Sappi Wild Flower Guide - Mpumalanga and Northern Province

Author: Jo Onderstall
Number of pages: 278
Year published: 1996
Edition: 1st
Published by: Dynamic Ad
ISBN: 0-620-20523-7
Sappi web site: Sappi
The Wildebeest's Review of "Sappi Wild Flower Guide - Mpumalanga and Northern Province"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Dermatiscum thunbergii - Page: 2Caloplacca cinnabarina - Page: 2
Pseudocyphellaria aurata - Page: 2
Toninia bumamma - Page: 3
Old Mans Beard - Page: 3
Green-lined Parasol - Page: 4
Jews Ear - Page: 5
Lawyers Wig - Page: 6
Pepperpot Earth Star - Page: 6
Star Stinkhorn - Page: 7
Club Moss - Page: 8
Lycopodium gnidioides - Page: 8
Forest Selaginella - Page: 9
Resurrection Plant - Page: 9
Ophioglossum reticulatum - Page: 10
Creeping Fern - Page: 10
Dicranopteris linearis - Page: 11
Gleichenia umbraculifera - Page: 11
Cockscomb Fern - Page: 12
Bracken - Page: 12
Hard Fern - Page: 13
Green Cliff Brake - Page: 13
Lance Fern - Page: 14
Resurrection Fern - Page: 14
Elaphoglossum macropodium - Page: 15
Elaphoglossum acrostichoides - Page: 15
Dwarf Cycad - Page: 16
Barberton Cycad - Page: 17
Lydenburg Cycad - Page: 17
Purple Vlei Grass - Page: 18
Snow Flake Grass - Page: 18
Bristle-leaved Redtop - Page: 19
Snowflake Grass - Page: 19
Fimbristylis dichotoma - Page: 20
Golden Sedge - Page: 20
Mariscus sumatrensis - Page: 21
Winged Sedge - Page: 21
Cyperus obtusiflorus - Page: 22
Cyperus compressus - Page: 22
Cyperus pseudoleptocladus - Page: 23
Scleria transvaalensis - Page: 23
Arrow-leaved Arum - Page: 24
Golden Arum - Page: 24
Stylochiton natalensis - Page: 25
Pipewort - Page: 25
Blouselblommetjie - Page: 26
Wandering Jew - Page: 26
Aneilema brunneospermum - Page: 27
Ecklons Commelina - Page: 27
Coleotrype natalensis - Page: 28
Dolls Powder Puff - Page: 28
Camptorrhiza strumosa - Page: 29
Little-men-in-a-boat - Page: 29
Chlorophytum cooperi - Page: 30
Chlorophytum angulicaule - Page: 30
Chlorophytum krookianum - Page: 31
Red-hot Poker - Page: 31
Graskop Aloe - Page: 32
Aloe dyeri - Page: 32
Gasteria transvaalensis - Page: 33
Aloe simii - Page: 33
Formosa Lily - Page: 34
Veld Onion - Page: 34
Eriospermum cooperi - Page: 35
Eriospermum porphyrovalve - Page: 35
Common Ledebouria - Page: 36
Ledebouria galpinii - Page: 36
Drimia robusta - Page: 37
Cream-cherry Climber - Page: 38
Pineapple Lily - Page: 38
Wild Asparagus - Page: 39
Haemanthus pauculifolius - Page: 39
Berg Nerine - Page: 40
Crinum buphanoides - Page: 40
Candy-striped Crinum - Page: 41
Fire Lily - Page: 42
Ifafa Lily - Page: 42
Ground Lily - Page: 43
Wild Yam - Page: 43
Large Yellow Moraea - Page: 44
Wild Iris - Page: 45
Wild Iris - Page: 45
Gladiolus exiguus - Page: 46
Vlei Gladiolus - Page: 46
Honey Flowers - Page: 47
Radinosiphon leptostachya - Page: 47
Aristea galpinii - Page: 48
Aristea angolensis - Page: 48
Woodland Painted Petals - Page: 49
Freesia grandiflora - Page: 49
Habenaria drageana - Page: 50
Death Orchid - Page: 50
Habenaria falcicornis - Page: 51
Habenaria lithophila - Page: 51
Habenaria nyikana - Page: 52
Habenaria laevigata - Page: 52
Green Wood-orchid - Page: 53
Habenaria tridens - Page: 53
Satyrium cristatum - Page: 54
Devil Orchid - Page: 54
Satyrium microrrhynchum - Page: 55
Blushing Bride Orchid - Page: 55
Disa cooperi - Page: 56
Pink Disa - Page: 56
Disa clavicornis - Page: 57
Apple-blossom Orchid - Page: 57
Corycium dracomontanum - Page: 58
Disa woodii - Page: 58
Pterygodium magnum - Page: 59
Black-faced Orchid - Page: 59
Disperis cooperi - Page: 60
Granny Bonnet - Page: 60
Disperis renibractea - Page: 61
Disperis lindleyana - Page: 61
Polystachya transvaalensis - Page: 62
Tridactyle tricuspis - Page: 63
Polystachya ottoniana - Page: 63
Bulbophyllum sandersonii - Page: 64
