Field Guide to Succulents in Southern Africa

Authors: Gideon F. Smith, Neil R. Crouch, Estrela Figueiredo
Number of pages: 464
Year published: 2020
Edition: 1st with corrections
Published by: Struik Nature
ISBN: 9781775843672
Web site: Struik Nature
The Wildebeest's Review of Field Guide to Succulents in Southern Africa

Some of the subjects in this publication
Century Plant - Page: 35Kleingaringboom - Page: 36
Vaalgaringboom - Page: 36
Sisal - Page: 37
Giant Century Plant - Page: 37
Bondelgaringboom - Page: 38
Agave vivipara - Page: 38
Furcraea - Page: 39
Wild Sisal - Page: 39
Narrow-leaved Furcraea - Page: 40
Spanish Bayonet - Page: 40
Heart-leafed Vygie - Page: 42
Natal Dune Vygie - Page: 42
Yellow Mountain Mesemb - Page: 43
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 43
Pink Fingers - Page: 44
Pickle Plant - Page: 44
Delosperma hirtum - Page: 45
Delosperma gratiae - Page: 45
Delosperma lavisiae - Page: 46
Delosperma lebomboense - Page: 46
Delosperma lineare - Page: 47
Delosperma pondoense - Page: 47
Delosperma rileyi - Page: 48
Delosperma purpureum - Page: 48
Delosperma scabripes - Page: 49
Delosperma sutherlandii - Page: 49
Delosperma suttoniae - Page: 50
Delosperma tradescantioides - Page: 50
Delosperma vinaceum - Page: 51
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 51
Purple Carpet - Page: 52
Scarlet Dewflower - Page: 52
Ebracteola wilmaniae - Page: 53
Drosanthemum thudichumii - Page: 53
Fairy Elephants Foot - Page: 54
Klein-tong Vygie - Page: 54
Tongue-leaved Plant - Page: 55
Khadiwortel - Page: 55
Khadia alticola - Page: 56
Noon Flower - Page: 56
Rose Mesemb - Page: 57
Lithops comptonii - Page: 57
Stone Faces - Page: 58
Salad Mesemb - Page: 58
Mossia intervallaris - Page: 59
Brack Salad - Page: 59
Brakveldvygie - Page: 60
Tooth-leaved Rock Vygie - Page: 60
Oscularia piquetbergensis - Page: 61
Pleiospilos compactus - Page: 61
Doringvygie - Page: 62
Skeng-keng - Page: 62
Sceletium - Page: 63
Rankvygie - Page: 63
Sesuvium sesuvioides - Page: 64
Cushion Mesemb - Page: 64
Sprawling Duneweed - Page: 65
New Zealand Spinach - Page: 65
Trichodiadema decorum - Page: 66
Sheeps Tongue - Page: 66
Kareemoervygie - Page: 67
Doringkroonvygie - Page: 67
Samphire - Page: 69
Saltbush - Page: 69
Coastal Samphire - Page: 70
Poison Bulb - Page: 72
Inanda Lily - Page: 72
Haaskos - Page: 74
Haaskos - Page: 74
Anacampseros filamentosa - Page: 75
Anacampseros rufescens - Page: 76
Anacampseros lanceolata - Page: 76
Anacampseros telephiastrum - Page: 77
Anacampseros subnuda - Page: 77
Moerhoutjie - Page: 78
Gansmis - Page: 78
Moerplantjie - Page: 79
Impala Lily - Page: 81
Summer Impala Lily - Page: 81
Southern Brachystelma - Page: 82
Ubombo Thick-boat - Page: 82
Barbers Brachystelma - Page: 83
Bruces Brachystelma - Page: 83
Green-banded Brachystelma - Page: 84
Bird-cage Brachystelma - Page: 85
Codds Brachystelma - Page: 85
Brachystelma macropetalum - Page: 86
Brachystelma modestum - Page: 86
Brachystelma natalense - Page: 87
Brachystelma nanum - Page: 87
