Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa - 3rd edition

Authors: Chris and Tilde Stuart
Number of pages: 272
Year published: 2001
Edition: 1st
Published by: Struik Publishers
ISBN: 1 86872 537 5
Web site: Struik Nature
Wildebeests review of Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa-3rd ed

Anyone with an interest in southern Africa’s mammals and game reserves should be familiar with the many books written by Chris and Tilde Stuart. I personally love their books and always look forward to their next title.
This latest guide is the third edition of their “Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa.” It covers all mammals from small to big: from rodents to whales.
One of the first things that caught my eye, on opening the book, is the number of illustrations in it. There are over 500 photographs as well as some paintings and line drawings. The quality of the photographs is amazing, even for difficult species such as bats and rodents. One thing that I particularly like is the line drawings of the development of the horns of some of the antelope along with the applicable age for each stage.
Overall this is another fine addition to any southern African nature lover’s library and is definitely something that should be taken with when visiting any of our game and nature reserves.
Some of the subjects in this publication
Hottentot Golden Mole - Page: 32Van Zyls golden mole - Page: 32
De Wintons Golden Mole - Page: 32
Cape Golden Mole - Page: 32
Yellow golden mole - Page: 32
Rough-haired golden mole - Page: 32
Giant golden mole - Page: 32
Grants Golden Mole - Page: 32
Gunnings golden mole - Page: 32
Duthies golden mole - Page: 32
Visagies golden mole - Page: 32
Sclaters golden mole - Page: 32
Julianas golden mole - Page: 32
Arendss Golden Mole - Page: 32
Zulu Golden Mole - Page: 32
South African Hedgehog - Page: 37
Western Rock Sengi - Page: 38
Cape Sengi - Page: 38
Short-eared elephant shrew - Page: 38
Eastern Rock Sengi - Page: 38
Four-toed Sengi - Page: 38
Bushveld Sengi - Page: 38
Short-snouted Elephant Shrew - Page: 38
Peterss Short-snouted Elephant Shrew - Page: 38
Thin mouse shrew - Page: 40
Long-tailed forest shrew - Page: 40
Forest shrew - Page: 40
Sclaters tiny mouse shrew - Page: 40
Dark-footed forest shrew - Page: 40
Maquassie musk shrew - Page: 42
Reddish-gray musk shrew - Page: 42
Swamp Musk Shrew - Page: 42
Tiny musk shrew - Page: 42
Greater red musk shrew - Page: 42
Lesser grey-brown musk shrew - Page: 42
Lesser red musk shrew - Page: 42
Giant Musk Shrew - Page: 42
Greater Grey-brown Musk Shrew - Page: 42
Least dwarf shrew - Page: 44
Lesser dwarf shrew - Page: 44
Climbing Shrew - Page: 44
Greater Dwarf Shrew - Page: 44
Egyptian Fruit Bat - Page: 46
Straw-coloured Fruit Bat - Page: 46
Bocages Fruit Bat - Page: 46
Peterss Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 48
Wahlbergs Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 48
Angolan Epauletted Fruit-bat - Page: 48
Dobsons Fruit-bat - Page: 48
Mauritian tomb bat - Page: 50
Sundevalls Roundleaf Bat - Page: 50
Egyptian Tomb Bat - Page: 50
Sheath-tailed Bat - Page: 50
Commersons Leaf-nosed Bat - Page: 50
Percivals trident bat - Page: 52
Persian Leaf-nosed Bat - Page: 52
Egyptian slit-faced bat - Page: 54
Woods slit-faced bat - Page: 54
Vinsons Slit-faced Bat - Page: 54
Greater Slit-faced Bat - Page: 54
Large Slit-faced Bat - Page: 54
Hairy Slit-faced Bat - Page: 54
Landers horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Geoffroys Horseshoe Bat - Page: 56
Hildebrandts horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Bushveld Horseshoe Bat - Page: 56
Ruppells horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Darlings horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Dents horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Cape Horseshoe Bat - Page: 56
