Trees of Southern Africa
Author: Keith Coates Palgrave - revised by Meg Coates Palgrave
Number of pages: 1212
Year published: 2002
Edition: 3rd
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 978 1 86872 389 8
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of Trees of Southern Africa
Still to be done.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Forest Tree Fern - Page: 72Common Tree Fern - Page: 72
Waterberg Cycad - Page: 79
White-haired Cycad - Page: 80
Drakensberg Cycad - Page: 80
Heenans Cycad - Page: 80
Lydenburg Cycad - Page: 81
Kaapsehoop Cycad - Page: 81
Lebombo Cycad - Page: 82
Olifants River Cycad - Page: 82
Albany Cycad - Page: 82
Karoo Cycad - Page: 83
Thunbergs Cycad - Page: 83
Natal Giant Cycad - Page: 84
Kei Cycad - Page: 85
Modjadji Cycad - Page: 86
Woods Cycad - Page: 86
Jozini Cycad - Page: 86
Breede River Yellowwood - Page: 87
Henkels Yellowwood - Page: 88
Outeniqua Yellowwood (see 4298) - Page: 88
Real Yellowwood - Page: 89
Mountain Cypress - Page: 92
Clanwilliam Cedar Tree - Page: 92
Welwitschia - Page: 93
Willowmore Cedar - Page: 93
Drakensberg Bamboo - Page: 95
Wild Date Palm - Page: 97
Lala Palm - Page: 99
Southern Lala-palm - Page: 99
Borassus Palm - Page: 99
Raphia Palm - Page: 100
Pondo Palm - Page: 101
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 105
Graskop Aloe - Page: 105
Wylliespoort Aloe - Page: 106
Krantz Aloe - Page: 106
Cats-tail Aloe - Page: 107
Clanwilliam Aloe - Page: 107
Dolomite Aloe - Page: 108
Quiver Tree - Page: 108
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 109
Bitter Aloe - Page: 109
Mopane Aloe - Page: 110
Namaqua Aloe - Page: 110
Mountain Aloe - Page: 110
Giant Quiver-tree - Page: 111
Cape Kokerboom (see 14142) - Page: 112
French Aloe - Page: 112
Tilt-head Aloe - Page: 113
Bottle-brush Aloe - Page: 113
Maiden Quiver Tree - Page: 113
Strand Aloe - Page: 114
Lebombo Aloe - Page: 114
Small-leaved Dragon-tree - Page: 115
Large-leaved Dragon-tree - Page: 115
Wolkberg Dragon-tree - Page: 116
African Wild Banana - Page: 117
White Strelitzia - Page: 118
Transvaal Strelitzia - Page: 118
Coastal Strelitzia - Page: 119
Horsetail Tree - Page: 119
Wild Pepper - Page: 120
River Willow - Page: 121
Western Waxberry - Page: 123
Dune Waxberry - Page: 123
Broad-leaved Waxberry - Page: 124
Mountain Waxberry - Page: 124
Lance-leaved Waxberry - Page: 125
White Stinkwood - Page: 126
Natal Elm - Page: 127
Rough-leaved White-stinkwood - Page: 127
Pigeonwood Tree - Page: 128
Thorny Elm - Page: 128
African Mulberry - Page: 130
African Osage-orange - Page: 131
Urn-fig - Page: 132
Large-leaved Rock Fig - Page: 137
Pondo Fig - Page: 137
Swazi Fig - Page: 138
Natal Fig - Page: 138
Veld Fig - Page: 139
Sandpaper Fig - Page: 139
Namaqua Fig - Page: 140
Forest Fig - Page: 141
Mountain Fig - Page: 142
Poplar-leaved Fig - Page: 142
Red-leaved Fig - Page: 143
Laurel Rock Fig - Page: 143
Giant-leaved Fig - Page: 144
Natal Fig - Page: 145
Wild Rubber Fig - Page: 146
Natal Fig - Page: 146
Wonderboom - Page: 147
Knobbly Fig - Page: 148
Lowveld Fig - Page: 149
Sycamore Fig - Page: 150
Swamp Fig - Page: 151
Small-leaved Rock Fig - Page: 151
Quiver-leaf Fig - Page: 151
Water Fig - Page: 152
Climbing Nettle - Page: 154
Angola Tree Nettle - Page: 155
Soap Nettle - Page: 155
Mountain Nettle - Page: 155
Wild Almond - Page: 157
Kogelberg Pagoda-tree - Page: 158
Fringed Pagoda-tree - Page: 158
Broad-leaved Boekenhout - Page: 160
Escarpment Beechwood - Page: 160
Terblanz Beech - Page: 160
Boekenhout - Page: 161
Long-bud Protea - Page: 166
Sugarbush - Page: 167
Barberton Mountain Sugarbush - Page: 167
Serpentine Protea - Page: 168
Greenhead Protea - Page: 168
African White Sugarbush - Page: 169
Broad-leaved Protea - Page: 169
Hottentot White Protea - Page: 170
Blyde Protea - Page: 170
Clanwilliam Protea - Page: 170
Laurel-leaved Protea - Page: 171
Lance-leaved Protea - Page: 171
Strap-leaved Protea - Page: 172
Black-bearded Protea - Page: 172
Queen Protea - Page: 173
Forest White Sugarbush - Page: 173
Narrow-leaved Protea - Page: 174
Wagon Tree - Page: 174
Water White Protea - Page: 175
Limestone Protea - Page: 175
Common Sugarbush - Page: 176
Silver Sugarbush - Page: 176
Escarpment Protea - Page: 177
Krantz Protea - Page: 177
Cluster-head Protea - Page: 178
Stink-leaf Protea - Page: 178
Lip-flower Sugarbush - Page: 178
Green Pincushion - Page: 181
Catherine Wheel Pincushion - Page: 181
Wart-stemmed Pincushion - Page: 182
Silver-leaf Wheel Pincushion - Page: 182
Potberg Pincushion - Page: 182
Silver-edged Pincushion - Page: 183
Nardouw Fountain Pincushion - Page: 183
Kloof Fountain Pincushion - Page: 183
Outeniqua Tree Pincushion - Page: 183
Grey-leaved Fountain Pincushion - Page: 183
Mossel Bay Pincushion - Page: 183
Robinson Tree Pincushion - Page: 183
Sandveld Pincushion - Page: 184
