Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa

Author: Gideon F. Smith and Neil R. Crouch
Number of pages: 136
Year published: 2009
Edition: 1st
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 978 1 77007 662 4
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of Illustrated Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa

Still to be done.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Century Plant - Page: 12Kleingaringboom - Page: 13
Sisal - Page: 13
Impala Lily - Page: 14
Ubombo Thick-boat - Page: 14
Summer Impala Lily - Page: 14
Bruces Brachystelma - Page: 15
Barbers Brachystelma - Page: 15
Brachystelma natalense - Page: 16
Brachystelma modestum - Page: 16
Haygarths Ceropegia - Page: 17
Beautiful Brachystelma - Page: 17
Giant Ceropegia - Page: 18
Fortunate Find Ceropegia - Page: 18
Serpent Ceropegia - Page: 18
Necklace Vine - Page: 19
Huernia whitesloaneana - Page: 20
Bitterghaap - Page: 20
Propeller Vine - Page: 21
Zebra Huernia - Page: 21
Orbea carnosa - Page: 22
Geelaasblom - Page: 22
Mountain Kambroo - Page: 23
Kudu Lily - Page: 23
Flanagans Raphio - Page: 24
Galpins Raphio - Page: 24
Riocreuxia picta - Page: 25
False Gentian - Page: 25
Caustic Vine - Page: 26
Candle Vine - Page: 26
Stapelia olivacea - Page: 27
Bobbejaankambro - Page: 27
Giant Stapelia - Page: 27
Wylliespoort Aloe - Page: 28
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 28
Tree Aloe - Page: 29
Krantz Aloe - Page: 29
Cats-tail Aloe - Page: 30
Candelabra Aloe - Page: 30
Fynbos Aloe - Page: 31
Climbing Aloe - Page: 31
Quiver Tree - Page: 32
Spotted Aloe - Page: 32
Bitter Aloe - Page: 33
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 33
Bitter Aloe - Page: 34
Bontaalwyn - Page: 34
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 35
Spotted Aloe - Page: 35
Soap Aloe - Page: 36
Lined Aloe - Page: 36
Mountain Aloe - Page: 37
Soap Aloe - Page: 37
Lebombo Aloe - Page: 38
Aloe saundersiae - Page: 38
Coral Aloe - Page: 39
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 39
Strand Aloe - Page: 40
Fence Aloe - Page: 40
Partridge Aloe - Page: 41
Van Rooyens Aloe - Page: 41
Kleinaalwyn - Page: 42
Wickens Aloe - Page: 42
Stalked Bulbine - Page: 43
Strap-leaved Bulbine - Page: 43
Broad-leaved Bulbine - Page: 44
Compass Plants - Page: 44
Bosaalwee - Page: 45
Gasteria batesiana - Page: 45
Gosalwee - Page: 46
Haworthia cymbiformis - Page: 46
Fairies Washboard - Page: 47
Koedoekos - Page: 47
Kleinia galpinii - Page: 48
Coral Senecio - Page: 48
Kleinia stapeliiformis - Page: 49
Sjambok Bush - Page: 49
Candle Plant - Page: 50
Othonna dentata - Page: 50
Succulent Bush Senecio - Page: 51
Senecio crassulaefolius - Page: 51
Woods Senecio - Page: 52
Senecio oxydontus - Page: 53
Senecio muirii - Page: 53
Baboon Toes - Page: 54
Senecio pleistocephalus - Page: 54
Canary Creeper - Page: 55
String-of-pearls - Page: 55
Wild Orange Begonia - Page: 56
Large-leaved Wild Begonia - Page: 56
Baobab - Page: 57
Queen of the Night - Page: 58
Torch Cactus - Page: 58
Sweet Prickly Pear - Page: 59
Moon Cactus - Page: 59
Bunny Ears - Page: 60
Makturksvy - Page: 60
Tephrocactus articulatus - Page: 61
Rope Cactus - Page: 61
Saucepan Cactus - Page: 61
Cyanotis robusta - Page: 62
Dolls Powder Puff - Page: 62
Adromischus umbraticola - Page: 63
Mother of Millions - Page: 63
Bryophyllum proliferum - Page: 64
Bosveldplakkie - Page: 64
Skilpadkos - Page: 65
Pigs Ears - Page: 66
Ranknenta - Page: 66
Cotyledon velutina - Page: 67
Woods Cotyledon - Page: 67
Smiths Plakkie - Page: 68
Crassula alba - Page: 68
Tree Crassula - Page: 69
Red Crassea - Page: 69
Coral Crassula - Page: 70
Khaki-Button - Page: 70
Crassula deltoidea - Page: 71
Crassula crenulata - Page: 71
Crassula exilis - Page: 72
