Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

Author: Doreen Court
Number of pages: 336
Year published: 2010
Edition: 3rd
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 978 1 77007 587 0
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of "Succulent Flora of Southern Africa"

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum - Page: 14Mesembryanthemum occidentale - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum lancifolium - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum geniculiflorum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum haeckelianum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum brevicarpum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum boctiflorum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum serotinum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum barklyi - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum longipapillosum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum gariusanum - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum inachabense - Page: 15
Ice Plant - Page: 15
Brack Salad - Page: 15
Mesembryanthemum tetragonum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum holense - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum englishiae - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum sladenianum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum ladismithiense - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum archeri - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum exaltum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum crassicaule - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum tortuosum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum expansum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum emarcidum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum lilliputanum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum ligneum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum prasinum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum suffruticosum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum rabiei - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum oubergense - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum flavidum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum amabile - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum tenuiflorum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum latipetalum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum quartzicola - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum vanheerdei - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum nitidum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum oculatum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum delum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum baylissii - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum trichotomum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum resurgens - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum sinuosum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum spinuliferum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum pallens - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum rhizophorum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum splendens - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum vanrensburgii - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum viridiflorum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum lignescens - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum chrysophthalmum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum deciduum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum gariepense - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum decurvatum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum canaliculatum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum hypertrophicum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum grossum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum fastigiatum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum cryptanthum - Page: 16
Mesembryanthemum digitatum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum juttae - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum articulatum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum bicorne - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum coriarium - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum dimorphum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum dinteri - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum gessertianum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum subnodosum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum junceum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum stenandrum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum leptarthron - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum parviflorum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum rapaceum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum granulicaule - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum corallinum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum napierense - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum springbokense - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum tomentosum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum amplectens - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum glareicola - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum neglectum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum nucifer - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum neofoliosum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum arenosum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum subtruncatum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum kuntzei - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum marlothii - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum namibense - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum schenckii - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum vaginatum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum excavatum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum pseudoschlichtianum - Page: 17
Mesembryanthemum salicornioides - Page: 17
Goslings - Page: 18
Conicosia elongata - Page: 18
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 18
Hymenogyne conica - Page: 18
Caryotophora skiatophytoides - Page: 18
Hymenogyne glabra - Page: 18
Saphesia flaccida - Page: 18
Dorotheanthus rourkei - Page: 19
Cleretum papulosum - Page: 19
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 19
Karoo Snow - Page: 19
Cleretum lyratifolium - Page: 19
Cleretum herrei - Page: 19
Aethephyllum pinnatifidum - Page: 19
Dorotheanthus apetalus - Page: 19
Dorotheanthus clavatus - Page: 19
Dorotheanthus booysenii - Page: 19
Diplosoma retroversum - Page: 19
Skiatophytum tripolium - Page: 19
Tongue-leaved Plant - Page: 20
Oophytum nanum - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum cruciatum - Page: 20
Klein-tong Vygie - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum surrectum - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum neilii - Page: 20
Oophytum nordenstammii - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum regium - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum salmii - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum suave - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum fergusoniae - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum peersii - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum nelii - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum difforme - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum oligocarpum - Page: 20
