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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Velvet-leaved Corkwood

Afrikaans name: Fluweelkanniedood

A Velvet-leaved Corkwood in Kruger National Park

Velvet-leaved Corkwood

Photo © Steven Herbert

Commiphora mollis

The Velvet-leaved Corkwood (or Velvet Corkwood if you like) is a smallish tree that doesn't reach a height of 10 metres.

It is not a spectacular tree in any way. It gets tiny flowers which may be slightly pink or yellow in colour. The flowers appear between September and January. The roundish fruit appears between February and April and are like small berries and are around 10 mm in diameter. When mature the fruit is dull red in colour. The bark may be grey or khaki coloured.

The Velvet-leaved Corkwood is not often used as food by too many animals. Some species browse on its leaves and elephants may dig up its roots. The only use that us humans have found for it is to make fence posts from it.

In South Africa it can be found in suitable conditions in the North West, Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces. It can be found at low to medium altitudes in hot and dry regions.

References and further reading

Trees of Kruger - Author: Braam and Piet van Wyk - Published: 2023 - Page: 175

Trees of Southern Africa - 3rd edition - Author: Keith Coates Palgrave - Published: 2002 - Page: 435

Whats that Tree? - Author: Eugene Moll - Published: 2011 - Page: 107

Sixty-six Transvaal Trees - Author: B de Winter, M de Winter & D Killick - Published: 1996 - Page: 90

Photographic Guide to Trees of Southern Africa - Author: B, P, and B-E van Wyk - Published: 2000 - Page: 98

Piet van Wyks Field Guide to the Trees of the Kruger National Park - 1st edition - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 1988 - Page: 112

Game Ranger in your Backpack - Author: Megan Emmett and Sean Pattrick - Published: 2013 - Page: 266

Healing Trees & Plants of the Lowveld - Author: Dumes, Loon and Bester - Published: 2009 - Page: 25

Field Guide to the Trees of the Kruger National Park - 5th edition - Author: Piet van Wyk - Published: 2008 - Page: 112

A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa - Revised - Author: E. Palmer - Published: 1983 - Page: 179

A Field Guide to the Trees of Southern Africa - 1st edition - Author: E. Palmer - Published: 1977 - Page: 164

For more info: Tree SA


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