Cederberg Pincushion - Page: 184
Silky-haired Showy Pincushion - Page: 185
Silver Tree - Page: 187
Piketberg Conebush - Page: 188
Dune Conebush - Page: 188
Garden Route Conebush - Page: 188
Erica-leaved Conebush - Page: 189
Gum-leaved Conebush - Page: 189
Leucadendron nobile - Page: 190
Worcester Conebush - Page: 190
Hairless Conebush - Page: 190
Loerie Conebush - Page: 190
Acacia-leaf Conebush - Page: 190
Ivory Conebush - Page: 191
Pondo Conebush - Page: 191
Silky Conebush - Page: 192
River Conebush - Page: 192
Spinning-top Conebush - Page: 192
Rourkes Conebush - Page: 192
Peninsula Conebush - Page: 193
Outeniqua Conebush - Page: 193
Rock Tanninbush - Page: 194
Tanninbush - Page: 194
Small Sourplum - Page: 195
Blue Sour Plum - Page: 196
Sour Plum - Page: 197
Salsola aphylla - Page: 198
False Bougainvillea - Page: 199
Salsola arborea - Page: 199
Brittle-thorn - Page: 200
Red Vygie-tree - Page: 200
Spekboom - Page: 201
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 202
Small Cluster-pear - Page: 203
Large Cluster-pear - Page: 204
River Dwababerry - Page: 205
Dwaba-berry - Page: 206
Baboons Breakfast - Page: 207
Kalahari Bitterwood - Page: 208
Large Hook-berry - Page: 209
Bushveld Bitterwood - Page: 209
Wild Custard Apple - Page: 210
Red Hook-berry - Page: 210
Green-apple - Page: 211
Lemonwood - Page: 212
Black Stinkwood - Page: 213
Transvaal Stinkwood - Page: 214
Blue-laurel - Page: 215
Tropical Wild-quince - Page: 216
Broad-leaved Wild-quince - Page: 216
Myrtle Quince - Page: 217
Mountain Wild-quince - Page: 217
Red Quince - Page: 218
Cape Quince - Page: 218
Natal Quince - Page: 218
Propeller Tree - Page: 219
Tonga-kierie - Page: 221
Four-finger Bush - Page: 221
Wild Caper Bush - Page: 222
Woolly Caper Bush - Page: 223
Bastard Shepherds Tree - Page: 224
Rough-leaved Shepherds-tree - Page: 225
Stinkbos - Page: 226
Sandveld Shepherds-tree - Page: 226
Kaoko Shepherds-tree - Page: 227
Broad-leaved Shepherds-tree - Page: 228
Shepherd Tree - Page: 228
Hairy Shepherds-tree - Page: 229
Natal Worm Bush - Page: 230
Kaoko Wormbush - Page: 231
Green-leaved Wormbush - Page: 231
Grey-leaved Wormbush - Page: 231
Bush-cherry - Page: 233
Beadbean - Page: 233
Natal Bush-cherry - Page: 234
River Bush-cherry - Page: 234
Forest Bush-cherry - Page: 235
Ringwood Bead-bean - Page: 236
Needle-leaved Bush-cherry - Page: 236
Cucumber Bush - Page: 237
Phantom-tree - Page: 237
Common Butterbush - Page: 238
Tree Crassula - Page: 239
Pink Joy - Page: 239
Wild Clove-bush - Page: 240
Cheesewood - Page: 241
False Dogwood - Page: 241
White Alder - Page: 242
Red Alder - Page: 243
Black Witch-hazel - Page: 244
White Witch-hazel - Page: 244
Oldwood - Page: 245
Splendid Witch-hazel - Page: 245
Tree Rice-bush - Page: 247
Starry Rice-bush - Page: 248
Large-leaved Rice-bush - Page: 248
Bitter Almond - Page: 249
Cone Rice-bush - Page: 249
Mobola Plum - Page: 250
Itch-pod - Page: 252
Short-pod - Page: 252
Flat Crown Albizia - Page: 256
Bitter False-Thorn - Page: 257
Purple-leaved Albizia - Page: 258
Worm Bark Albizia - Page: 258
Mountain False-thorn - Page: 259
Broad-pod False-thorn - Page: 259
Bushveld Albizia - Page: 260
Many-stemmed False-Thorn - Page: 261
Zulu False-thorn - Page: 262
Paperbark Albizia - Page: 262
Large-leaved Albizia - Page: 263
Sand Thorn - Page: 274
Sticky Thorn - Page: 275
Flame Thorn - Page: 275
Prickly Thorn - Page: 276
Black Monkey Thorn - Page: 276
Common Hook Thorn (Cat Thorn) - Page: 277
Corky-bark Thorn - Page: 277
Camel Thorn - Page: 278
Blue Thorn - Page: 279
Flaky-bark Thorn - Page: 280
Plate Thorn (Blade Thorn) - Page: 280
Red Thorn - Page: 281
Monkey Thorn - Page: 281
Horned Thorn - Page: 282
Small-leaf Purple-pod Thorn - Page: 282
Candle-pod Thorn - Page: 283
Grey Camel Thorn - Page: 283
Mountain Thorn (Arid Hook Thorn) - Page: 284
Sweet Thorn - Page: 284
Flood-plain Thorn - Page: 286
Dune Sweet Thorn - Page: 286
Kalahari Thorn (False Umbrella Thorn) - Page: 287
Coastal Climbing Thorn - Page: 287
Black Thorn (Hook Thorn) - Page: 289
Slender Mountain Thorn - Page: 289
Brandberg Thorn - Page: 290
Water Thorn - Page: 291
Pale-bark Sweet Thorn - Page: 291
Knob Thorn - Page: 292
Scented-pod Thorn - Page: 292
Slender Thor - Page: 293
White-stem Thorn - Page: 294
Red Umbrella Thorn - Page: 294
Hairy Sekhukune Thorn - Page: 295
Silky Thorn - Page: 295
Narrowpod Robust Thorn (Black Thorn) - Page: 296
Whip-stick Thorn - Page: 297
Broadpod Robust Thorn (Ankle Thorn) - Page: 297
River Climbing Thorn - Page: 298
Paperbark Thorn - Page: 299
Slender Three-hook Thorn - Page: 299
Bushy Three-hook Thorn - Page: 299
Swazi Thorn - Page: 300
Vlei Thorn - Page: 300
Umbrella Acacia - Page: 301
Turf Thorn - Page: 301
Delagoa Thorn - Page: 302
Fever Tree - Page: 303
Ana Tree - Page: 303
Sickle Bush - Page: 304
Scotsmans-rattle - Page: 305
Lebombo Wattle - Page: 306