Dewplant - Page: 20
Diplosoma luckhoffii - Page: 20
Disphyma dunsdonii - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum carnosum - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum grandiflorum - Page: 20
Glottiphyllum longum - Page: 20
Dicrocaulon grandiflorum - Page: 20
Monilaria moniliformis - Page: 21
Meyerophytum globosum - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum abbreviatum - Page: 21
Jacobsenia hallii - Page: 21
Jacobsenia kolbei - Page: 21
Jacobsenia vaginata - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum roseum - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum mitratum - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum grande - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum clivorum - Page: 21
Mitrophyllum dissitum - Page: 21
Monilaria obconica - Page: 21
Meyerophytum meyeri - Page: 21
Monilaria pisiformis - Page: 21
Monilaria scutata - Page: 21
Drosanthemum bicolor - Page: 22
Drosanthemum thudichumii - Page: 22
Muiria hortonseae - Page: 22
Scarlet Dewflower - Page: 22
Gibbaeum dispar - Page: 22
Visbekvygie - Page: 22
Gibbaeum velutinum - Page: 22
Drosanthemum albens - Page: 22
Gibbaeum petrense - Page: 22
Drosanthemum dipageae - Page: 22
Drosanthemum micans - Page: 22
Drosanthemum collinum - Page: 22
Gibbaeum esterhuyseniae - Page: 22
Gibbaeum pachypodium - Page: 22
Gibbaeum nuciforme - Page: 22
Gibbaeum geminum - Page: 22
Gibbaeum angulipes - Page: 22
Gibbaeum gibbosum - Page: 22
Gibbaeum nebrownii - Page: 22
Gibbaeum heathii - Page: 22
Gibbaeum album - Page: 22
Mestoklema arboriforme - Page: 23
Corpuscularia lehmannii - Page: 23
Mestoklema tuberosum - Page: 23
Corpuscularia taylori - Page: 23
Delosperma purpureum - Page: 24
Pickle Plant - Page: 24
Ectotropis alpina - Page: 24
Oscularia cremnophila - Page: 24
Delosperma gautengense - Page: 24
Oscularia falciformis - Page: 24
Oscularia vredenburgensis - Page: 24
Faucaria felina - Page: 25
Faucaria britteniae - Page: 25
Kareemoervygie - Page: 25
Trichodiadema attonsum - Page: 25
Malephora pienaarii - Page: 25
Copper Vygie - Page: 25
Faucaria boscheana - Page: 26
Faucaria subintegra - Page: 26
Yellow Mountain Mesemb - Page: 26
Orthopterum coeganum - Page: 26
Faucaria tigrina - Page: 26
Chasmatophyllum maninum - Page: 26
Stomatium bolusiae - Page: 26
Stomatium suaveolens - Page: 26
Orthopterum waltoniae - Page: 26
Faucaria gratiae - Page: 26
Faucaria nemerosa - Page: 26
Mossia intervallaris - Page: 27
Neohenricia sibbettii - Page: 27
Fairy Elephants Foot - Page: 27
Sheeps Tongue - Page: 27
Neohenricia spiculata - Page: 27
Rhinephyllum muirii - Page: 27
Frithia humilis - Page: 27
Tanquana prismaticus - Page: 28
Tanquana archeri - Page: 28
Tanquana hilmarii - Page: 28
Aloinopsis spathulata - Page: 28
Vanheerdea roodiae - Page: 28
Aloinopsis rosulata - Page: 28
Aloinopsis luckhoffii - Page: 28
Aloinopsis malherbei - Page: 28
Prepodesma orpenii - Page: 28
Deilanthe hilmarii - Page: 28
Deilanthe peersii - Page: 28
Nananthus aloides - Page: 28
Aloinopsis acuta - Page: 28
Vanheerdea primosii - Page: 28
Aloinopsis loganii - Page: 28
Deilanthe thudichumii - Page: 28
Aloinopsis rubrolineata - Page: 28
Aloinopsis schooneesii - Page: 28
Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri - Page: 28
Titanopsis schwantesii - Page: 28
Dinteranthus vanzijlii - Page: 29
Stone Plant - Page: 29
Dinteranthus puberulus - Page: 29
Stone Faces - Page: 29
Dinteranthus microspermus - Page: 29
Hammeria meleagris - Page: 29
Hammeria gracilis - Page: 29
Hammeria cedarbegensis - Page: 29
Hammeria salteri - Page: 29
Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii - Page: 29
Dinteranthus wilmotianus - Page: 29
Dinteranthus pole-evansii - Page: 29
Dinteranthus inexpectatus - Page: 29
Lithops localis - Page: 29
Ihlenfeldtia excavata - Page: 29
Lithops comptonii - Page: 30
Schwantesia constanceae - Page: 30
Lithops coleorum - Page: 30
Schwantesia succumbens - Page: 30
Schwantesia reudebuschii - Page: 30
Kliprosie - Page: 31
Lithops dorotheae - Page: 31
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 31
Vlokia ater - Page: 31
Dracophilus delaetianus - Page: 32
Juttadinteria ausensis - Page: 32
Juttadinteria deserticola - Page: 32
Juttadinteria albata - Page: 32
Juttadinteria simpsonii - Page: 32
Namibia cinerea - Page: 32
Namibia pomonae - Page: 32
Hartmanthus pergamentaceus - Page: 32
Juttadinteria attenuata - Page: 32
Dracophilus dealbatus - Page: 32
Psammophora longifolia - Page: 33
Hartmanthus hallii - Page: 33
Nelia schlechteri - Page: 33
Nelia pillansii - Page: 33
Psammophora modesta - Page: 33
Psammophora nissenii - Page: 33
Jensenobotrya lossowiana - Page: 33
Psammophora saxicola - Page: 33
Conophytum bilobum - Page: 34
Burgers Onion - Page: 34
Conophytum calculus - Page: 34
Conophytum truncatum - Page: 34
Conophytum ficiforme - Page: 34
Conophytum joubertii - Page: 34
Conophytum limpidum - Page: 34
Conophytum herreanthus - Page: 34
Conophytum achabense - Page: 34
Ruschianthus falcatus - Page: 34
Conophytum khamiesbergense - Page: 34
Conophytum piluliforme - Page: 34
Machairophyllum stayneri - Page: 35
Bergeranthus concavus - Page: 35
Bergeranthus addoensis - Page: 35
Bergeranthus artus - Page: 35
Bergeranthus scapiger - Page: 35
Bergeranthus nanus - Page: 35
Bergeranthus katbergensis - Page: 35
Bergeranthus vespertinus - Page: 35
Bergeranthus multiceps - Page: 35
Bergeranthus albomarginatus - Page: 35
Machairophyllum albidum - Page: 35
Rhombophyllum albanense - Page: 35
Machairophyllum brevifolium - Page: 35
Machairophyllum bijliae - Page: 35
Rhombophyllum dolabriforme - Page: 35
Rhombophyllum dyeri - Page: 35
Rhombophyllum nelii - Page: 35
Rhombophyllum rhomboideum - Page: 35
Bergeranthus leightoniae - Page: 35
Bijlia tugwelliae - Page: 36
Carruanthus peersii - Page: 36
Hereroa fimbriata - Page: 36
Bijlia dilatata - Page: 36
Hereroa breviflora - Page: 36
Cerochlamys pachyphylla - Page: 36
Cerochlamys purpureostyla - Page: 36
Carruanthus ringens - Page: 36
Cerochlamys gemina - Page: 36
Namakwavygie - Page: 37
Braunsia geminata - Page: 37
Enarganthe octonaria - Page: 37
Wooleya farinosa - Page: 37
Smicrostigma viride - Page: 37
Braunsia apiculata - Page: 37
Braunsia stayneri - Page: 37
Braunsia maximiliana - Page: 37
Antegibbaeum fissoides - Page: 37
Natal Dune Vygie - Page: 38
Sour Fig - Page: 38
Dune Sourfig - Page: 38
Real Sour Fig - Page: 38
Pink Sour Fig - Page: 38
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 38
Esterhuysenia mucronata - Page: 38
Zeuktophyllum calycinum - Page: 38
Esterhuysenia alpina - Page: 38
Esterhuysenia drepanophylla - Page: 38
Esterhuysenia inclaudens - Page: 38
Esterhuysenia stokoei - Page: 38
Scopelogena gracilis - Page: 38
Carpobrotus mellei - Page: 38
Zeuktophyllum suppositum - Page: 38
Scopelogena bruynsii - Page: 38
Scopelogena verruculata - Page: 38
Phiambolia franciscii - Page: 39
Erepsia lacera - Page: 39
Erepsia pillansii - Page: 39
Erepsia aristata - Page: 39
Erepsia dunensis - Page: 39
Phiambolia hallii - Page: 39
Phiambolia incumbens - Page: 39
Phiambolia mentiens - Page: 39
Phiambolia stayneri - Page: 39
Phiambolia persistens - Page: 39
Erepsia simulans - Page: 39
Acrodon bellidiflorus - Page: 40
Ruschiella henricii - Page: 40
Acrodon subulatus - Page: 40
Phiambolia unca - Page: 40
Ruschiella argentea - Page: 40
Ruschiella lunulata - Page: 40
Acrodon parvifolius - Page: 40
Acrodon purpureostylus - Page: 40
