Guide to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Authors: Gus Mills and Clem Haagner
Number of pages: 102
Year published: 1989
Edition: 1st
Published by: Southern Book Publishers (Pty) Ltd
ISBN: 1 86812206-9
Website: Further publications from Southern Book Publishers
The Wildebeest's Review of Guide to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Today I am reviewing a copy of the “Guide to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park” which is a hardcover book of barely 100 pages. Just glancing through it this guide looks different to similar publications for other parks and reserves.
Looking more closely at the book it soon becomes apparent that this is not a “field guide” that helps you find and identify some of the flora and fauna in the reserve. Firstly, there are only a handful of photos in it, although I must admit they are great images. I would have liked to have seen more.
So, there are not many images and no guide to identifying what you might see, so what is there? The book is mainly text based but it is very interesting reading. There are sections on subjects, climate, tips for your visit and similar subjects. The bulk of the book is taken up by descriptions of the main species of mammals found in the park. These write-ups are very interesting as they provide a lot of general information on the animal as well as how it copes in this harsh environment. There are also interesting personal observations from the authors.
Overall, I would say that this is not a book that you take with you to the park. Rather read it at home in your leisure either before or after your trip to this amazing national park.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Kalahari Gemsbok National Park - Page: 1Gemsbok - Page: 19
Springbok - Page: 25
Spotted Hyena - Page: 28
Brown Hyena - Page: 33
Aardwolf - Page: 38
Lion - Page: 39
Cheetah - Page: 44
Leopard - Page: 46
Caracal - Page: 48
African Wild Cat - Page: 49
Black-backed Jackal - Page: 51
Bat-eared Fox - Page: 53
Cape Fox - Page: 54
Wild Dog - Page: 55
Honey Badger - Page: 56
Striped Polecat - Page: 58
Suricate - Page: 58
Yellow Mongoose - Page: 60
Banded Mongoose - Page: 60
Slender Mongoose - Page: 60
Lesser Spotted Genet - Page: 61
Sociable Weaver - Page: 64
Common Ostrich - Page: 66
Cape Porcupine - Page: 72
Springhare - Page: 73
Ground Squirrel - Page: 74
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