Brachystelma petraeum - Page: 88
Beautiful Brachystelma - Page: 88
Brachystelma pygmaeum - Page: 89
Star Brachystelma - Page: 90
Pink Brachystelma - Page: 90
Brachystelma swazicum - Page: 91
Ceropegia barklyi - Page: 91
Fleshy-leaved Ceropegia - Page: 92
Ceropegia decidua - Page: 92
Haygarths Ceropegia - Page: 93
Fortunate Find Ceropegia - Page: 93
Necklace Vine - Page: 94
Meyers Ceropegia - Page: 94
Nile Ceropegia - Page: 95
Ceropegia pachystelma - Page: 95
Bristle-leaved Ceropegia - Page: 96
Miniature Ceropegia - Page: 96
Giant Ceropegia - Page: 97
Serpent Ceropegia - Page: 97
Cynanchum gerrardii - Page: 98
Common Dog-wort - Page: 98
Caustic Vine - Page: 99
Cynanchum validum - Page: 99
Namib Ghaap - Page: 100
Polished Star - Page: 100
Baboon Ghaap - Page: 101
Hoodia mossamedensis - Page: 101
Hoodia parviflora - Page: 102
Hoodia pilifera - Page: 102
Porcupine Huernia - Page: 103
Kirks Carrion Flower - Page: 104
Huernia stapelioides - Page: 104
Bitterghaap - Page: 105
Huernia whitesloaneana - Page: 105
Bobbejaanseep - Page: 106
Zebra Huernia - Page: 106
Bokhoring - Page: 107
Firecracker Vine - Page: 107
Orbea carnosa - Page: 108
Fairy Pitcher - Page: 108
Geelaasblom - Page: 109
Orbea caudata - Page: 109
Cape Carrion Flower - Page: 110
Orbea speciosa - Page: 110
Halfmens - Page: 111
Bobbejaankos - Page: 111
Mountain Kambroo - Page: 112
Kudu Lily - Page: 112
Propeller Vine - Page: 113
Aroena - Page: 113
Galpins Raphio - Page: 114
Flanagans Raphio - Page: 114
Coastal Raphio - Page: 115
False Gentian - Page: 115
Creeping Raphio - Page: 116
Splendid Raphio - Page: 116
Candle Vine - Page: 117
Riocreuxia picta - Page: 117
Makghaap - Page: 118
Giant Stapelia - Page: 118
Bobbejaankambro - Page: 119
Leendertzs Carrion Flower - Page: 119
Stapelia rufa - Page: 120
Stapelia olivacea - Page: 120
Flanagans Teardrop - Page: 121
Tylophora lycioides - Page: 121
Zamioculcas zamiifolius - Page: 123
Gonatopus angustus - Page: 123
White-thorn Aloe - Page: 125
Spotted Aloe - Page: 125
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 126
Krantz Aloe - Page: 127
Wylliespoort Aloe - Page: 127
Kraalaalwyn - Page: 128
Barberton Aloe - Page: 128
Aloe braamvanwykii - Page: 129
Coega Aloe - Page: 129
Burgersfort Aloe - Page: 130
Mountain Aloe - Page: 130
Bonda Ruwari Aloe - Page: 131
Candelabra Aloe - Page: 131
Cats-tail Aloe - Page: 132
Grey Aloe - Page: 132
Bobbejaanstertaalwyn - Page: 133
Grey Aloe - Page: 133
Cannon Aloe - Page: 134
Bobbejaanstertaalwyn - Page: 134
Coopers Aloe - Page: 135
Spotted Aloe - Page: 135
Zimbabwe Aloe - Page: 136
Bitter Aloe - Page: 136
Gerstners Aloe - Page: 137
Fosters Aloe - Page: 137
Bontaalwyn - Page: 138
Blue Aloe - Page: 138
Spotted Aloe - Page: 139
Rock Aloe - Page: 139
Krapohls Aloe - Page: 140
Aloe kamnelii - Page: 140
Lined Aloe - Page: 141
Mopane Aloe - Page: 141
Soap Aloe - Page: 142
Mountain Aloe - Page: 142
Aloe mawii - Page: 143
Namib Aloe - Page: 143
Neils Aloe - Page: 144
Blink-grasaalwyn - Page: 144
Dyke Aloe - Page: 145