Ebracteola montis-moltkei - Page: 40
Acrodon deminutus - Page: 40
Ebracteola derenbergiana - Page: 40
Phiambolia gydouwensis - Page: 40
Acrodon quarcicola - Page: 40
Khadia alticola - Page: 41
Ebracteola wilmaniae - Page: 41
Khadia borealis - Page: 41
Khadiwortel - Page: 41
Khadia media - Page: 41
Ebracteola fulleri - Page: 41
Khadia carolinensis - Page: 41
Marlothistella stenophylla - Page: 41
Marlothistella uniondalensis - Page: 41
Amphibolia rupis-arcuatae - Page: 41
Amphibolia obscura - Page: 41
Amphibolia laevis - Page: 41
Khadia beswickii - Page: 41
Doringvygie - Page: 42
Astridia velutina - Page: 42
Astridia longifolia - Page: 42
Amphibolia succulenta - Page: 42
Eberlanzia dichotoma - Page: 42
Eberlanzia ebracteata - Page: 42
Eberlanzia cyathiformis - Page: 42
Eberlanzia parvibracteata - Page: 42
Eberlanzia sedoides - Page: 42
Eberlanzia clausa - Page: 42
Eberlanzia schneideriana - Page: 42
Eberlanzia gravida - Page: 42
Astridia speciosa - Page: 42
Amphibolia saginata - Page: 42
Astridia herrei - Page: 42
Astridia vanheerdei - Page: 42
Polymita albiflora - Page: 42
Polymita steenbokensis - Page: 42
Arenifera pillansii - Page: 42
Astridia citrina - Page: 42
Astridia hallii - Page: 42
Stoeberia beetzii - Page: 43
Red Vygie-tree - Page: 43
Stoeberia frutescens - Page: 43
Stoeberia utilis - Page: 43
Stoeberia gigas - Page: 43
Stoeberia porphyrea - Page: 43
Arenifera pungens - Page: 43
Arenifera stylosa - Page: 43
Arenifera spinescens - Page: 43
Stoeberia carpii - Page: 43
Cheiridopsis pillansii - Page: 44
Cheiridopsis meyeri - Page: 44
Cheiridopsis peculiaris - Page: 44
Stayneria neilii - Page: 44
Argyroderma theartii - Page: 45
Tufted Stone Plant - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis speciosa - Page: 45
Octopoma octojuge - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis peculiaris - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis schlechteri - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis pearsonii - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis robusta - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis umdausensis - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis purpurea - Page: 45
Odontophorus herrei - Page: 45
Odontophorus pusillus - Page: 45
Odontophorus marlothii - Page: 45
Odontophorus nanus - Page: 45
Octopoma subglobosum - Page: 45
Odontophorus angustifolius - Page: 45
Octopoma quadrisepalum - Page: 45
Octopoma calycinum - Page: 45
Cheiridopsis aspera - Page: 45
Argyroderma crateriforme - Page: 46
Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Page: 46
Argyroderma patens - Page: 46
Silver Stoneflower - Page: 46
Argyroderma testiculare - Page: 46
Argyroderma framesii - Page: 46
Argyroderma pearsonii - Page: 46
Argyroderma subalbum - Page: 46
Argyroderma congregatum - Page: 46
Cephalophyllum alstonii - Page: 46
Ottosonderia monticola - Page: 46
Jordaaniella clavifolia - Page: 46
Jordaaniella cupria - Page: 47
Jordaaniella spongiosa - Page: 47
Mat Vygie - Page: 47
Pleiospilos simulans - Page: 47
Pleiospilos nelii - Page: 47
Pleiospilos bolusii - Page: 47
Jordaaniella uniflora - Page: 47
Leipoldtia frutecens - Page: 47
Leipoldtia alborosea - Page: 47
Hallianthus planus - Page: 47
Leipoldtia compacta - Page: 47
Leipoldtia rosea - Page: 47
Jordaaniella maritima - Page: 47
Jordaaniella anemoniflora - Page: 47
Pleiospilos compactus - Page: 48
Cylindrophyllum calamiforme - Page: 48
Vanzijlia annulata - Page: 48
Schlechteranthus maximiliani - Page: 48
Cylindrophyllum tugwelliae - Page: 48
Cylindrophyllum hallii - Page: 48
Pleiospilos borealis - Page: 48
Cylindrophyllum comptonii - Page: 48
Schlechteranthus hallii - Page: 48
Cylindrophyllum dyeri - Page: 48
Mesembryanthemum digitatum - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum tortuosum - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum barklyi - Page: 49
Ice Plant - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum dinteri - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum glareicola - Page: 49
Mesembryanthemum tomentosum - Page: 49
Tongue-leaved Plant - Page: 50
Goslings - Page: 50
Common Buck Bay Daisy - Page: 50
Oophytum nanum - Page: 50
Oophytum nordenstammii - Page: 50
Mesembryanthemum juttae - Page: 50
Mesembryanthemum rapaceum - Page: 50
Skiatophytum tripolium - Page: 50
Diplosoma retroversum - Page: 50
Glottiphyllum fergusoniae - Page: 51
Glottiphyllum regium - Page: 51
Glottiphyllum peersii - Page: 51
Glottiphyllum oligocarpum - Page: 51
Monilaria scutata - Page: 51
Jacobsenia kolbei - Page: 51
Mitrophyllum grande - Page: 51
Muiria hortonseae - Page: 52
Gibbaeum album - Page: 52
Meyerophytum globosum - Page: 52
Gibbaeum geminum - Page: 52
Gibbaeum gibbosum - Page: 52
Gibbaeum heathii - Page: 52
Gibbaeum nebrownii - Page: 52
Gibbaeum nuciforme - Page: 52
Gibbaeum pachypodium - Page: 52
Gibbaeum petrense - Page: 52
Gibbaeum pilosulum - Page: 52
Drosanthemum thudichumii - Page: 53
Mestoklema arboriforme - Page: 53
Muiria hortonseae - Page: 53
Scarlet Dewflower - Page: 53
Drosanthemum striatum - Page: 53
Mestoklema tuberosum - Page: 53
Faucaria britteniae - Page: 54
Faucaria felina - Page: 54
Faucaria tigrina - Page: 54
Delosperma sutherlandii - Page: 54
Oscularia comptonii - Page: 54
Delosperma nubigenum - Page: 54
Oscularia cremnophila - Page: 54
Delosperma deilanthoides - Page: 54
Neohenricia sibbettii - Page: 55
Mossia intervallaris - Page: 55
Yellow Mountain Mesemb - Page: 55
Fairy Elephants Foot - Page: 55
Rhinephyllum pillansii - Page: 55
Frithia humilis - Page: 55
Stomatium villetii - Page: 55
Stomatium bolusiae - Page: 55
Rhinephyllum graniforme - Page: 55
Tanquana hilmarii - Page: 56
Dinteranthus puberulus - Page: 56
Lithops pseudotruncatella - Page: 56
Nananthus aloides - Page: 56
Deilanthe peersii - Page: 56
Titanopsis schwantesii - Page: 56
Hammeria meleagris - Page: 56
Kliprosie - Page: 57
Lithops olivacea - Page: 57
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 57
Conophytum pellucidium - Page: 57
Lithops coleorum - Page: 57
Juttadinteria albata - Page: 57
Dracophilus dealbatus - Page: 57
Lithops optica - Page: 57
Conophytum ficiforme - Page: 57
Conophytum bilobum - Page: 58
Conophytum praesectum - Page: 58
Burgers Onion - Page: 58
Conophytum calculus - Page: 58
Bijlia dilatata - Page: 58
Machairophyllum bijliae - Page: 58
Rhombophyllum dolabriforme - Page: 58
Conophytum regale - Page: 58
Lampranthus suavissimus - Page: 59
Dune Sourfig - Page: 59
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 59
Scopelogena bruynsii - Page: 59
Antegibbaeum fissoides - Page: 59
Phiambolia hallii - Page: 59
Lampranthus roseus - Page: 59
Cerochlamys pachyphylla - Page: 59
Khadia alticola - Page: 60
Ebracteola wilmaniae - Page: 60
Red Vygie-tree - Page: 60
Khadia beswickii - Page: 60
Astridia longifolia - Page: 60
Ruschia maxima - Page: 60
Stoeberia beetzii - Page: 61
Red Vygie-tree - Page: 61
Odontophorus angustifolius - Page: 61
Cheiridopsis pillansii - Page: 61
Odontophorus marlothii - Page: 61
Cheiridopsis aspera - Page: 61
Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Page: 62
Antimima lawsonii - Page: 62
Namaqua Creeping Vygie - Page: 62
Tufted Stone Plant - Page: 62
Argyroderma congregatum - Page: 62
Antimima evoluta - Page: 62
Cephalophyllum loreum - Page: 62
Jordaaniella spongiosa - Page: 63
Mat Vygie - Page: 63
Pleiospilos nelii - Page: 63
Pleiospilos simulans - Page: 63
Pleiospilos bolusii - Page: 63
Anacampseros filamentosa - Page: 63
Vanzijlia annulata - Page: 63
Cylindrophyllum tugwelliae - Page: 63
Spekboom - Page: 64
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 64
Anacampseros telephiastrum - Page: 64
