea - Page: 86
Escarpment Protea - Page: 88
Protea parvula - Page: 88
Silver Sugarbush - Page: 88
Tapinanthus forbesii - Page: 90
Krausss Mistletoe - Page: 90
Natal Mistletoe - Page: 90
Wood Flower - Page: 90
Oldwood - Page: 92
Travellers Joy - Page: 92
Rumex sagittatus - Page: 92
Nymphaea caerulea - Page: 92
Giant Crassula - Page: 94
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 94
White Lady - Page: 94
Crassula alba - Page: 94
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 96
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 96
Yellow Crassula - Page: 96
Crassula globularioides - Page: 96
Flame Thorn - Page: 98
Large-leaved Albizia - Page: 98
Knob Thorn - Page: 100
Red Thorn - Page: 100
Sweet Thorn - Page: 100
Scented-pod Thorn - Page: 100
Sickle Bush - Page: 102
Umbrella Acacia - Page: 102
Fever Tree - Page: 102
Paperbark Thorn - Page: 102
Weeping Boer Bean - Page: 104
Weeping Wattle - Page: 104
Pride-of-De-Kaap - Page: 104
Tylosema fassoglense - Page: 104
Eared Senna - Page: 106
Sjambok Pod - Page: 106
Red-wing - Page: 106
Tree Wisteria - Page: 108
Pearsonia cajanifolia - Page: 108
Pearsonia sessilifolia - Page: 108
Pearsonia aristata - Page: 108
Lucky Bean Creeper - Page: 110
Thorny-rope Flat-bean - Page: 110
Red Bush Indigo - Page: 110
Brazilian Glory Pea - Page: 110
Common Coral Tree - Page: 112
Broad-leaf Coral Tree - Page: 112
Apple-leaf (see 5426) - Page: 114
Kiaat - Page: 114
Round-leaved Teak - Page: 114
Shrubby Yellow Eriosema - Page: 116
Canavalia virosa - Page: 116
Hellfire Bean - Page: 116
Starburst Pelargonium - Page: 118
Cape Chestnut - Page: 118
Fleshy-leaved Pink Sorrel - Page: 118
Pelargonium lateripes - Page: 118
Copper-stem Corkwood - Page: 120
Paperbark Corkwood - Page: 120
Zebra-bark Corkwood - Page: 120
Satin-bark Corkwood - Page: 120
Natal Mahogany - Page: 122
Small Honeysuckle Tree - Page: 122
Persian Lilac - Page: 122
Sphedamnocarpus pruriens - Page: 124
Polygala hottentotta - Page: 124
Polygala albida - Page: 124
Purple Broom - Page: 124
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 126
Clutia monticola - Page: 126
Brooms and Brushes - Page: 126
Snow Berry - Page: 126
Transvaal Bottlebrush - Page: 128
Baobab - Page: 128
Stinging Hibiscus - Page: 128
Forest Impatiens - Page: 128
Common Wild Pear - Page: 130
Silver Dombeya - Page: 130
Natal Wild Pear - Page: 130
Star-chestnut - Page: 132
Lowveld Chestnut - Page: 132
Natal Plane - Page: 134
Curry Bush - Page: 134
Snuffbox Tree - Page: 134
Sonders Wild Begonia - Page: 136
Wild Orange Begonia - Page: 136
Finger-leaved Adenia - Page: 136
Dwarf Glory Bush - Page: 138
Transvaal Privet - Page: 138
Lesser Yellow-head - Page: 138
Gifbossie - Page: 138
Flame Creeper - Page: 140
Leadwood - Page: 140
Red Bushwillow - Page: 140
Weeping Bushwillow - Page: 142
Silver Clusterleaf - Page: 142
Large-fruited Bushwillow - Page: 142
Purplepod Clusterleaf - Page: 142
Carrot-tree - Page: 144
Jasminum stenolobum - Page: 144
Erica drakensbergensis - Page: 146
Red Hairy Heath - Page: 146
Erica woodii - Page: 146
Black Monkey-orange - Page: 148
Large-flowered Sebaea - Page: 148
Green Monkey Orange - Page: 148
Geelwateruintjie - Page: 148
Toad Tree - Page: 150
Round-leaved Poison-bush - Page: 150
