Succulents of South Africa

Authors: Ernst van Jaarsveld, Ben-Erik van Wyk and Gideon Smith
Illustrated by: Elise Bodley
Number of pages: 144
Year published: 2000
Edition: 1st
Published by: Tafelberg Publishers
ISBN: 0 624 03838 6
Web site: NB Publishers
The Wildebeest's Review of Succulents of South Africa

Some of the subjects in this publication
Boknoors - Page: 17Quiver Tree - Page: 17
Muiria hortonseae - Page: 21
Yellow Milk-bush - Page: 21
Common Cone Plant - Page: 22
Euphorbia gariepina - Page: 27
Giant Quiver-tree - Page: 29
Stapelia garipensis - Page: 29
Halfmens - Page: 29
Lavrania perlatum - Page: 29
Pearsons Aloe - Page: 31
Maiden Quiver Tree - Page: 31
Conophytum bilobum - Page: 33
Conophytum wettsteinii - Page: 33
Conophytum gratum - Page: 33
Conophytum tantillum - Page: 33
Conophytum flavum - Page: 33
Conophytum ernstii - Page: 33
Conophytum calculus - Page: 33
Fenestrate Cone Plant - Page: 33
Quiver Tree - Page: 37
Slender Candelabra-euphorbia - Page: 37
Stink Corkwood - Page: 37
Namaqua Porkbush - Page: 37
Baboon Ghaap - Page: 37
Lithops marmorata - Page: 39
Lithops dorotheae - Page: 39
Lithops dinteri - Page: 39
Lithops helmutii - Page: 39
Lithops fulviceps - Page: 39
Lithops bromfieldii - Page: 39
Lithops verreculosa - Page: 39
Lithops julii - Page: 39
Lithops olivacea - Page: 39
Burgers Onion - Page: 41
Kliprosie - Page: 41
Namaqua Aloe - Page: 45
Common Butterbush - Page: 45
Namakwavygie - Page: 45
Aloe melanacantha - Page: 45
Oophytum nordenstammii - Page: 49
Conophytum maughanii - Page: 49
Tylecodon occultans - Page: 49
Bulbine fallax - Page: 49
Dactylopsis littlewoodii - Page: 49
Crassula globosa - Page: 49
Argyroderma ringens - Page: 51
Argyroderma framesii - Page: 51
Tufted Stone Plant - Page: 51
Argyroderma crateriforme - Page: 53
Argyroderma pearsonii - Page: 53
Argyroderma theartii - Page: 53
Argyroderma patens - Page: 53
Argyroderma testiculare - Page: 53
Argyroderma hallii - Page: 53
Silver Stoneflower - Page: 53
Argyroderma subalbum - Page: 53
Buck-bay Vygie - Page: 57
Orange Vygie - Page: 57
Mat Vygie - Page: 57
Crassula tomentosa - Page: 57
Rooisuikerblom - Page: 57
Sandveld vetkousie - Page: 57
Euphorbia gentilis - Page: 61
Adromischus marianiae - Page: 61
Crassula deltoidea - Page: 61
Karoo Snow - Page: 61
Tridentea gemmiflora - Page: 61
Didymaotus lapidiformis - Page: 61
Tanquana hilmarii - Page: 63
Tanquana archeri - Page: 63
Tanquana prismaticus - Page: 63
Pleiospilos compactus - Page: 63
Pleiospilos simulans - Page: 63
Pleiospilos nelii - Page: 63
Pleiospilos bolusii - Page: 63
Cape Kokerboom (see 14142) - Page: 65
Fynbos Aloe - Page: 65
Senecio serpens - Page: 67
Table Mountain Aloe - Page: 67
Aloe brevifolia - Page: 67
Medusas Head - Page: 67
Soap Aloe - Page: 69
Cape Coast Cabbage Tree - Page: 69
Cape Carrion Flower - Page: 69
Othonna dentata - Page: 69
Aloe haemanthefolia - Page: 69
Hottentot Sourfig (see 28893) - Page: 69
Red Crassea - Page: 71
Crassula dejecta - Page: 71
Crassula ciliata - Page: 71
Bladder Cell Stonecrop - Page: 71
Yellow Bushmans Candle - Page: 75
Antimima piscodora - Page: 75
Bobbejaankambro - Page: 75
Grootnoors - Page: 75
Huernia barbata - Page: 75
Aloe aristata - Page: 75
Euphorbia symmetrica - Page: 77
Grootnoors - Page: 77
Vegetable Football - Page: 77
Euphorbia ferox - Page: 77
Euphorbia horrida - Page: 77