Gansmis - Page: 64
Grootblaarspekboom - Page: 64
Ceraria pygmaea - Page: 64
Moerhoutjie - Page: 64
Anacampseros subnuda - Page: 64
Avonia quinaria - Page: 64
Avonia dinteri - Page: 64
Avonia albissima - Page: 64
Talinum portulacifolium - Page: 65
Porcupine Root - Page: 65
Talinum arnotii - Page: 65
Talinum crispatulum - Page: 65
Talinum tenuissimum - Page: 65
Anacampseros lanceolata - Page: 66
Anacampseros comptonii - Page: 66
Anacampseros vanthielii - Page: 66
Anacampseros hillii - Page: 66
Anacampseros bayeriana - Page: 66
Anacampseros scopata - Page: 66
Anacampseros telephiastrum - Page: 67
Haaskos - Page: 67
Anacampseros rufescens - Page: 67
Anacampseros baeseckii - Page: 67
Anacampseros filamentosa - Page: 67
Anacampseros subnuda - Page: 67
Anacampseros retusa - Page: 67
Anacampseros pisina - Page: 67
Anacampseros karasmontana - Page: 67
Anacampseros albidiflora - Page: 67
Moerhoutjie - Page: 68
Avonia ruschii - Page: 68
Avonia herreana - Page: 68
Avonia quinaria - Page: 68
Avonia recurvata - Page: 68
Avonia albissima - Page: 68
Avonia dinteri - Page: 68
Moerplantjie - Page: 69
Avonia gariepensis - Page: 69
Avonia mallei - Page: 69
Spekboom - Page: 70
Ceraria fruticulosa - Page: 70
Grootblaarspekboom - Page: 70
Gansmis - Page: 70
Avonia variabilis - Page: 70
Avonia perplexa - Page: 70
Ceraria longipedunculata - Page: 71
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 71
Ceraria pygmaea - Page: 71
Portulaca rhodesiana - Page: 72
Wild Purslane - Page: 72
Vygiebossie - Page: 72
Portulaca collina - Page: 72
Portulaca hereroensis - Page: 72
Portulaca foliosa - Page: 72
Skilpadkos - Page: 73
Woods Cotyledon - Page: 74
Pendent Cotyledon - Page: 74
Bosveldplakkie - Page: 74
Cotyledon tomentosa - Page: 74
Cotyledon velutina - Page: 74
Cotyledon eliseae - Page: 74
Cotyledon adscendens - Page: 74
Pigs Ears - Page: 75
Ranknenta - Page: 75
Tylecodon similis - Page: 76
Tylecodon aurusbergensis - Page: 76
Tylecodon bleckiae - Page: 76
Tylecodon schaeferianus - Page: 76
Tylecodon pearsonii - Page: 76
Tylecodon singularis - Page: 76
Tylecodon longipes - Page: 77
Tylecodon ellaphieae - Page: 77
Tylecodon aridimontanus - Page: 77
Tylecodon occultans - Page: 78
Tylecodon bodleyae - Page: 78
Tylecodon bayeri - Page: 78
Tylecodon peculiaris - Page: 78
Tylecodon pusillus - Page: 78
Tylecodon nolteei - Page: 78
Tylecodon decipiens - Page: 78
Tylecodon nigricaulis - Page: 79
Tylecodon pygmaeus - Page: 79
Tylecodon tuberosus - Page: 79
Tylecodon tenuis - Page: 79
Tylecodon sulphureus - Page: 79
Tylecodon atropurpureus - Page: 79
Tylecodon leucothrix - Page: 80
Tylecodon stenocaulis - Page: 80
Tylecodon tribblei - Page: 80
Tylecodon faucium - Page: 80
Tylecodon cordiformis - Page: 80
Tylecodon fragilis - Page: 80
Tylecodon scandens - Page: 80
Common Butterbush - Page: 81
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 81
Tylecodon racemosus - Page: 81
Tylecodon reticulatus - Page: 81
Tylecodon buchholzianus - Page: 81
Tylecodon rubrovenosus - Page: 81
Tylecodon albiflorus - Page: 81
Tylecodon hallii - Page: 81
Tylecodon kritzingeri - Page: 82
Tylecodon viridflorus - Page: 82
Tylecodon striatus - Page: 82
Tylecodon reticulatus - Page: 83
Rooisuikerblom - Page: 83
Tylecodon torulosus - Page: 83
Tylecodon hirtifolius - Page: 83
Tylecodon petrophilus - Page: 83
Tylecodon suffultus - Page: 83
Common Butterbush - Page: 84
Tylecodon ventricosus - Page: 84
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 84
Sulphur Butterbush - Page: 84
Bulbees - Page: 85
Adromischus filicaulis - Page: 85
Adromischus roaneanus - Page: 85
Adromischus hemisphaericus - Page: 85
Adromischus montium-klinghardtii - Page: 85
Adromischus liebenbergii - Page: 85
Bontplakkie - Page: 86
Adromischus umbraticola - Page: 86
Adromischus subdistichus - Page: 86
Adromischus nanus - Page: 86
Adromischus schuldtianus - Page: 86
Adromischus bicolor - Page: 86
Adromischus humilis - Page: 87
Adromischus phillipsiae - Page: 87
Adromischus diabolicus - Page: 87
Adromischus sphenophyllus - Page: 88
Adromischus maximus - Page: 88
Bontplakkie - Page: 88
Adromischus triflorus - Page: 88
Adromischus caryophyllaceus - Page: 88
Adromischus mammillaris - Page: 88
Adromischus fallax - Page: 88
Adromischus inamoenus - Page: 89
Adromischus subviridis - Page: 89
Adromischus marianiae - Page: 89
Adromischus leucophyllus - Page: 89
Kristaatplakkie - Page: 90
Bontplakkie - Page: 90
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 91
Orange Forest Kalanchoe - Page: 91
Kalanchoe brachyloba - Page: 91
Narrow-leaved Kalanchoe - Page: 91
White Lady - Page: 91
Kalanchoe alticola - Page: 92
Northern White Lady - Page: 92
Kalanchoe sexangulares - Page: 92
Kalanchoe neglecta - Page: 92
Kalanchoe longiflora - Page: 92
Kalanchoe paniculata - Page: 92
Kalanchoe crundallii - Page: 92
Crassula gemmifera - Page: 93
Crassula tuberella - Page: 93
Crassula inanis - Page: 93
Lizards Tail - Page: 94
Crassula expansa - Page: 94
Lizards Tail - Page: 94
Crassula peculiaris - Page: 94
Crassula papillosa - Page: 94
Crassula tenuicaulis - Page: 94
Crassula pageae - Page: 94
Coral Crassula - Page: 95
Crassula deltoidea - Page: 95
Crassula pellucida - Page: 95
Crassula vestita - Page: 95
Crassula elsieae - Page: 95
Pondoland Crassula - Page: 96
Pink Joy - Page: 96
Crassula sarmentosa - Page: 96
Crassula cordata - Page: 96
Crassula crenulata - Page: 96
Milky Stonecrop - Page: 96
Forest Crassula - Page: 96
Fairy Crassula - Page: 96
Crassula spathulata - Page: 96
Tree Crassula - Page: 97
Crassula nemorosa - Page: 97
Crassula umbella - Page: 97
Crassula umbraticola - Page: 97
Crassula saxifraga - Page: 97
Crassula simulans - Page: 97
Crassula alcicornis - Page: 97
Crassula dentata - Page: 97
Crassula capensis - Page: 97
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 98
Crassula planifolia - Page: 98
Crassula dependens - Page: 98
Crassula peploides - Page: 98
Houtplakkie - Page: 98
Crassula ericoides - Page: 98
Crassula biplanata - Page: 98
Bladder Cell Stonecrop - Page: 99
Crassula multiflora - Page: 99
Crassula pustulata - Page: 99
Crassula pallens - Page: 99
Crassula rudolfii - Page: 99
Crassula whiteheadii - Page: 99
Crassula scabra - Page: 99
Crassula cymosa - Page: 99
Crassula lasiantha - Page: 99
Crassula muricata - Page: 99
Red Crassea - Page: 100
Klipblom - Page: 100
Crassula ciliata - Page: 100
Crassula dejecta - Page: 100
Rooistamplakkie - Page: 100
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 100
Crassula fallax - Page: 100
Crassula flava - Page: 100
Crassula subulata - Page: 100
Stone Crassula - Page: 101
Crassula montana - Page: 101
Crassula foveata - Page: 101
Crassula flanaganii - Page: 101
Crassula cymbiformis - Page: 101
Crassula pseudohemisphaerica - Page: 101
Crassula luederitzii - Page: 101
Crassula socialis - Page: 101
Crassula intermedia - Page: 101
Giant Crassula - Page: 102
Crassula exilis - Page: 102
Crassula natalensis - Page: 102
Crassula alba - Page: 102
Yellow Crassula - Page: 102
Crassula setulosa - Page: 102
Crassula tabularis - Page: 102
Pondoland Stonecrop - Page: 103
Crassula compacta - Page: 103
Half-moon Crassula - Page: 103
Crassula brachystachya - Page: 103
Crassula sediflora - Page: 103
Crassula southii - Page: 103
Crassula tomentosa - Page: 104
Crassula barbata - Page: 104
Crassula capitella - Page: 104
Crassula cremnophila - Page: 104
Crassula brevifolia - Page: 105
String-of-buttons - Page: 105
Crassula sladenii - Page: 105
Concertina Plant - Page: 105
Crassula fusca - Page: 105
Crassula badspoortense - Page: 105
Crassula macowaniana - Page: 106
Khaki-Button - Page: 106
Crassula lanuginosa - Page: 107