Swinnys horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Blasiuss horseshoe bat - Page: 56
Lesser Long-fingered Bat - Page: 58
Natal Long-fingered Bat - Page: 58
Schreibess Long-fingered Bat - Page: 58
Long-tailed House Bat - Page: 60
Somali Serotine Bat - Page: 60
Rendalls Serotine Bat - Page: 60
Meicks Serotine Bat - Page: 60
Cape Serotine Bat - Page: 60
Rufous Mouse-eared Bat - Page: 62
Cape Hairy Bat - Page: 62
Welwitschs Bat - Page: 62
Angola Hairy Bat - Page: 62
Lesueurs Hairy Bat - Page: 62
Anchietas Pipistrelle - Page: 64
Ruppells Pipistrelle - Page: 64
Rusty Pipistrelle - Page: 64
Banana Pipistrelle - Page: 64
Kuhls Pipistrelle - Page: 64
Butterfly bat - Page: 66
Botswana Long-eared Bat - Page: 66
Wintons Long-eared Bat - Page: 66
Namib Long-eared Bat - Page: 66
Schlieffens bat - Page: 68
African Yellow Bat - Page: 68
Light-winged Lesser House Bat - Page: 68
Giant Yellow House Bat - Page: 68
Large Yellow House Bat - Page: 68
Egyptian free-tailed bat - Page: 70
Large-eared Free-tailed Bat - Page: 70
Madagascan large free-tailed bat - Page: 70
Lesser Woolly Bat - Page: 70
Natal free-tailed bat - Page: 70
Damara Woolly Bat - Page: 70
Robertss flat-headed bat - Page: 70
Angola Free-tailed Bat - Page: 70
Pale Free-tailed Bat - Page: 70
Ansorges Free-tailed Bat - Page: 70
Spotted Free-tailed Bat - Page: 70
African Giant Free-tailed Bat - Page: 72
Nigerian Free-tailed Bat - Page: 72
Little Free-tailed Bat - Page: 72
Midas Free-tailed Bat - Page: 72
Big-eared Free-tailed Bat - Page: 72
Chacma Baboon - Page: 74
Vervet Monkey - Page: 76
Samango Monkey - Page: 78
Thick-tailed Bushbaby - Page: 78
Lesser Bushbaby - Page: 80
Cape Hare - Page: 82
Scrub Hare - Page: 82
Pangolin - Page: 82
Jamesons Red Rock Rabbit - Page: 84
Smiths Red Rock Rabbit - Page: 84
Natal Red Rock Rabbit - Page: 84
Riverine Rabbit - Page: 86
Ground Squirrel - Page: 86
Sun Squirrel - Page: 88
Red Squirrel - Page: 88
Mountain Ground Squirrel - Page: 88
Tree Squirrel - Page: 90
Striped Tree Squirrel - Page: 90
Grey Squirrel - Page: 90
Lesser Savanna Dormouse - Page: 92
Spectacled Dormouse - Page: 92
Rock Dormouse - Page: 92
Woodland Dormouse - Page: 92
Namaqua Molerat - Page: 94
Cape Molerat - Page: 94
Cape Dune Molerat - Page: 94
Common Molerat - Page: 94
Springhare - Page: 94
Cape Porcupine - Page: 96
Greater Cane Rat - Page: 98
Dassie Rat - Page: 98
Pouched Mouse - Page: 100
Woosnams broad-headed mouse - Page: 100
White-tailed Rat - Page: 100
Fat Mouse - Page: 102
Giant Rat - Page: 102
Tiny Fat Mouse - Page: 102
Krebs Fat Mouse - Page: 102
Long-eared Mouse - Page: 104
Chestnut Climbing Mouse - Page: 104
Grey Climbing Mouse - Page: 104
Nyika climbing mouse - Page: 104
Brants Climbing Mouse - Page: 104
Cape Short-eared Gerbil - Page: 104
Highveld gerbil - Page: 106
Hairy-footed Gerbil - Page: 106
Bushveld Gerbil - Page: 106
Cape Gerbil - Page: 106
Bushy-tailed hairy-footed gerbil - Page: 106
Setzers Hairy-footed Gerbil - Page: 106
Dune Hairy-footed Gerbil - Page: 106
Gorongoza Gerbil - Page: 106
Spiny Mouse - Page: 108
Namaqua Rock Mouse - Page: 108
Red rock rat - Page: 108
Cape Spiny Mouse - Page: 108
Grants rock rat - Page: 108
Four-striped Grass Mouse - Page: 110
Single-striped Grass Mouse - Page: 110
African Marsh Rat - Page: 110
Pygmy Mouse - Page: 112
Desert pygmy mouse - Page: 112
Grey-bellied Pygmy Mouse - Page: 112
Setzers Pygmy Mouse - Page: 112
Thomass Pygmy Mouse - Page: 112
House Mouse - Page: 112
Mozambique Thicket Rat - Page: 114
Tree Rat - Page: 114
Black-tailed Tree Rat - Page: 114
Woodland Thicket Rat - Page: 114
Grooved-toothed Rat - Page: 114
Verreauxs Mouse - Page: 116
Multimammate Mouse - Page: 116
Shortridges rat - Page: 116
Southern Multimammate Mouse - Page: 116
House Rat - Page: 116
Brown Rat - Page: 116
Brants Whistling Rat - Page: 118