Elephant-root - Page: 308
Sand-ash - Page: 308
Skew-leaved Elephant-root - Page: 309
Narrow-pod Elephant-root - Page: 309
Sea-bean - Page: 311
Small-pod Sea-bean - Page: 311
Spiny Splinter Bean - Page: 312
Ordeal-tree - Page: 314
Swazi Ordeal Tree - Page: 315
Wild Seringa - Page: 316
Mopane - Page: 317
Large False Mopane - Page: 318
Small False Mopane - Page: 319
Msasa - Page: 324
Karoo Boerbean - Page: 326
Weeping Boer Bean - Page: 327
Dwarf Boer Bean - Page: 327
Forest Boer Bean - Page: 328
Umtiza - Page: 328
Zambezi Teak - Page: 329
Tamarind - Page: 330
Pod Mahogany - Page: 331
Pride-of-De-Kaap - Page: 334
Kei White Bauhinia - Page: 334
Natal Bauhinia - Page: 335
Kalahari Bauhinia - Page: 335
Pink Bauhinia - Page: 336
Yellow Bell Orchid Tree - Page: 336
Butterflyleaf - Page: 337
Camels Foot - Page: 337
Kalahari Podberry - Page: 338
Sjambok Pod - Page: 339
Zulu Podberry - Page: 339
Eared Senna - Page: 341
Parkinsonia aculeata - Page: 342
Wild Green-hair Tree - Page: 342
Winter Senna - Page: 342
Red-wing - Page: 343
Bonduc - Page: 344
Gariep Plume-flower - Page: 344
Weeping Wattle - Page: 345
Snake Bean - Page: 351
Wild Mango - Page: 351
Nyala Tree - Page: 352
Coastal Bean Bush - Page: 353
Swazi Calpurnia - Page: 355
Natal Laburnum (see 29326) - Page: 355
Eastern Cape Calpurnia - Page: 355
Tree Wisteria - Page: 356
Free State Laburnum - Page: 356
Pink Keurboom - Page: 357
Pink Blossom Tree - Page: 358
Sand Camwood - Page: 359
Forest Camwood - Page: 359
Vlei Honeybush-tea - Page: 360
Common Honeybush-tea - Page: 360
True Sweet Pea - Page: 361
Honeybush Tea - Page: 361
Needle-leaved Honeybush-tea - Page: 361
Van Stadensburg Honeybush-tea - Page: 361
Honeybush-tea - Page: 361
Liparia genistoides - Page: 362
Liparia calycina - Page: 362
Liparia hirsuta - Page: 362
Liparia laevigata - Page: 362
Liparia rafnioides - Page: 363
Liparia myrtifolia - Page: 363
Silver Pea - Page: 363
Liparia vestita - Page: 363
Liparia umbellifera - Page: 363
Liparia racemosa - Page: 363
Silver Wing-pea - Page: 364
Silky Wing-pea - Page: 364
Giant Prickly-pea - Page: 365
Rooibos Tea - Page: 365
Cape Rattle-pod - Page: 366
River Indigo - Page: 368
Showy Indigo - Page: 368
Indigofera garckeana - Page: 368
Square-pod Indigo - Page: 368
Forest Indigo - Page: 369
Red Indigo - Page: 369
Velvet Indigo - Page: 370
Leafless Fountain-bush - Page: 371
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 371
Renosterbos Hookleaf-pea - Page: 372
Otholobium fumeum - Page: 373
Broad-leaved Hookleaf-pea - Page: 373
Northern Hookleaf-pea - Page: 373
Candle Hookleaf-pea - Page: 374
Grassland Hookleaf-pea - Page: 374
Kite Hookleaf-pea - Page: 374
Pondo Poison Pea - Page: 375
Cork Bush - Page: 376
Umzimbeet - Page: 377
Panga-panga - Page: 378
Sandforest Craibia - Page: 379
Grey River-bean - Page: 380
River Bean - Page: 381
Caterpillar Bush - Page: 382
Curled Caterpillar-pod - Page: 382
Knuckle-bean - Page: 383
Thorny-rope Flat-bean - Page: 385
Zebrawood - Page: 386
Zambezi Flat-bean - Page: 386
Hairy Flat-bean - Page: 387
Glossy Flat-bean - Page: 387
Climbing Flat-bean - Page: 388
Kiaat - Page: 389
Round-leaved Teak - Page: 391
Small-leaved Bloodwood - Page: 391
Small Apple-leaf - Page: 392
Apple-leaf (see 3693) - Page: 394
Forest Apple-leaf - Page: 394
Wingpod - Page: 395
Namib Coral Tree - Page: 398
Coast Coral Tree - Page: 398
Dwarf Coral Tree - Page: 399
Broad-leaf Coral Tree - Page: 399
Common Coral Tree - Page: 400
Rams-horns - Page: 401
Shaggy Bush - Page: 401
Kei Coca Tree - Page: 402
Natal Coca Tree - Page: 403
Common Coca Tree - Page: 404
Small-leaved Coca Tree - Page: 404
Zambezi Coca Tree - Page: 405
Forest Coca Tree - Page: 405
Single Green Thorn - Page: 406
Green Thorn - Page: 407
Small Green Thorn - Page: 407
Small Knobwood - Page: 409
Knobwood - Page: 410
Ovambo Knobwood - Page: 412
Sand Knobwood - Page: 412
Cape Chestnut - Page: 414
Twin-berry Tree - Page: 415
White Ironwood - Page: 416
Coastal White Ironwood - Page: 416
Bushveld White Ironwood - Page: 416
Climbing Orange - Page: 417
Wild Mandarin - Page: 418
Natal Cherry-orange - Page: 419
Zulu Cherry-orange - Page: 419
Teclea pilosa - Page: 420
Giant Cherry-orange - Page: 420
Horsewood - Page: 421
Wild-citron - Page: 422
White Seringa - Page: 423
Mountain Syringa - Page: 424
Kaoko Kirkia - Page: 424
Learge-leaved Corkwood - Page: 428
Hairy Corkwood - Page: 428
Sand Corkwood - Page: 429
Damara Corkwood - Page: 430
Namaqua Corkwood - Page: 430
Namib Corkwood - Page: 431
Kaoko Corkwood - Page: 431
Rough-leaved Corkwood - Page: 432
Common Commiphora - Page: 432
Blue-leaved Corkwood - Page: 433
Copper-stem Corkwood - Page: 433
Stink Corkwood - Page: 433
Feather-leaved Corkwood - Page: 434
Angular-stem Corkwood - Page: 434
Velvet-leaved Corkwood - Page: 435
Paperbark Corkwood - Page: 435
Pepper-leaved Corkwood - Page: 436