Crassula swaziensis - Page: 107
Crassula congesta - Page: 107
Pyramid Crassula - Page: 107
Crassula sericea - Page: 107
Crassula decidua - Page: 107
Crassula multiceps - Page: 107
Crassula alpestris - Page: 107
Crassula barklyi - Page: 107
Crassula namaquensis - Page: 108
Crassula tecta - Page: 108
Crassula susannae - Page: 108
Crassula hirtipes - Page: 108
Crassula garibina - Page: 108
Crassula ausensis - Page: 108
Crassula alstonii - Page: 108
Crassula mesembryanthemopsis - Page: 109
Crassula grisea - Page: 109
Crassula elegans - Page: 109
Crassula columella - Page: 109
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 110
Crassula deceptor - Page: 110
Crassula plegmatoides - Page: 110
Crassula rogersii - Page: 111
Crassula cultrata - Page: 111
Crassula atropurpurea - Page: 111
Crassula latibracteata - Page: 111
Crassula mollis - Page: 111
Crassula mesembryanthoides - Page: 111
Crassula pubescens - Page: 111
Crassula subacaulis - Page: 112
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 112
Crassula cotyledonis - Page: 112
Crassula subaphylla - Page: 112
Crassula clavata - Page: 112
Crassula ammophila - Page: 112
Pendent Cotyledon - Page: 113
Woods Cotyledon - Page: 113
Skilpadkos - Page: 113
Cotyledon tomentosa - Page: 113
Cotyledon adscendens - Page: 113
Cotyledon cuneata - Page: 113
Cotyledon eliseae - Page: 113
Ranknenta - Page: 114
Pigs Ears - Page: 114
Tylecodon occultans - Page: 114
Tylecodon schaeferianus - Page: 114
Tylecodon ellaphieae - Page: 114
Tylecodon sulphureus - Page: 114
Tylecodon pusillus - Page: 114
Tylecodon singularis - Page: 114
Common Butterbush - Page: 115
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 115
Tylecodon atropurpureus - Page: 115
Tylecodon albiflorus - Page: 115
Sulphur Butterbush - Page: 116
Tylecodon racemosus - Page: 116
Tylecodon reticulatus - Page: 116
Tylecodon torulosus - Page: 116
Adromischus montium-klinghardtii - Page: 116
Tylecodon kritzingeri - Page: 116
Adromischus triflorus - Page: 117
Bontplakkie - Page: 117
Adromischus humilis - Page: 117
Adromischus subdistichus - Page: 117
Adromischus caryophyllaceus - Page: 117
Adromischus phillipsiae - Page: 117
Lizards Tail - Page: 118
Kristaatplakkie - Page: 118
Adromischus marianiae - Page: 118
Crassula expansa - Page: 118
White Lady - Page: 118
Kalanchoe latisepala - Page: 118
Adromischus leucophyllus - Page: 118
Pondoland Crassula - Page: 119
Crassula ericoides - Page: 119
Crassula ciliata - Page: 119
Coral Crassula - Page: 119
Crassula peploides - Page: 119
Crassula deltoidea - Page: 119
Rooistamplakkie - Page: 119
Crassula simulans - Page: 119
Crassula foveata - Page: 120
Stone Crassula - Page: 120
Crassula barbata - Page: 120
Crassula montana - Page: 120
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 120
Crassula congesta - Page: 121
Crassula macowaniana - Page: 121
Crassula brevifolia - Page: 121
Pyramid Crassula - Page: 121
Concertina Plant - Page: 121
Khaki-Button - Page: 121
Crassula badspoortense - Page: 121
Crassula barklyi - Page: 121
Crassula alpestris - Page: 121
Crassula alstonii - Page: 122
Crassula swaziensis - Page: 122
Crassula ausensis - Page: 122
Crassula tecta - Page: 122
Crassula namaquensis - Page: 122
Crassula mesembryanthemopsis - Page: 123
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 123
Crassula columella - Page: 123
Crassula elegans - Page: 123
Crassula susannae - Page: 123
Bushmans Candle - Page: 124
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 124
Candle Bush - Page: 124
Crassula cultrata - Page: 124
Crassula deceptor - Page: 124
Yellow Bushmans Candle - Page: 125
Sarcocaulon ciliatum - Page: 125
Sarcocaulon mossamedense - Page: 125
Sarcocaulon flavescens - Page: 125
Sarcocaulon vanderrietiae - Page: 125
Sarcocaulon marlothii - Page: 125
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 126
Euphorbia damarana - Page: 126
Diklootmelkbos - Page: 126
Sarcocaulon herrei - Page: 126
Sarcocaulon multifidum - Page: 126
Sarcocaulon peniculinum - Page: 126
Sarcocaulon inerme - Page: 126
Euphorbia lignosa - Page: 127
Euphorbia gregaria - Page: 127
Euphorbia herrei - Page: 127
Euphorbia rhombifolia - Page: 127
Euphorbia stapelioides - Page: 127
Ostrich Neck - Page: 128
Olifantsmelkbos - Page: 128
Euphorbia pubiglans - Page: 128
Cycad Euphorbia - Page: 128
Euphorbia celata - Page: 128
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 128
Vingerpol - Page: 129
Doringpol - Page: 129
Woods Euphorbia - Page: 129
Lions Spoor - Page: 129
Euphorbia schoenlandii - Page: 129
Euphorbia inermis - Page: 129
Medusas Head - Page: 130
Euphorbia marlothiana - Page: 130
Euphorbia brakdamensis - Page: 130
Euphorbia rudis - Page: 130
Euphorbia colliculina - Page: 130
Euphorbia albipollinifera - Page: 130
Euphorbia multiceps - Page: 130
Euphorbia tridentata - Page: 131
Vegetable Football - Page: 131
Skilpadkos - Page: 131
Euphorbia polycephala - Page: 131
Euphorbia wilmaniae - Page: 131
Bokmelkbos - Page: 132
Bobbejaannoors - Page: 132
Euphorbia susannae - Page: 132
Euphorbia pseudoglobosa - Page: 132
Bobbejaannoors - Page: 133
Grootnoors - Page: 133
Klipmelkbossie - Page: 133
Euphorbia tortirama - Page: 133
Euphorbia limpopoana - Page: 133
Euphorbia pentagona - Page: 133
Euphorbia squarrosa - Page: 133
Euphorbia lydenburgensis - Page: 134
Slender Candelabra-euphorbia - Page: 134
Big Thorn Euphorbia - Page: 134
Euphorbia venenata - Page: 134
Lowveld Euphorbia - Page: 134
Gifbos - Page: 134
Noorsdoring - Page: 134
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 135
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 135
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 135
River Euphorbia - Page: 135
Honey Euphorbia - Page: 135
Euphorbia halipedicola - Page: 135
Euphorbia memoralis - Page: 136
Euphorbia bougheyi - Page: 136
Euphorbia wildii - Page: 136
Euphorbia persistentifolia - Page: 136
Euphorbia davyi - Page: 136
Euphorbia graniticola - Page: 136
Euphorbia decidua - Page: 136
Bushmans Candle - Page: 137
Sarcocaulon lheritieri - Page: 137
Sarcocaulon salmoniflorum - Page: 137
Yellow Bushmans Candle - Page: 138
Candle Bush - Page: 138
Sarcocaulon vanderrietiae - Page: 138
Sarcocaulon ciliatum - Page: 139
Sarcocaulon flavescens - Page: 139
Sarcocaulon marlothii - Page: 139
Sarcocaulon herrei - Page: 140
Sarcocaulon mossamedense - Page: 140
Sarcocaulon multifidum - Page: 140
Sarcocaulon peniculinum - Page: 140
Sarcocaulon inerme - Page: 140
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 143
Euphorbia gummifera - Page: 143
Diklootmelkbos - Page: 143
Rankmelkbos - Page: 143
Sweet Milkbush - Page: 143
Euphorbia suffulta - Page: 143
Euphorbia lignosa - Page: 144
Euphorbia rhombifolia - Page: 144
Euphorbia spinea - Page: 144
Euphorbia giessii - Page: 144
Euphorbia stapelioides - Page: 144
Euphorbia lavrani - Page: 144
Euphorbia ephedroides - Page: 145
Euphorbia gentilis - Page: 145
Euphorbia spartaria - Page: 145
Euphorbia herrei - Page: 145
Euphorbia aequoris - Page: 145
Euphorbia juttae - Page: 145
Euphorbia exilis - Page: 145
Olifantsmelkbos - Page: 146
Euphorbia verruculosa - Page: 146
Euphorbia gariepina - Page: 146
Euphorbia namuskluftensis - Page: 146
Cycad Euphorbia - Page: 147
Melkbol - Page: 147
Euphorbia silenifolia - Page: 147
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 147
Euphorbia tuberosa - Page: 147
Euphorbia pedemontana - Page: 147
Euphorbia celata - Page: 147
Euphorbia monteiroi - Page: 148
Club Euphorbia - Page: 148
Euphorbia tugelensis - Page: 148
Ostrich Neck - Page: 148
Euphorbia pubiglans - Page: 148
Euphorbia bubalina - Page: 148
Euphorbia cylindrica - Page: 148
Euphorbia hallii - Page: 148
