Pocket Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
Author: Piet van Wyk
Number of pages: 144
Year published: 2013
Edition: Revised
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 978 1 92057 202 0
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of National List of Indigenous Trees
Still to be done.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Outeniqua Yellowwood (see 4298) - Page: 8Mountain Cypress - Page: 9
Lala Palm - Page: 10
Quiver Tree - Page: 11
Coastal Strelitzia - Page: 12
Wonderboom Fig - Page: 13
Sycamore Fig - Page: 14
Water Fig - Page: 15
Wild Almond - Page: 16
Boekenhout - Page: 17
Green Pincushion - Page: 18
Common Sugarbush - Page: 19
Forest White Sugarbush - Page: 20
Tanninbush - Page: 21
Green-apple - Page: 22
River Dwababerry - Page: 23
Propeller Tree - Page: 24
Bastard Shepherds Tree - Page: 25
Beadbean - Page: 26
Mobola Plum - Page: 27
Flat Crown Albizia - Page: 28
Bushveld Albizia - Page: 29
Large-leaved Albizia - Page: 30
Ana Tree - Page: 31
Camel Thorn - Page: 32
Candle-pod Thorn - Page: 33
Sweet Thorn - Page: 34
Umbrella Acacia - Page: 35
Fever Tree - Page: 36
Lebombo Wattle - Page: 37
Wild Seringa - Page: 38
Mopane - Page: 39
Large False Mopane - Page: 41
Karoo Boerbean - Page: 42
Zambezi Teak - Page: 43
Pod Mahogany - Page: 44
Butterflyleaf - Page: 46
Kalahari Bauhinia - Page: 47
Camels Foot - Page: 48
Sjambok Pod - Page: 49
Weeping Wattle - Page: 50
Wild Mango - Page: 51
Pink Blossom Tree - Page: 52
Tree Wisteria - Page: 53
Sand Camwood - Page: 54
Broad-leaved Fountainbush - Page: 55
Cork Bush - Page: 56
Kiaat - Page: 57
Kalahari Apple-leaf - Page: 58
Wingpod - Page: 59
Nyala Tree - Page: 60
Common Coral Tree - Page: 61
Small Green Thorn - Page: 62
Cape Chestnut - Page: 63
White Ironwood - Page: 64
Mountain Syringa - Page: 65
Paperbark Corkwood - Page: 66
Pepper-leaved Corkwood - Page: 67
Mountain Mahogany - Page: 68
Cape Ash - Page: 69
Natal Mahogany - Page: 70
Violet Tree - Page: 71
Fever-berry - Page: 72
Manketti - Page: 73
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 74
Marula - Page: 75
Wild Plum - Page: 76
Red Beech - Page: 77
Tarwood - Page: 78
Resin Tree - Page: 79
Red Currant - Page: 80
Karee - Page: 81
Common Saffronwood - Page: 82
Bittersweet Cherry - Page: 83
Jacket-plum - Page: 84
Cape Hemp - Page: 85
Cross-berry Raisin - Page: 86
Azanza (see 12394) - Page: 87
Baobab - Page: 88
Common Wild Pear - Page: 89
Tick Tree - Page: 90
Star-chestnut - Page: 91
Peeling Plane - Page: 92
African Mangosteen - Page: 93
Snuffbox Tree - Page: 95
Wild Peach - Page: 96
Mountain Hard Pear - Page: 97
Pompon Tree - Page: 98
Red Bushwillow - Page: 99
Leadwood - Page: 100
Flame Creeper - Page: 101
Stink Bushwillow - Page: 102
Spiny Cluster-leaf - Page: 103
Silver Clusterleaf - Page: 104
Woodland Waterberry - Page: 105
Rock Cabbage Tree - Page: 106
Carrot-tree - Page: 107
Cape-beech - Page: 108
White Milkwood - Page: 109
Transvaal Milkplum (see 27103) - Page: 110
Coastal Red-milkwood - Page: 111
Ebony Guarri - Page: 112
Jackal-berry - Page: 113
Bladder-nut - Page: 114
Wing-leaved Wooden-pear - Page: 115
African Olive - Page: 116
Small Ironwood - Page: 117
Black Bitterberry - Page: 118
Forest Fever Tree - Page: 119
Forest Nuxia - Page: 120
Toad Tree - Page: 121
Quinine Tree - Page: 122
Halfmens - Page: 123
Poisonrope - Page: 124
Silver Pipestem-tree - Page: 125
Tree Fuchsia - Page: 126
Yellow Pomegranate - Page: 127
Bellbean - Page: 128
Sausage Tree - Page: 129
Sesame-bush - Page: 130
Matumi - Page: 131
Wild Pomegranate - Page: 132
Natal Gardenia - Page: 133
Eastern Bushveld Gardenia - Page: 134
Scented-bells - Page: 135
Bushveld Scented-bells - Page: 136
Natal Flame Bush - Page: 137
Velvet Wild-medlar - Page: 138
Bush Tickberry - Page: 139
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