Eulophia clitellifera - Page: 65
Eulophia welwitschi - Page: 65
Small-leaved Rock Fig - Page: 66
Common Wild Fig - Page: 67
River Willow - Page: 68
Pincushion - Page: 68
Dwarf Pincushion - Page: 69
Serpentine Protea - Page: 69
Pedistylis galpinii - Page: 70
Mistletoe - Page: 70
Sour Plum - Page: 71
Mistletoe - Page: 71
Delosperma sutherlandii - Page: 72
Forest Inkberry - Page: 72
Gunpowder Plant - Page: 73
Brandblare - Page: 73
Propeller Tree - Page: 74
Wild Custard Apple - Page: 75
Mexican Poppy - Page: 76
White-flowered Mexican Poppy - Page: 76
Wild Poppy - Page: 77
Grassland Cross-flower - Page: 77
Wild Cleome - Page: 78
Wild Cleome - Page: 78
Bush-cherry - Page: 79
Needle-leaved Bush-cherry - Page: 80
Cucumber Bush - Page: 80
Kalanchoe alticola - Page: 81
Crassula compacta - Page: 81
Cheesewood - Page: 82
Splendid Witch-hazel - Page: 83
Agrimony - Page: 83
Broad-pod False-thorn - Page: 84
Common Hook Thorn (Cat Thorn) - Page: 85
Corky-bark Thorn - Page: 85
Black Monkey Thorn - Page: 86
Flaky-bark Thorn - Page: 86
Elands Bean - Page: 87
Sickle Bush - Page: 87
Pod Mahogany - Page: 88
Camels Foot - Page: 89
Mauritius Thorn - Page: 89
Mopane - Page: 90
Pearsonia obovata - Page: 92
Mauve Frilly Pea - Page: 92
Pearsonia sessilifolia - Page: 93
Crotalaria natalitia - Page: 94
Birdflower - Page: 94
Crotalaria recta - Page: 95
Crotalaria pallida - Page: 95
Liquorice Bean - Page: 96
Tephrosia villosa - Page: 97
Tephrosia longipes - Page: 97
Indigofera sanguinea - Page: 98
Indigofera rostrata - Page: 98
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 99
River Bean - Page: 99
Velvet Bean - Page: 100
Neorautanenia ficifolius - Page: 100
Dwarf Coral Tree - Page: 101
Plough-breaker - Page: 101
Vigna unguiculata - Page: 102
Flemingia grahamiana - Page: 102
Rhynchosia hirta - Page: 103
Otoptera burchellii - Page: 104
Creeping Ladys Sorrel - Page: 104
Oxalis - Page: 105
Red Garden Sorrel - Page: 105
Monsoniatra transvaalensis - Page: 106
Common Grassland Monsonia - Page: 106
Pelargonium glutinosum - Page: 107
Pelargonium transvaalense - Page: 107
Knobwood - Page: 108
Mountain Mahogany - Page: 109
Coca Tree - Page: 109
Forest Fever Berry - Page: 110
Tamboti - Page: 112
Tassel-berry - Page: 113
Acalypha caperonioides - Page: 113
Lions Spoor - Page: 114
Euphorbia gueinzii - Page: 114
Euphorbia monteiroi - Page: 115
Lowveld Euphorbia - Page: 115
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 116
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 117
Milkweed - Page: 117
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 118
Melkbol - Page: 118
Soutpansberg Euphorbia - Page: 119
Euphorbia vandermerwei - Page: 119
Marula - Page: 120
Wild Grape - Page: 122
Pain-bush - Page: 123
Tree Grape - Page: 123
Mountain Karee - Page: 124
Blue Currant - Page: 125
Hard-leaved Current - Page: 125
Spike-thorn Maytenus - Page: 126
Koko Tree - Page: 127
White Pear - Page: 128
Jacket-plum - Page: 129
Allophylus melanocarpus - Page: 130
Buffalo-thorn - Page: 130
Wild Grape - Page: 131
Corchorus asplenifolius - Page: 131
Triumfetta welwitschii - Page: 132
Giant Raisin - Page: 133
Cross-berry Raisin - Page: 133
Red Hibiscus - Page: 134
Heartleaf Sida - Page: 134
Indian Hemp - Page: 135
Wild Hibiscus - Page: 135
Dwarf Hibiscus - Page: 136
Bladder Hibiscus - Page: 136
Wild Cotton - Page: 137
Rosebud Hermannia - Page: 138
Peeling Plane - Page: 139
Green Flower Tree - Page: 140
Kerrieblom - Page: 140
Pompon Tree - Page: 141
Mountain Gonna - Page: 141
Russet Bushwillow - Page: 142
Velvet Bushwillow - Page: 142
Lebombo Clusterleaf - Page: 143
Umdoni - Page: 144
Lavender Tree - Page: 145
Forest Lavender-tree - Page: 145
Giant Evening Primrose - Page: 146
River Pumpkin - Page: 146