Euphorbia oxystegia - Page: 149
Euphorbia leistneri - Page: 149
Doringpol - Page: 150
Euphorbia schoenlandii - Page: 150
Lions Spoor - Page: 150
Euphorbia fasciculata - Page: 150
Euphorbia multifolia - Page: 150
Euphorbia eustacei - Page: 150
Vingerpol - Page: 151
Woods Euphorbia - Page: 151
Euphorbia gorgonis - Page: 151
Euphorbia franksiae - Page: 151
Euphorbia flanaganii - Page: 151
Euphorbia ernestii - Page: 151
Euphorbia pugniformis - Page: 151
Euphorbia inermis - Page: 151
Euphorbia brevirama - Page: 151
Euphorbia gatbergensis - Page: 151
Medusas Head - Page: 152
Euphorbia fortuita - Page: 152
Euphorbia muirii - Page: 152
Euphorbia colliculina - Page: 152
Euphorbia albipollinifera - Page: 152
Euphorbia ramiglans - Page: 153
Euphorbia crassipes - Page: 153
Euphorbia decepta - Page: 153
Euphorbia albertensis - Page: 153
Euphorbia fusca - Page: 153
Euphorbia arida - Page: 153
Euphorbia friedrichiae - Page: 154
Euphorbia pentops - Page: 154
Euphorbia namibensis - Page: 154
Euphorbia melanohydrata - Page: 154
Euphorbia suppressa - Page: 154
Euphorbia gamkensis - Page: 154
Euphorbia multiceps - Page: 154
Euphorbia brakdamensis - Page: 155
Euphorbia filiflora - Page: 155
Euphorbia davyi - Page: 155
Euphorbia braunsii - Page: 155
Euphorbia bergii - Page: 155
Euphorbia versicolores - Page: 155
Euphorbia rudis - Page: 155
Euphorbia maleolens - Page: 155
Euphorbia duseimata - Page: 155
Euphorbia tridentata - Page: 156
Euphorbia globosa - Page: 156
Euphorbia polycephala - Page: 156
Euphorbia wilmaniae - Page: 156
Euphorbia planiceps - Page: 156
Euphorbia ornithopus - Page: 156
Vegetable Football - Page: 157
Skilpadkos - Page: 157
Euphorbia susannae - Page: 157
Tepelnoors - Page: 158
Euphorbia nesemannii - Page: 158
Euphorbia pseudoglobosa - Page: 158
Euphorbia jansenvillensis - Page: 158
Euphorbia hypogaea - Page: 158
Euphorbia cumulata - Page: 158
Bokmelkbos - Page: 159
Bobbejaannoors - Page: 159
Prickly-leaved Cushion Euphorbia - Page: 159
Euphorbia ferox - Page: 159
Euphorbia inconstantia - Page: 159
Euphorbia aggregata - Page: 159
Euphorbia pentagona - Page: 159
Grootnoors - Page: 160
Euphorbia pillansii - Page: 160
Melkdoring - Page: 161
Copper Euphorbia - Page: 161
Euphorbia vandermerwei - Page: 161
Klipmelkbossie - Page: 161
Euphorbia umfoloziensis - Page: 161
Euphorbia squarrosa - Page: 161
Euphorbia micracantha - Page: 161
Euphorbia clivicola - Page: 161
Euphorbia limpopoana - Page: 161
Struikmelkbos - Page: 162
Euphorbia lydenburgensis - Page: 162
Euphorbia tortirama - Page: 162
Euphorbia enormis - Page: 162
Euphorbia clavigera - Page: 162
Euphorbia rowlandii - Page: 163
Euphorbia waterbergensis - Page: 163
Granite Euphorbia - Page: 163
Wynand-se-noors - Page: 163
Euphorbia kaokoensis - Page: 163
Euphorbia complexa - Page: 163
Slender Candelabra-euphorbia - Page: 164
Gifbos - Page: 164
Euphorbia venenata - Page: 164
Big Thorn Euphorbia - Page: 164
Euphorbia pseudocactus - Page: 164
Euphorbia knobelii - Page: 164
Euphorbia barnardii - Page: 164
Euphorbia hottentota - Page: 164
Euphorbia perangusta - Page: 164
Euphorbia otjipembana - Page: 164
Euphorbia grandialata - Page: 165
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 165
Noorsdoring - Page: 165
Suurnoors - Page: 165
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 166
Swazi Euphorbia - Page: 166
Sekhukhune Euphorbia - Page: 166
Soutpansberg Euphorbia - Page: 166
Olifants River Euphorbia - Page: 166
Euphorbia angularis - Page: 166
Valley-bush Euphorbia - Page: 167
Lowveld Euphorbia - Page: 167
Honey Euphorbia - Page: 168
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 168
River Euphorbia - Page: 168
Kei Euphorbia - Page: 168
Euphorbia lugardiae - Page: 168
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 172
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 173
Euphorbia rowlandii - Page: 173
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 173
Granite Euphorbia - Page: 173
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 173
Euphorbia fortissima - Page: 173
Euphorbia halipedicola - Page: 173
Euphorbia lividiflora - Page: 173
Euphorbia persistentifolia - Page: 173
Euphorbia wildii - Page: 174
Euphorbia memoralis - Page: 174
Klipmelkbossie - Page: 174
Euphorbia malevola - Page: 174
Euphorbia gossypina - Page: 174
Euphorbia dissitispina - Page: 174
Euphorbia rugosiflora - Page: 174
Melkbol - Page: 175
Euphorbia decidua - Page: 175
Euphorbia halipedicola - Page: 175
Euphorbia davyi - Page: 175
Granite Euphorbia - Page: 176
Euphorbia graniticola - Page: 176
Euphorbia corniculata - Page: 176
Euphorbia contorta - Page: 176
Euphorbia ambroseae - Page: 176
Euphorbia baylissii - Page: 176
Euphorbia bougheyi - Page: 176
Euphorbia torrei - Page: 176
Euphorbia lividiflora - Page: 176
Euphorbia decliviticola - Page: 176
Euphorbia unicornis - Page: 176
Euphorbia knuthii - Page: 177
Euphorbia ramulosa - Page: 177
Spiny Greenstem - Page: 180
Bobbejaangif - Page: 180
Adenia pechuelii - Page: 181
Zulluland Greenstem - Page: 181
Adenia repanda - Page: 181
Adenia karibaensis - Page: 181
Impala Lily - Page: 182
Namibian Impala Lily - Page: 182
Summer Impala Lily - Page: 182
Adenium oleifolium - Page: 182
Bottle-tree - Page: 183
Halfmens - Page: 183
Mountain Kambroo - Page: 184
Kudu Lily - Page: 184
Bobbejaankos - Page: 184
Fockea edulis - Page: 185
Fockea capensis - Page: 185
Fockea sinuata - Page: 186
Fockea comaru - Page: 186
Fockea angustifolia - Page: 187
Fockea multiflora - Page: 188
Ubombo Thick-boat - Page: 189
Australluma peschii - Page: 189
Baynesia lophophora - Page: 189
Quaqua pruinosa - Page: 190
Quaqua acutiloba - Page: 190
Quaqua arida - Page: 190
Quaqua bayeriana - Page: 190
Quaqua parviflora - Page: 190
Quaqua inversa - Page: 191
Quaqua pulchra - Page: 191
Quaqua cincta - Page: 191
Quaqua incarnata - Page: 191
Quaqua pallens - Page: 191
Quaqua aurea - Page: 191
Aroena - Page: 192
Quaqua framesii - Page: 192
Quaqua multiflora - Page: 192
Quaqua arenicola - Page: 192
Quaqua armata - Page: 192
Quaqua linearis - Page: 193
Quaqua pillansii - Page: 193
Quaqua ramosa - Page: 193
Plaranthus comptus - Page: 194
Plaranthus cornutus - Page: 194
Plaranthus punctatus - Page: 194
Plaranthus parvulus - Page: 194
Plaranthus geminatus - Page: 195
Plaranthus atrosanguineus - Page: 195
Plaranthus decipiens - Page: 195
Notechidnopsis tessellata - Page: 195
Baboon Ghaap - Page: 196
Hoodia juttae - Page: 196
Hoodia dregei - Page: 196
Richtersveldia columnaris - Page: 196
Hoodia parviflora - Page: 197
Hoodia mossamedensis - Page: 197
Namib Ghaap - Page: 197
Hoodia officinalis - Page: 197
Hoodia ruschii - Page: 198
Hoodia alstonii - Page: 198
Hoodia flava - Page: 198
Hoodia triebneri - Page: 198
Hoodia pedicellata - Page: 198
Hoodia pilifera - Page: 199
Lavrania haagnerae - Page: 199
Hoodia grandis - Page: 199
Bobbejaanseep - Page: 200
Larryleachia picta - Page: 200
Larryleachia marlothii - Page: 200
Larryleachia tirasmontana - Page: 200
Namibian Impala Lily - Page: 201
Impala Lily - Page: 201
Halfmens - Page: 201
Spiny Greenstem - Page: 201
Adenia pechuelii - Page: 201
Summer Impala Lily - Page: 201
Bobbejaangif - Page: 201
Bottle-tree - Page: 202
Aroena - Page: 202
Mountain Kambroo - Page: 202
Fockea multiflora - Page: 202
Quaqua incarnata - Page: 202
Ubombo Thick-boat - Page: 202
Quaqua parviflora - Page: 202
Quaqua pruinosa - Page: 202
Baynesia lophophora - Page: 202
Quaqua arenicola - Page: 202
Fockea capensis - Page: 202
Namib Ghaap - Page: 203
Baboon Ghaap - Page: 203
Hoodia pilifera - Page: 203
Hoodia pedicellata - Page: 203
Plaranthus punctatus - Page: 203
Plaranthus atrosanguineus - Page: 203
Plaranthus parvulus - Page: 203