Aloe palmiformis - Page: 145
French Aloe - Page: 146
Bottle-brush Aloe - Page: 147
Aloe saundersiae - Page: 147
Grass Aloe - Page: 148
Natal Aloe - Page: 149
Lebombo Aloe - Page: 149
Coral Aloe - Page: 150
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 150
Strand Aloe - Page: 151
Van Rooyens Aloe - Page: 152
Wickens Aloe - Page: 152
Climbing Aloe - Page: 153
Fynbos Aloe - Page: 154
Climbing Aloe - Page: 154
Aloiampelos striatula - Page: 155
Scrambling Aloe - Page: 155
Fence Aloe - Page: 156
Aloiampelos striatula - Page: 156
Tree Aloe - Page: 157
Quiver Tree - Page: 157
Maiden Quiver Tree - Page: 158
Aloe tongaensis - Page: 158
Astroloba foliolosa - Page: 159
Kleinaalwyn - Page: 159
Astroloba spiralis - Page: 160
Narrow-leaved Bulbine - Page: 161
Bulbine abyssinica - Page: 161
Stalked Bulbine - Page: 162
Bulbine erectipilosa - Page: 162
Broad-leaved Bulbine - Page: 163
Bulbine inflata - Page: 163
Strap-leaved Bulbine - Page: 164
Broad-leaved Bulbine - Page: 164
Compass Plants - Page: 165
Bosaalwee - Page: 165
Gasteria batesiana - Page: 166
Gasteria bicolor - Page: 166
Vratjiesaalwyn - Page: 167
Vratjiesaalwee - Page: 167
Gosalwee - Page: 168
Tongue-leaved Gasteria - Page: 169
Gosalwee - Page: 169
Gasteria glauca - Page: 170
Gasteria excelsa - Page: 170
Gasteria glomerata - Page: 171
Gasteria nitida - Page: 171
Partridge Aloe - Page: 172
Gasteria rawlinsonii - Page: 172
Haworthia bolusii - Page: 173
Haworthia angustifolia - Page: 173
Haworthia cooperi - Page: 174
Haworthia decipiens - Page: 175
Haworthia cymbiformis - Page: 175
Haworthia gracilis - Page: 176
Haworthia marumiana - Page: 177
Horses Teeth - Page: 177
Haworthia xiphiophylla - Page: 178
Haworthiopsis attenuata - Page: 178
Haworthiopsis attenuata - Page: 179
Haworthiopsis glabrata - Page: 179
Haworthiopsis fasciata - Page: 180
Haworthiopsis coarctata - Page: 180
Haworthiopsis glauca - Page: 181
Fairies Washboard - Page: 181
Haworthiopsis nigra - Page: 182
Fairies Washboard - Page: 182
Haworthiopsis sordida - Page: 183
Haworthiopsis scabra - Page: 183
Haworthiopsis venosa - Page: 184
Klein Kanniedood - Page: 184
Fan Aloe (see 4329) - Page: 185
Koedoekos - Page: 185
Trachyandra affinis - Page: 186
Poellnitzia rubriflora - Page: 186
Tulista pumila - Page: 187
Tulista marginata - Page: 187
Caputia oribiensis - Page: 189
Woods Senecio - Page: 189
Bush Tickberry - Page: 190
Coral Senecio - Page: 190
Sjambok Bush - Page: 191
Kleinia galpinii - Page: 191
Kleinia stapeliiformis - Page: 192
Othonno capensis (see 20562) - Page: 192
Othonno lobata - Page: 193
Othonna dentata - Page: 193
Mountain Babooncress - Page: 194
Senecio acaulis - Page: 194
Succulent Bush Senecio - Page: 195
Candle Plant - Page: 195
Senecio citriformis - Page: 196
Senecio crassulaefolius - Page: 196
Senecio haworthii - Page: 197
Sambokbos - Page: 197
Natal Ivy - Page: 198
Rope Daisy - Page: 198
Senecio oxydontus - Page: 199
Senecio muirii - Page: 199
Senecio pleistocephalus - Page: 200
Nasturtium Daisy - Page: 200
Baboon Toes - Page: 201