Ice Rat - Page: 118
Vlei Rat - Page: 118
Angoni Vlei Rat - Page: 118
Littledales Whistling Rat - Page: 118
Saunders Vlei Rat - Page: 118
Laminate Vlei Rat - Page: 118
Bush vlei rat - Page: 118
Pygmy rock mouse - Page: 120
Cape Fox - Page: 122
Bat-eared Fox - Page: 122
Side-striped Jackal - Page: 124
Black-backed Jackal - Page: 124
Wild Dog - Page: 126
Spotted-necked Otter - Page: 128
Cape Clawless Otter - Page: 128
Honey Badger - Page: 130
Striped Weasel - Page: 130
Striped Polecat - Page: 132
Banded Mongoose - Page: 132
Selouss Mongoose - Page: 134
Mellers Mongoose - Page: 134
Bushy-tailed Mongoose - Page: 134
Small Grey Mongoose - Page: 136
Large Grey Mongoose - Page: 136
Slender Mongoose - Page: 138
Water Mongoose - Page: 138
Dwarf Mongoose - Page: 140
White-tailed Mongoose - Page: 140
Suricate - Page: 142
Yellow Mongoose - Page: 142
Large-spotted Genet - Page: 144
Lesser Spotted Genet - Page: 144
Civet - Page: 146
Tree Civet - Page: 146
Spotted Hyena - Page: 148
Brown Hyena - Page: 148
Aardwolf - Page: 150
Black-footed Cat - Page: 152
African Wild Cat - Page: 152
Serval - Page: 154
Caracal - Page: 154
Cheetah - Page: 156
Lion - Page: 158
Leopard - Page: 160
Aardvark - Page: 162
African Elephant - Page: 164
Rock Hyrax - Page: 166
Yellow-spotted Rock Hyrax - Page: 166
Kaokoveld Rock Dassie - Page: 166
Tree Hyrax - Page: 168
Cape Mountain Zebra - Page: 170
Hartmanns Mountain Zebra - Page: 170
Burchells Zebra - Page: 170
Black Rhino - Page: 172
White Rhino - Page: 174
Warthog - Page: 176
Bush Pig - Page: 176
Hippopotamus - Page: 178
Giraffe - Page: 180
Cape Buffalo - Page: 182
Eland - Page: 184
Kudu - Page: 186
Nyala - Page: 188
Bushbuck - Page: 190
Sitatunga - Page: 190
Roan Antelope - Page: 192
Sable Antelope - Page: 194
Gemsbok - Page: 196
Waterbuck - Page: 196
Red Lechwe - Page: 198
Puku - Page: 198
Reedbuck - Page: 200
Mountain Reedbuck - Page: 200
Grey Rhebuck - Page: 202
Black Wildebeest - Page: 202
Blue Wildebeest - Page: 204
Red Hartebeest - Page: 206
Lichtensteins Hartebeest - Page: 206
Blesbok - Page: 208
Bontebok - Page: 208
Tsessebe - Page: 210
Impala - Page: 210
Springbok - Page: 212
Damara Dik-Dik - Page: 212
Klipspringer - Page: 214
Suni - Page: 214
Oribi - Page: 216
Steenbok - Page: 216
Cape Grysbok - Page: 218
Sharpes Grysbok - Page: 218
Red Duiker - Page: 220
Blue Duiker - Page: 220
Common Duiker - Page: 222
European Fallow Deer - Page: 222
Himalayan Tahr - Page: 222
Brydes Whale - Page: 224
Sei Whale - Page: 224
Common Minke Whale - Page: 224
Humpback Whale - Page: 226
Blue Whale - Page: 226
Fin Whale - Page: 226
Southern Right Whale - Page: 228
Pygmy Right Whale - Page: 228
Cuviers Beaked Whale - Page: 230
Arnouxs Beaked Whale - Page: 230
Southern Bottlenose Whale - Page: 230
Blainvilles Beaked Whale - Page: 232
Trues Beaked Whale - Page: 232
Grays Beaked Whale - Page: 232
Hectors Beaked Whale - Page: 232
Sperm Whale - Page: 234
Dwarf Sperm Whale - Page: 234
Pygmy Sperm Whale - Page: 234
Killer Whale - Page: 236
Southern Right Whale Dolphin - Page: 236
False Killer Whale - Page: 238
Pygmy Killer Whale - Page: 238
Short-finned Pilot Whale - Page: 240
Melon-headed Whale - Page: 240
Rissos Dolphin - Page: 242
Heavisides Dolphin - Page: 242
Dusky Dolphin - Page: 244
Indian Humpback Dolphin - Page: 244
Frasers Dolphin - Page: 244
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin - Page: 246
Striped Dolphin - Page: 246
Spinner Dolphin - Page: 246
Bottlenosed Dolphin - Page: 248
Common Dolphin - Page: 248
Rough-toothed Dolphin - Page: 248
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin - Page: 248
Dugong - Page: 250
Cape Fur Seal - Page: 250
Subantarctic Fur Seal - Page: 252
Southern Elephant Seal - Page: 252
Crabeater Seal - Page: 254
Leopard Seal - Page: 254
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