Quaqua linearis - Page: 203
Richtersveldia columnaris - Page: 203
Hoodia dregei - Page: 203
Huernia barbata - Page: 204
Huernia pillansii - Page: 204
Ophionella arcuata - Page: 204
Stapelianthus saxatilis - Page: 204
Stapelianthus pilosus - Page: 204
Pectinaria maughanii - Page: 204
Pectinaria articulata - Page: 204
Larryleachia marlothii - Page: 204
Huernia longii - Page: 204
Kirks Carrion Flower - Page: 205
Huernia oculata - Page: 205
Huernia verekeri - Page: 205
Huernia occulta - Page: 205
Huernia levyi - Page: 205
Huernia procumbens - Page: 205
Huernia kennedyana - Page: 205
Huernia hislopii - Page: 205
Tridentea gemmiflora - Page: 206
Devils Trumpet - Page: 206
Polished Star - Page: 206
Tromotriche pedunculata - Page: 206
Tridentea parvipuncta - Page: 206
Huernia humilis - Page: 206
Tridentea marientalensis - Page: 206
Tridentea peculiaris - Page: 206
Duvalia modesta - Page: 206
Duvalia parviflora - Page: 206
Duvalia caespitosa - Page: 206
Tromotriche umdausensis - Page: 206
Tromotriche revoluta - Page: 206
Orbea caudata - Page: 207
Orbea carnosa - Page: 207
Geelaasblom - Page: 207
Giant Stapelia - Page: 207
Orbea melanantha - Page: 207
Orbea hardyi - Page: 207
Orbea lugardii - Page: 207
Orbea valida - Page: 207
Tromotriche longii - Page: 207
Orbea woodii - Page: 207
Orbea ciliata - Page: 207
Tromotriche herrei - Page: 207
Haasoor - Page: 208
Bobbejaankambro - Page: 208
Makghaap - Page: 208
Stapelia unicornis - Page: 208
Stapelia schinzii - Page: 208
Stapelia engleriana - Page: 208
Stapelia clavicorona - Page: 208
Stapelia surrecta - Page: 208
Stapelia paniculata - Page: 208
Stapelia acuminata - Page: 208
Pectinaria articulata - Page: 209
Pectinaria maughanii - Page: 209
Pectinaria longipes - Page: 209
Larryleachia perlata - Page: 209
Ophionella willowmorensis - Page: 210
Ophionella arcuata - Page: 210
Stapeliopsis neronis - Page: 210
Stapeliopsis urniflora - Page: 210
Stapeliopsis breviloba - Page: 211
Stapeliopsis exasperata - Page: 211
Stapeliopsis stayneri - Page: 211
Stapeliopsis khamiesbergensis - Page: 211
Stapeliopsis saxatilis - Page: 211
Stapeliopsis pillansii - Page: 211
Huernia longii - Page: 212
Huernia barbata - Page: 212
Huernia pillansii - Page: 212
Huernia piersii - Page: 212
Huernia whitesloaneana - Page: 213
Kirks Carrion Flower - Page: 213
Huernia kennedyana - Page: 213
Huernia occulta - Page: 213
Huernia levyi - Page: 213
Huernia hislopii - Page: 213
Huernia longituba - Page: 213
Huernia stapelioides - Page: 214
Porcupine Huernia - Page: 214
Huernia pendula - Page: 214
Huernia leachii - Page: 214
Huernia volkartii - Page: 214
Huernia loeseneriana - Page: 214
Huernia oculata - Page: 214
Huernia urceolata - Page: 215
Huernia verekeri - Page: 215
Huernia procumbens - Page: 215
Huernia similis - Page: 215
Huernia namaquensis - Page: 215
Bitterghaap - Page: 216
Huernia hallii - Page: 216
Huernia nouhuysii - Page: 216
Huernia guttata - Page: 216
Huernia praestans - Page: 216
Huernia quinta - Page: 216
Zebra Huernia - Page: 217
Huernia humilis - Page: 217
Huernia transvaalensis - Page: 217
Huernia erectiloba - Page: 217
Huernia plowesii - Page: 218
Duvalia caespitosa - Page: 218
Duvalia gracilis - Page: 218
Duvalia angustiloba - Page: 218
Duvalia immaculata - Page: 219
Duvalia corderoyi - Page: 219
Duvalia parviflora - Page: 219
Duvalia modesta - Page: 219
Duvalia elegans - Page: 219
Duvalia maculata - Page: 219
Duvalia pillansii - Page: 219
Devils Trumpet - Page: 220
Tridentea gemmiflora - Page: 220
Polished Star - Page: 220
Tavaresia angolensis - Page: 220
Tridentea marientalensis - Page: 221
Tridentea parvipuncta - Page: 221
Tridentea pachyrrhiza - Page: 221
Tridentea peculiaris - Page: 221
Tridentea virescens - Page: 221
Tridentea dwequensis - Page: 222
Tromotriche revoluta - Page: 222
Tromotriche thudichumii - Page: 223
Tromotriche baylissii - Page: 223
Tromotriche choanantha - Page: 223
Tromotriche longii - Page: 223
Tromotriche umdausensis - Page: 223
Tromotriche aperta - Page: 224
Tromotriche herrei - Page: 224
Tromotriche pedunculata - Page: 224
Tromotriche ruschiana - Page: 224
Orbea namaquensis - Page: 225
Cape Carrion Flower - Page: 225
Orbea ciliata - Page: 225
Orbea cooperi - Page: 226
Orbea pulchella - Page: 226
Orbea verrucosa - Page: 226
Orbea tapscottii - Page: 226
Orbea macloughlinii - Page: 226
Orbea woodii - Page: 227
Orbea maculata - Page: 227
Orbea umbracula - Page: 227
Orbea halipedicola - Page: 227
Orbea longidens - Page: 227
Orbea carnosa - Page: 228
Orbea schweinfurthii - Page: 228
Orbea paradoxa - Page: 228
Orbea miscella - Page: 228
Orbea rogersii - Page: 228
Geelaasblom - Page: 229
Orbea huillensis - Page: 229
Orbea caudata - Page: 229
Orbea hardyi - Page: 229
Orbea conjuncta - Page: 229
Orbea lugardii - Page: 229
Orbea valida - Page: 230
Orbea melanantha - Page: 230
Orbea knobelii - Page: 230
Orbea albocastanea - Page: 230
Orbea gerstneri - Page: 230
Bobbejaankambro - Page: 231
Leendertzs Carrion Flower - Page: 231
Stapelia unicornis - Page: 231
Giant Stapelia - Page: 231
Haasoor - Page: 232
Zebra Stapelia - Page: 232
Stapelia remota - Page: 233
Stapelia clavicorona - Page: 233
Stapelia pillansii - Page: 233
Stapelia schinzii - Page: 233
Stapelia obducta - Page: 233
Stapelia cedrimontana - Page: 234
Stapelia acuminata - Page: 234
Stapelia flavopurpurea - Page: 234
Stapelia surrecta - Page: 234
Stapelia engleriana - Page: 234
Stapelia villetiae - Page: 234
Stapelia olivacea - Page: 235
Stapelia pearsonii - Page: 235
Stapelia divaricata - Page: 235
Stapelia kwebensis - Page: 235
Stapelia similis - Page: 235
Stapelia rubiginosa - Page: 235
Stapelia arenosa - Page: 235
Stapelia rufa - Page: 236
Makghaap - Page: 236
Stapelia paniculata - Page: 236
Stapelia erectiflora - Page: 236
Tree Aloe - Page: 237
Strand Aloe - Page: 238
Bottle-brush Aloe - Page: 238
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 238
Mountain Aloe - Page: 238
Cats-tail Aloe - Page: 239
Wylliespoort Aloe - Page: 239
Aloe vryheidensis - Page: 239
Lebombo Aloe - Page: 239
Bitter Aloe - Page: 240
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 240
Krantz Aloe - Page: 240
Tilt-head Aloe - Page: 240
French Aloe - Page: 240
Lined Aloe - Page: 240
Aloe munchii - Page: 240
Soap Aloe - Page: 241
Coral Aloe - Page: 241
Fence Aloe - Page: 241
Aloe mawii - Page: 241
Climbing Aloe - Page: 241
Aloe reynoldsii - Page: 241
Aloiampelos striatula - Page: 242
Scrambling Aloe - Page: 242
Coega Aloe - Page: 242
Aloe humilis - Page: 242
Aloe pictifolia - Page: 242
Aloe aristata - Page: 242
Aloe polyphylla - Page: 243
Aloe longistyla - Page: 243
Aloe pratensis - Page: 243
Aloe umfoloziensis - Page: 244
Aloe greenii - Page: 244
Muden Spotted Aloe - Page: 244
Aloe prinslooi - Page: 244
Van Rooyens Aloe - Page: 245
Aloe vanbalenii - Page: 245
Powder Aloe - Page: 245
Aloe vryheidensis - Page: 245
Aloe dewetii - Page: 245
Book Aloe - Page: 245
Purple Spotted Aloe - Page: 245
Aloe suffulta - Page: 246
Aloe reitzii - Page: 246
Gerstners Aloe - Page: 246
Aloe petrophila - Page: 246
Spotted Aloe - Page: 247
Fosters Aloe - Page: 247
Aloe simii - Page: 247
Aloe dyeri - Page: 247
Spotted Aloe - Page: 247
Spotted Aloe - Page: 247
Branddraai Aloe - Page: 247
Aloe lutescens - Page: 248
Pretoria Aloe - Page: 248
Aloe peglerae - Page: 248
Yellow Aloe - Page: 248
Book Aloe - Page: 248
Aloe thorncroftii - Page: 248
Aloe monotropa - Page: 248
Rock Aloe - Page: 248
Blue Krantz Aloe - Page: 248
White-thorn Aloe - Page: 249
Spotted Aloe - Page: 249
Grey Aloe - Page: 249
Nelspruit Rock Aloe - Page: 249
Aloe reitzii - Page: 249
Aloe globuligemma - Page: 249
Aloe swynnertonii - Page: 249
Dyke Aloe - Page: 250
