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The Wildebeest's guide to South Africa

Animals of the Kruger National Park by G. de Graaff

Cover of Animals of the Kruger National Park by G. de Graaff

Number of pages: 125

Year published: 1987

Edition: 1st

Published by: Struik Publishers


ISBN: 0-86977-333-X

Web site: Struik Nature

The Wildebeest's Review of "Animals of the Kruger National Park"

The Wildebeest reviewing a book

This Wildebeest has a busy schedule but he will get round to reviewing this publication one day.

Some of the subjects in this publication

Kruger National Park - Page: 1
Kruger National Park - Page: 1
Black Rhino - Page: 6
White Rhino - Page: 7
African Elephant - Page: 8
Burchells Zebra - Page: 9
Hippopotamus - Page: 10
Warthog - Page: 11
Giraffe - Page: 12
Cape Buffalo - Page: 13
Nyala - Page: 14
Kudu - Page: 15
Bushbuck - Page: 16
Impala - Page: 17
Waterbuck - Page: 18
Reedbuck - Page: 19
Blue Wildebeest - Page: 20
Tsessebe - Page: 21
Sable Antelope - Page: 22
Roan Antelope - Page: 23
Klipspringer - Page: 24
Common Duiker - Page: 24
Steenbok - Page: 26
Sharpes Grysbok - Page: 27
Spotted Hyena - Page: 28
Black-backed Jackal - Page: 29
Wild Dog - Page: 30
Cheetah - Page: 31
Lion - Page: 32
Leopard - Page: 33
Caracal - Page: 34
Serval - Page: 35
African Wild Cat - Page: 36
Civet - Page: 37
Lesser Spotted Genet - Page: 38
Large-spotted Genet - Page: 38
White-tailed Mongoose - Page: 39
Banded Mongoose - Page: 40
Dwarf Mongoose - Page: 41
Honey Badger - Page: 42
Cape Clawless Otter - Page: 43
Thick-tailed Bushbaby - Page: 44
Lesser Bushbaby - Page: 44
Chacma Baboon - Page: 45
Vervet Monkey - Page: 46
Pangolin - Page: 47
Tree Squirrel - Page: 48
Cape Porcupine - Page: 48
Scrub Hare - Page: 49
Rock Hyrax - Page: 49
Wahlbergs Epauletted Fruit Bat - Page: 50
Egyptian slit-faced bat - Page: 50
Sundevalls Roundleaf Bat - Page: 51
Common Ostrich - Page: 52
Grey Heron - Page: 52
African Darter - Page: 52
Goliath Heron - Page: 52
Cattle Egret - Page: 54
Green-backed Heron - Page: 54
Marabou Stork - Page: 55
Hamerkop - Page: 55
Black Stork - Page: 56
White Stork - Page: 56
African Openbill - Page: 57
Abdims Stork - Page: 57
White-faced Duck - Page: 59
Hadeda Ibis - Page: 59
Saddle-billed Stork - Page: 59
Egyptian Goose - Page: 60
Comb Duck - Page: 60
Spur-winged Goose - Page: 61
Secretarybird - Page: 61
Lappet-faced Vulture - Page: 62
Hooded Vulture - Page: 62
White-backed Vulture - Page: 62
Cape Vulture - Page: 62
Tawny Eagle - Page: 63
Wahlbergs Eagle - Page: 63
African Hawk-Eagle - Page: 64
Martial Eagle - Page: 64
Brown Snake-Eagle - Page: 66
Bateleur - Page: 66
Shikra - Page: 67
African Fish-Eagle - Page: 67
Dark Chanting Goshawk - Page: 68
African Harrier-Hawk - Page: 68
Black Kite - Page: 69
Black-shouldered Kite - Page: 69
Crested Francolin - Page: 70
Coqui Francolin - Page: 70
Natal Spurfowl - Page: 71
Swainsons Spurfowl - Page: 71
Helmeted Guineafowl - Page: 72
Crested Guineafowl - Page: 72