Purple-stem Corkwood - Page: 436
Nama Corkwood - Page: 437
Sweet-root Commiphora - Page: 437
Common Corkwood - Page: 438
Swakopmund Corkwood - Page: 438
Rock Corkwood - Page: 438
Glossy-leaved Corkwood - Page: 439
Dune Corkwood - Page: 439
Satin-bark Corkwood - Page: 440
Slender Corkwood - Page: 441
Zebra-bark-corkwood - Page: 441
Oak-leaved Corkwood - Page: 442
Forest Corkwood - Page: 442
Pongola Corkwood - Page: 443
Mountain Mahogany - Page: 445
Ovambo Wooden-banana - Page: 446
Chinese Lantern - Page: 447
Wild Honeysuckle Tree - Page: 449
Lowveld Honeysuckle-tree - Page: 449
Small Honeysuckle Tree - Page: 450
Zambezi Honeysuckle-tree - Page: 450
Cape Ash - Page: 452
Rock Essenhout - Page: 453
Natal Mahogany - Page: 454
Forest Natal Mahogany - Page: 454
False White Ash - Page: 455
Moth-fruit - Page: 456
September Bush - Page: 457
Violet Tree - Page: 458
Purple Broom - Page: 458
Tortoise Berry - Page: 459
Leaf-berry Tree - Page: 460
False Lightning Bush - Page: 467
Rock Coalwood - Page: 468
Stink Ebony - Page: 469
Coalwood - Page: 469
Kudu-berry - Page: 470
Wart-stem Whiteberry Bush - Page: 471
White-berry Bush - Page: 471
Mopane Potato Bush - Page: 475
Forest Potato Bush - Page: 475
Potato Bush - Page: 476
Forest Peacockberry - Page: 476
Water Ironplum - Page: 478
Fluted Drypetes - Page: 478
Stem-fruit Ironplum - Page: 479
Lowveld Ironplum - Page: 479
False Forest Ironplum - Page: 480
Red-heart Tree - Page: 481
Tassel-berry - Page: 482
Water Tassel-berry - Page: 482
Hyaena-poison - Page: 483
False Tamboti - Page: 488
Blue Sweetberry - Page: 489
Coastal Golden-leaf - Page: 490
Velvet Bridelia - Page: 490
Tender Sweetberry - Page: 491
Lebombo Ironwood - Page: 491
Lavender Croton - Page: 493
Limpopo Croton - Page: 495
Long-stalk Croton - Page: 495
Fever-berry - Page: 496
Rough-leaved Croton - Page: 496
Marsh Fever-berry - Page: 497
Lavender-leaved Croton - Page: 497
Forest Fever Berry - Page: 498
Natal Hickory - Page: 499
Common Bead-string - Page: 500
Northern Red-Berry - Page: 502
Prickly Red-berry - Page: 502
Zulu Bead-string - Page: 505
Lowveld Bead-string - Page: 506
Wild Poplar - Page: 508
Acalypha fruticosa - Page: 510
Forest False-nettle - Page: 510
Limpopo False-nettle - Page: 511
Thorny False-nettle - Page: 512
Large Lightning Bush - Page: 513
Warty-fruited Lightning Bush - Page: 514
Manketti - Page: 515
Common Canary-berry - Page: 516
Forest Canary-berry - Page: 516
Sand Canary-berry - Page: 517
Pepper-seed - Page: 518
Tamboti - Page: 519
Forest Pepper-seed - Page: 519
Jumping Seed Tree - Page: 521
Duiker-berry - Page: 522
Magic-nut - Page: 522
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 526
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 526
Kaoko Euphorbia - Page: 527
Peeling-bark Woody Euphorbia - Page: 527
Kei Euphorbia - Page: 527
Lowveld Euphorbia - Page: 528
Olifants River Euphorbia - Page: 528
Valley-bush Euphorbia - Page: 529
Paper-bark Woody Euphorbia - Page: 530
Granite Euphorbia - Page: 530
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 531
Swazi Euphorbia - Page: 531
Three-forked Euphorbia - Page: 532
Honey Euphorbia - Page: 533
Sekhukhune Euphorbia - Page: 533
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 534
River Euphorbia - Page: 534
Soutpansberg Euphorbia - Page: 535
Dead Mans Tree - Page: 536
Cape Box - Page: 537
Large-leaved Box - Page: 537
Marula - Page: 539
Wild Plum - Page: 540
Tree Grape - Page: 542
False Marula - Page: 543
Red Beech - Page: 545
Tarwood - Page: 546
Iron-martin - Page: 546
Pain-bush - Page: 547
Rockwood - Page: 548
Namaqua Resin Tree - Page: 550
Namibian Resin Tree - Page: 550
Green Resin Tree - Page: 550
Currant Resin Tree - Page: 551
White Resin Tree - Page: 551
Eastern Cape Resin Tree - Page: 552
Round-leaved Resin Tree - Page: 552
Nama Resin Tree - Page: 553
Gariep Resin Tree - Page: 553
Broad-leaved Resin Tree - Page: 553
Resin Tree - Page: 554
Currant Resin Tree - Page: 555
Willow Karee - Page: 565
Pondo Climbing Currant - Page: 565
Bramble Currant - Page: 566
Karoo Kuni-bush - Page: 566
Red Currant - Page: 567
Nana-berry Karee - Page: 567
Dune Crow-berry - Page: 567
Velvet Karee - Page: 568
Mountain Kuni-bush - Page: 568
Broom Current - Page: 569
Broom Karee - Page: 569
Blue Kuni-bush - Page: 570
River Karee - Page: 570
Rub-rub Currant - Page: 571
Thorny Karee - Page: 571
Mountain Currant - Page: 572
Dune Currant - Page: 572
Karee - Page: 573
Mountain Karee - Page: 574
Spiny Currant-rhus - Page: 575
Waxy Currant-rhus - Page: 575
Bitter Currant - Page: 576
Rock Currant - Page: 576
Northern Dune Currant - Page: 577
Drakensberg Karee - Page: 577
Ribbed Kuni-bush - Page: 578
Coastal Currant - Page: 578
Common Crow-Berry - Page: 579
White Karee - Page: 579
Fire-thorn Karree - Page: 580
Winged Currant - Page: 580
Bicoloured Karee - Page: 581
Thorny Crow-berry - Page: 581