Lizards Tail - Page: 72
Crassula lanuginosa - Page: 73
Fairy Crassula - Page: 73
Crassula nemorosa - Page: 74
Fairy Crassula - Page: 74
Stone Crassula - Page: 75
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 75
Pink Joy - Page: 76
Crassula pellucida - Page: 76
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 77
String-of-buttons - Page: 78
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 78
Crassula planifolia - Page: 79
Concertina Plant - Page: 79
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 80
Pondoland Crassula - Page: 81
Crassula sarmentosa - Page: 81
Houtplakkie - Page: 82
Crassula swaziensis - Page: 82
Crassula umbraticola - Page: 83
Yellow Crassula - Page: 83
Yellow Hairy Kalanchoe - Page: 84
Orange Forest Kalanchoe - Page: 84
Kalanchoe neglecta - Page: 85
Kalanchoe longiflora - Page: 85
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 86
Kalanchoe paniculata - Page: 86
Kalanchoe sexangulares - Page: 87
White Lady - Page: 88
Common Butterbush - Page: 88
Gerrardanthus tomentosus - Page: 89
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus - Page: 89
Forest Elephants Foot - Page: 90
Elephants Foot - Page: 90
Wolkberg Dragon-tree - Page: 91
Bowstring Hemp - Page: 91
Mother-in-laws Tongue - Page: 92
Noorsdoring - Page: 93
Lions Spoor - Page: 93
Boknoors - Page: 94
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 94
Big Thorn Euphorbia - Page: 95
Olifantsmelkbos - Page: 95
Suurnoors - Page: 96
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 96
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 97
Skilpadkos - Page: 97
Grootnoors - Page: 98
Prickly-leaved Cushion Euphorbia - Page: 98
Honey Euphorbia - Page: 99
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 99
Gifbos - Page: 100
Woods Euphorbia - Page: 100
Dead Mans Tree - Page: 101
Monadenium - Page: 101
Ivy-leaved Pelargonium - Page: 102
Pelargonium tetragonum - Page: 102
Candle Bush - Page: 103
Beach Plakkie - Page: 104
Climbing Lily - Page: 105
Social Ledebouria - Page: 105
Pregnant Onion - Page: 106
Tall White Squill - Page: 106
Indian Mint - Page: 107
Pink Spur Bush - Page: 107
Hairy Spurflower - Page: 108
Bonsai Mint - Page: 108
Lobster Flower - Page: 109
Plectranthus porphyranthus - Page: 109
Stoep Jacaranda - Page: 110
Buschveld Spurflower - Page: 110
Sekhukuni Spurflower - Page: 111
Money Plant - Page: 111
Tetradenia brevispicata - Page: 112
Fish River Iboza - Page: 112
Misty Plume Bush - Page: 113
Thorncroftia longiflora - Page: 113
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 114
Heart-leafed Vygie - Page: 114
Delosperma scabripes - Page: 115
Delosperma gratiae - Page: 115
Scarlet Dewflower - Page: 116
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 116
Fairy Elephants Foot - Page: 117
Khadiwortel - Page: 117
Khadia alticola - Page: 117
Lithops comptonii - Page: 118
Lampranthus glaucoides - Page: 118
Stone Faces - Page: 118
Brakveldvygie - Page: 119
Mossia intervallaris - Page: 119
Tooth-leaved Rock Vygie - Page: 120
Rankvygie - Page: 121
Doringvygie - Page: 121
Finger-leaved Adenia - Page: 122
Zulluland Greenstem - Page: 122
Bobbejaangif - Page: 123
Snake-climber - Page: 123
Large Wild Peperomia - Page: 124
Wild Peperomia - Page: 124
Peperomia tetraphylla - Page: 125
Peperomia rotundifolia - Page: 125
Haaskos - Page: 126
Moerhoutjie - Page: 127
Gansmis - Page: 127
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 128
Moerplantjie - Page: 128
Portulaca rhodesiana - Page: 129
Wild Purslane - Page: 129
Spekboom - Page: 130
Porcupine Root - Page: 130
Voelent - Page: 131
Bushveld Grape - Page: 132
Succulent-stemmed Wild Grape - Page: 132
Hairy Grape Bush - Page: 133
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