Senecio pondoensis - Page: 201
String-of-pearls - Page: 202
Senecio rhomboideus - Page: 202
Canary Creeper - Page: 203
Senecio sarcoides - Page: 203
Neta - Page: 204
Mrs Flanagans Impatiens - Page: 206
Madeira Vine - Page: 208
Incised-leaf Wild Begonia - Page: 210
Clubed Begonia - Page: 210
Dwarf Wild Begonia - Page: 211
Geranium-leaved Wild Begonia - Page: 211
Bearded Begonia - Page: 212
Large-leaved Wild Begonia - Page: 212
Sonders Wild Begonia - Page: 213
Wild Orange Begonia - Page: 213
Trumpet-thorn - Page: 215
Baobab - Page: 217
Slender Corkwood - Page: 219
Woolly Cactus - Page: 221
Devils Rope - Page: 221
Queen of the Night - Page: 222
Queen of the Night - Page: 222
Rosea Cactus - Page: 223
Devils Rope Pear - Page: 223
Dragon Fruit - Page: 224
Moon Cactus - Page: 224
Bilberry Cactus - Page: 225
Jointed Cactus - Page: 225
Sweet Prickly Pear - Page: 226
Small Round-leaved Prickly Pear - Page: 226
Aarons Beard Prickly Pear - Page: 227
Creeping Prickly Pear - Page: 227
Drooping Prickly Pear - Page: 228
Bunny Ears - Page: 228
Makturksvy - Page: 229
Saucepan Cactus - Page: 229
Velvet Cactus - Page: 230
Sour Prickly Pear - Page: 230
Barbados Gooseberry - Page: 231
Snake Cactus - Page: 231
Rope Cactus - Page: 232
Tephrocactus articulatus - Page: 233
Torch Cactus - Page: 233
Natal Worm Bush - Page: 235
Greater Sea-spurrey - Page: 237
Creeping Inch Plant - Page: 239
Dolls Powder Puff - Page: 239
Dolls Powder-Puff - Page: 240
Cyanotis robusta - Page: 240
Small Leaf Spiderwort - Page: 241
Tradescantia pallida - Page: 241
Wandering Jew - Page: 242
Wild Cotton - Page: 244
Coast Morning Glory - Page: 244
Ipomoea simplex - Page: 245
Krismisblom - Page: 245
Bontplakkie - Page: 247
Bulbees - Page: 247
Adromischus filicaulis - Page: 248
Kristaatplakkie - Page: 248
Adromischus maximus - Page: 249
Bontplakkie - Page: 249
Adromischus sphenophyllus - Page: 250
Adromischus subviridis - Page: 250
Bontplakkie - Page: 251
Adromischus triflorus - Page: 251
Tree Aeonium - Page: 252
Adromischus umbraticola - Page: 252
Skilpadkos - Page: 253
Bosveldplakkie - Page: 253
Pigs Ears - Page: 254
Skilpadkos - Page: 254
Pigs Ears - Page: 255
Pigs Ears - Page: 256
Ranknenta - Page: 257
Pendent Cotyledon - Page: 257
Cotyledon tomentosa - Page: 258
Cotyledon velutina - Page: 258
Giant Crassula - Page: 259
Woods Cotyledon - Page: 259
Tree Crassula - Page: 260
Crassula alba - Page: 260
Tree Crassula - Page: 261
Crassula atropurpurea - Page: 261
Crassula brevifolia - Page: 262
Crassula capitella - Page: 262
Crassula capitella - Page: 263
Crassula capitella - Page: 264
Red Crassea - Page: 264
Crassula compacta - Page: 265
Khaki-Button - Page: 265
Coral Crassula - Page: 266
Crassula cordata - Page: 266
Crassula cotyledonis - Page: 267
Crassula crenulata - Page: 267
Crassula decumbens - Page: 268
Crassula cultrata - Page: 268
Crassula dejecta - Page: 269
Crassula crenulata - Page: 269
Crassula dichotoma - Page: 270
Crassula dependens - Page: 270
Crassula ericoides - Page: 271
Crassula exilis - Page: 271