Blunt-leaved Currant - Page: 582
Rolled-leaf Currant - Page: 583
Sekhukhune Karee - Page: 583
Real Wild Currant - Page: 584
Transvaal Current - Page: 585
Hard-leaved Current - Page: 585
Blue Currant - Page: 586
Kuni Bush - Page: 586
Cape Holly - Page: 587
Rock Silky Bark - Page: 591
Silky-bark - Page: 592
Water Silky Bark - Page: 593
Gordonia Koko-tree - Page: 593
Rock False Candlewood - Page: 594
Cape Koko-tree - Page: 594
Pondo Koko-tree - Page: 594
Cape Blackwood - Page: 595
Dune Koko Tree - Page: 595
Koko Tree - Page: 596
Beaked Candlewood - Page: 597
Hedgehog Candlewood - Page: 597
Candlewood Tree - Page: 598
Willow Spikethorn - Page: 603
Common Spike-thorn - Page: 603
Common Spikethorn - Page: 604
Blue Spikethorn - Page: 605
Ashen Spikethorn - Page: 605
Large-leaved Forest-spikethorn - Page: 606
Valley Spikethorn - Page: 606
Narrow-leaved Spikethorn - Page: 607
Karoo Spikethorn - Page: 607
Tugela Spikethorn - Page: 607
Tropical Spikethorn - Page: 608
White Forest Spike-thorn - Page: 609
Black Forest Spikethorn - Page: 609
Hedge Spikethorn - Page: 610
Red Spike-thorn - Page: 611
Large-flowered Spikethorn - Page: 611
Orange Spikethorn - Page: 612
Bell Spikethorn - Page: 613
Splint-spikethorn - Page: 613
False Spike-thorn - Page: 614
False Forest Spike-thorn - Page: 615
Large-leaved Bastard Spike-thorn - Page: 615
Bushmans Tea - Page: 616
Sekhukhune Bushmans-tea - Page: 617
Pondo Kat - Page: 617
White Silky-bark - Page: 618
Common Saffronwood - Page: 619
Large-leaved Saffron - Page: 620
Transvaal Saffron - Page: 621
Small-leaved Saffron - Page: 621
Mountain Spoonwood - Page: 622
Cape Saffron - Page: 622
Spoonwood - Page: 623
Laurel Saffron - Page: 624
Bushveld Kooboo-berry - Page: 624
Highveld Kooboo-berry - Page: 625
Bittersweet Cherry - Page: 625
Coffee Pear - Page: 627
Eastern Cape Climbing-saffron - Page: 627
Climbing Saffron - Page: 628
African Paddle-pod - Page: 630
Valley Paddle-pod - Page: 630
Mopane Paddle-pod - Page: 631
Long-stalk Paddle-pod - Page: 631
Zulu Paddle-pod - Page: 631
Pallens Paddle-pod - Page: 631
Forest Paddle-pod - Page: 632
Forest Lemon-rope - Page: 633
Rock Lemon - Page: 634
Lemon Rope - Page: 634
False Lemon Thorn - Page: 635
Lemon Thorn - Page: 635
Pondo White-pear - Page: 636
White Pear - Page: 637
Cape White-pear - Page: 637
Black False Currant - Page: 642
Forest False Currant - Page: 642
False Currant - Page: 643
Forest False Currant - Page: 643
Dune False Currant - Page: 644
Lowveld False-currant - Page: 644
Lebombo Krantz Ash - Page: 645
Cape Krantz Ash - Page: 645
Natal Krantz Ash - Page: 646
Dune Soap-berry - Page: 647
Northern Soap-berry - Page: 647
False Soap-berry - Page: 648
Bend-me-not - Page: 649
Galla Plum - Page: 650
Jacket-plum - Page: 651
Silky-plum - Page: 652
Triangle Tops - Page: 653
Namaqualand Red Balloon - Page: 654
Sand Olive (see 27102) - Page: 655
Transvaal Red Balloon - Page: 655
False Horsewood - Page: 656
Sneezewood Tree - Page: 658
Glossy White Ash - Page: 660
Coastal White Ash - Page: 661
Common White Ash - Page: 662
Transvaal Bottlebrush - Page: 663
Kei Bottlebrush - Page: 663
Natal Bottlebrush - Page: 664
Buffalo-thorn - Page: 666
False Buffalo-thorn - Page: 667
Small Jujube - Page: 667
Brown Ivory - Page: 668
Red Ivory - Page: 669
Cat-thorn - Page: 669
Dogwood - Page: 670
Soap Dogwood - Page: 671
Pondo Weeping Thorn - Page: 672
Box Hard-leaf - Page: 673
Glossy Hard-leaf - Page: 674
Common Hard-leaf - Page: 674
Silky-fruit Hard-leaf - Page: 674
Needle Hard-leaf - Page: 675
Red-hair Bush - Page: 675
Bushveld Grape - Page: 677
Baboon Grape - Page: 677
Glossy Forest Grape - Page: 678
Common Forest Grape - Page: 679
Bushmans Grape - Page: 679
Ivy-grape - Page: 680
Gouty-vine - Page: 681
Cobas - Page: 681
Juttas Botterboom - Page: 681
Cape Hemp - Page: 683
Climbing Raisin - Page: 688
White Raisin - Page: 688
Velvet Raisin - Page: 689
Sandpaper Raisin - Page: 689
Giant Raisin - Page: 690
Silver Square-stemmed Raisin - Page: 690
Large-leaved Yellow Raisin - Page: 691
Forest Raisin - Page: 691
Small Grey Raisin - Page: 691
Lebombo Raisin - Page: 693
Silver Raisin - Page: 694
Cross-berry Raisin - Page: 694
Large-flowered White Raisin - Page: 695
Soft-leaved Raisin - Page: 695
Kalahari Raisin - Page: 696
Pondo Cross-berry - Page: 696
Karoo Cross-berry - Page: 697
Waterberg Raisin - Page: 697
Red-haired Raisin - Page: 698
False Grey Raisin - Page: 699
Small-leaved White Raisin - Page: 699
Stellar Raisin - Page: 699
Mallow Raisin - Page: 700
Wild Abutilon - Page: 701
Prickly Hibiscus - Page: 702
Wild Cotton Tree - Page: 703
Wild Tulip Tree - Page: 704
Baobab - Page: 705
Snot-apple (see 4683) - Page: 705
Rock Dombeya - Page: 709
Pink Wild Pear - Page: 709
Natal Wild Pear - Page: 710
River Dombeya - Page: 710
Common Wild Pear - Page: 711
Silver Dombeya - Page: 711