Kudu Lily - Page: 152
Summer Impala Lily - Page: 152
Impala Lily - Page: 152
Bitterhout - Page: 154
False Gentian - Page: 154
Xysmalobium acerateoides - Page: 154
Pachycarpus transvaalensis - Page: 156
Fairy-bell Pachycarpus - Page: 156
Schizoglossum robustum - Page: 156
Pachycarpus validus - Page: 156
Milkweed - Page: 158
Caustic Vine - Page: 158
Asclepias velutina - Page: 158
Caropegia meyeri - Page: 160
Caropegia ampliata - Page: 160
Candle Vine - Page: 160
Caropegia racemosa - Page: 160
Porcupine Huernia - Page: 162
Leendertzs Carrion Flower - Page: 162
Brachystelma gracile - Page: 162
Giant Stapelia - Page: 162
Leafy-flowered Morning Glory - Page: 164
Wild Cotton - Page: 164
Coast Morning Glory - Page: 164
Turbina oblongata - Page: 164
Chocolate Bells - Page: 166
Broad-leaved Chascanum - Page: 166
Clerodendrum triphyllum - Page: 166
Common Lantana - Page: 166
Dark Blue Pycnostachys - Page: 168
Holmskioldia tettensis - Page: 168
Leonotis dysophylla - Page: 168
Rabdosia calycina - Page: 168
Forest Spur Flower - Page: 170
Money Plant - Page: 170
Misty Plume Bush - Page: 170
Bug Weed - Page: 172
Cats Whiskers - Page: 172
Wild Phlox - Page: 172
Hemizygia transvaalensis - Page: 172
Harveya huttonii - Page: 174
Large Pink Mushroom Flower - Page: 174
White Mushroom Flower - Page: 174
Large Mealie-witchweed - Page: 174
Pink Ground-bells - Page: 176
Large-flowered Climbing Foxglove - Page: 176
Hebenstretia dura - Page: 176
Tetraselago nelsonii - Page: 176
Sausage Tree - Page: 178
Jacaranda - Page: 178
Wild Foxglove - Page: 178
Streptocarpus cyaneus - Page: 180
Crimson Streptocarpus - Page: 180
Dicerocaryum zanguebarium - Page: 180
Streptocarpus galpinii - Page: 180
Ruellia patula - Page: 182
Bushveld Crossandra - Page: 182
Blepharis subvolubilis - Page: 182
Chaetacanthus burchellii - Page: 182
River Bells - Page: 184
Macrorungia longistrobus - Page: 184
Pink Ribbons - Page: 184
Ruttya ovata - Page: 184
Gardenia amoena - Page: 186
September Bells - Page: 186
Wild Pomegranate - Page: 186
Gardenia spatulifolia - Page: 186
Gland-leaf Brides-bush - Page: 188
Poison Brides Bush - Page: 188
Broadleaf Pentanisia - Page: 188
Small Brides Bush - Page: 188
Momordica foetida - Page: 190
Jelly Melon - Page: 190
Lagenaria mascarena - Page: 190
Cucumis anguria - Page: 190
Vernonia sutherlandii - Page: 192
Vernonia stipulacea - Page: 192
Mikania cordata - Page: 192
Lobelia decipiens - Page: 192
Pink Everlasting - Page: 194
Helichrysum acutatum - Page: 194
Sheeps Ears Everlasting - Page: 194
Helichrysum chionosphaerum - Page: 194
Helichrysum cooperi - Page: 196
Helichrysum mimetes - Page: 196
Helichrysum kraussii - Page: 196
Helichrysum reflexum - Page: 196
Zigzag-bush - Page: 198
Ox-eye Daisy - Page: 198
Bushmans Tea - Page: 198
Helichrysum setosum - Page: 198
Canary Creeper - Page: 200
Senecio pleistocephalus - Page: 200
Athanasia acerosa - Page: 200
Brachymeris bolusii - Page: 200
Osteospermum jucundum - Page: 202
False Gerbera - Page: 202
Common Gazania - Page: 202
Toy Sugarbush - Page: 202
Barberton Daisy - Page: 204
Grass-leaved Berkheya - Page: 204
Berkheya latifolia - Page: 204
Gerbera kraussii - Page: 204


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