Crassula expansa - Page: 272
Crassula expansa - Page: 273
Fragrant Crassula - Page: 273
Crassula gemmifera - Page: 274
Crassula foveata - Page: 274
Forest Crassula - Page: 275
Half-moon Crassula - Page: 275
Milky Stonecrop - Page: 276
Lizards Tail - Page: 276
Crassula lanuginosa - Page: 277
Lizards Tail - Page: 277
Crassula lanuginosa - Page: 278
Crassula macowaniana - Page: 278
Crassula montana - Page: 279
Fairy Crassula - Page: 279
Crassula multiflora - Page: 280
Fairy Crassula - Page: 280
Crassula natalensis - Page: 281
Lizards Tail - Page: 281
Crassula natans - Page: 282
Crassula nemorosa - Page: 282
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 283
Pondoland Stonecrop - Page: 284
Crassula nudicaulis - Page: 284
Pondoland Stonecrop - Page: 285
Stone Crassula - Page: 285
Pink Joy - Page: 286
Crassula pellucida - Page: 286
Crassula pellucida - Page: 287
Crassula peploides - Page: 288
Crassula pellucida - Page: 288
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 289
String-of-buttons - Page: 290
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 290
Crassula planifolia - Page: 291
String-of-buttons - Page: 291
Pyramid Crassula - Page: 292
Bladder Cell Stonecrop - Page: 292
Pyramid Crassula - Page: 293
Crassula rogersii - Page: 293
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 294
Concertina Plant - Page: 294
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 295
Crassula sarmentosa - Page: 295
Crassula sarmentosa - Page: 296
Crassula schmidtii - Page: 296
Crassula sebaeoides - Page: 297
Crassula setulosa - Page: 297
Crassula sladenii - Page: 298
Crassula setulosa - Page: 298
Crassula spathulata - Page: 299
Smiths Plakkie - Page: 299
Pondoland Crassula - Page: 300
Crassula subacaulis - Page: 300
Crassula subaphylla - Page: 301
Crassula swaziensis - Page: 301
Houtplakkie - Page: 302
Crassula swaziensis - Page: 302
Houtplakkie - Page: 303
Crassula tomentosa - Page: 304
Crassula umbella - Page: 304
Crassula umbraticola - Page: 305
Yellow Crassula - Page: 305
Crassula vaillantii - Page: 306
Kalanchoe alticola - Page: 306
Kalanchoe brachyloba - Page: 307
Elephants Ear Kalanchoe - Page: 307
Orange Forest Kalanchoe - Page: 308
Mother of Millions - Page: 308
Yellow Hairy Kalanchoe - Page: 309
Narrow-leaved Kalanchoe - Page: 309
Kalanchoe leblanciae - Page: 310
Kalanchoe longiflora - Page: 310
Kalanchoe neglecta - Page: 311
Northern White Lady - Page: 311
Kalanchoe paniculata - Page: 312
Air Plant - Page: 312
Kalanchoe prolifera - Page: 313
Common Kalanchoe - Page: 314
Kalanchoe sexangulares - Page: 315
White Lady - Page: 315
Kalanchoe winteri - Page: 316
Sulphur Butterbush - Page: 316
Common Butterbush - Page: 317
Rooisuikerblom - Page: 317
Tylecodon racemosus - Page: 318
Tylecodon reticulatus - Page: 318
Tylecodon reticulatus - Page: 319
Tylecodon ventricosus - Page: 319
Yellow Butterbush - Page: 320
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus - Page: 322
Gerrardanthus tomentosus - Page: 322
Porcupine Potato - Page: 323