Forest Wild Pear - Page: 712
Tick Tree - Page: 714
Lowveld Chestnut - Page: 715
Cape Star-chestnut - Page: 715
Large-leaved Star-chestnut - Page: 716
Star-chestnut - Page: 717
Hairy Cola - Page: 718
Southern Cola - Page: 719
Cape Plane - Page: 724
Sand Plane - Page: 725
Red Ironwood - Page: 727
Blue-leaved Ochna - Page: 727
Stunted Ochna - Page: 728
Natal Plane - Page: 728
Magalies Ochna - Page: 729
Peeling Plane - Page: 730
Small-leaved Plane - Page: 732
Brackenridgea - Page: 733
Curry Bush - Page: 734
Large-leaved Curry Bush - Page: 734
Forest Mangosteen - Page: 737
African Mangosteen - Page: 738
Wild Tamarisk - Page: 741
Pepper-bark Tree - Page: 741
White Violet-bush - Page: 743
Bearded White Violet-bush - Page: 744
Yellow Violet-bush - Page: 746
Forest Peach - Page: 748
Snuffbox Tree - Page: 749
African Dog Rose - Page: 750
Wild Peach - Page: 751
Small-leaved Thorn Pear - Page: 752
Red Pear - Page: 753
Wakkerstroom Thorn Pear - Page: 753
False Red Pear - Page: 754
Thorn Pear - Page: 754
Krantz Berry - Page: 755
Zambezi Brown Ironwood - Page: 756
Brown Ironwood - Page: 757
Small-leaved Brown Ironwood - Page: 757
Wild Mulberry - Page: 758
Small-leaved Wild Mulberry - Page: 759
Mountain Peach - Page: 760
Governors-plum - Page: 760
Kei Apple - Page: 762
Natal Apricot - Page: 763
Glossy Sourberry - Page: 764
Common Sourberry - Page: 765
Dune Sourberry - Page: 765
Wild Apricot - Page: 766
Sword-leaf - Page: 767
Snake-climber - Page: 770
Mountain Hard Pear - Page: 772
Eastern Cape Hard-pear - Page: 772
Natal Hard Pear - Page: 773
Rock Hard Pear - Page: 773
Hard Pear - Page: 774
Green Flower Tree - Page: 775
Silky Fibre-bush - Page: 776
Broad-leaved Fibre-bush - Page: 776
Smooth Fibre-bush - Page: 777
Brown Gonna - Page: 778
Outeniqua Gonna - Page: 778
Mountain Gonna - Page: 779
Dune Gonna - Page: 779
Transvaal Privet - Page: 780
Pompon Tree - Page: 780
Natal Privet - Page: 781
Powder-puff Tree - Page: 782
Indian Mangrove - Page: 784
Red Mangrove - Page: 784
Black Mangrove - Page: 785
Cape Onionwood - Page: 786
Large-leaved Onionwood - Page: 787
Sand Onionwood - Page: 788
Onionwood - Page: 788
Swazi Onionwood - Page: 789
Silver-dot Combretum - Page: 795
Hiccup Nut - Page: 796
Red Bushwillow - Page: 796
Trailing Bushwillow - Page: 797
Cape Bush Willow - Page: 797
Weeping Bushwillow - Page: 798
Weeping Bushwillow - Page: 799
Natal Bushwillow - Page: 800
Weeping Bushwillow - Page: 800
Grey Jesse Bushwillow - Page: 801
River Bushwillow - Page: 802
Russet Bushwillow - Page: 802
Leadwood - Page: 803
Flame Creeper - Page: 804
Forest Bush Willow - Page: 804
Rock Bushwillow - Page: 805
Maputaland Bushwillow - Page: 805
Velvet Bushwillow - Page: 806
Waterberg Bushwillow - Page: 807
Knobbly Climbing Bushwillow - Page: 807
Thicket Bushwillow - Page: 808
Olifants River Bushwillow - Page: 809
Peeling Bushwillow - Page: 810
Sand Bushwillow - Page: 810
Kaoko Bushwillow - Page: 811
Venda Bushwillow - Page: 811
Large-leaved Forest Bushwillow - Page: 812
Large-fruited Bushwillow - Page: 812
Four-winged Stink-bushwillow - Page: 814
Stink Bushwillow - Page: 814
Quisqualis - Page: 815
Kalahari Cluster-leaf - Page: 817
Lebombo Clusterleaf - Page: 819
Purplepod Clusterleaf - Page: 820
Spiny Cluster-leaf - Page: 820
Silver Clusterleaf - Page: 821
Zigzag Cluster-leaf - Page: 822
Tawny Cluster-leaf - Page: 823
Tonga Mangrove - Page: 823
Dune Myrtle - Page: 826
Natal Myrtle - Page: 827
Large-leaved Myrtle - Page: 827
River Myrtle - Page: 828
Thick-leaved Forest Myrtle - Page: 828
Mountain Myrtle - Page: 829
Small-leaved Myrtle - Page: 829
Paper-bark Myrtle - Page: 830
Wild Myrtle - Page: 830
Umdoni - Page: 833
Forest Umdoni - Page: 833
Jambolan-plum - Page: 833
Woodland Waterberry - Page: 834
Woodland Waterberry - Page: 835
Woodland Waterberry - Page: 836
Intermediate Waterberry - Page: 836
Mountain Waterberry - Page: 837
Pondo Waterwood - Page: 838
Cape-gum - Page: 839
Forest Lavender-tree - Page: 840
Lavender Tree - Page: 841
Large-leaved Lavender Tree - Page: 841
Pondo Rose-apple - Page: 842
Natal Rose-apple - Page: 843
Tonga Rose-apple - Page: 844
False Forest Cabbage Tree - Page: 845
Gamtoos Cabbage-tree - Page: 848
Rock Cabbage Tree - Page: 848
Sand Cabbage Tree - Page: 848
Natal Coast Cabbage Tree - Page: 849
Mountain Cabbage Tree - Page: 849
Common Cabbage-Tree - Page: 850
Natal Forest Cabbage Tree - Page: 850
Grey Cabbage-tree - Page: 851
Cape Coast Cabbage Tree - Page: 851
Zulu Cabbage Tree - Page: 851
Wild-maple - Page: 852
Wild Parsley - Page: 853
Common Needle-leaf - Page: 855
False Parsley-tree - Page: 856
Mountain False Parsley-tree - Page: 856
Grey False Parsley-tree - Page: 856
Gifberg Needle-leaf - Page: 856
Karoo Needle-leaf - Page: 856
Carrot-tree - Page: 857
Assegaai - Page: 858
African Blueberry - Page: 860
Water Tree Heath - Page: 862