African Finfoot - Page: 73
Black Crake - Page: 73
Red-crested Korhaan - Page: 74
Kori Bustard - Page: 74
Black-bellied Bustard - Page: 75
African Jacana - Page: 75
Three-banded Plover - Page: 76
Crowned Lapwing - Page: 76
Blacksmith Lapwing - Page: 76
Spotted Thick-knee - Page: 77
Double-banded Sandgrouse - Page: 78
Water Thick-knee - Page: 78
Cape Turtle-Dove - Page: 79
African Mourning Dove - Page: 79
Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove - Page: 80
Laughing Dove - Page: 80
Cape Parrot - Page: 81
Brown-headed Parrot - Page: 81
Grey Go-away-bird - Page: 82
Klaass Cuckoo - Page: 82
Purple-crested Turaco - Page: 83
Diderick Cuckoo - Page: 84
Burchells Coucal - Page: 84
Marsh Owl - Page: 85
Barn Owl - Page: 85
Pearl-spotted Owlet - Page: 86
African Scops-Owl - Page: 86
Verreauxs Eagle-Owl - Page: 87
Spotted Eagle-Owl - Page: 87
Fiery-necked Nightjar - Page: 88
Square-tailed Nightjar - Page: 88
Red-faced Mousebird - Page: 89
Speckled Mousebird - Page: 89
Pied Kingfisher - Page: 90
Half-collared Kingfisher - Page: 90
Giant Kingfisher - Page: 90
Malachite Kingfisher - Page: 90
Southern Carmine Bee-eater - Page: 93
Brown-hooded Kingfisher - Page: 93
Woodland Kingfisher - Page: 93
Striped Kingfisher - Page: 93
White-throated Bee-eater - Page: 94
European Bee-eater - Page: 94
Little Bee-eater - Page: 95
European Roller - Page: 95
Lilac-breasted Roller - Page: 96
African Hoopoe - Page: 96
Trumpeter Hornbill - Page: 97
African Grey Hornbill - Page: 97
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill - Page: 98
Red-billed Hornbill - Page: 98
Crested Barbet - Page: 98
Southern Ground-Hornbill - Page: 98
Black-collared Barbet - Page: 100
Lesser Striped Swallow - Page: 100
Fork-tailed Drongo - Page: 101
Black-headed Oriole - Page: 101
African Pied Wagtail - Page: 102
Dark-capped Bulbul - Page: 102
Southern Boubou - Page: 103
Magpie Shrike - Page: 103
Brubru - Page: 104
White-crested Helmet-Shrike - Page: 104
Wattled Starling - Page: 105
Cape Glossy Starling - Page: 107
Greater Blue-eared Starling - Page: 107
Burchells Starling - Page: 107
Violet-backed Starling - Page: 107
Marico Sunbird - Page: 108
Red-winged Starling - Page: 108
Yellow-billed Oxpecker - Page: 108
Red-billed Oxpecker - Page: 108
Village Weaver - Page: 110
White-bellied Sunbird - Page: 110
Spectacled Weaver - Page: 111
Lesser Masked-Weaver - Page: 111
Red-headed Weaver - Page: 112
Golden Weaver - Page: 112
Southern Red Bishop - Page: 113
Red-billed Quelea - Page: 113
Yellow-crowned Bishop - Page: 114
White-winged Widowbird - Page: 114
Pin-tailed Whydah - Page: 115
Long-tailed Paradise-Whydah - Page: 115
Leopard Tortoise - Page: 116
Serrated Hinged Terrapin - Page: 116
Nile Crocodile - Page: 117
Boomslang - Page: 118
Black Mamba - Page: 118
Mozambique Spitting Cobra - Page: 119
Snouted Cobra - Page: 119
Nile Monitor - Page: 120
Rock Monitor - Page: 120
Puff Adder - Page: 121
Southern African Python - Page: 121


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