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 325
Ceraria pygmaea - Page: 325
Spekboom - Page: 326
Grootblaarspekboom - Page: 326
Dioscorea brownii - Page: 328
Elephants Foot - Page: 328
Forest Elephants Foot - Page: 329
Dioscorea hemicrypta - Page: 329
Bowstring Hemp - Page: 331
Wolkberg Dragon-tree - Page: 331
Mother-in-laws Tongue - Page: 332
Elephants Toothpick - Page: 333
Mother-in-laws Tongue - Page: 333
Copper Euphorbia - Page: 335
Euphorbia acervata - Page: 335
Boknoors - Page: 336
Slender Candelabra-euphorbia - Page: 336
Sweet Milkbush - Page: 337
Cycad Euphorbia - Page: 337
Noorsdoring - Page: 338
Medusas Head - Page: 338
Steenbokmelkbos - Page: 339
Ostrich Neck - Page: 339
Club Euphorbia - Page: 340
Lions Spoor - Page: 340
Lebombo Euphorbia - Page: 341
Bushveld Candelabra Tree - Page: 341
Diklootmelkbos - Page: 342
Kaoko Euphorbia - Page: 342
Euphorbia ephedroides - Page: 343
Boknoors - Page: 343
Lowveld Euphorbia - Page: 344
Vingerpol - Page: 344
Euphorbia ferox - Page: 345
Olifants River Euphorbia - Page: 345
Euphorbia franksiae - Page: 346
Euphorbia filiflora - Page: 346
Euphorbia gorgonis - Page: 347
Euphorbia friedrichiae - Page: 347
Big Thorn Euphorbia - Page: 348
Euphorbia grandialata - Page: 348
Valley-bush Euphorbia - Page: 349
Granite Euphorbia - Page: 349
Euphorbia gueinzii - Page: 350
Olifantsmelkbos - Page: 350
Bokmelkbos - Page: 351
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 351
Euphorbia latimammillaris - Page: 352
Euphorbia knobelii - Page: 352
Euphorbia lignosa - Page: 353
Suurnoors - Page: 353
Doringpol - Page: 354
Wynand-se-noors - Page: 354
Euphorbia lydenburgensis - Page: 355
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 355
Tepelnoors - Page: 356
Skilpadkos - Page: 356
Euphorbia memoralis - Page: 357
Vegetable Football - Page: 357
Bobbejaannoors - Page: 358
Euphorbia pseudocactus - Page: 358
Euphorbia pubiglans - Page: 359
Prickly-leaved Cushion Euphorbia - Page: 359
Struikmelkbos - Page: 360
Klipmelkbossie - Page: 360
Melkdoring - Page: 361
Sekhukhune Euphorbia - Page: 361
Grootnoors - Page: 362
Rankmelkbos - Page: 362
Honey Euphorbia - Page: 363
Euphorbia subsalsa - Page: 363
River Euphorbia - Page: 364
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 364
Melkbol - Page: 365
Euphorbia tridentata - Page: 365
Euphorbia trigona - Page: 366
Euphorbia tugelensis - Page: 366
Euphorbia venenata - Page: 367
Euphorbia vandermerwei - Page: 367
Gifbos - Page: 368
Euphorbia wildii - Page: 368
Soutpansberg Euphorbia - Page: 369
Woods Euphorbia - Page: 369
Psychic Nut - Page: 370
Jatropha lagarinthoides - Page: 370
Gouty-stalked Podagrica - Page: 371
Jatropha variifolia - Page: 371
Monadenium - Page: 372
Woods Jatropha - Page: 372
Jacobs Ladder - Page: 373
Dead Mans Tree - Page: 373
Prickly Pelargonium - Page: 375
Scarlet Storks Bill - Page: 375
Pelargonium klinghardtense - Page: 376
Pelargonium laxum - Page: 376
Ivy-leaved Pelargonium - Page: 377
Spiny Geranium - Page: 377
Pelargonium tetragonum - Page: 378