Aloe suffulta - Page: 250
Grey Aloe - Page: 250
Aloe tauri - Page: 250
Aloe christianii - Page: 250
Bonda Ruwari Aloe - Page: 251
White-thorn Aloe - Page: 251
Aloe lutescens - Page: 251
Yellow Aloe - Page: 251
Aloe globuligemma - Page: 251
Aloe albida - Page: 252
Aloe myriacantha - Page: 252
Aloe saundersiae - Page: 252
Aloe minima - Page: 253
Poker Grass Aloe - Page: 253
Aloe linearifolia - Page: 253
Aloe modesta - Page: 253
Coopers Aloe - Page: 254
Bobbejaanstertaalwyn - Page: 254
Fynbos Grass Aloe - Page: 254
Aloe craibii - Page: 254
Aloe inconspicua - Page: 254
Grass Aloe - Page: 255
Aloe thompsoniae - Page: 255
Graskop Cloud Aloe - Page: 255
Aloe challisii - Page: 255
Aloe dominella - Page: 255
Aloe soutpansbergensis - Page: 255
Aloe vossii - Page: 256
Aloe fouriei - Page: 256
Grass Aloe - Page: 256
Aloe myriacantha - Page: 257
Aloe integra - Page: 257
Aloe haemanthefolia - Page: 259
Cape Kokerboom (see 14142) - Page: 259
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 259
Aloe decumbens - Page: 259
Aloe juddii - Page: 259
Aloe commixta - Page: 259
Blue Aloe - Page: 260
Mitre Aloe (see A. Mitriformis) - Page: 260
Cape Speckled Aloe - Page: 260
Aloe chlorantha - Page: 260
Aloe brevifolia - Page: 260
Aloe humilis - Page: 260
Bontaalwyn - Page: 261
Cannon Aloe - Page: 261
Mountain Aloe - Page: 261
Aloe variegata - Page: 261
Aloe kouebokkeveldensis - Page: 261
Pearsons Aloe - Page: 262
Aloe arenicola - Page: 262
Aloe gariepensis - Page: 262
Clanwilliam Aloe - Page: 262
Aloe framesii - Page: 262
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 262
Aloe melanacantha - Page: 262
Aloe falcata - Page: 262
Namaqua Aloe - Page: 263
Coral Aloe - Page: 263
Aloe meyeri - Page: 263
Aloe buhrii - Page: 263
Aloe dichotoma - Page: 263
Aloe dabenorisana - Page: 263
Aloe ramosissima - Page: 263
Giant Quiver-tree - Page: 264
Coral Aloe - Page: 264
Aloe sladeniania - Page: 264
Aloe dinteri - Page: 264
Kraalaalwyn - Page: 265
Namib Aloe - Page: 265
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 266
Mountain Aloe - Page: 266
Bottle-brush Aloe - Page: 266
Krantz Aloe - Page: 266
Tilt-head Aloe - Page: 267
Bitter Aloe - Page: 267
French Aloe - Page: 267
Coral Aloe - Page: 267
Aloe mawii - Page: 267
Soap Aloe - Page: 268
Aloe longistyla - Page: 268
Aloe reynoldsii - Page: 268
Branddraai Aloe - Page: 269
Muden Spotted Aloe - Page: 269
Aloe pratensis - Page: 269
Aloe polyphylla - Page: 269
Pretoria Aloe - Page: 270
Yellow Aloe - Page: 270
Spotted Aloe - Page: 270
Aloe peglerae - Page: 270
Bonda Ruwari Aloe - Page: 271
White-thorn Aloe - Page: 271
Aloe globuligemma - Page: 271
Grey Aloe - Page: 271
Aloe tauri - Page: 271
Dyke Aloe - Page: 272
Bonda Ruwari Aloe - Page: 272
Aloe myriacantha - Page: 272
Aloe challisii - Page: 272
Grass Aloe - Page: 272
Blue Aloe - Page: 273
Cape Speckled Aloe - Page: 273
Aloe haemanthefolia - Page: 273
Aloe brevifolia - Page: 274
Mitre Aloe (see A. Mitriformis) - Page: 274
Aloe chlorantha - Page: 274
Pearsons Aloe - Page: 275
Cannon Aloe - Page: 275
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 275
Mountain Aloe - Page: 275
Coral Aloe - Page: 276
Aloe arenicola - Page: 276
Aloe gariepensis - Page: 276
Aloe buhrii - Page: 276
Aloe ramosissima - Page: 276
Giant Quiver-tree - Page: 277
Kraalaalwyn - Page: 277
Namib Aloe - Page: 277
Aloe dichotoma - Page: 277
Aloe viridiflora - Page: 278
Sand Aloe - Page: 278
Mopane Aloe - Page: 279
Gasteria bicolor - Page: 279
Vratjiesaalwee - Page: 279
Gasteria doreeniae - Page: 279
Gasteria retusa - Page: 279
Gasteria rawlinsonii - Page: 280
Vratjiesaalwyn - Page: 280
Gasteria glomerata - Page: 280
Gasteria tukhelensis - Page: 280
Gasteria baylissiana - Page: 280
Gasteria polita - Page: 280
Astroloba spiralis - Page: 281
Astroloba foliolosa - Page: 281
Astroloba rubriflora - Page: 281
Astroloba corrugata - Page: 281
Astroloba bullulata - Page: 281
Haworthia semiviva - Page: 282
Haworthia mirabilis - Page: 282
Haworthia emelyae - Page: 282
Cobweb Haworthia - Page: 282
Haworthia reticulata - Page: 282
Horses Teeth - Page: 282
Haworthia retusa - Page: 282
Haworthia springbokvlakensis - Page: 282
Haworthia marxii - Page: 282
Haworthia gracilis - Page: 283
Haworthiopsis scabra - Page: 283
Haworthia cymbiformis - Page: 283
Haworthia wittebergensis - Page: 283
Haworthia parksiana - Page: 283
Haworthia cooperi - Page: 283
Haworthia blackburniae - Page: 283
Haworthia lockwoodii - Page: 283
Haworthiopsis venosa - Page: 284
Haworthia kingiana - Page: 284
Koedoekos - Page: 284
Haworthia marginata - Page: 284
Haworthia minima - Page: 284
Haworthia maxima - Page: 284
Sand Aloe - Page: 285
Gasteria pillansi - Page: 288
Vratjiesaalwee - Page: 289
Gasteria bicolor - Page: 289
Tongue-leaved Gasteria - Page: 289
Gasteria retusa - Page: 289
Gasteria doreeniae - Page: 289
Gasteria batesiana - Page: 290
Gosalwee - Page: 290
Gasteria glomerata - Page: 290
Gasteria rawlinsonii - Page: 290
Gasteria baylissiana - Page: 290
Gasteria tukhelensis - Page: 290
Bosaalwee - Page: 291
Gasteria excelsa - Page: 291
Gasteria pulchra - Page: 291
Gasteria glauca - Page: 292
Gasteria nitida - Page: 292
Gasteria armstrongii - Page: 292
Gasteria ellaphieae - Page: 292
Vratjiesaalwyn - Page: 293
Gasteria polita - Page: 293
Astroloba spiralis - Page: 293
Astroloba herrei - Page: 293
Gasteria vlokii - Page: 293
Gasteria thunbergii - Page: 293
Astroloba bullulata - Page: 294
Astroloba corrugata - Page: 294
Astroloba rubriflora - Page: 295
Astroloba foliolosa - Page: 295
Kleinaalwyn - Page: 295
Haworthia turgida - Page: 297
Haworthia reticulata - Page: 297
Haworthia vlokii - Page: 297
Haworthia herbacea - Page: 297
Haworthia pubescens - Page: 297
Haworthia maculata - Page: 297
Haworthia magnifica - Page: 298
Haworthia mirabilis - Page: 298
Haworthia maraisii - Page: 298
Haworthia serrata - Page: 298
Haworthia heidelbergensis - Page: 298
Haworthia emelyae - Page: 299
Haworthia retusa - Page: 299
Haworthia mutica - Page: 299
Haworthia pygmaea - Page: 299
Haworthia bayeri - Page: 299
Haworthia springbokvlakensis - Page: 299
Haworthia marxii - Page: 299
Haworthia decipiens - Page: 300
Cobweb Haworthia - Page: 300
Haworthia bolusii - Page: 300
Horses Teeth - Page: 300
Haworthia bruynsii - Page: 300
Haworthia mucronata - Page: 301
Haworthia semiviva - Page: 301
Haworthia lockwoodii - Page: 301
Haworthia angustifolia - Page: 302
Haworthia cymbiformis - Page: 302
Haworthia marumiana - Page: 302
Haworthia cooperi - Page: 302
Haworthia aristata - Page: 302
Haworthia nortieri - Page: 302
Haworthia wittebergensis - Page: 303
Haworthia variegata - Page: 303
Haworthia chloracantha - Page: 303
Haworthia parksiana - Page: 303
Haworthia pulchella - Page: 303
Haworthia blackburniae - Page: 303
Haworthia monticola - Page: 303
Haworthia zantneriana - Page: 303
Haworthia floribunda - Page: 303
Haworthia outeniquensis - Page: 303
Haworthiopsis sordida - Page: 304
Haworthiopsis attenuata - Page: 304
Haworthiopsis scabra - Page: 304
Haworthiopsis fasciata - Page: 304
Haworthia longiana - Page: 304
Fairies Washboard - Page: 305
Haworthia glabrata - Page: 305
Haworthia koelmaniorum - Page: 305
Haworthiopsis nigra - Page: 306
Haworthiopsis glauca - Page: 306
Haworthiopsis venosa - Page: 306
Haworthiopsis coarctata - Page: 306
Koedoekos - Page: 306
Haworthia reinwaardtii - Page: 306
Haworthia pungens - Page: 306
Haworthia kingiana - Page: 307
Haworthia marginata - Page: 307
Haworthia minima - Page: 307
Haworthia maxima - Page: 307
Chortolirion angolense - Page: 308
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Copyright Steven Herbert Projects, 2013 - 2023. All rights reserved.