Mountain Tree Heath - Page: 862
Grooved-bark Tree Erica - Page: 862
Outeniqua Tree Erica - Page: 864
White-velvet Tree Erica - Page: 864
Bearded Tree Erica - Page: 865
Cape Tree Erica - Page: 865
False Assegaai - Page: 866
Cape Myrtle - Page: 867
East Coast Embelia - Page: 867
Dwarf Cape-beech - Page: 868
Large Cape Myrtle - Page: 868
Cape-beech - Page: 869
White Milkwood - Page: 871
Fluted Milkwood - Page: 875
Transvaal Milkplum (see 27103) - Page: 876
Silver-leaved Milkplum - Page: 877
Coastal Red-milkwood - Page: 878
Round-fruit Red-milkwood - Page: 879
Red Milkwood - Page: 879
Transvaal Red Milkwood - Page: 880
Forest Milkberry - Page: 881
Zulu Milkberry - Page: 881
Lowveld Milkberry - Page: 882
South Coast Milkberry - Page: 882
Tugela Bush Milkwood - Page: 883
Milk Pear - Page: 884
Bush Milkwood - Page: 884
Blue Guarri - Page: 887
Mountain Guarri - Page: 887
Magic Guarri - Page: 888
White-stem Guarri - Page: 888
Lance-leaved Guarri - Page: 889
Namaqua Guarri - Page: 889
Natal Guarri - Page: 890
Dune Guarri - Page: 892
Ebony Guarri - Page: 892
Glossy Guarri - Page: 893
Honey Guarri - Page: 894
Small-leaved Guari - Page: 894
Namaqua Jackal-berry - Page: 899
Fire-sticks - Page: 899
Sand Jackal-berry - Page: 900
Common Star-apple - Page: 901
Coastal Jackal-berry - Page: 902
Fynbos Star-apple - Page: 902
Sticky Star-apple - Page: 902
Sand Star-apple - Page: 903
Bluebush - Page: 904
Acorn Diospyros - Page: 905
Jackal-berry - Page: 905
Granite Jackal-berry - Page: 906
Dune Star-apple - Page: 907
Namaqua Fire-sticks - Page: 907
Coastal Bladder-nut - Page: 908
Climbing Star-apple - Page: 909
Hairy Star-apple - Page: 910
Bladder-nut - Page: 911
Wooden-pear - Page: 913
Wing-leaved Wooden-pear - Page: 913
Water Pock Ironwood - Page: 914
Fine-leaved Ironwood - Page: 915
Giant Pock Ironwood - Page: 916
Small Ironwood - Page: 917
Small Ironwood - Page: 918
African Olive - Page: 918
Coast Olive - Page: 919
Forest Olive - Page: 920
Needle Bush - Page: 921
Mustard Tree - Page: 922
Narrow-leaved Mustard Tree - Page: 922
Monkey Orange - Page: 925
Coastal Monkey-orange - Page: 926
Cape Teak - Page: 926
Natal Teak - Page: 927
Black Monkey-orange - Page: 928
Yellow Bitterberry - Page: 929
Black Bitterberry - Page: 929
Green Monkey Orange - Page: 930
Spiny Monkey Orange - Page: 930
Blue Bitterberry - Page: 931
Forest Fever Tree - Page: 932
Forest Nuxia - Page: 934
Common Wild Elder - Page: 934
Rock Nuxia - Page: 935
Sticky Nuxia - Page: 935
Otter-bush - Page: 936
Water Elder - Page: 936
Weeping Sage - Page: 937
Mountain Sage - Page: 938
Karoo Sagewood - Page: 938
White Climbing Sage - Page: 938
False Olive - Page: 939
Red Climbing Sage - Page: 939
Sagewood - Page: 940
Dune Poison-bush - Page: 944
Common Poison-bush - Page: 944
Round-leaved Poison-bush - Page: 945
Forest Num-Num - Page: 946
Karoo Num-num - Page: 947
Climbing Num-num - Page: 947
Sand Forest Num-num - Page: 948
Natal Plum - Page: 948
Apricot-vine - Page: 949
Forest Num-num - Page: 949
Climbing Wild-apricot - Page: 949
Sand Apricot-vine - Page: 949
Kamassi - Page: 950
Fever-pod - Page: 951
Horn-pod Tree - Page: 951
Toad Tree - Page: 953
Forest Toad Tree - Page: 954
Dwarf Toad-tree - Page: 954
Wild Frangipani - Page: 955
Quinine Tree - Page: 957
Impala Lily - Page: 959
Halfmens - Page: 960
Bottle-tree - Page: 960
Magic Rope - Page: 961
Corky-stem Poison-rope - Page: 963
Golden Poison-rope - Page: 963
Kombe Poison-rope - Page: 963
Mopane Tail-flower - Page: 963
Poisonrope - Page: 964
Saddle Pod - Page: 964
Pleioceras - Page: 965
Large-leaved Saucer-berry - Page: 966
Septee Tree - Page: 967
Large-fruit Saucer-berry - Page: 968
Satin-bark Saucer-berry - Page: 969
Woolly Saucer-berry - Page: 969
Grey-leaved Saucer-berry - Page: 970
White Puzzle-bush - Page: 971
Purple Stamperwood - Page: 972
Sandpaper Bush - Page: 972
Namibian Puzzle-bush - Page: 973
Sandpaper Bush - Page: 974
Puzzle Bush - Page: 974
White Mangrove - Page: 975
Common Lantana - Page: 976
Fever-tea - Page: 976
Skunk Bush - Page: 977
Large-leaved Skunk-bush - Page: 978
Angola Fingerleaf - Page: 981
Plum Fingerleaf - Page: 982
Three-fingerleaf - Page: 982
Smelly-berry Fingerleaf - Page: 983
White Vitex - Page: 984
Sand Fingerleaf - Page: 984
Poora Fingerleaf - Page: 986
Pipe-stem Tree - Page: 986
Silver Pipestem-tree - Page: 987
Hairy Tinderwood - Page: 988
Cats Whiskers - Page: 989
Cats-whiskers - Page: 990
Serrate-leaved Cats-whiskers - Page: 991
Climbing Cats-whiskers - Page: 991
Smooth-leaved Cats-whiskers - Page: 992
Wild Parasol Flower - Page: 992
Misty Plume Bush - Page: 994
Limpopo Honey-thorn - Page: 997
Boksdoring - Page: 997
Snake-berry - Page: 997
Kraal Honey-thorn - Page: 997
River Honey-thorn - Page: 998
Honey-thorn - Page: 998
Lycium shizocalyx - Page: 998
Goat Apple - Page: 999
Lycium shawii - Page: 999
Ink Berry - Page: 1000