Candle Bush - Page: 378
Sarcocaulon ciliatum - Page: 379
Yellow Bushmans Candle - Page: 379
Sarcocaulon herrei - Page: 380
Sarcocaulon flavescens - Page: 380
Sarcocaulon mossamedense - Page: 381
Sarcocaulon lheritieri - Page: 381
Bushmans Candle - Page: 382
Rooi-rankopslag - Page: 384
Old Maid - Page: 384
Beach Plakkie - Page: 386
Bowiea gariepensis - Page: 388
Climbing Lily - Page: 388
Wild Hyacinth - Page: 389
Drimia delegoensis - Page: 389
Bolklimop - Page: 390
Social Ledebouria - Page: 390
Schizobasis intricata - Page: 391
Stellarioides littoralis - Page: 391
Tall White Squill - Page: 392
Pregnant Onion - Page: 392
Pink Spur Bush - Page: 394
Bushveld Spur Bush - Page: 394
Aeollanthus rydingianus - Page: 395
Indian Mint - Page: 395
Abyssinian Spurflower - Page: 396
Plectranthus caudatus - Page: 396
Camphor Spurflower - Page: 397
Dolomite Spurflower - Page: 397
Bonsai Mint - Page: 398
Hairy Spurflower - Page: 398
Lobster Flower - Page: 399
Ornamental Spurflower - Page: 399
Plectranthus porphyranthus - Page: 400
Cliff Spurflower - Page: 400
Stoep Jacaranda - Page: 401
Plectranthus selukwensis - Page: 401
Buschveld Spurflower - Page: 402
Spike Spurflower - Page: 402
Money Plant - Page: 403
Sekhukuni Spurflower - Page: 403
Tetradenia brevispicata - Page: 404
Steelpoort Spurflower - Page: 404
Misty Plume Bush - Page: 405
Tetradenia tuberosa - Page: 405
Greens Thorncroftia - Page: 406
Thorncroftia longiflora - Page: 406
Thorncroftia succulenta - Page: 407
Corbichonia decumbens - Page: 409
Desert Orchid - Page: 411
Finger-leaved Adenia - Page: 413
Zulluland Greenstem - Page: 413
Bobbejaangif - Page: 414
Zulluland Greenstem - Page: 414
Snake-climber - Page: 415
Adenia hastata - Page: 415
Adenia natalensis - Page: 416
Adenia hastata - Page: 416
Spiny Greenstem - Page: 417
Herero Sesame-bush - Page: 419
Pterodiscus ngamicus - Page: 419
Sesame-bush - Page: 420
Belhambra - Page: 422
Peperomia bangroana - Page: 424
Large Wild Peperomia - Page: 424
Peperomia tetraphylla - Page: 425
Wild Peperomia - Page: 425
Moss-rose Purslane - Page: 427
Vygiebossie - Page: 427
Common Purslane - Page: 428
Portulaca rhodesiana - Page: 429
Wild Purslane - Page: 429
Tick Tree - Page: 431
Star-chestnut - Page: 431
Rush-leaved Strelitzia - Page: 433
Flameflower - Page: 435
Porcupine Root - Page: 435
Talinum portulacifolium - Page: 436
Koraalbossie - Page: 438
Mountain Nettle - Page: 440
Rooi-rankopslag - Page: 440
Viscum capense - Page: 442
Viscum combreticola - Page: 442
Viscum minimum - Page: 443
Voelent - Page: 443
Mistletoe - Page: 444
Succulent-stemmed Wild Grape - Page: 446
Cissus cactiformis - Page: 446
Bushveld Grape - Page: 447
Cobas - Page: 447
Juttas Botterboom - Page: 448
Cyphostemma hardyi - Page: 448
Wineskin Cyphostemma - Page: 449
Cyphostemma schlechteri - Page: 449
Hairy Grape Bush - Page: 450
Welwitschia - Page: 452
Valsvygie - Page: 454
Tortoise Bush - Page: 454
Brakspekbos - Page: 455
Dollar Plant - Page: 455
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