Haworthia semiviva - Page: 79
Haworthiopsis sordida - Page: 79
Haworthiopsis venosa - Page: 79
Crassula barbata - Page: 79
Khaki-Button - Page: 79
Sand Aloe - Page: 81
Prickly-leaved Cushion Euphorbia - Page: 83
Antimima lawsonii - Page: 83
Sheeps Tongue - Page: 83
Neohenricia sibbettii - Page: 83
Lithops fulleri - Page: 83
Ostrich Neck - Page: 87
Hoodia annulata - Page: 87
Crassula congesta - Page: 87
Fockea crispa - Page: 87
Othonna retrofracta - Page: 87
Khaki-Button - Page: 87
Cobweb Haworthia - Page: 89
Haworthia wittebergensis - Page: 89
Haworthia integra - Page: 89
Haworthia mucronata - Page: 89
Haworthia emelyae - Page: 89
Horses Teeth - Page: 89
Glottiphyllum cruciatum - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum surrectum - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum suave - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum fergusoniae - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum salmii - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum regium - Page: 91
Glottiphyllum difforme - Page: 93
Glottiphyllum peersii - Page: 93
Glottiphyllum nelii - Page: 93
Glottiphyllum oligocarpum - Page: 93
Glottiphyllum neilii - Page: 93
Klein-tong Vygie - Page: 93
Krantz Aloe - Page: 95
Bitter Aloe - Page: 95
Poison Bulb - Page: 97
Pregnant Onion - Page: 97
Candle Plant - Page: 97
Vratjiesaalwyn - Page: 97
Sambokbos - Page: 97
Heart-leafed Vygie - Page: 97
Haworthia parksiana - Page: 99
Haworthia kingiana - Page: 99
Haworthia mirabilis - Page: 99
Haworthia chloracantha - Page: 99
Haworthia turgida - Page: 99
Haworthia magnifica - Page: 99
Haworthia variegata - Page: 99
Haworthia maraisii - Page: 99
Bobbejaannoors - Page: 101
Noorsdoring - Page: 101
Noorsdoring - Page: 103
Boknoors - Page: 103
Cape Speckled Aloe - Page: 103
Suurnoors - Page: 103
Elephants Foot - Page: 107
Spekboom - Page: 107
Cotyledon tomentosa - Page: 107
Voelent - Page: 107
Climbing Aloe - Page: 107
Bitter Aloe - Page: 109
Tilt-head Aloe - Page: 109
Uitenhage Aloe - Page: 109
French Aloe - Page: 109
Faucaria britteniae - Page: 111
Faucaria subintegra - Page: 111
Faucaria paucidens - Page: 111
Faucaria tuberculata - Page: 111
Faucaria boscheana - Page: 111
Faucaria felina - Page: 111
Faucaria hooleae - Page: 111
Faucaria tigrina - Page: 111
Pink Joy - Page: 113
Rooistamplakkie - Page: 113
Pointed-leaf Crassula - Page: 113
Kristaatplakkie - Page: 115
Bontplakkie - Page: 115
Adromischus inamoenus - Page: 115
Adromischus sphenophyllus - Page: 115
Strand Aloe - Page: 117
Natal Dune Vygie - Page: 119
Rope Cactus - Page: 119
Lobster Flower - Page: 119
Climbing Lily - Page: 119
Beach Plakkie - Page: 119
Bobbejaankos - Page: 121
Succulent Bush Senecio - Page: 125
Thorncroftia thorncroftia - Page: 125
Crassula sarcocaulis - Page: 125
White Lady - Page: 125
Lions Spoor - Page: 125
Grass Aloe - Page: 125
Fairy Elephants Foot - Page: 127
Doringvygie - Page: 127
Khadia borealis - Page: 127
Delosperma herbeum - Page: 127
Delosperma soutpansbergensis - Page: 127
Delosperma lydenburgense - Page: 127
Naboom Euphorbia - Page: 131
Mountain Aloe - Page: 131
Baobab - Page: 131
Rubber-hedge Euphorbia - Page: 131
Baobab - Page: 133
Sesame-bush - Page: 133
Star-chestnut - Page: 133
Spiny Greenstem - Page: 133
Leendertzs Carrion Flower - Page: 135
Giant Stapelia - Page: 135
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