Purple Tibouchina - Page: 147
Wild Tibouchina - Page: 147
Rock Cabbage Tree - Page: 148
Mountain Cabbage Tree - Page: 148
Common Cabbage-Tree - Page: 149
Parsley Tree - Page: 150
Heteromorpha pubescens - Page: 150
Peucedanum capense - Page: 151
Alepidea setifera - Page: 151
Cape-beech - Page: 152
Transvaal Milkplum (see 27103) - Page: 154
Wing-leaved Wooden-pear - Page: 156
Forest Fever Tree - Page: 156
Forest Nuxia - Page: 157
Common Wild Elder - Page: 157
False Olive - Page: 158
Sebaea sedoides - Page: 158
Chironia krebsii - Page: 159
Saddle Pod - Page: 160
Poisonrope - Page: 160
Fever-pod - Page: 161
Mondia - Page: 161
Ghost Pachycarpus - Page: 162
Asclepias adscendens - Page: 162
Milk Weed - Page: 163
Yellow Milk Weed - Page: 163
Bruces Brachystelma - Page: 164
Brachystelma macropetalum - Page: 164
Brachystelma gerrardii - Page: 165
Riocreuxia picta - Page: 165
Necklace Vine - Page: 166
Serpent Ceropegia - Page: 166
Zebra Stapelia - Page: 167
Kirks Carrion Flower - Page: 167
Wild Morning Glory - Page: 168
Merremia palmata - Page: 168
Wild Morning Glory - Page: 169
Turbina oblongata - Page: 169
Wild Verbena - Page: 170
Puzzle Bush - Page: 170
Birds Brandy - Page: 171
Chascanum hederaceum - Page: 171
Tinnea barbata - Page: 172
Cats Whiskers - Page: 172
Leucas sexdentata - Page: 173
Broad-leaved Minaret Flower - Page: 173
Plectranthus rubropunctatus - Page: 174
Lobster Flower - Page: 174
Buschveld Spurflower - Page: 175
Bugle Plant - Page: 175
Hemizygia incana - Page: 176
Hemizygia canescens - Page: 176
Cats Whiskers - Page: 177
Hemizygia persimilis - Page: 177
Orthosiphon serratus - Page: 178
Peliostomum calycinum - Page: 179
Wild Nemesia - Page: 179
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 180
Escarpment Shell-flower - Page: 181
Eastern River Bells - Page: 181
Manulea bellidifolia - Page: 182
Alectra sessiliflora - Page: 182
Silvery Sopubia - Page: 183
Transvaal Blue Haze - Page: 184
Buchnera longespicata - Page: 184
Willowy Slugwort - Page: 185
Cape Honeysuckle - Page: 186
Scrambled-egg Bush - Page: 186
Sesamum alatum - Page: 187
Black-eyed Susan - Page: 188
Natal Primrose - Page: 188
White Thunbergia - Page: 189
Natal Bluebell - Page: 189
Barleria albostellata - Page: 190
Barleria gueinzii - Page: 190
Lowveld Barleria - Page: 191
Barleria meyeriana - Page: 191
Bush Violet - Page: 192
Grassland Barleria - Page: 193
Blepharis inaequalis - Page: 194
Blue-lips - Page: 194
Red Ruspolia - Page: 195
Purple Ribbon Bush - Page: 195
Strawberry Bush - Page: 196
Kohautia amatymbica - Page: 196
Matumi - Page: 197
Narrow-leaved False Brides Bush - Page: 198
Pompon Brides-bush - Page: 198
Scented-bells - Page: 199
Velvet Wild-medlar - Page: 200
Black Bird-berry - Page: 201
Wild Scabiosa - Page: 202
Craterocapsa tarsodes - Page: 202
Pale Bluebell - Page: 203
African Cucumber - Page: 203
Vernonia centaureoides - Page: 204
Vernonia adoensis - Page: 204
Amarabossie - Page: 205
Vernonia triflora - Page: 205
Garden Ageratum - Page: 206
Stomatanthes africanus - Page: 206
Aster lydenburgensis - Page: 207
Aster harveyanus - Page: 207
Yellow Everlasting - Page: 208
White Everlasting - Page: 208
Helichrysum candolleanum - Page: 209
Yellow Rock-everlasting - Page: 209
Helichrysum oxyphyllum - Page: 210
Helichrysum palidum - Page: 211
Helichrysum pilosellum - Page: 211
Geigeria burkei - Page: 212
Pegolettia lanceolata - Page: 212
Vermeerbos - Page: 213
Anisopappas smutsii - Page: 214
Ox-eye Daisy - Page: 214
Senecio deltoideus - Page: 215
Osteospermum striatum - Page: 215
Grass-leaved Berkheya - Page: 216
Berkheya echinacea - Page: 216
Rasperdissel - Page: 217
Aambeibos - Page: 218
Pink Gerbera - Page: 219
Launaea nana - Page: 219
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