Afrikaans name: Mopanie

Mopane tree
Photo © Steven Herbert
Colophospermum mopane
Visitors to the region around Letaba and Olifants Camps, in Kruger National Park, can't help but be familiar with the Mopane tree. It is everywhere and it can prove a bit frustrating as these areas are not the best for game viewing.
The leaves of the Mopane tree are its distinctive feature. They are in pairs and are mirror images of eachother. They are like a pair of butterfly wings. The flowers are hardly noticeable as they are small and greenish in colour. The seedpods are produced during Autumn and are kidney shaped.
One species of mammal that has a fondness for the Mopane tree is the Elephant. They enjoy the leaves and seedpods. Domestic cattle can be fed the leaves as well although they apparently take some time to get used to the taste.
Have you ever hear of Mopane Worms? These are a protein rich delicacy that is eaten by many people. These abundant caterpillars are roasted, or they can be dried and stored for a few months.

Leaves of the Mopane tree
Photo © Steven Herbert
References and further reading
What Tree is That? - Author: Hazel Stokes - Published: 1967 - Page: 5Whats that Tree? - Author: Eugene Moll - Published: 2011 - Page: 64
Wild Issue 28 - Author: - Published: 2014 - Page: 82
Trees of Southern Africa - 3rd edition - Author: Keith Coates Palgrave - Published: 2002 - Page: 317
The Gardener - 2021/01 - Author: - Published: 2021 - Page: 57
Trees of Kruger - Author: Braam and Piet van Wyk - Published: 2023 - Page: 47
Sixty-six Transvaal Trees - Author: B de Winter, M de Winter & D Killick - Published: 1996 - Page: 64
Sappi Tree Spotting: Lowveld - Author: Jacana - Published: 1997 - Page: 104
Sappi Wild Flower Guide - Mpumalanga and Northern Province - Author: Jo Onderstall - Published: 1996 - Page: 90
Sasol First Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa - Author: Elsa Pooley - Published: 1999 - Page: 22
Pocket Guide - Trees of Southern Africa - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 2013 - Page: 39
Sappi Tree Spotting: Bushveld - 2nd edition - Author: R Grant and V Thomas - Published: 2005 - Page: 34
Pollinators, Predators and Parasites - Author: C. Scholtz, J. Scholtz, H. De Klerk - Published: 2021 - Page: 197
Photographic Guide to Trees of Southern Africa - Author: B, P, and B-E van Wyk - Published: 2000 - Page: 86
Kruger - Portrait of a National Park - Author: David Paynter with Wilf Nussey - Published: 1986 - Page: 28
Illustrated Guide to the Game Parks and Nature Reserves of SA - 2nd edn - Author: Readers Digest - Published: 1991 - Page: 391
Field Guide to the Trees of the Kruger National Park - 5th edition - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 2008 - Page: 83
Game Ranger in your Backpack - Author: Megan Emmett and Sean Pattrick - Published: 2013 - Page: 269
A site-by-site guide to trees in the Kruger National Park - Author: Marissa Greeff - Published: 2017 - Page: 140
A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa - 1st edition - Author: E. Palmer - Published: 1977 - Page: 137
A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa - Revised - Author: E. Palmer - Published: 1983 - Page: 151
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