Healing-leaf Tree - Page: 1000
Bug Weed - Page: 1000
Tobacco Tree - Page: 1001
Rock Tree-fuschia - Page: 1001
Honey-bells - Page: 1002
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 1002
Mountain Tree-fuschia - Page: 1002
Pambati Tree - Page: 1003
Honey-bell Bush - Page: 1003
Yellow Shell-flower Bush - Page: 1004
Escarpment Shell-flower - Page: 1005
Natal Shell-flower Bush - Page: 1005
Cape Honeysuckle - Page: 1007
Yellow Pomegranate - Page: 1008
Short-thorn Pomegranate - Page: 1008
Scrambled-egg Bush - Page: 1009
Three Thorn - Page: 1009
Trumpet-thorn - Page: 1009
Golden Bell-bean - Page: 1011
Bellbean - Page: 1011
Sausage Tree - Page: 1013
Karoo Sesame-bush - Page: 1015
Herero Sesame-bush - Page: 1015
Sesame-bush - Page: 1015
Holly-leaved Blue-lips - Page: 1017
Blue-lips - Page: 1017
River Bells - Page: 1018
White-lips - Page: 1018
Red-lips - Page: 1018
Pistol Bush - Page: 1019
Lemon Pistol-bush - Page: 1020
Firebush - Page: 1036
Yellow Firebush - Page: 1037
Matumi - Page: 1038
Sand Crown-berry - Page: 1038
Strawberry Bush - Page: 1039
Sand Nightstar - Page: 1041
Butterspoon Bush - Page: 1043
Climbing Butterspoon - Page: 1043
Velvet-leaved Butterspoon - Page: 1044
Narrow-leaved False Brides Bush - Page: 1046
False Brides Bush - Page: 1046
Dwarf Butterspoon - Page: 1047
Butterspoon - Page: 1047
Wild Pomegranate - Page: 1048
Dwarf-loquat - Page: 1048
Small Bone-apple - Page: 1050
Natal Gardenia - Page: 1052
Gummy Gardenia - Page: 1054
Powder-bark Gardenia - Page: 1054
Forest Gardenia - Page: 1055
Eastern Bushveld Gardenia - Page: 1055
Scented-bells - Page: 1056
September Bells - Page: 1057
Bushveld Scented-bells - Page: 1057
Spiny Gardenia - Page: 1059
Tonga Spiny-gardenia - Page: 1060
Zulu Loquat - Page: 1061
Wild Loquat - Page: 1062
Natal Loquat - Page: 1062
Pink-medlar - Page: 1063
Cape Coffee - Page: 1065
Pondo Jackal-coffee - Page: 1065
Tonga Jackal-coffee - Page: 1066
Fluffy-flowered Jackal Coffee - Page: 1067
Jackal-coffee - Page: 1068
Coast Coffee - Page: 1069
Rhino-coffee - Page: 1070
Rocky Silky-coffee - Page: 1071
Jasmine-gardenia - Page: 1072
Natal Flame Bush - Page: 1074
Kalahari Wild-medlar - Page: 1076
Velvet Wild-medlar - Page: 1077
Chirinda Wild-medlar - Page: 1077
Mountain Medlar - Page: 1078
Mountain Wild-medlar - Page: 1078
River Wild-medlar - Page: 1079
Natal Bush Medlar - Page: 1079
Soutpansberg Wild-medlar - Page: 1080
False-medlar - Page: 1083
Pompon Coffee-medlar - Page: 1083
Woodland Pendent-medlar - Page: 1084
Dune Pendent-medlar - Page: 1085
Natal Medlar - Page: 1085
Velvet Rock Alder - Page: 1088
Hairy Turkey-berry - Page: 1088
Pink-fruit Turkey-berry - Page: 1088
Common Turkey-Berry - Page: 1089
Mountain Turkey-berry - Page: 1090
Rock Alder - Page: 1091
Rough-leaved Rock Alder - Page: 1093
Coastal Canthium - Page: 1094
Corky Turkey-berry - Page: 1094
Pondo Turkey-berry - Page: 1095
False Turkey-berry - Page: 1095
Climbing Quar - Page: 1097
Tonga Quar - Page: 1097
Green-twigs Quar - Page: 1098
Krantz Quar - Page: 1098
Quar - Page: 1099
Climbing Turkey-berry - Page: 1101
Porcupine Bush - Page: 1102
Forest Crowned-medlar - Page: 1105
Crowned Medlar - Page: 1105
Waterberg Crowned-medlar - Page: 1106
Beach False Medlar - Page: 1106
Mozambique Coffee - Page: 1108
Zanzibar Coffee - Page: 1109
Barberton Brides-bush - Page: 1114
Sand Brides-bush - Page: 1115
Pompon Brides-bush - Page: 1116
Gland-leaf Brides-bush - Page: 1117
Flaky-bark Brides-bush - Page: 1117
Stink-leaf Brides-bush - Page: 1118
Zulu Brides-bush - Page: 1118
Forest Brides-bush - Page: 1119
Small Brides Bush - Page: 1119
Glossy Forest Brides-bush - Page: 1120
Coastal Brides-bush - Page: 1120
Christmas Bush - Page: 1120
Poison Brides Bush - Page: 1121
Dune Brides-bush - Page: 1121
Soutpansberg Brides-bush - Page: 1122
Venda Brides-bush - Page: 1122
Grey-leaved Brides-bush - Page: 1123
Black Bird-berry - Page: 1127
Red Bird-berry - Page: 1128
Bitter-tea Vernonia - Page: 1134
Grey-leaved Vernonia - Page: 1135
Lowveld Bitter-tea - Page: 1135
Blue Bitter Tea - Page: 1136
Dune Bitter-tea - Page: 1138
Vernonia wollastonii - Page: 1138
Golden Bitter-tea - Page: 1139
Bitter-leaf - Page: 1140
Coast Silver-oak - Page: 1140
Lowveld Silver Oak - Page: 1141
Malbar Tree - Page: 1141
Small Bitter-leaf - Page: 1142
Cape Silver-oak - Page: 1142
Mountain Silver Oak - Page: 1143
Forest Silver-oak - Page: 1143
Camphor Bush - Page: 1144
Natal Silver Oak - Page: 1144
Broad-leaved Camphor Bush - Page: 1145
Zigzag-bush - Page: 1146
Broad-leaved Fluff-bush - Page: 1146
White Bristle Bush - Page: 1147
Soutpansberg Marguerite - Page: 1147
Bush Tickberry - Page: 1148
Tree Thistle-thorn - Page: 1149
Thorny Salad Bush - Page: 1150
Donkeys-ears - Page: 1150
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Copyright Steven Herbert Projects, 2013 - 2023. All rights reserved.